コード例 #1
ファイル: DefaultSoapUICore.java プロジェクト: mer163/soapui
  protected void initExtensions(ClassLoader extensionClassLoader) {
    /* We break the general rule that you shouldn't catch Throwable, because we don't want extensions to crash SoapUI. */
    try {
      String extDir = System.getProperty("soapui.ext.listeners");
              extDir != null
                  ? extDir
                  : root == null ? "listeners" : root + File.separatorChar + "listeners"),
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      SoapUI.logError(e, "Couldn't load external listeners");

    try {
      String factoriesDir = System.getProperty("soapui.ext.factories");
              factoriesDir != null
                  ? factoriesDir
                  : root == null ? "factories" : root + File.separatorChar + "factories"),
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      SoapUI.logError(e, "Couldn't load external factories");
コード例 #2
ファイル: NativeLibLoader.java プロジェクト: maropu/jnuma
  private File findNativeLibrary() {
    // Resolve the library file name with a suffix (e.g., dll, .so, etc.)
    String nativeLibraryName = System.mapLibraryName(libName);

    // Load an OS-dependent native library inside a jar file
    String nativeLibraryPath = NATIVELIBDIR + "/" + OSInfo.getNativeLibFolderPath();
    boolean hasNativeLib =
        NativeLibLoader.class.getResource(nativeLibraryPath + "/" + nativeLibraryName) != null;
    if (!hasNativeLib) {
      if (OSInfo.getOSName().equals("mac")) {
        // Fix for openjdk7+ for mac
        String altName = "lib" + libName + ".jnilib";
        if (NativeLibLoader.class.getResource(nativeLibraryPath + "/" + altName) != null) {
          nativeLibraryName = altName;
          hasNativeLib = true;
    if (!hasNativeLib) {
      throw new RuntimeException();

    // Temporary folder for the native lib.
    final String tempFolder =
        new File(System.getProperty(TEMPDIR, System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")))

    // Extracts and load a native library inside the jar file
    return extractLibraryFile(nativeLibraryPath, nativeLibraryName, tempFolder);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Config.java プロジェクト: flannelbum/GiantTrees
  public Config() {

    // config file name
    String folder = System.getProperty("user.home");
    String os = System.getProperty("os.name");
    String filesep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
    if (os.indexOf("Windows") >= 0) {
      configFileName = folder + filesep + "arbaro.cfg";
    } else {
      configFileName = folder + filesep + ".arbarorc";

    // load properties
    FileInputStream in = null;

    try {
      in = new FileInputStream(configFileName);
    } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) {
      in = null;
          "Can't find config file. Please do setup Arbaro " + "using the setup dialog.");
    } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
      System.err.println("I/O Error. Can't read config file!");
    } finally {
      if (in != null) {
        try {
        } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
        in = null;
コード例 #4
  public static void testNSS(PKCS11Test test) throws Exception {
    if (!(new File(NSS_BASE)).exists()) return;

    String libdir = getNSSLibDir();
    if (libdir == null) {

    if (loadNSPR(libdir) == false) {

    String libfile = libdir + System.mapLibraryName("softokn3");

    String customDBdir = System.getProperty("CUSTOM_DB_DIR");
    String dbdir = (customDBdir != null) ? customDBdir : NSS_BASE + SEP + "db";
    // NSS always wants forward slashes for the config path
    dbdir = dbdir.replace('\\', '/');

    String customConfig = System.getProperty("CUSTOM_P11_CONFIG");
    String customConfigName = System.getProperty("CUSTOM_P11_CONFIG_NAME", "p11-nss.txt");
    String p11config = (customConfig != null) ? customConfig : NSS_BASE + SEP + customConfigName;

