コード例 #1
  public QryResult evaluateIndri(RetrievalModelIndri r) throws IOException {

    QryResult result = args.get(0).evaluate(r);

    double score = 0;
    double lam = r.lambda;
    double mu = r.mu;
    this.field = result.invertedList.field;
    this.C = (double) QryEval.corpus.get(field);
    this.ctf = (double) result.invertedList.ctf;

    long doclen;
    InvList.DocPosting docp;
    double Pmle = this.ctf / this.C;

    for (int i = 0; i < result.invertedList.df; i++) {
      docp = result.invertedList.postings.get(i);
      doclen = QryEval.dls.getDocLength(this.field, docp.docid);

      score = (1.0 - lam) * ((double) docp.tf + mu * Pmle) / ((double) doclen + mu) + lam * Pmle;

      result.docScores.add(docp.docid, score);

    // The SCORE operator should not return a populated inverted list.
    // If there is one, replace it with an empty inverted list.

    if (result.invertedList.df > 0) result.invertedList = new InvList();

    return result;
コード例 #2
  // for Ranked model
  public QryResult evaluateBooleanRanked(RetrievalModel r) throws IOException {

    // Evaluate the query argument.

    QryResult result = args.get(0).evaluate(r);

    // Each pass of the loop computes a score for one document. Note:
    // If the evaluate operation above returned a score list (which is
    // very possible), this loop gets skipped.

    for (int i = 0; i < result.invertedList.df; i++) {

      // Unranked Boolean. All matching documents get a score of 1.0.

          result.invertedList.postings.get(i).docid, result.invertedList.postings.get(i).tf);

    // The SCORE operator should not return a populated inverted list.
    // If there is one, replace it with an empty inverted list.

    if (result.invertedList.df > 0) result.invertedList = new InvList();

    return result;
コード例 #3
  // for BM25
  public QryResult evaluateBM25(RetrievalModelBM25 r) throws IOException {

    // Evaluate the query argument.

    QryResult result = args.get(0).evaluate(r);

    DocLengthStore dls = new DocLengthStore(QryEval.READER);
    int N = QryEval.READER.getDocCount(result.invertedList.field);
    long doclen;
    float avg_doclen =
            / (float) QryEval.READER.getDocCount(result.invertedList.field);

    double rsj = Math.log((N - result.invertedList.df + 0.5) / (result.invertedList.df + 0.5));

    double score = 0;

    // Each pass of the loop computes a score for one document. Note:
    // If the evaluate operation above returned a score list (which is
    // very possible), this loop gets skipped.

    for (int i = 0; i < result.invertedList.df; i++) {

      doclen =
          dls.getDocLength(result.invertedList.field, result.invertedList.postings.get(i).docid);

      score =
              * result.invertedList.postings.get(i).tf
              / (result.invertedList.postings.get(i).tf
                  + r.k1 * ((1 - r.b) + r.b * doclen / avg_doclen));

      result.docScores.add(result.invertedList.postings.get(i).docid, score);

    // The SCORE operator should not return a populated inverted list.
    // If there is one, replace it with an empty inverted list.

    if (result.invertedList.df > 0) result.invertedList = new InvList();

    return result;