コード例 #1
ファイル: CatVariants.java プロジェクト: wenjiany/gatk
 * Concatenate VCF files of non-overlapping genome intervals, all with the same set of samples
 * <p>The main purpose of this tool is to speed up the gather function when using scatter-gather
 * parallelization. This tool concatenates the scattered output VCF files. It assumes that:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>All the input VCFs (or BCFs) contain the same samples in the same order.
 *   <li>The variants in each input file are from non-overlapping (scattered) intervals.
 * </ul>
 * <p>When the input files are already sorted based on the intervals start positions, use
 * -assumeSorted.
 * <h3>Input</h3>
 * <p>Two or more variant sets to combine. They should be of non-overlapping genome intervals and
 * with the same samples (sorted in the same order). If the files are ordered according to the
 * appearance of intervals in the ref genome, then one can use the -assumeSorted flag.
 * <h3>Output</h3>
 * <p>A combined VCF or BCF. The output file should have the same extension as the input(s). <\p>
 * <h3>Important note</h3>
 * <p>This is a command-line utility that bypasses the GATK engine. As a result, the command-line
 * you must use to invoke it is a little different from other GATK tools (see example below), and it
 * does not accept any of the classic "CommandLineGATK" arguments.
 * <h3>Usage example</h3>
 * <pre>
 * java -cp GenomeAnalysisTK.jar org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.CatVariants \
 *    -R reference.fasta \
 *    -V input1.vcf \
 *    -V input2.vcf \
 *    -out output.vcf \
 *    -assumeSorted
 * </pre>
 * <h3>Caveat</h3>
 * <p>Currently the tool is more efficient when working with VCFs than with BCFs.
 * @author Ami Levy Moonshine
 * @since Jan 2012
@DocumentedGATKFeature(groupName = HelpConstants.DOCS_CAT_VARMANIP)
public class CatVariants extends CommandLineProgram {
  // setup the logging system, used by some codecs
  private static org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger();

      fullName = "reference",
      shortName = "R",
      doc = "genome reference file <name>.fasta",
      required = true)
  private File refFile = null;

   * The VCF or BCF files to merge together
   * <p>CatVariants can take any number of -V arguments on the command line. Each -V argument will
   * be included in the final merged output VCF/BCF. The order of arguments does not matter, but it
   * runs more efficiently if they are sorted based on the intervals and the assumeSorted argument
   * is used.
  @Input(fullName = "variant", shortName = "V", doc = "Input VCF file/s", required = true)
  private List<File> variant = null;

  @Output(fullName = "outputFile", shortName = "out", doc = "output file", required = true)
  private File outputFile = null;

      fullName = "assumeSorted",
      shortName = "assumeSorted",
      doc =
          "assumeSorted should be true if the input files are already sorted (based on the position of the variants)",
      required = false)
  private Boolean assumeSorted = false;

      fullName = "variant_index_type",
      doc = "which type of IndexCreator to use for VCF/BCF indices",
      required = false)
  private GATKVCFIndexType variant_index_type = GATKVCFUtils.DEFAULT_INDEX_TYPE;

      fullName = "variant_index_parameter",
      doc = "the parameter (bin width or features per bin) to pass to the VCF/BCF IndexCreator",
      required = false)
  private Integer variant_index_parameter = GATKVCFUtils.DEFAULT_INDEX_PARAMETER;

   * print usage information
  private static void printUsage() {
        "Usage: java -cp target/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.CatVariants --reference <reference> --variant <input VCF or BCF file; can specify --variant multiple times> --outputFile <outputFile> [--assumeSorted]");
    System.err.println("    The output file must be of the same type as all input files.");
        "    If the input files are already sorted, then indicate that with --assumeSorted to improve performance.");

  private enum FileType {

  private FileType fileExtensionCheck(File inFile, FileType previousFileType) {
    final String inFileName = inFile.toString().toLowerCase();

    if (inFileName.endsWith(".vcf")) {
      if (previousFileType == FileType.VCF || previousFileType == null) {
        return FileType.VCF;

    if (inFileName.endsWith(".bcf")) {
      if (previousFileType == FileType.BCF || previousFileType == null) {
        return FileType.BCF;

    for (String extension : AbstractFeatureReader.BLOCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSIONS) {
      if (inFileName.endsWith(".vcf" + extension)) {
        if (previousFileType == FileType.BLOCK_COMPRESSED_VCF || previousFileType == null) {
          return FileType.BLOCK_COMPRESSED_VCF;

