/** * Used to return all of the Preferences used across the application. Preferences can then be * edited locally within the calling class. * * @return A new instance of Preferences to be used locally */ public static Preferences getOdinPrefs() { // Obtain a logger to write progress to Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("odin.odin.object.OdinPreferences"); log.log(Level.FINEST, "Examining preferences to see if it's null or not.", prefsOdin); if (prefsOdin == null) { log.finest( "Preferences object was null, creating a new one from the default file (odin.prefs.xml)."); try { // Obtain the FileInputStream for the central Preferences file BufferedInputStream bisXMLPrefs = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(sPrefsPath)); // Providing the file isn't null then import the preferences if (bisXMLPrefs != null) { prefsOdin.importPreferences(bisXMLPrefs); } } catch (Exception x) { // If any errors are thrown then record them in the logger log.throwing("OdinPreferences", "getOdinPrefs()", x); } } // Obtain the Preferences for this class, this allows for everything to be centralised within // the file prefsOdin = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(OdinPreferences.class); // Return the Preferences to the receiver. return prefsOdin; }
public void testNode5() throws BackingStoreException { Preferences child = pref.node("a"); child.put("key", "value"); child.flush(); assertNotNull(storage.toFolder()); assertNull(storage.toPropertiesFile()); }
public void testPreferencesEvents() throws Exception { storage.toFolder(true); FileUtil.getConfigRoot().addRecursiveListener(new FileListener()); pref.addNodeChangeListener(new NodeListener()); String newPath = "a/b/c"; String[] paths = newPath.split("/"); FileObject fo = null; FileObject fo0 = null; for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { String path = paths[i]; fo = FileUtil.createFolder((fo == null) ? FileUtil.getConfigRoot() : fo, path); if (i == 0) { fo0 = fo; } nodeAddedEvent.await(); assertEquals("Missing node added event", 0, nodeAddedEvent.getCount()); nodeAddedEvent = new CountDownLatch(1); Preferences pref2 = pref.node(fo.getPath()); pref2.addNodeChangeListener(new NodeListener()); } FileObject fo1 = FileUtil.createData(fo, "a.properties"); nodeAddedEvent.await(); assertEquals("Missing node added event", 0, nodeAddedEvent.getCount()); nodeRemovedEvent = new CountDownLatch(paths.length + 1); fo0.delete(); nodeRemovedEvent.await(); assertEquals("Missing node removed event", 0, nodeRemovedEvent.getCount()); }
/** * Tries to load/restore the window state of the given window. * * @param aNamespace the namespace to use for the window state; * @param aProperties the properties to read from; * @param aWindow the window to load the state for. */ public static void loadWindowState(final Preferences aProperties, final Window aWindow) { // Special case: for FileDialog/JFileChooser we also should restore the // properties... loadFileDialogState(aProperties, aWindow); try { final int xPos = aProperties.getInt("winXpos", -1); final int yPos = aProperties.getInt("winYpos", -1); if ((xPos >= 0) && (yPos >= 0)) { aWindow.setLocation(xPos, yPos); } } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { // Ignore... } if (isNonResizableWindow(aWindow)) { // In case the window cannot be resized, don't restore its width & // height... return; } try { final int width = aProperties.getInt("winWidth", -1); final int height = aProperties.getInt("winHeight", -1); if ((width >= 0) && (height >= 0)) { aWindow.setSize(width, height); } } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { // Ignore... } }
public boolean avrdude(Collection params) throws RunnerException { List commandDownloader = new ArrayList(); commandDownloader.add("avrdude"); // Point avrdude at its config file since it's in a non-standard location. if (Base.isMacOS()) { commandDownloader.add("-C" + "hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf"); } else if (Base.isWindows()) { String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator; commandDownloader.add("-C" + userdir + "hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf"); } else { // ???: is it better to have Linux users install avrdude themselves, in // a way that it can find its own configuration file? commandDownloader.add("-C" + "hardware/tools/avrdude.conf"); } if (Preferences.getBoolean("upload.verbose")) { commandDownloader.add("-v"); commandDownloader.add("-v"); commandDownloader.add("-v"); commandDownloader.add("-v"); } else { commandDownloader.add("-q"); commandDownloader.add("-q"); } // XXX: quick hack to chop the "atmega" off of "atmega8" and "atmega168", // then shove an "m" at the beginning. won't work for attiny's, etc. commandDownloader.add( "-pm" + Preferences.get("boards." + Preferences.get("board") + ".build.mcu").substring(6)); commandDownloader.addAll(params); return executeUploadCommand(commandDownloader); }
static synchronized void setprefb(String prefname, byte[] val) { try { if (prefs == null) prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Utils.class); prefs.putByteArray(prefname, val); } catch (SecurityException e) { } }