    System.setProperty("pkcs11test.nss.lib", libfile);
    System.setProperty("pkcs11test.nss.db", dbdir);
    Provider p = getSunPKCS11(p11config);
コード例 #5
ファイル: GroovyMain.java プロジェクト: sigtool/groovy-core
  // package-level visibility for testing purposes (just usage/errors at this stage)
  // TODO: should we have an 'err' printstream too for ParseException?
  static void processArgs(String[] args, final PrintStream out) {
    Options options = buildOptions();

    try {
      CommandLine cmd = parseCommandLine(options, args);

      if (cmd.hasOption('h')) {
        printHelp(out, options);
      } else if (cmd.hasOption('v')) {
        String version = GroovySystem.getVersion();
            "Groovy Version: "
                + version
                + " JVM: "
                + System.getProperty("java.version")
                + " Vendor: "
                + System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor")
                + " OS: "
                + System.getProperty("os.name"));
      } else {
        // If we fail, then exit with an error so scripting frameworks can catch it
        // TODO: pass printstream(s) down through process
        if (!process(cmd)) {
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
      out.println("error: " + pe.getMessage());
      printHelp(out, options);
コード例 #6
  /** Creates new form Eleminator */
  public Eleminator() {
    getContentPane().add(MTP, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    try {
      String nativeLook = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName();
    } catch (Exception e) {

    try {
      File custDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/" + "WorkSpace.dat");
      ObjectInputStream In = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(custDir));
      workingDirectory = new File(((WorkSpace) In.readObject()).getWorkSpace());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      workingDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"));

    LookAndFeelInfo[] li = UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels();

    for (int i = 0; li.length > i; i++) { // For more themes

      themeComboBox.addItem(new ThemeItem(li[i].getName(), li[i].getClassName()));

    setBounds(0, 0, 640, 480);
    URL imageURL = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("verifier/lem.jpg");
    Image lem = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(imageURL);
コード例 #7
   * This method will read the standard input and save the content to a temporary. source file since
   * the source file will be parsed mutiple times. The HTML source file is parsed and checked for
   * Charset in HTML tags at first time, then source file is parsed again for the converting The
   * temporary file is read from standard input and saved in current directory and will be deleted
   * after the conversion has completed.
   * @return the vector of the converted temporary source file name
  public Vector getStandardInput() throws FileAccessException {
    byte[] buf = new byte[2048];
    int len = 0;
    FileInputStream fis = null;
    FileOutputStream fos = null;
    File tempSourceFile;
    String tmpSourceName = ".tmpSource_stdin";

    File outFile = new File(tmpSourceName);

    tempSourceFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + sep + tmpSourceName);
    if (!tempSourceFile.exists()) {
      try {
        fis = new FileInputStream(FileDescriptor.in);
        fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
        while ((len = fis.read(buf, 0, 2048)) != -1) fos.write(buf, 0, len);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;
    } else {
      throw new FileAccessException(ResourceHandler.getMessage("plugin_converter.overwrite"));
    tempSourceFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + sep + tmpSourceName);
    if (tempSourceFile.exists()) {
      return fileSpecs;
    } else {
      throw new FileAccessException(
コード例 #8
  void test(String[] opts, String className) throws Exception {
    System.err.println("Test " + count + " " + Arrays.asList(opts) + " " + className);
    Path testSrcDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("test.src"));
    Path testClassesDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("test.classes"));
    Path classes = Paths.get("classes." + count);

    Context ctx = new Context();
    PathFileManager fm = new JavacPathFileManager(ctx, true, null);
    JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
    List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>();
    options.addAll(Arrays.asList("-verbose", "-XDverboseCompilePolicy", "-d", classes.toString()));
    Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits =
        fm.getJavaFileObjects(testSrcDir.resolve(className + ".java"));
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw);
    JavaCompiler.CompilationTask t =
        compiler.getTask(out, fm, null, options, null, compilationUnits);
    boolean ok = t.call();
    if (!ok) {
      throw new Exception("compilation failed");

