protected byte[] readSourcePacket() throws IOException { java.sql.Timestamp lastTimestamp = null; java.sql.Timestamp crrntTimestamp = null; byte[] packet = dbReader.NextPacket(); crrntTimestamp = dbReader.GetTimestamp(); if (packet == null || crrntTimestamp == null) { throw new IOException("database packet read failed"); } lastTimestamp = crrntTimestamp; int sleep = (int) (crrntTimestamp.getTime() - lastTimestamp.getTime()); if (sleep > 0) { message("Sleeping for: " + sleep); try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(sleep); } catch (Exception e) { } } return packet; }
static int loadCust(int whseKount, int distWhseKount, int custDistKount) { int k = 0; int t = 0; Customer customer = new Customer(); History history = new History(); PrintWriter outHist = null; try { now = new java.util.Date(); if (outputFiles == true) { out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileLocation + "customer.csv")); System.out.println("\nWriting Customer file to: " + fileLocation + "customer.csv"); outHist = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileLocation + "cust-hist.csv")); System.out.println("\nWriting Customer History file to: " + fileLocation + "cust-hist.csv"); } t = (whseKount * distWhseKount * custDistKount * 2); System.out.println("\nStart Cust-Hist Load for " + t + " Cust-Hists @ " + now + " ..."); for (int w = 1; w <= whseKount; w++) { for (int d = 1; d <= distWhseKount; d++) { for (int c = 1; c <= custDistKount; c++) { sysdate = new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); customer.c_id = c; customer.c_d_id = d; customer.c_w_id = w; // discount is random between [0.0000 ... 0.5000] customer.c_discount = (float) (jTPCCUtil.randomNumber(1, 5000, gen) / 10000.0); if (jTPCCUtil.randomNumber(1, 100, gen) <= 10) { customer.c_credit = "BC"; // 10% Bad Credit } else { customer.c_credit = "GC"; // 90% Good Credit } customer.c_last = jTPCCUtil.getLastName(gen); customer.c_first = jTPCCUtil.randomStr(jTPCCUtil.randomNumber(8, 16, gen)); customer.c_credit_lim = 50000; customer.c_balance = -10; customer.c_ytd_payment = 10; customer.c_payment_cnt = 1; customer.c_delivery_cnt = 0; customer.c_street_1 = jTPCCUtil.randomStr(jTPCCUtil.randomNumber(10, 20, gen)); customer.c_street_2 = jTPCCUtil.randomStr(jTPCCUtil.randomNumber(10, 20, gen)); customer.c_city = jTPCCUtil.randomStr(jTPCCUtil.randomNumber(10, 20, gen)); customer.c_state = jTPCCUtil.randomStr(3).toUpperCase(); customer.c_zip = "123456789"; customer.c_phone = "(732)744-1700"; customer.c_since = sysdate.getTime(); customer.c_middle = "OE"; customer.c_data = jTPCCUtil.randomStr(jTPCCUtil.randomNumber(300, 500, gen)); history.h_c_id = c; history.h_c_d_id = d; history.h_c_w_id = w; history.h_d_id = d; history.h_w_id = w; history.h_date = sysdate.getTime(); history.h_amount = 10; history.h_data = jTPCCUtil.randomStr(jTPCCUtil.randomNumber(10, 24, gen)); k = k + 2; if (outputFiles == false) { custPrepStmt.setLong(1, customer.c_id); custPrepStmt.setLong(2, customer.c_d_id); custPrepStmt.setLong(3, customer.c_w_id); custPrepStmt.setDouble(4, customer.c_discount); custPrepStmt.setString(5, customer.c_credit); custPrepStmt.setString(6, customer.c_last); custPrepStmt.setString(7, customer.c_first); custPrepStmt.setDouble(8, customer.c_credit_lim); custPrepStmt.setDouble(9, customer.c_balance); custPrepStmt.setDouble(10, customer.c_ytd_payment); custPrepStmt.setDouble(11, customer.c_payment_cnt); custPrepStmt.setDouble(12, customer.c_delivery_cnt); custPrepStmt.setString(13, customer.c_street_1); custPrepStmt.setString(14, customer.c_street_2); custPrepStmt.setString(15, customer.c_city); custPrepStmt.setString(16, customer.c_state); custPrepStmt.setString(17, customer.c_zip); custPrepStmt.setString(18, customer.c_phone); Timestamp since = new