/** * Tests reading a 3.0.2 install with a mix of classic and OSGi plug-ins. * * @throws Exception */ public void testClassicPlugins() throws Exception { // extract the 3.0.2 skeleton IPath location = extractClassicPlugins(); // the new way ITargetDefinition definition = getNewTarget(); ITargetLocation container = getTargetService().newDirectoryLocation(location.toOSString()); definition.setTargetLocations(new ITargetLocation[] {container}); Set urls = getAllBundleURLs(definition); assertTrue("Must be bundles", urls.size() > 0); Preferences store = PDECore.getDefault().getPluginPreferences(); boolean restore = store.getBoolean(ICoreConstants.TARGET_PLATFORM_REALIZATION); try { store.setValue(ICoreConstants.TARGET_PLATFORM_REALIZATION, false); // the old way URL[] pluginPaths = PluginPathFinder.getPluginPaths(location.toOSString()); for (int i = 0; i < pluginPaths.length; i++) { URL url = pluginPaths[i]; if (!urls.contains(url)) { System.err.println(url.toString()); } } assertEquals("Wrong number of bundles", pluginPaths.length, urls.size()); } finally { store.setValue(ICoreConstants.TARGET_PLATFORM_REALIZATION, restore); } }
static synchronized byte[] getprefb(String prefname, byte[] def) { try { if (prefs == null) prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Utils.class); return (prefs.getByteArray(prefname, def)); } catch (SecurityException e) { return (def); } }
static synchronized String getpref(String prefname, String def) { try { if (prefs == null) prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Utils.class); return (prefs.get(prefname, def)); } catch (SecurityException e) { return (def); } }
// XXX: add support for uploading sketches using a programmer public boolean uploadUsingPreferences(String buildPath, String className) throws RunnerException { String uploadUsing = Preferences.get("boards." + Preferences.get("board") + ".upload.using"); if (uploadUsing == null) { // fall back on global preference uploadUsing = Preferences.get("upload.using"); } if (uploadUsing.equals("bootloader")) { return uploadViaBootloader(buildPath, className); } else { Collection params = getProgrammerCommands(uploadUsing); params.add("-Uflash:w:" + buildPath + File.separator + className + ".hex:i"); return avrdude(params); } }
public void testRemoveParentNode() throws BackingStoreException { assertNull(storage.toFolder()); assertNull(storage.toPropertiesFile()); Preferences subnode = pref.node("subnode"); assertNull(storage.toFolder()); assertNull(storage.toPropertiesFile()); subnode.put("key", "value"); subnode.flush(); assertNotNull(storage.toFolder()); assertNull(storage.toPropertiesFile()); subnode.removeNode(); pref.flush(); assertNull(storage.toPropertiesFile()); assertNull(storage.toFolder()); assertFalse(storage.existsNode()); }
public void testPreferencesEvents2() throws Exception { pref.addNodeChangeListener(new NodeListener()); pref.addPreferenceChangeListener(new PrefListener()); Preferences child = pref.node("a"); nodeAddedEvent.await(); assertEquals("Missing node added event", 0, nodeAddedEvent.getCount()); pref.put("key", "value"); prefChangedEvent.await(); assertEquals("Missing preference change event", 0, prefChangedEvent.getCount()); pref.remove("key"); prefRemovedEvent.await(); assertEquals("Missing preference removed event", 0, prefRemovedEvent.getCount()); child.removeNode(); nodeRemovedEvent.await(); assertEquals("Missing node removed event", 0, nodeRemovedEvent.getCount()); }
public void testPreferenceChange() { try { Preferences userRoot = Preferences.userRoot(); Preferences node = userRoot.node("testAdd"); node.addPreferenceChangeListener( new PreferenceChangeListener() { public void preferenceChange(PreferenceChangeEvent evt) { System.out.println( " node " + evt.getNode().name() + " key = <" + evt.getKey() + "> val= <" + evt.getNewValue() + ">"); if (evt.getKey().equals("love")) assert evt.getNewValue().equals("ok") : evt.getNewValue(); else if (evt.getKey().equals("love2")) assert evt.getNewValue().equals("not ok") : evt.getNewValue(); } }); node.put("love", "ok"); node.put("love2", "not ok"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Saves the window state to the given properties map. * * @param aNamespace the namespace to use for the window state; * @param aProperties the properties to fill; * @param aWindow the window to save the state for. */ public static void saveWindowState(final Preferences aProperties, final Window aWindow) { // Special case: for FileDialog/JFileChooser we also store the properties... saveFileDialogState(aProperties, aWindow); final Point location = aWindow.getLocation(); aProperties.put("winXpos", Integer.toString(location.x)); aProperties.put("winYpos", Integer.toString(location.y)); if (isNonResizableWindow(aWindow)) { // In case the window cannot be resized, don't restore its width & // height... return; } final Dimension dims = aWindow.getSize(); aProperties.put("winWidth", Integer.toString(dims.width)); aProperties.put("winHeight", Integer.toString(dims.height)); }
@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); assertSame(new NbPreferencesFactory().userRoot(), Preferences.userRoot()); pref = getPreferencesNode(); assertNotNull(pref); storage = (PropertiesStorage) pref.fileStorage; assertNotNull(storage); }