    File expect = new File("classes." + count + "/" + className + ".class");
    if (!expect.exists()) throw new Exception("expected file not found: " + expect);
    long expectedSize = new File(testClassesDir.toString(), className + ".class").length();
    long actualSize = expect.length();
    if (expectedSize != actualSize)
      throw new Exception("wrong size found: " + actualSize + "; expected: " + expectedSize);
コード例 #9
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
    jtreg = (System.getProperty("test.src") != null);
    File tmpDir;
    if (jtreg) {
      // use standard jtreg scratch directory: the current directory
      tmpDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
    } else {
      tmpDir =
          new File(
                  + (new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMddHHmmss")).format(new Date()));
    Example.Compiler.factory = new ArgTypeCompilerFactory();

    MessageInfo mi = new MessageInfo();

    try {
      if (mi.run(args)) return;
    } finally {
      /* VERY IMPORTANT NOTE. In jtreg mode, tmpDir is set to the
       * jtreg scratch directory, which is the current directory.
       * In case someone is faking jtreg mode, make sure to only
       * clean tmpDir when it is reasonable to do so.
      if (tmpDir.isDirectory() && tmpDir.getName().startsWith(MessageInfo.class.getName())) {
        if (clean(tmpDir)) tmpDir.delete();

    if (jtreg) throw new Exception(mi.errors + " errors occurred");
    else System.exit(1);
コード例 #10
ファイル: TestInput.java プロジェクト: jsinglet/checklt
  public TestInput(
      Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> files, Iterable<String> processors, String[] options) {

    this.compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
    this.fileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);

    this.files = files;
    this.processors = processors;
    this.options = new LinkedList<String>();

    String classpath = System.getProperty("tests.classpath", "tests" + File.separator + "build");
    String globalclasspath = System.getProperty("java.class.path", "");

            + File.pathSeparator
            + "junit.jar"
            + File.pathSeparator
            + classpath
            + File.pathSeparator
            + globalclasspath);
コード例 #11
ファイル: Config.java プロジェクト: susotajuraj/jdk8u-jdk
  private String parseLibrary(String keyword) throws IOException {
    String lib = parseLine();
    lib = expand(lib);
    int i = lib.indexOf("/$ISA/");
    if (i != -1) {
      // replace "/$ISA/" with "/sparcv9/" on 64-bit Solaris SPARC
      // and with "/amd64/" on Solaris AMD64.
      // On all other platforms, just turn it into a "/"
      String osName = System.getProperty("os.name", "");
      String osArch = System.getProperty("os.arch", "");
      String prefix = lib.substring(0, i);
      String suffix = lib.substring(i + 5);
      if (osName.equals("SunOS") && osArch.equals("sparcv9")) {
        lib = prefix + "/sparcv9" + suffix;
      } else if (osName.equals("SunOS") && osArch.equals("amd64")) {
        lib = prefix + "/amd64" + suffix;
      } else {
        lib = prefix + suffix;
    debug(keyword + ": " + lib);

    // Check to see if full path is specified to prevent the DLL
    // preloading attack
    if (!(new File(lib)).isAbsolute()) {
      throw new ConfigurationException("Absolute path required for library value: " + lib);
    return lib;
コード例 #12
ファイル: JUnitXMLReporter.java プロジェクト: xiongrl/JGroups
 static {
   if (Util.checkForWindows()) {
     TMPFILE_NAME = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + "\\" + "tmp.txt";
   } else {
     TMPFILE_NAME = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + "/" + "tmp.txt";
コード例 #13
  public void openProfiles_old() {
    String saltData = "";
    try {
      if (System.getProperty("saltData") != null) {
        saltData = System.getProperty("saltData");
      StringTokenizer fileTokens = new StringTokenizer(saltData, ",");
      while (fileTokens.hasMoreElements()) {
        String file = fileTokens.nextToken();

        if (file != null && !file.equals("null") && !file.equals("")) {
          System.out.println("Built tab from list" + file);
      saltData = "";
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Failed to open files ");
    // just incase it was a signle node
    if (saltData != null && !saltData.equals("null") && !saltData.equals("")) {
      System.out.println("Built tab from single " + saltData);
    System.setProperty("saltData", "");
コード例 #14
  public static void main(String... args) throws Throwable {
    String testSrcDir = System.getProperty("test.src");
    String testClassDir = System.getProperty("test.classes");
    String self = T6361619.class.getName();

