コード例 #1
   * The method stores the specified account in the configuration service under the package name of
   * the source factory. The restore and remove account methods are to be used to obtain access to
   * and control the stored accounts.
   * <p>In order to store all account properties, the method would create an entry in the
   * configuration service corresponding (beginning with) the <tt>sourceFactory</tt>'s package name
   * and add to it a unique identifier (e.g. the current miliseconds.)
   * @param accountID the AccountID corresponding to the account that we would like to store.
   * @param isModification if <tt>false</tt> there must be no such already loaded account, it
   *     <tt>true</tt> ist modification of an existing account. Usually we use this method with
   *     <tt>false</tt> in method installAccount and with <tt>true</tt> or the overridden method in
   *     method modifyAccount.
  protected void storeAccount(AccountID accountID, boolean isModification) {
    if (!isModification && getAccountManager().getStoredAccounts().contains(accountID)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "An account for id " + accountID.getUserID() + " was already loaded!");

    try {
      getAccountManager().storeAccount(this, accountID);
    } catch (OperationFailedException ofex) {
      throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(ofex);