/** * This class provides exactly the same functions are the getOdinPrefs method but doesn't record * anything in the Log * * <p>It should <b>only</b> be used by the LoggerFactory class to prevent a loop. All other * classes should use the getOdinPrefs method to utilise the logger. * * <p>It also retrieves much of the information from the Server's Root XML document and reads it * into the preferences for later reads. * * @return A new instance of Preferences to be used locally */ public static Preferences getInitialPreferences() { /* As mentioned in the JavaDoc comments, this is the same code but omitting the use of the log. It doesn't harm if * a class other than LoggerFactory uses it, we just lose the logs if something goes wrong. */ if (prefsOdin == null) { try { String prefsFilePath = getPrefsPath() + prefsFileName; File f = new File(prefsFilePath); if (f.exists()) { sPrefsPath = prefsFilePath; BufferedInputStream bisXMLPrefs = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(prefsFilePath)); if (bisXMLPrefs != null) { prefsOdin.importPreferences(bisXMLPrefs); } } else { File fBackup = new File(prefsFileName); if (fBackup.exists()) { // Using the backup preferences in the application directory. sPrefsPath = prefsFileName; } BufferedInputStream bisXMLPrefs = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(prefsFileName)); prefsOdin.importPreferences(bisXMLPrefs); } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfX) { System.err.println("Couldn't retrieve either preferences."); } catch (Exception x) { // If any errors are thrown then put them in System.err rather than the Logger System.err.println( "An error was caught while trying to obtain preferences for the logger."); x.printStackTrace(); } } prefsOdin = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(OdinPreferences.class); // Get hold of the JAXB data contained within the Server Root document to find out where we // should store everything. getRootDocument(); prefsOdin.put("odin.jaxb.dir.Archive", rDocument.getLocations().getArchive()); prefsOdin.put("odin.jaxb.dir.Convert", rDocument.getLocations().getConversion()); prefsOdin.put("odin.jaxb.dir.Mime", rDocument.getLocations().getFormat()); prefsOdin.put("odin.jaxb.dir.Log", rDocument.getLocations().getLogging()); prefsOdin.put("odin.jaxb.dir.Prefs", rDocument.getLocations().getPreference()); prefsOdin.put("odin.jaxb.dir.Hazard", rDocument.getLocations().getQuarantine()); prefsOdin.put("odin.jaxb.dir.Store", rDocument.getLocations().getRepository()); silentUpdate(); return prefsOdin; }
/** * Checks whether the given window is either a FileDialog, or contains a JFileChooser component. * If so, its current directory is restored from the given properties. * * @param aNamespace the name space to use; * @param aProperties the properties to get the directory from; * @param aWindow the window to check for. */ private static void saveFileDialogState(final Preferences aProperties, final Window aWindow) { final String propKey = "lastDirectory"; if (aWindow instanceof FileDialog) { final String dir = ((FileDialog) aWindow).getDirectory(); if (dir != null) { aProperties.put(propKey, dir); } } else if (aWindow instanceof JDialog) { final Container contentPane = ((JDialog) aWindow).getContentPane(); final JFileChooser fileChooser = (JFileChooser) findComponent(contentPane, JFileChooser.class); if (fileChooser != null) { final File dir = fileChooser.getCurrentDirectory(); if (dir != null) { aProperties.put(propKey, dir.getAbsolutePath()); } } } }
/** * Checks whether the given window is either a FileDialog, or contains a JFileChooser component. * If so, its current directory is stored in the given properties. * * @param aNamespace the name space to use; * @param aProperties the properties to store the found directory in; * @param aWindow the window to check for. */ private static void loadFileDialogState(final Preferences aProperties, final Window aWindow) { final String propKey = "lastDirectory"; if (aWindow instanceof FileDialog) { final String dir = aProperties.get(propKey, null); if (dir != null) { ((FileDialog) aWindow).setDirectory(dir); } } else if (aWindow instanceof JDialog) { final Container contentPane = ((JDialog) aWindow).getContentPane(); final JFileChooser fileChooser = (JFileChooser) findComponent(contentPane, JFileChooser.class); if (fileChooser != null) { final String dir = aProperties.get(propKey, null); if (dir != null) { fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(dir)); } } } }
/** Used to update any changes within the preferences to the main XML file. */ public static void updateOdinPrefs() { // Obtain a logger to write progress to Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("odin.odin.object.OdinPreferences"); try { log.finest("Exporting preferences to file: " + sPrefsPath); // Record all of the preferences in the odin.prefs.xml file prefsOdin.exportNode(new FileOutputStream(sPrefsPath)); } catch (Exception x) { // If an error was encountered during the update then write the details to the log log.throwing("OdinPreferences", "updateOdinPrefs()", x); } }
/** * Used to update the preferences with possibly new values from the root document. This method is * only used within this class to prevent recursion from creating a <code>Logger</code> instance. * * @see java.util.logging.Logger */ private static void silentUpdate() { try { // Record all of the preferences in the odin.prefs.xml file prefsOdin.exportNode(new FileOutputStream(sPrefsPath)); } catch (Exception x) { // If an error was encountered during the update then write the details // to the System.err as there isn't a log to use. System.err.println( "Couldn't update the preferences with values from the server's root document."); x.printStackTrace(); } }