    JavacTool tool = JavacTool.create();

    final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.err, true);

    Iterable<String> flags =
            "-processorpath", testClassDir,
            "-processor", self,
            "-d", ".");
    DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject> dl =
        new DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject>() {
          public void report(Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> m) {

    StandardJavaFileManager fm = tool.getStandardFileManager(dl, null, null);
    Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> f =
        fm.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(Arrays.asList(new File(testSrcDir, self + ".java")));

    JavacTask task = tool.getTask(out, fm, dl, flags, null, f);
    MyTaskListener tl = new MyTaskListener(task);

    // should complete, without exceptions
コード例 #15
  public ArrayList parseData(String propName) {
    ArrayList<String> files = new ArrayList();
    String saltData = "";
    try {
      if (System.getProperty(propName) != null) {
        saltData = System.getProperty(propName);
      StringTokenizer fileTokens = new StringTokenizer(saltData, ",");
      while (fileTokens.hasMoreElements()) {
        String file = fileTokens.nextToken();

        if (file != null && !file.equals("null") && !file.equals("")) {
          System.out.println("Built tab from list" + file);

      saltData = "";
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Failed to open files ");
    // just incase it was a signle node
    if (saltData != null && !saltData.equals("null") && !saltData.equals("")) {
      System.out.println("Built tab from single " + saltData);
    System.setProperty(propName, "");
    return files;
コード例 #16
ファイル: MiscUtilities.java プロジェクト: zukov/Jpicedt
   * Returns JPicEdt's install directory w/o trailing "/", provided the command line looks like :
   * <p><code>java -classpath other-class-paths:jpicedt-install-dir/lib/jpicedt.jar jpicedt.JPicEdt
   * </code> (where <code>/</code> may be replaced by the actual respective separator for files on
   * the underlying platform).
   * <p>For Windows platform, the install directory is tried to be detected 1st with the MSWindows
   * file-separator (<code>\</code>), and if this does not work, a subsequent trial is made with
   * <code>/</code>.
   * <p>That is, the old way (java -jar jpicedt.jar) won't work. However, classpath can contain
   * relative pathname (then user.dir get prepended).
   * <p>Code snippet was adapted from jEdit/JEdit.java (http://www.jedit.org).
   * @return the value of the "user.dir" Java property if "lib/jpicedt.jar" wasn't found in the
   *     command line.
  public static String getJPicEdtHome() {

    String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); // e.g.
    // "/usr/lib/java/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/me/jpicedt/1.3.2/lib/jpicedt.jar"
    // File.separator = "/" on Unix, "\\" on Windows,...
    String fileSeparator = File.separator;
    int index;
    // File.pathSeparator = ":" on Unix/MacOS-X platforms, ";" on Windows
    // search ":" backward starting from
    // "/usr/lib/java/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/me/jpicedt/1.3.2/^lib/jpicedt.jar"

    String homeDir = null;
    int trials = 2;
    do {
      index = classpath.toLowerCase().indexOf("lib" + fileSeparator + "jpicedt.jar");
      int start = classpath.lastIndexOf(File.pathSeparator, index);
      if (start == -1)
        start =
            0; // File.pathSeparator not found => lib/jpicedt.jar probably at beginning of classpath
      else start += File.pathSeparator.length(); // e.g. ":^/home..."