Timestamp(customer.c_since); custPrepStmt.setTimestamp(19, since); custPrepStmt.setString(20, customer.c_middle); custPrepStmt.setString(21, customer.c_data); custPrepStmt.addBatch(); histPrepStmt.setInt(1, history.h_c_id); histPrepStmt.setInt(2, history.h_c_d_id); histPrepStmt.setInt(3, history.h_c_w_id); histPrepStmt.setInt(4, history.h_d_id); histPrepStmt.setInt(5, history.h_w_id); Timestamp hdate = new Timestamp(history.h_date); histPrepStmt.setTimestamp(6, hdate); histPrepStmt.setDouble(7, history.h_amount); histPrepStmt.setString(8, history.h_data); histPrepStmt.addBatch(); if ((k % configCommitCount) == 0) { long tmpTime = new java.util.Date().getTime(); String etStr = " Elasped Time(ms): " + ((tmpTime - lastTimeMS) / 1000.000) + " "; System.out.println(etStr.substring(0, 30) + " Writing record " + k + " of " + t); lastTimeMS = tmpTime; custPrepStmt.executeBatch(); histPrepStmt.executeBatch(); custPrepStmt.clearBatch(); custPrepStmt.clearBatch(); transCommit(); } } else { String str = ""; str = str + customer.c_id + ","; str = str + customer.c_d_id + ","; str = str + customer.c_w_id + ","; str = str + customer.c_discount + ","; str = str + customer.c_credit + ","; str = str + customer.c_last + ","; str = str + customer.c_first + ","; str = str + customer.c_credit_lim + ","; str = str + customer.c_balance + ","; str = str + customer.c_ytd_payment + ","; str = str + customer.c_payment_cnt + ","; str = str + customer.c_delivery_cnt + ","; str = str + customer.c_street_1 + ","; str = str + customer.c_street_2 + ","; str = str + customer.c_city + ","; str = str + customer.c_state + ","; str = str + customer.c_zip + ","; str = str + customer.c_phone; out.println(str); str = ""; str = str + history.h_c_id + ","; str = str + history.h_c_d_id + ","; str = str + history.h_c_w_id + ","; str = str + history.h_d_id + ","; str = str + history.h_w_id + ","; Timestamp hdate = new Timestamp(history.h_date); str = str + hdate + ","; str = str + history.h_amount + ","; str = str + history.h_data; outHist.println(str); if ((k % configCommitCount) == 0) { long tmpTime = new java.util.Date().getTime(); String etStr = " Elasped Time(ms): " + ((tmpTime - lastTimeMS) / 1000.000) + " "; System.out.println(etStr.substring(0, 30) + " Writing record " + k + " of " + t); lastTimeMS = tmpTime; } } } // end for [c] } // end for [d] } // end for [w] long tmpTime = new java.util.Date().getTime(); String etStr = " Elasped Time(ms): " + ((tmpTime - lastTimeMS) / 1000.000) + " "; System.out.println(etStr.substring(0, 30) + " Writing record " + k + " of " + t); lastTimeMS = tmpTime; custPrepStmt.executeBatch(); histPrepStmt.executeBatch(); transCommit(); now = new java.util.Date(); if (outputFiles == true) { outHist.close(); } System.out.println("End Cust-Hist Data Load @ " + now); } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println(se.getMessage()); transRollback(); if (outputFiles == true) { outHist.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); transRollback(); if (outputFiles == true) { outHist.close(); } } return (k); } // end loadCust()
/** * Convert an existing data object to the specified JDBC type. * * @param callerReference an object reference to the caller of this method; must be a <code> * Connection</code>, <code>Statement</code> or <code>ResultSet</code> * @param x the data object to convert * @param jdbcType the required type constant from <code>java.sql.Types</code> * @return the converted data object * @throws SQLException if the conversion is not supported or fails */ static Object convert(Object callerReference, Object x, int jdbcType, String charSet) throws SQLException { // handle null value if (x == null) { switch (jdbcType) { case java.sql.Types.BIT: case JtdsStatement.BOOLEAN: return Boolean.FALSE; case java.sql.Types.TINYINT: case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT: case java.sql.Types.INTEGER: return INTEGER_ZERO; case java.sql.Types.BIGINT: return LONG_ZERO; case java.sql.Types.REAL: return FLOAT_ZERO; case java.sql.Types.FLOAT: case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE: return DOUBLE_ZERO; default: return null; } } try { switch (jdbcType) { case java.sql.Types.TINYINT: if (x instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) x).booleanValue() ? INTEGER_ONE : INTEGER_ZERO; } else if (x instanceof Byte) { return new Integer(((Byte) x).byteValue() & 0xFF); } else { long val; if (x instanceof Number) { val = ((Number) x).longValue(); } else if (x instanceof String) { val = new Long(((String) x).trim()).longValue(); } else { break; } if (val < Byte.MIN_VALUE || val > Byte.MAX_VALUE) { throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.convert.numericoverflow", x, getJdbcTypeName(jdbcType)), "22003"); } else { return new Integer(new Long(val).intValue()); } } case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT: if (x instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) x).booleanValue() ? INTEGER_ONE : INTEGER_ZERO; } else if (x instanceof Short) { return new Integer(((Short) x).shortValue()); } else if (x instanceof Byte) { return new Integer(((Byte) x).byteValue() & 0xFF); } else { long val; if (x instanceof Number) { val = ((Number) x).longValue(); } else if (x instanceof String) { val = new Long(((String) x).trim()).longValue(); } else { break; } if (val < Short.MIN_VALUE || val > Short.MAX_VALUE) { throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.convert.numericoverflow", x, getJdbcTypeName(jdbcType)), "22003"); } else { return new Integer(new Long(val).intValue()); } } case java.sql.Types.INTEGER: if (x instanceof Integer) { return x; } else if (x instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) x).booleanValue() ? INTEGER_ONE : INTEGER_ZERO; } else if (x instanceof Short) { return new Integer(((Short) x).shortValue()); } else if (x instanceof Byte) { return new Integer(((Byte) x).byteValue() & 0xFF); } else { long val; if (x instanceof Number) { val = ((Number) x).longValue(); } else if (x instanceof String) { val = new Long(((String) x).trim()).longValue(); } else { break; } if (val < Integer.MIN_VALUE || val > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.convert.numericoverflow", x, getJdbcTypeName(jdbcType)), "22003"); } else { return new Integer(new Long(val).intValue()); } } case java.sql.Types.BIGINT: if (x instanceof BigDecimal) { BigDecimal val = (BigDecimal) x; if (val.compareTo(MIN_VALUE_LONG_BD) < 0 || val.compareTo(MAX_VALUE_LONG_BD) > 0) { throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.convert.numericoverflow", x, getJdbcTypeName(jdbcType)), "22003"); } else { return new Long(val.longValue()); } } else if (x instanceof Long) { return x; } else if (x instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) x).booleanValue() ? LONG_ONE : LONG_ZERO; } else if (x instanceof Byte) { return new Long(((Byte) x).byteValue() & 0xFF); } else if (x instanceof BigInteger) { BigInteger val = (BigInteger) x; if (val.compareTo(MIN_VALUE_LONG_BI) < 0 || val.compareTo(MAX_VALUE_LONG_BI) > 0) { throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.convert.numericoverflow", x, getJdbcTypeName(jdbcType)), "22003"); } else { return new Long(val.longValue()); } } else if (x instanceof Number) { return new Long(((Number) x).longValue()); } else if (x instanceof String) { return new Long(((String) x).trim()); } else { break; } case java.sql.Types.REAL: if (x instanceof Float) { return x; } else if (x instanceof Byte) { return new Float(((Byte) x).byteValue() & 0xFF); } else if (x instanceof Number) { return new Float(((Number) x).floatValue()); } else if (x instanceof String) { return new Float(((String) x).trim()); } else if (x instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) x).booleanValue() ? FLOAT_ONE : FLOAT_ZERO; } break; case java.sql.Types.FLOAT: case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE: if (x instanceof Double) { return x; } else if (x instanceof Byte) { return new Double(((Byte) x).byteValue() & 0xFF); } else if (x instanceof Number) { return new Double(((Number) x).doubleValue()); } else