public void testNodeChange() { System.out.println("***TestEvent"); try { Preferences userRoot = Preferences.userRoot(); userRoot.addNodeChangeListener( new NodeChangeListener() { public void childAdded(NodeChangeEvent evt) { System.out.println( "childAdded = " + evt.getParent().name() + " " + evt.getChild().name()); } public void childRemoved(NodeChangeEvent evt) { System.out.println( "childRemoved = " + evt.getParent().name() + " " + evt.getChild().name()); } }); Preferences node = userRoot.node("testAdd"); node.removeNode(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Tests that a bundle directory container is equivalent to scanning locations when it uses a * variable to specify its location. * * @throws Exception */ public void testVariableDirectoryBundleContainer() throws Exception { // the new way ITargetDefinition definition = getNewTarget(); ITargetLocation container = getTargetService().newDirectoryLocation("${eclipse_home}/plugins"); definition.setTargetLocations(new ITargetLocation[] {container}); Set urls = getAllBundleURLs(definition); Preferences store = PDECore.getDefault().getPluginPreferences(); boolean restore = store.getBoolean(ICoreConstants.TARGET_PLATFORM_REALIZATION); try { store.setValue(ICoreConstants.TARGET_PLATFORM_REALIZATION, false); // the old way URL[] pluginPaths = PluginPathFinder.getPluginPaths(TargetPlatform.getDefaultLocation()); assertEquals("Should have same number of bundles", pluginPaths.length, urls.size()); for (int i = 0; i < pluginPaths.length; i++) { URL url = pluginPaths[i]; assertTrue("Missing plug-in " + url.toString(), urls.contains(url)); } } finally { store.setValue(ICoreConstants.TARGET_PLATFORM_REALIZATION, restore); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String osName = System.getProperty("os.name"); if (osName.startsWith("Windows")) return; Preferences root = Preferences.userRoot(); Preferences node1 = root.node("node1"); Preferences node1A = node1.node("node1A"); Preferences node1B = node1.node("node1B"); node1B.put("mykey", "myvalue"); node1.flush(); String node1BDirName = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.java/.userPrefs" + "/node1/node1B"; File node1BDir = new File(node1BDirName); node1BDir.setReadOnly(); try { node1.removeNode(); } catch (BackingStoreException ex) { // expected exception } finally { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod 755 " + node1BDirName).waitFor(); try { node1.removeNode(); } catch (Exception e) { } } }
private boolean uploadViaBootloader(String buildPath, String className) throws RunnerException { List commandDownloader = new ArrayList(); String protocol = Preferences.get("boards." + Preferences.get("board") + ".upload.protocol"); // avrdude wants "stk500v1" to distinguish it from stk500v2 if (protocol.equals("stk500")) protocol = "stk500v1"; commandDownloader.add("-c" + protocol); commandDownloader.add( "-P" + (Base.isWindows() ? "\\\\.\\" : "") + Preferences.get("serial.port")); commandDownloader.add( "-b" + Preferences.getInteger("boards." + Preferences.get("board") + ".upload.speed")); commandDownloader.add("-D"); // don't erase commandDownloader.add("-Uflash:w:" + buildPath + File.separator + className + ".hex:i"); if (Preferences.get("boards." + Preferences.get("board") + ".upload.disable_flushing") == null || Preferences.getBoolean("boards." + Preferences.get("board") + ".upload.disable_flushing") == false) { flushSerialBuffer(); } return avrdude(commandDownloader); }
private Collection getProgrammerCommands(String programmer) { List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("-c" + Preferences.get("programmers." + programmer + ".protocol")); if ("usb".equals(Preferences.get("programmers." + programmer + ".communication"))) { params.add("-Pusb"); } else if ("serial".equals(Preferences.get("programmers." + programmer + ".communication"))) { params.add("-P" + (Base.isWindows() ? "\\\\.\\" : "") + Preferences.get("serial.port")); // XXX: add support for specifying the baud rate for serial programmers. } // XXX: add support for specifying the port address for parallel // programmers, although avrdude has a default that works in most cases. if (Preferences.get("programmers." + programmer + ".force") != null && Preferences.getBoolean("programmers." + programmer + ".force")) params.add("-F"); if (Preferences.get("programmers." + programmer + ".delay") != null) params.add("-i" + Preferences.get("programmers." + programmer + ".delay")); return params; }
public void testChildrenNames() throws Exception { Preferences subnode = pref.node("c1"); subnode.put("k", "v"); subnode.flush(); subnode = pref.node("c2"); subnode.put("k", "v"); subnode.flush(); subnode = pref.node("c3/c4"); subnode.put("k", "v"); subnode.flush(); assertEquals( new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList("c1", "c2", "c3")), new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(storage.childrenNames()))); pref.node("c2").removeNode(); assertEquals( new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList("c1", "c3")), new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(storage.childrenNames()))); pref.node("c3").removeNode(); assertEquals( Collections.singleton("c1"), new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(storage.childrenNames()))); pref.node("c1").removeNode(); assertEquals( Collections.emptySet(), new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(storage.childrenNames()))); }