      if (index >= start) {
        homeDir = classpath.substring(start, index);
        if (homeDir.endsWith(fileSeparator)) homeDir = homeDir.substring(0, homeDir.length() - 1);
      switch (trials) {
        case 2:
          if (File.pathSeparator.equals(";") && homeDir == null) {
            // MS-Windows case, this must work both with / and \
            trials = 1;
            fileSeparator = "/";
          } else trials = 0;
        case 1:
          if (homeDir != null && !fileSeparator.equals(File.separator)) {
            homeDir.replace(fileSeparator, File.separator);
          trials = 0;

          trials = 0;
    } while (trials != 0);

    if (homeDir != null) {
      if (homeDir.equals("")) homeDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
      else if (!new File(homeDir).isAbsolute())
        homeDir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + homeDir;
    } else {
      homeDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
      if (homeDir.endsWith(
          "lib")) // this is the case if jpicedt run as "java -jar jpicedt.jar" from inside lib/ dir
      homeDir = homeDir.substring(0, homeDir.lastIndexOf("lib"));

    // System.out.println("JPicEdt's home = " + homeDir);
    return homeDir;
コード例 #17
   * Constructor.
   * @param rq request
   * @param rs response
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  public HTTPContext(final HttpServletRequest rq, final HttpServletResponse rs) throws IOException {

    req = rq;
    res = rs;
    final String m = rq.getMethod();
    method = HTTPMethod.get(m);

    final StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(req.getRequestURL());
    final String qs = req.getQueryString();
    if (qs != null) uri.append('?').append(qs);
    log(false, m, uri);

    // set UTF8 as default encoding (can be overwritten)

    segments = toSegments(req.getPathInfo());
    path = join(0);

    user = System.getProperty(DBUSER);
    pass = System.getProperty(DBPASS);

    // set session-specific credentials
    final String auth = req.getHeader(AUTHORIZATION);
    if (auth != null) {
      final String[] values = auth.split(" ");
      if (values[0].equals(BASIC)) {
        final String[] cred = Base64.decode(values[1]).split(":", 2);
        if (cred.length != 2) throw new LoginException(NOPASSWD);
        user = cred[0];
        pass = cred[1];
      } else {
        throw new LoginException(WHICHAUTH, values[0]);
コード例 #18
ファイル: TestBase.java プロジェクト: liuxing9848/pokerth
  public void dbInit() throws Exception {
    String configFileName = System.getProperty("user.home");
    if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().indexOf("linux") > -1) {
      configFileName += "/.pokerth/config.xml";
    } else {
      configFileName += "/AppData/Roaming/pokerth/config.xml";
    File file = new File(configFileName);
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document doc = db.parse(file);
    Element configNode = (Element) doc.getElementsByTagName("Configuration").item(0);

    Element dbAddressNode = (Element) configNode.getElementsByTagName("DBServerAddress").item(0);
    String dbAddress = dbAddressNode.getAttribute("value");

    Element dbUserNode = (Element) configNode.getElementsByTagName("DBServerUser").item(0);
    String dbUser = dbUserNode.getAttribute("value");

    Element dbPasswordNode = (Element) configNode.getElementsByTagName("DBServerPassword").item(0);
    String dbPassword = dbPasswordNode.getAttribute("value");

    Element dbNameNode = (Element) configNode.getElementsByTagName("DBServerDatabaseName").item(0);
    String dbName = dbNameNode.getAttribute("value");

    final String dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://" + dbAddress + ":3306/" + dbName;
    dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, dbUser, dbPassword);
コード例 #19
   * Returns a new working directory (in temporary space). Ensures the directory exists. Any
   * directory levels that had to be created are marked for deletion on exit.
   * @return working directory
   * @exception IOException
   * @since 2.0
  public static synchronized File createWorkingDirectory() throws IOException {

    if (dirRoot == null) {
      dirRoot = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"); // $NON-NLS-1$
      // in Linux, returns '/tmp', we must add '/'
      if (!dirRoot.endsWith(File.separator)) dirRoot += File.separator;

      // on Unix/Linux, the temp dir is shared by many users, so we need to ensure
      // that the top working directory is different for each user
      if (!Platform.getOS().equals("win32")) { // $NON-NLS-1$
        String home = System.getProperty("user.home"); // $NON-NLS-1$
        home = Integer.toString(home.hashCode());
        dirRoot += home + File.separator;
      dirRoot +=
              + File.separator
              + ".update"
              + File.separator
              + Long.toString(tmpseed)
              + File.separator; // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