        String.format("File extension for input file %s is not valid for CatVariants", inFile));
    return FileType.INVALID;

  private FeatureReader<VariantContext> getFeatureReader(final FileType fileType, final File file) {
    FeatureReader<VariantContext> reader = null;
    switch (fileType) {
      case VCF:
        // getFeatureReader will handle both block-compressed and plain text VCFs
        reader =
            AbstractFeatureReader.getFeatureReader(file.getAbsolutePath(), new VCFCodec(), false);
      case BCF:
        reader =
            AbstractFeatureReader.getFeatureReader(file.getAbsolutePath(), new BCF2Codec(), false);
    return reader;

   * Replaces any .list files in rawFileList with the files named in said .list file
   * @param rawFileList the original file list, possibly including .list files
   * @return a new List, with .list files replaced
  private List<File> parseVariantList(final List<File> rawFileList) {
    final List<File> result = new ArrayList<>(rawFileList.size());
    for (final File rawFile : rawFileList) {
      if (rawFile.getName().endsWith(".list")) {
        try {
          for (final String line : new XReadLines(rawFile, true)) result.add(new File(line));
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new UserException.CouldNotReadInputFile(rawFile, e);
      } else {
    return result;

  protected int execute() throws Exception {

    final ReferenceSequenceFile ref;
    try {
      ref = ReferenceSequenceFileFactory.getReferenceSequenceFile(refFile);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new UserException("Couldn't load provided reference sequence file " + refFile, e);

    variant = parseVariantList(variant);

    Comparator<Pair<Integer, File>> positionComparator = new PositionComparator();

    Queue<Pair<Integer, File>> priorityQueue;
    if (assumeSorted) priorityQueue = new LinkedList<>();
    else priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(10000, positionComparator);

    FileType fileType = null;
    for (File file : variant) {
      // if it returns a valid type, it will be the same for all files
      fileType = fileExtensionCheck(file, fileType);
      if (fileType == FileType.INVALID) return 1;

      if (assumeSorted) {
        priorityQueue.add(new Pair<>(0, file));
      } else {
        if (!file.exists()) {
          throw new UserException(String.format("File %s doesn't exist", file.getAbsolutePath()));
        FeatureReader<VariantContext> reader = getFeatureReader(fileType, file);
        Iterator<VariantContext> it = reader.iterator();
        if (!it.hasNext()) {
              String.format("File %s is empty. This file will be ignored", file.getAbsolutePath()));
        VariantContext vc = it.next();
        int firstPosition = vc.getStart();
        priorityQueue.add(new Pair<>(firstPosition, file));

    FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
    EnumSet<Options> options = EnumSet.of(Options.INDEX_ON_THE_FLY);
    IndexCreator idxCreator =
            variant_index_type, variant_index_parameter, outputFile, ref.getSequenceDictionary());
    final VariantContextWriter outputWriter =
            outputFile, outputStream, ref.getSequenceDictionary(), idxCreator, options);

    boolean firstFile = true;
    int count = 0;
    while (!priorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
      File file = priorityQueue.remove().getSecond();
      if (!file.exists()) {
        throw new UserException(String.format("File %s doesn't exist", file.getAbsolutePath()));
      FeatureReader<VariantContext> reader = getFeatureReader(fileType, file);

      if (count % 10 == 0) System.out.print(count);
      else System.out.print(".");
      if (firstFile) {
        VCFHeader header = (VCFHeader) reader.getHeader();
        firstFile = false;

      Iterator<VariantContext> it = reader.iterator();

      while (it.hasNext()) {
        VariantContext vc = it.next();



    return 0;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      CatVariants instance = new CatVariants();
      start(instance, args);
    } catch (UserException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {

  private static class PositionComparator implements Comparator<Pair<Integer, File>> {

    public int compare(Pair<Integer, File> p1, Pair<Integer, File> p2) {
      int startPositionP1 = p1.getFirst();
      int startPositionP2 = p2.getFirst();
      if (startPositionP1 == startPositionP2) return 0;
      return startPositionP1 < startPositionP2 ? -1 : 1;