public void run() { StringBuffer onechar; // Adding an additional newline as a hack around other errors String originalText = editor.getText() + "\n"; strOut = new StringBuffer(); indentValue = Preferences.getInteger("editor.tabs.size"); indentChar = new String(" "); lineNumber = 0; c_level = if_lev = level = e_flg = paren = 0; a_flg = q_flg = j = tabs = 0; if_flg = peek = -1; peekc = '`'; s_flg = 1; jdoc = 0; s_level = new int[10]; sp_flg = new int[20][10]; s_ind = new int[20][10]; s_if_lev = new int[10]; s_if_flg = new int[10]; ind = new int[10]; p_flg = new int[10]; s_tabs = new int[20][10]; w_else = new String ("else"); w_if_ = new String ("if"); w_for = new String ("for"); w_ds = new String ("default"); w_case = new String ("case"); w_cpp_comment = new String ("//"); w_jdoc = new String ("/**"); line_feed = new String ("\n"); // read as long as there is something to read EOF = 0; // = 1 set in getchr when EOF chars = new char[BLOCK_MAXLEN]; string = new char[BLOCK_MAXLEN]; try { // the whole process // open for input reader = new CharArrayReader(originalText.toCharArray()); // add buffering to that InputStream // bin = new BufferedInputStream(in); for (int ib = 0; ib < BLOCK_MAXLEN; ib++) chars[ib] = '\0'; lineLength = readCount = 0; // read up a block - remember how many bytes read readCount = reader.read(chars); strBlock = new String(chars); lineLength = readCount; lineNumber = 1; indexBlock = -1; j = 0; while (EOF == 0) { c = getchr(); switch(c) { default: string[j++] = c; if(c != ',') { l_char = c; } break; case ' ': case '\t': if(lookup(w_else) == 1) { gotelse(); if(s_flg == 0 || j > 0)string[j++] = c; indent_puts(); s_flg = 0; break; } if(s_flg == 0 || j > 0)string[j++] = c; break; case '\r': // <CR> for MS Windows 95 case '\n': lineNumber++; if (EOF==1) { break; } //String j_string = new String(string); e_flg = lookup(w_else); if(e_flg == 1) gotelse(); if (lookup_com(w_cpp_comment) == 1) { if (string[j] == '\n') { string[j] = '\0'; j--; } } indent_puts(); //fprintf(outfil, line_feed); fprintf(line_feed); s_flg = 1; if(e_flg == 1) { p_flg[level]++; tabs++; } else if(p_char == l_char) { a_flg = 1; } break; case '{': if(lookup(w_else) == 1)gotelse(); if (s_if_lev.length == c_level) { s_if_lev = PApplet.expand(s_if_lev); s_if_flg = PApplet.expand(s_if_flg); } s_if_lev[c_level] = if_lev; s_if_flg[c_level] = if_flg; if_lev = if_flg = 0; c_level++; if(s_flg == 1 && p_flg[level] != 0) { p_flg[level]--; tabs--; } string[j++] = c; indent_puts(); getnl() ; indent_puts(); //fprintf(outfil,"\n"); fprintf("\n"); tabs++; s_flg = 1; if(p_flg[level] > 0) { ind[level] = 1; level++; s_level[level] = c_level; } break; case '}': c_level--; if (c_level < 0) { EOF = 1; //System.out.println("eof b"); string[j++] = c; indent_puts(); break; } if ((if_lev = s_if_lev[c_level]-1) < 0) if_lev = 0; if_flg = s_if_flg[c_level]; indent_puts(); tabs--; p_tabs(); peekc = getchr(); if( peekc == ';') { onechar = new StringBuffer(); onechar.append(c); // the } onechar.append(';'); //fprintf(outfil, onechar.toString()); fprintf(onechar.toString()); peek = -1; peekc = '`'; } else { onechar = new StringBuffer(); onechar.append(c); //fprintf(outfil, onechar.toString()); fprintf(onechar.toString()); peek = 1; } getnl(); indent_puts(); //fprintf(outfil,"\n"); fprintf("\n"); s_flg = 1; if(c_level < s_level[level]) if(level > 0) level--; if(ind[level] != 0) { tabs -= p_flg[level]; p_flg[level] = 0; ind[level] = 0; } break; case '"': case '\'': string[j++] = c; cc = getchr(); while(cc != c) { // max. length of line should be 256 string[j++] = cc; if(cc == '\\') { cc = string[j++] = getchr(); } if(cc == '\n') { lineNumber++; indent_puts(); s_flg = 1; } cc = getchr(); } string[j++] = cc; if(getnl() == 1) { l_char = cc; peek = 1; peekc = '\n'; } break; case ';': string[j++] = c; indent_puts(); if(p_flg[level] > 0 && ind[level] == 0) { tabs -= p_flg[level]; p_flg[level] = 0; } getnl(); indent_puts(); //fprintf(outfil,"\n"); fprintf("\n"); s_flg = 1; if(if_lev > 0) if(if_flg == 1) { if_lev--; if_flg = 0; } else if_lev = 0; break; case '\\': string[j++] = c; string[j++] = getchr(); break; case '?': q_flg = 1; string[j++] = c; break; case ':': string[j++] = c; peekc = getchr(); if(peekc == ':') { indent_puts(); //fprintf (outfil,":"); fprintf(":"); peek = -1; peekc = '`'; break; } else { //int double_colon = 0; peek = 1; } if(q_flg == 1) { q_flg = 0; break; } if(lookup(w_ds) == 0 && lookup(w_case) == 0) { s_flg = 0; indent_puts(); } else { tabs--; indent_puts(); tabs++; } peekc = getchr(); if(peekc == ';') { fprintf(";"); peek = -1; peekc = '`'; } else { peek = 1; } getnl(); indent_puts(); fprintf("\n"); s_flg = 1; break; case '/': string[j++] = c; peekc = getchr(); if(peekc == '/') { string[j++] = peekc; peekc = '`'; peek = -1; cpp_comment(); //fprintf(outfil,"\n"); fprintf("\n"); break; } else { peek = 1; } if(peekc != '*') { break; } else { if (j > 0) string[j--] = '\0'; if (j > 0) indent_puts(); string[j++] = '/'; string[j++] = '*'; peek = -1; peekc = '`'; comment(); break; } case '#': string[j++] = c; cc = getchr(); while(cc != '\n') { string[j++] = cc; cc = getchr(); } string[j++] = cc; s_flg = 0; indent_puts(); s_flg = 1; break; case ')': paren--; if (paren < 0) { EOF = 1; //System.out.println("eof c"); } string[j++] = c; indent_puts(); if(getnl() == 1) { peekc = '\n'; peek = 1; if(paren != 0) { a_flg = 1; } else if(tabs > 0) { p_flg[level]++; tabs++; ind[level] = 0; } } break; case '(': string[j++] = c; paren++; if ((lookup(w_for) == 1)) { c = get_string(); while(c != ';') c = get_string(); ct=0; int for_done = 0; while (for_done==0) { c = get_string(); while(c != ')') { if(c == '(') ct++; c = get_string(); } if(ct != 0) { ct--; } else for_done = 1; } // endwhile for_done paren--; if (paren < 0) { EOF = 1; //System.out.println("eof d"); } indent_puts(); if(getnl() == 1) { peekc = '\n'; peek = 1; p_flg[level]++; tabs++; ind[level] = 0; } break; } if(lookup(w_if_) == 1) { indent_puts(); s_tabs[c_level][if_lev] = tabs; sp_flg[c_level][if_lev] = p_flg[level]; s_ind[c_level][if_lev] = ind[level]; if_lev++; if_flg = 1; } } // end switch //System.out.println("string len is " + string.length); //if (EOF == 1) System.out.println(string); //String j_string = new String(string); } // end while not EOF /* int bad; while ((bad = bin.read()) != -1) { System.out.print((char) bad); } */ /* char bad; //while ((bad = getchr()) != 0) { while (true) { getchr(); if (peek != -1) { System.out.print(last_char); } else { break; } } */ // save current (rough) selection point int selectionEnd = editor.getSelectionStop(); // make sure the caret would be past the end of the text if (strOut.length() < selectionEnd - 1) { selectionEnd = strOut.length() - 1; } reader.close(); // close buff String formattedText = strOut.toString(); if (formattedText.equals(originalText)) { editor.statusNotice(_("No changes necessary for Auto Format.")); } else if (paren != 0) { // warn user if there are too many parens in either direction if (paren < 0) { editor.statusError( _("Auto Format Canceled: Too many right parentheses.")); } else { editor.statusError( _("Auto Format Canceled: Too many left parentheses.")); } } else if (c_level != 0) { // check braces only if parens are ok if (c_level < 0) { editor.statusError( _("Auto Format Canceled: Too many right curly braces.")); } else { editor.statusError( _("Auto Format Canceled: Too many left curly braces.")); } } else { // replace with new bootiful text // selectionEnd hopefully at least in the neighborhood editor.setText(formattedText); editor.setSelection(selectionEnd, selectionEnd); editor.getSketch().setModified(true); // mark as finished editor.statusNotice(_("Auto Format finished.")); } } catch (Exception e) { editor.statusError(e); } }
protected String[] getSketchParams(boolean presenting) { ArrayList<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); // It's dangerous to add your own main() to your code, // but if you've done it, we'll respect your right to hang yourself. // http://processing.org/bugs/bugzilla/1446.html if (build.getFoundMain()) { params.add(build.getSketchClassName()); } else { params.add("processing.core.PApplet"); // get the stored device index (starts at 0) int runDisplay = Preferences.getInteger("run.display"); // If there was a saved location (this guy has been run more than once) // then the location will be set to the last position of the sketch window. // This will be passed to the PApplet runner using something like // --location=30,20 // Otherwise, the editor location will be passed, and the applet will // figure out where to place itself based on the editor location. // --editor-location=150,20 if (editor != null) { // if running processing-cmd, don't do placement GraphicsDevice editorDevice = editor.getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice(); GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice[] devices = ge.getScreenDevices(); // Make sure the display set in Preferences actually exists GraphicsDevice runDevice = editorDevice; if (runDisplay >= 0 && runDisplay < devices.length) { runDevice = devices[runDisplay]; } else { runDevice = editorDevice; for (int i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { if (devices[i] == runDevice) { runDisplay = i; break; // Don't set the pref, might be a temporary thing. Users can // open/close Preferences to reset the device themselves. // Preferences.setInteger("run.display", runDisplay); } } } Point windowLocation = editor.getSketchLocation(); // if (windowLocation != null) { // // could check to make sure the sketch location is on the device // // that's specified in Preferences, but that's going to be annoying // // if you move a sketch to another window, then it keeps jumping // // back to the specified window. //// Rectangle screenRect = //// runDevice.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds(); // } if (windowLocation == null) { if (editorDevice == runDevice) { // If sketches are to be shown on the same display as the editor, // provide the editor location so the sketch's main() can place it. Point editorLocation = editor.getLocation(); params.add( PApplet.ARGS_EDITOR_LOCATION + "=" + editorLocation.x + "," + editorLocation.y); } else { // The sketch's main() will set a location centered on the new // display. It has to happen in main() because the width/height // of the sketch are not known here. // Set a location centered on the other display // Rectangle screenRect = // runDevice.