    String tmpName = dirRoot + Long.toString(++tmpseed) + File.separator;

    File tmpDir = new File(tmpName);
    verifyPath(tmpDir, false);
    if (!tmpDir.exists()) throw new FileNotFoundException(tmpName);
    return tmpDir;
コード例 #20
   * Constructor. The first time an RJavaClassLoader is created, it is cached as the primary loader.
   * @param path path of the rJava package
   * @param libpath lib sub directory of the rJava package
  public RJavaClassLoader(String path, String libpath) {
    super(new URL[] {});
    // respect rJava.debug level
    String rjd = System.getProperty("rJava.debug");
    if (rjd != null && rjd.length() > 0 && !rjd.equals("0")) verbose = true;
    if (verbose) System.out.println("RJavaClassLoader(\"" + path + "\",\"" + libpath + "\")");
    if (primaryLoader == null) {
      primaryLoader = this;
      if (verbose) System.out.println(" - primary loader");
    } else {
      if (verbose)
        System.out.println(" - NOT primrary (this=" + this + ", primary=" + primaryLoader + ")");
    libMap = new HashMap /*<String,UnixFile>*/();

    classPath = new Vector /*<UnixFile>*/();
    classPath.add(new UnixDirectory(path + "/java"));

    rJavaPath = path;
    rJavaLibPath = libpath;

    /* load the rJava library */
    UnixFile so = new UnixFile(rJavaLibPath + "/rJava.so");
    if (!so.exists()) so = new UnixFile(rJavaLibPath + "/rJava.dll");
    if (so.exists()) libMap.put("rJava", so);

    /* load the jri library */
    UnixFile jri = new UnixFile(path + "/jri/libjri.so");
    String rarch = System.getProperty("r.arch");
    if (rarch != null && rarch.length() > 0) {
      UnixFile af = new UnixFile(path + "/jri" + rarch + "/libjri.so");
      if (af.exists()) jri = af;
      else {
        af = new UnixFile(path + "/jri" + rarch + "/jri.dll");
        if (af.exists()) jri = af;
    if (!jri.exists()) jri = new UnixFile(path + "/jri/libjri.jnilib");
    if (!jri.exists()) jri = new UnixFile(path + "/jri/jri.dll");
    if (jri.exists()) {
      libMap.put("jri", jri);
      if (verbose) System.out.println(" - registered JRI: " + jri);

    /* if we are the primary loader, make us the context loader so
    projects that rely on the context loader pick us */
    if (primaryLoader == this) Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(this);

    if (verbose) {
      System.out.println("RJavaClassLoader initialized.\n\nRegistered libraries:");
      for (Iterator entries = libMap.keySet().iterator(); entries.hasNext(); ) {
        Object key = entries.next();
        System.out.println("  " + key + ": '" + libMap.get(key) + "'");
      System.out.println("\nRegistered class paths:");
      for (Enumeration e = classPath.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
        System.out.println("  '" + e.nextElement() + "'");
      System.out.println("\n-- end of class loader report --");
コード例 #21
  * main method
  * <p>This uses the system properties:
  * <ul>
  *   <li><code>rjava.path</code> : path of the rJava package
  *   <li><code>rjava.lib</code> : lib sub directory of the rJava package
  *   <li><code>main.class</code> : main class to "boot", assumes Main if not specified
  *   <li><code>rjava.class.path</code> : set of paths to populate the initiate the class path
  * </ul>
  * <p>and boots the "main" method of the specified <code>main.class</code>, passing the args down
  * to the booted class
  * <p>This makes sure R and rJava are known by the class loader
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   String rJavaPath = System.getProperty("rjava.path");
   if (rJavaPath == null) {
     System.err.println("ERROR: rjava.path is not set");
   String rJavaLib = System.getProperty("rjava.lib");
   if (rJavaLib == null) { // it is not really used so far, just for rJava.so, so we can guess
     rJavaLib = rJavaPath + File.separator + "libs";
   RJavaClassLoader cl = new RJavaClassLoader(u2w(rJavaPath), u2w(rJavaLib));
   String mainClass = System.getProperty("main.class");
   if (mainClass == null || mainClass.length() < 1) {
     System.err.println("WARNING: main.class not specified, assuming 'Main'");
     mainClass = "Main";
   String classPath = System.getProperty("rjava.class.path");
   if (classPath != null) {
     StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(classPath, File.pathSeparator);
     while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
       String dirname = u2w(st.nextToken());
   try {
     cl.bootClass(mainClass, "main", args);
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     System.err.println("ERROR: while running main method: " + ex);
コード例 #22
ファイル: FileWriterTest.java プロジェクト: katerysh/wikokit
  public void testCreateDir() {
    String fs, dir, path_synarcher, path, path_test_kleinberg;

    fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
    dir = System.getProperty("user.home") + fs;

    // creates ~/.synarcher/
    path_synarcher = dir + ".synarcher" + fs;
    path = path_synarcher + "test.txt";

    // creates ~/.synarcher/graphviz/
    path = path_synarcher + "graphviz" + fs + "test.txt";

    // creates ~/.synarcher/test_kleinberg/
    path_test_kleinberg = path_synarcher + "test_kleinberg" + fs;
    path = path_test_kleinberg + "test.txt";

    // creates ~/.synarcher/test_kleinberg/en/
    path_test_kleinberg = path_synarcher + "test_kleinberg" + fs;
    path = path_test_kleinberg + "en" + fs + "test.txt";

    // creates ~/.synarcher/test_kleinberg/ru/
    path_test_kleinberg = path_synarcher + "test_kleinberg" + fs;
    path = path_test_kleinberg + "ru" + fs + "test.txt";
コード例 #23
ファイル: ObsidiGUIScreen.java プロジェクト: TobiasMorell/P4
 void loadRobot() {
   // Creates new ClassLoader for whenever the class needs to be reloaded.
   ClassLoader parentClassLoader = DynamicClassLoader.class.getClassLoader();
   DynamicClassLoader newClassLoader = new DynamicClassLoader(parentClassLoader);
   String classFile =
       String.format(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/" + robotName + "Robot.class");
   // A new instance is created of the main Robot class in order to start the normal and hear
   // threads
   try {
     Class<? extends SyncRobot> sr = newClassLoader.loadClass(robotName + "Robot", classFile);
     classFile =
                 + "/"
                 + robotName
                 + "Robot$"
                 + robotName
                 + "HearThread.class");
     newClassLoader.loadClass(robotName + "Robot$" + robotName + "HearThread", classFile);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     System.out.println("Failed to load Robot class");
コード例 #24
  // Contructor that takes in the usernames of the users
  public ServerFileIO(String username1, String username2) throws IOException {
    // Sets the naming convention for the files
    // The convention is:
    // <Smaller Username><Larger Username>.txt

    user1 = username1;
    user2 = username2;

    if (username1.compareTo(username2) < 0)
      file =
          new File(
                  + "\\Server Message Files\\"
                  + username1
                  + username2
                  + ".txt");
    else if (username1.compareTo(username2) > 0)
      file =
          new File(
                  + "\\Server Message Files\\"
                  + username2
                  + username1
                  + ".txt");
    else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both usernames are the same");


    output = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file, true));
    input = new Scanner(file);
コード例 #25
   * Creates a java process that executes the given main class and waits for the process to
   * terminate.
   * @return a {@link ProcessOutputReader} that can be used to get the exit code and stdout+stderr
   *     of the terminated process.
  public static ProcessOutputReader fg(Class main, String[] vmArgs, String[] mainArgs)
      throws IOException {
    File javabindir = new File(System.getProperty("java.home"), "bin");
    File javaexe = new File(javabindir, "java");

    int bits = Integer.getInteger("sun.arch.data.model", 0).intValue();
    String vmKindArg = (bits == 64) ? "-d64" : null;

