コード例 #1
 private void login() throws MessagingException {
   executeSimpleCommand(USER_COMMAND + " " + mUsername);
   try {
     executeSimpleCommand(PASS_COMMAND + " " + mPassword, true);
   } catch (Pop3ErrorResponse e) {
     throw new AuthenticationFailedException(
         "POP3 login authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
コード例 #2
    private void authCramMD5() throws MessagingException {
      String b64Nonce = executeSimpleCommand("AUTH CRAM-MD5").replace("+ ", "");

      String b64CRAM = Authentication.computeCramMd5(mUsername, mPassword, b64Nonce);
      try {
        executeSimpleCommand(b64CRAM, true);
      } catch (Pop3ErrorResponse e) {
        throw new AuthenticationFailedException(
            "POP3 CRAM-MD5 authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
コード例 #3
 private void authPlain() throws MessagingException {
   executeSimpleCommand("AUTH PLAIN");
   try {
     byte[] encodedBytes =
         Base64.encodeBase64(("\000" + mUsername + "\000" + mPassword).getBytes());
     executeSimpleCommand(new String(encodedBytes), true);
   } catch (Pop3ErrorResponse e) {
     throw new AuthenticationFailedException(
         "POP3 SASL auth PLAIN authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
コード例 #4
 private void authExternal() throws MessagingException {
   try {
     executeSimpleCommand(String.format("AUTH EXTERNAL %s", Base64.encode(mUsername)), false);
   } catch (Pop3ErrorResponse e) {
      * Provide notification to the user of a problem authenticating
      * using client certificates. We don't use an
      * AuthenticationFailedException because that would trigger a
      * "Username or password incorrect" notification in
      * AccountSetupCheckSettings.
     throw new CertificateValidationException(
         "POP3 client certificate authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
コード例 #5
 private void authAPOP(String serverGreeting) throws MessagingException {
   // regex based on RFC 2449 (3.) "Greeting"
   String timestamp =
       serverGreeting.replaceFirst("^\\+OK *(?:\\[[^\\]]+\\])?[^<]*(<[^>]*>)?[^<]*$", "$1");
   if ("".equals(timestamp)) {
     throw new MessagingException("APOP authentication is not supported");
   MessageDigest md;
   try {
     md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
   } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
     throw new MessagingException("MD5 failure during POP3 auth APOP", e);
   byte[] digest = md.digest((timestamp + mPassword).getBytes());
   String hexDigest = new String(Hex.encodeHex(digest));
   try {
     executeSimpleCommand("APOP " + mUsername + " " + hexDigest, true);
   } catch (Pop3ErrorResponse e) {
     throw new AuthenticationFailedException(
         "POP3 APOP authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);