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds(); // int runX = // params.add(PApplet.ARGS_LOCATION + "=" + runX + "," + runY); } } else { params.add(PApplet.ARGS_LOCATION + "=" + windowLocation.x + "," + windowLocation.y); } params.add(PApplet.ARGS_EXTERNAL); } params.add(PApplet.ARGS_DISPLAY + "=" + runDisplay); if (presenting) { params.add(PApplet.ARGS_FULL_SCREEN); // if (Preferences.getBoolean("run.present.exclusive")) { // params.add(PApplet.ARGS_EXCLUSIVE); // } params.add(PApplet.ARGS_STOP_COLOR + "=" + Preferences.get("run.present.stop.color")); params.add(PApplet.ARGS_BGCOLOR + "=" + Preferences.get("run.present.bgcolor")); } params.add(build.getSketchClassName()); params.add(PApplet.ARGS_SKETCH_FOLDER + "=" + build.getSketchPath()); // Adding sketch path in the end coz it's likely to // contain spaces and things go wrong on UNIX systems. } // String outgoing[] = new String[params.size()]; // params.toArray(outgoing); // return outgoing; return params.toArray(new String[0]); }
protected String[] getMachineParams() { ArrayList<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); // params.add("-Xint"); // interpreted mode // params.add("-Xprof"); // profiler // params.add("-Xaprof"); // allocation profiler // params.add("-Xrunhprof:cpu=samples"); // old-style profiler // TODO change this to use run.args = true, run.args.0, run.args.1, etc. // so that spaces can be included in the arg names String options = Preferences.get("run.options"); if (options.length() > 0) { String pieces[] = PApplet.split(options, ' '); for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) { String p = pieces[i].trim(); if (p.length() > 0) { params.add(p); } } } // params.add("-Djava.ext.dirs=nuffing"); if (Preferences.getBoolean("run.options.memory")) { params.add("-Xms" + Preferences.get("run.options.memory.initial") + "m"); params.add("-Xmx" + Preferences.get("run.options.memory.maximum") + "m"); } if (Base.isMacOS()) { params.add("-Xdock:name=" + build.getSketchClassName()); // params.add("-Dcom.apple.mrj.application.apple.menu.about.name=" + // sketch.getMainClassName()); } // sketch.libraryPath might be "" // librariesClassPath will always have sep char prepended params.add( "-Djava.library.path=" + build.getJavaLibraryPath() + File.pathSeparator + System.getProperty("java.library.path")); params.add("-cp"); params.add(build.getClassPath()); // params.add(sketch.getClassPath() + // File.pathSeparator + // Base.librariesClassPath); // enable assertions // http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1188 params.add("-ea"); // PApplet.println(PApplet.split(sketch.classPath, ':')); String outgoing[] = new String[params.size()]; params.toArray(outgoing); // PApplet.println(outgoing); // PApplet.println(PApplet.split(outgoing[0], ":")); // PApplet.println(); // PApplet.println("class path"); // PApplet.println(PApplet.split(outgoing[2], ":")); return outgoing; // return (String[]) params.toArray(); // System.out.println("sketch class path"); // PApplet.println(PApplet.split(sketch.classPath, ';')); // System.out.println(); // System.out.println("libraries class path"); // PApplet.println(PApplet.split(Base.librariesClassPath, ';')); // System.out.println(); }
protected boolean exportApplicationPrompt() throws IOException, SketchException { JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(6)); // Box panel = Box.createVerticalBox(); // Box labelBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); // String msg = "<html>Click Export to Application to create a standalone, " + // "double-clickable application for the selected plaforms."; // String msg = "Export to Application creates a standalone, \n" + // "double-clickable application for the selected plaforms."; String line1 = "Export to Application creates double-clickable,"; String line2 = "standalone applications for the selected plaforms."; JLabel label1 = new JLabel(line1, SwingConstants.CENTER); JLabel label2 = new JLabel(line2, SwingConstants.CENTER); label1.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); label2.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); // label1.setAlignmentX(); // label2.setAlignmentX(0); panel.add(label1); panel.add(label2); int wide = label2.getPreferredSize().width; panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(12)); final JCheckBox windowsButton = new JCheckBox("Windows"); // windowsButton.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_W); windowsButton.setSelected(Preferences.getBoolean("export.application.platform.windows")); windowsButton.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Preferences.setBoolean( "export.application.platform.windows", windowsButton.isSelected()); } }); final JCheckBox macosxButton = new JCheckBox("Mac OS X"); // macosxButton.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_M); macosxButton.setSelected(Preferences.getBoolean("export.application.platform.macosx")); macosxButton.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Preferences.setBoolean("export.application.platform.macosx", macosxButton.isSelected()); } }); final JCheckBox linuxButton = new JCheckBox("Linux"); // linuxButton.