    ArrayList argList = new ArrayList();
    if (vmKindArg != null) {
    // argList.add("-Dgemfire.systemDirectory=" +
    // GemFireConnectionFactory.getDefaultSystemDirectory());
    argList.add("-Djava.class.path=" + System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
    argList.add("-Djava.library.path=" + System.getProperty("java.library.path"));
    if (vmArgs != null) {
    if (mainArgs != null) {
    String[] cmd = (String[]) argList.toArray(new String[argList.size()]);
    return new ProcessOutputReader(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd));
コード例 #26
ファイル: UpgradeUtils.java プロジェクト: AbacusHu/OpenDJ
   * Returns the path of the installation of the directory server. Note that this method assumes
   * that this code is being run locally.
   * @return the path of the installation of the directory server.
  static String getInstallPathFromClasspath() {
    String installPath = DirectoryServer.getServerRoot();
    if (installPath != null) {
      return installPath;

    /* Get the install path from the Class Path */
    final String sep = System.getProperty("path.separator");
    final String[] classPaths = System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(sep);
    String path = getInstallPath(classPaths);
    if (path != null) {
      final File f = new File(path).getAbsoluteFile();
      final File librariesDir = f.getParentFile();

       * Do a best effort to avoid having a relative representation (for
       * instance to avoid having ../../../).
      try {
        installPath = librariesDir.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath();
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        // Best effort
        installPath = librariesDir.getParent();
    return installPath;
コード例 #27
  public DefaultAuthenticator(@NotNull ErrorReceiver receiver, @NotNull File authfile)
      throws BadCommandLineException {
    this.errReceiver = receiver;
    this.proxyUser = System.getProperty("http.proxyUser");
    this.proxyPasswd = System.getProperty("http.proxyPassword");

    if (authfile != null) {
      this.authFile = authfile;
      this.giveError = true;

    if (!authFile.exists()) {
      try {
            new SAXParseException(
                    authFile.getCanonicalPath(), defaultAuthfile),
      } catch (IOException e) {
            new SAXParseException(
                WscompileMessages.WSIMPORT_FAILED_TO_PARSE(authFile, e.getMessage()), null));

    if (!authFile.canRead()) {
          new SAXParseException(
              "Authorization file: " + authFile + " does not have read permission!", null));
コード例 #28
    // Creates a new thread, runs the program in that thread, and reports any errors as needed.
    private void run(String clazz) {
      try {
        // Makes sure the JVM resets if it's already running.
        if (JVMrunning) kill();

        // Some String constants for java path and OS-specific separators.
        String separator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
        String path = System.getProperty("java.home") + separator + "bin" + separator + "java";

        // Tries to run compiled code.
        ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(path, clazz);

        // Should be good now! Everything past this is on you. Don't mess it up.
            "Build succeeded on " + java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString(), progErr);
        println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", progErr);

        JVM = builder.start();

        // Note that as of right now, there is no support for input. Only output.
        Reader errorReader = new InputStreamReader(JVM.getErrorStream());
        Reader outReader = new InputStreamReader(JVM.getInputStream());
        // Writer inReader = new OutputStreamWriter(JVM.getOutputStream());

        redirectErr = redirectIOStream(errorReader, err);
        redirectOut = redirectIOStream(outReader, out);
        // redirectIn = redirectIOStream(null, inReader);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // This catches any other errors we might get.
        println("Some error thrown", progErr);
コード例 #29
ファイル: ImageJ.java プロジェクト: chrisp87/ImageJA
 public String getInfo() {
   return version()
       + System.getProperty("os.name")
       + " "
       + System.getProperty("os.version")
       + "; "
       + IJ.freeMemory();
コード例 #30
ファイル: _.java プロジェクト: GoWarp/pysonar2
 public static String getSystemTempDir() {
     String tmp = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
     String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
     if (tmp.endsWith(sep)) {
         return tmp;
     return tmp + sep;