/** When receive a message, analyze message content and then execute the command: Draw or Clear */ public void receive(Message msg) { byte[] buf = msg.getRawBuffer(); if (buf == null) { System.err.println( "[" + channel.getAddress() + "] received null buffer from " + msg.getSrc() + ", headers: " + msg.printHeaders()); return; } try { DrawCommand comm = (DrawCommand) Util.streamableFromByteBuffer( DrawCommand.class, buf, msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength()); switch (comm.mode) { case DrawCommand.DRAW: if (drawPanel != null) drawPanel.drawPoint(comm); break; case DrawCommand.CLEAR: clearPanel(); default: System.err.println("***** received invalid draw command " + comm.mode); break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void encryptAndSend(Message msg) throws Exception { EncryptHeader hdr = new EncryptHeader(EncryptHeader.ENCRYPT, getSymVersion()); if (this.encrypt_entire_message) hdr.type |= EncryptHeader.ENCRYPT_ENTIRE_MSG; if (encrypt_entire_message) { if (msg.getSrc() == null) msg.setSrc(local_addr); Buffer serialized_msg = Util.streamableToBuffer(msg); byte[] encrypted_msg = code( serialized_msg.getBuf(), serialized_msg.getOffset(), serialized_msg.getLength(), false); // exclude existing headers, they will be seen again when we decrypt and unmarshal the msg at // the receiver Message tmp = msg.copy(false, false).setBuffer(encrypted_msg).putHeader(this.id, hdr); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, tmp)); return; } // copy neeeded because same message (object) may be retransmitted -> no double encryption Message msgEncrypted = msg.copy(false) .putHeader(this.id, hdr) .setBuffer(code(msg.getRawBuffer(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength(), false)); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msgEncrypted)); }
private Message _decrypt(final Cipher cipher, Message msg, boolean decrypt_entire_msg) throws Exception { byte[] decrypted_msg; if (cipher == null) decrypted_msg = code(msg.getRawBuffer(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength(), true); else decrypted_msg = cipher.doFinal(msg.getRawBuffer(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength()); if (!decrypt_entire_msg) { msg.setBuffer(decrypted_msg); return msg; } Message ret = Util.streamableFromBuffer(Message.class, decrypted_msg, 0, decrypted_msg.length); if (ret.getDest() == null) ret.setDest(msg.getDest()); if (ret.getSrc() == null) ret.setSrc(msg.getSrc()); return ret; }
public Message visit(Message msg, MessageBatch batch) { EncryptHeader hdr; if (msg == null || (msg.getLength() == 0 && !encrypt_entire_message) || ((hdr = (EncryptHeader) msg.getHeader(id)) == null)) return null; if (hdr.getType() == EncryptHeader.ENCRYPT) { // if queueing then pass into queue to be dealt with later if (queue_up) { queueUpMessage(msg, batch); return null; } // make sure we pass up any queued messages first if (!suppliedKey) drainUpQueue(); if (lock == null) { int index = getNextIndex(); lock = decoding_locks[index]; cipher = decoding_ciphers[index]; lock.lock(); } try { Message tmpMsg = decryptMessage(cipher, msg.copy()); // need to copy for possible xmits if (tmpMsg != null) batch.replace(msg, tmpMsg); } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "failed decrypting message from %s (offset=%d, length=%d, buf.length=%d): %s, headers are %s", msg.getSrc(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength(), msg.getRawBuffer().length, e, msg.printHeaders()); } } else { batch.remove( msg); // a control message will get handled by ENCRYPT and should not be passed up handleUpEvent(msg, hdr); } return null; }