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_L); linuxButton.setSelected(Preferences.getBoolean("export.application.platform.linux")); linuxButton.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Preferences.setBoolean("export.application.platform.linux", linuxButton.isSelected()); } }); JPanel platformPanel = new JPanel(); // platformPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(platformPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); platformPanel.add(windowsButton); platformPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(6)); platformPanel.add(macosxButton); platformPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(6)); platformPanel.add(linuxButton); platformPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Platforms")); // Dimension goodIdea = new Dimension(wide, platformPanel.getPreferredSize().height); // platformPanel.setMaximumSize(goodIdea); wide = Math.max(wide, platformPanel.getPreferredSize().width); platformPanel.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); panel.add(platformPanel); // Box indentPanel = Box.createHorizontalBox(); // indentPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(new JCheckBox().getPreferredSize().width)); final JCheckBox showStopButton = new JCheckBox("Show a Stop button"); // showStopButton.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_S); showStopButton.setSelected(Preferences.getBoolean("export.application.stop")); showStopButton.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Preferences.setBoolean("export.application.stop", showStopButton.isSelected()); } }); showStopButton.setEnabled(Preferences.getBoolean("export.application.fullscreen")); showStopButton.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(3, 13, 6, 13)); // indentPanel.add(showStopButton); // indentPanel.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); final JCheckBox fullScreenButton = new JCheckBox("Full Screen (Present mode)"); // fullscreenButton.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F); fullScreenButton.setSelected(Preferences.getBoolean("export.application.fullscreen")); fullScreenButton.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { boolean sal = fullScreenButton.isSelected(); Preferences.setBoolean("export.application.fullscreen", sal); showStopButton.setEnabled(sal); } }); fullScreenButton.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(3, 13, 3, 13)); JPanel optionPanel = new JPanel(); optionPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(optionPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); optionPanel.add(fullScreenButton); optionPanel.add(showStopButton); // optionPanel.add(indentPanel); optionPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Options")); wide = Math.max(wide, platformPanel.getPreferredSize().width); // goodIdea = new Dimension(wide, optionPanel.getPreferredSize().height); optionPanel.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); // optionPanel.setMaximumSize(goodIdea); panel.add(optionPanel); Dimension good; // label1, label2, platformPanel, optionPanel good = new Dimension(wide, label1.getPreferredSize().height); label1.setMaximumSize(good); good = new Dimension(wide, label2.getPreferredSize().height); label2.setMaximumSize(good); good = new Dimension(wide, platformPanel.getPreferredSize().height); platformPanel.setMaximumSize(good); good = new Dimension(wide, optionPanel.getPreferredSize().height); optionPanel.setMaximumSize(good); // JPanel actionPanel = new JPanel(); // optionPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(optionPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); // optionPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); // final JDialog frame = new JDialog(editor, "Export to Application"); // JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel"); // cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // frame.dispose(); // return false; // } // }); // Add the buttons in platform-specific order // if (PApplet.platform == PConstants.MACOSX) { // optionPanel.add(cancelButton); // optionPanel.add(exportButton); // } else { // optionPanel.add(exportButton); // optionPanel.add(cancelButton); // } String[] options = {"Export", "Cancel"}; final JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane( panel, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, // JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, null, options, options[0]); final JDialog dialog = new JDialog(this, "Export Options", true); dialog.setContentPane(optionPane); optionPane.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { String prop = e.getPropertyName(); if (dialog.isVisible() && (e.getSource() == optionPane) && (prop.equals(JOptionPane.VALUE_PROPERTY))) { // If you were going to check something // before closing the window, you'd do // it here. dialog.setVisible(false); } } }); dialog.pack(); dialog.setResizable(false); Rectangle bounds = getBounds(); dialog.setLocation( bounds.x + (bounds.width - dialog.getSize().width) / 2, bounds.y + (bounds.height - dialog.getSize().height) / 2); dialog.setVisible(true); Object value = optionPane.getValue(); if (value.equals(options[0])) { return jmode.handleExportApplication(sketch); } else if (value.equals(options[1]) || value.equals(new Integer(-1))) { // closed window by hitting Cancel or ESC statusNotice("Export to Application canceled."); } return false; }