public void bad(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Throwable {
    String data;

    Logger log_bad = Logger.getLogger("local-logger");
    data = "";

    /* parse the query string for value of 'id' */
    String id_str = null;
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(request.getQueryString(), "&");
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
      String token = st.nextToken();
      int i = token.indexOf("=");
      if ((i > 0) && (i < (token.length() - 1)) && (token.substring(0, i).equals("id"))) {
        id_str = token.substring(i + 1);

    if (id_str != null) {
      Connection conn = null;
      PreparedStatement statement = null;
      ResultSet rs = null;
      try {
        int id = Integer.parseInt(id_str);
        conn = IO.getDBConnection();
        statement = conn.prepareStatement("select * from pages where id=?");
        /* FLAW: no check to see whether the user has privileges to view the data */
        statement.setInt(1, id);
        rs = statement.executeQuery();
        data = rs.toString();
      } catch (SQLException se) {
      } finally {
        /* clean up database objects */
        try {
          if (rs != null) {
        } catch (SQLException se) {
          log_bad.warning("Error closing rs");
        } finally {
          try {
            if (statement != null) {
          } catch (SQLException se) {
            log_bad.warning("Error closing statement");
          } finally {
            try {
              if (conn != null) {
            } catch (SQLException se) {
              log_bad.warning("Error closing conn");

    Class<?> c = Class.forName(data); /* FLAW: loading arbitrary class */
    Object instance = c.newInstance();