if (x instanceof String) { return new Double(((String) x).trim()); } else if (x instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) x).booleanValue() ? DOUBLE_ONE : DOUBLE_ZERO; } break; case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC: case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL: if (x instanceof BigDecimal) { return x; } else if (x instanceof Number) { return new BigDecimal(x.toString()); } else if (x instanceof String) { return new BigDecimal((String) x); } else if (x instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) x).booleanValue() ? BIG_DECIMAL_ONE : BIG_DECIMAL_ZERO; } break; case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR: case java.sql.Types.CHAR: if (x instanceof String) { return x; } else if (x instanceof Number) { return x.toString(); } else if (x instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) x).booleanValue() ? "1" : "0"; } else if (x instanceof Clob) { Clob clob = (Clob) x; long length = clob.length(); if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.normalize.lobtoobig"), "22000"); } return clob.getSubString(1, (int) length); } else if (x instanceof Blob) { Blob blob = (Blob) x; long length = blob.length(); if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.normalize.lobtoobig"), "22000"); } x = blob.getBytes(1, (int) length); } if (x instanceof byte[]) { return toHex((byte[]) x); } return x.toString(); // Last hope! case java.sql.Types.BIT: case JtdsStatement.BOOLEAN: if (x instanceof Boolean) { return x; } else if (x instanceof Number) { return (((Number) x).intValue() == 0) ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE; } else if (x instanceof String) { String tmp = ((String) x).trim(); return ("1".equals(tmp) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(tmp)) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } break; case java.sql.Types.VARBINARY: case java.sql.Types.BINARY: if (x instanceof byte[]) { return x; } else if (x instanceof Blob) { Blob blob = (Blob) x; return blob.getBytes(1, (int) blob.length()); } else if (x instanceof Clob) { Clob clob = (Clob) x; long length = clob.length(); if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.normalize.lobtoobig"), "22000"); } x = clob.getSubString(1, (int) length); } if (x instanceof String) { // // Strictly speaking this conversion is not required by // the JDBC standard but jTDS has always supported it. // if (charSet == null) { charSet = "ISO-8859-1"; } try { return ((String) x).getBytes(charSet); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return ((String) x).getBytes(); } } else if (x instanceof UniqueIdentifier) { return ((UniqueIdentifier) x).getBytes(); } break; case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP: if (x instanceof DateTime) { return ((DateTime) x).toTimestamp(); } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) { return x; } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Date) { return new java.sql.Timestamp(((java.sql.Date) x).getTime()); } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Time) { return new java.sql.Timestamp(((java.sql.Time) x).getTime()); } else if (x instanceof java.lang.String) { return java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(((String) x).trim()); } break; case java.sql.Types.DATE: if (x instanceof DateTime) { return ((DateTime) x).toDate(); } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Date) { return x; } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Time) { return DATE_ZERO; } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) { GregorianCalendar cal = (GregorianCalendar) calendar.get(); cal.setTime((java.util.Date) x); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); // VM1.4+ only return new java.sql.Date(cal.getTimeInMillis()); return new java.sql.Date(cal.getTime().getTime()); } else if (x instanceof java.lang.String) { return java.sql.Date.valueOf(((String) x).trim()); } break; case java.sql.Types.TIME: if (x instanceof DateTime) { return ((DateTime) x).toTime(); } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Time) { return x; } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Date) { return TIME_ZERO; } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) { GregorianCalendar cal = (GregorianCalendar) calendar.get(); // VM 1.4+ only cal.setTimeInMillis(((java.sql.Timestamp)x).getTime()); cal.setTime((java.util.Date) x); cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1970); cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); // VM 1.4+ only return new java.sql.Time(cal.getTimeInMillis());*/ return new java.sql.Time(cal.getTime().getTime()); } else if (x instanceof java.lang.String) { return java.sql.Time.valueOf(((String) x).trim()); } break; case java.sql.Types.OTHER: return x; case java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT: throw new SQLException( Messages.get( "error.convert.badtypes", x.getClass().getName(), getJdbcTypeName(jdbcType)), "22005"); case java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY: case java.sql.Types.BLOB: if (x instanceof Blob) { return x; } else if (x instanceof byte[]) { return new BlobImpl(getConnection(callerReference), (byte[]) x); } else if (x instanceof Clob) { // // Convert CLOB to BLOB. Not required by the standard but we will // do it anyway. // Clob clob = (Clob) x; try { if (charSet == null) { charSet = "ISO-8859-1"; } Reader rdr = clob.getCharacterStream(); BlobImpl blob = new BlobImpl(getConnection(callerReference)); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(blob.setBinaryStream(1), charSet)); // TODO Use a buffer to improve performance int c; while ((c = >= 0) { out.write(c); } out.close(); rdr.close(); return blob; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // Unlikely to happen but fall back on in memory copy x = clob.getSubString(1, (int) clob.length()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.generic.ioerror", e.getMessage()), "HY000"); } } if (x instanceof String) { // // Strictly speaking this conversion is also not required by // the JDBC standard but jTDS has always supported it. // BlobImpl blob = new BlobImpl(getConnection(callerReference)); String data = (String) x; if (charSet == null) { charSet = "ISO-8859-1"; } try { blob.setBytes(1, data.getBytes(charSet)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { blob.setBytes(1, data.getBytes()); } return blob; } break; case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR: case java.sql.Types.CLOB: if (x instanceof Clob) { return x; } else if (x instanceof Blob) { // // Convert BLOB to CLOB // Blob blob = (Blob) x; try { InputStream is = blob.getBinaryStream(); ClobImpl clob = new ClobImpl(getConnection(callerReference)); Writer out = clob.setCharacterStream(1); // TODO Use a buffer to improve performance int b; // These reads/writes are buffered by the underlying blob buffers while ((b = >= 0) { out.write(hex[b >> 4]); out.write(hex[b & 0x0F]); } out.close(); is.close(); return clob; } catch (IOException e) { throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.generic.ioerror", e.getMessage()), "HY000"); } } else if (x instanceof Boolean) { x = ((Boolean) x).booleanValue() ? "1" : "0"; } else if (!(x instanceof byte[])) { x = x.toString(); } if (x instanceof byte[]) { ClobImpl clob = new ClobImpl(getConnection(callerReference)); clob.setString(1, toHex((byte[]) x)); return clob; } else if (x instanceof String) { return new ClobImpl(getConnection(callerReference), (String) x); } break; default: throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.convert.badtypeconst", getJdbcTypeName(jdbcType)), "HY004"); } throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.convert.badtypes", x.getClass().getName(), getJdbcTypeName(jdbcType)), "22005"); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.convert.badnumber", getJdbcTypeName(jdbcType)), "22000"); } }