/** * Méthode de création du panelInit * * @return */ private JPanel createPanelInit() { JPanel panRight = new JPanel(); panRight.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panRight, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); butListParty = new JButton("Liste des parties"); butListParty.addActionListener(this); JPanel panCreate = new JPanel(); panCreate.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panCreate, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); textCreate = new JTextField("", 40); textCreate.setMaximumSize(textCreate.getPreferredSize()); butCreateParty = new JButton("Creation de parties "); butCreateParty.addActionListener(this); SpinnerModel model = new SpinnerNumberModel(3, 2, 8, 1); spinNbPlayer = new JSpinner(model); spinNbPlayer.setMaximumSize(spinNbPlayer.getPreferredSize()); panCreate.add(new JLabel("Nouveau nom de partie : ")); panCreate.add(textCreate); panCreate.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); panCreate.add(new JLabel("Nombres de joueurs : ")); panCreate.add(spinNbPlayer); panCreate.add(butCreateParty); JPanel panJoin = new JPanel(); panJoin.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panJoin, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); textJoin = new JTextField("", 2); textJoin.setMaximumSize(textJoin.getPreferredSize()); butJoinParty = new JButton("Rejoindre la partie "); butJoinParty.addActionListener(this); panJoin.add(new JLabel("Num Partie : ")); panJoin.add(textJoin); panJoin.add(butJoinParty); panRight.add(butListParty); panRight.add(panCreate); panRight.add(panJoin); panRight.add(Box.createVerticalGlue()); textInfoInit = new JTextArea(20, 100); textInfoInit.setLineWrap(true); JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane( textInfoInit, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); JPanel panAll = new JPanel(); panAll.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panAll, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); panAll.add(scroll); panAll.add(panRight); return panAll; }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == butConnect) { try { boolean ok = serverConnection(); if (ok) { setInitPanel(); } else { System.out.println("Le pseudo existe déjà, choisissez en un autre."); } } catch (IOException err) { System.err.println( "Problème de connection avec le serveur: " + err.getMessage() + "\n.Arrêt..."); System.exit(1); } } else if (e.getSource() == butListParty) { try { // envoyer requête LIST PARTY oos.writeInt(JungleServer.REQ_LISTPARTY); oos.flush(); // recevoir résultat et l'afficher dans textInfoInit System.out.println("flush"); boolean pret = ois.readBoolean(); System.out.println(pret); if (pret) { String nomParty = (String) ois.readObject(); System.out.println("apres read"); textInfoInit.append(nomParty + " "); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException err) { } catch (IOException err) { System.err.println( "Problème de connection avec le serveur: " + err.getMessage() + "\n.Arrêt..."); System.exit(1); } } else if (e.getSource() == butCreateParty) { try { boolean ok; // envoyer requête CREATE PARTY (paramètres : nom partie et nb joueurs nécessaires) oos.writeInt(JungleServer.REQ_CREATEPARTY); oos.writeObject(textCreate.getText()); int nbJoueurs = (Integer) spinNbPlayer.getValue(); oos.writeInt(nbJoueurs); oos.flush(); // recevoir résultat -> ok ok = ois.readBoolean(); System.out.println(ok); // si ok == true : if (ok) { // mettre le panneau party au centre setPartyPanel(); // afficher un message dans textInfoParty comme quoi il faut attendre le début de partie textInfoParty.append("Attendre le début de la partie"); // créer un ThreadClient et lancer son exécution ThreadClient threadClient = new ThreadClient(this); threadClient.start(); } } catch (IOException err) { System.err.println( "probleme de connection serveur : " + err.getMessage() + "\n.Aborting..."); System.exit(1); } } else if (e.getSource() == butJoinParty) { try { int idPlayer; // envoyer requête JOIN PARTY (paramètres : numero partie) oos.writeInt(JungleServer.REQ_JOINPARTY); oos.flush(); System.out.println("requete envoyée"); int numPartie = Integer.parseInt(textJoin.getText()); oos.writeInt(numPartie); oos.flush(); System.out.println("numPartie flushé"); // recevoir résultat -> idPlayer idPlayer = ois.readInt(); System.out.println("idplayer reçu : " + idPlayer); // si idPlayer >= 1 : if (idPlayer >= 1) { // mettre le panneau party au centre setPartyPanel(); // afficher un message dans textInfoParty comme quoi il faut attendre le début de partie textInfoParty.append("Attendre la début de la partie"); // créer un ThreadClient et lancer son exécution System.out.println("avant démarrage du thread"); ThreadClient threadClient = new ThreadClient(this); threadClient.start(); System.out.println("Apres le thread"); } } catch (IOException err) { System.err.println("Problème de connection serveur: " + err.getMessage() + "\n.Arrêt..."); System.exit(1); } } else if (e.getSource() == butPlay) { try { // envoyer requête PLAY (paramètre : contenu de textPlay) oos.writeInt(JungleServer.REQ_PLAY); oos.writeObject(textPlay.getText()); oos.flush(); orderSent = true; butPlay.setEnabled(false); textPlay.setEnabled(false); // mettre orderSent à true // bloquer le bouton play et le textfiled associé } catch (IOException err) { System.err.println("Problème connection serveur: " + err.getMessage() + "\n.Arrêt..."); System.exit(1); } } else if (e.getSource() == butQuit) { try { oos.close(); ois.close(); setConnectionPanel(); comm = null; } catch (IOException err) { System.err.println("Problème connection serveur: " + err.getMessage() + "\n.Arrêt..."); System.exit(1); } } }
/** * Creates the video advanced settings. * * @return video advanced settings panel. */ private static Component createVideoAdvancedSettings() { ResourceManagementService resources = NeomediaActivator.getResources(); final DeviceConfiguration deviceConfig = mediaService.getDeviceConfiguration(); TransparentPanel centerPanel = new TransparentPanel(new GridBagLayout()); centerPanel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(WIDTH, 150)); JButton resetDefaultsButton = new JButton(resources.getI18NString("impl.media.configform.VIDEO_RESET")); JPanel resetButtonPanel = new TransparentPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)); resetButtonPanel.add(resetDefaultsButton); final JPanel centerAdvancedPanel = new TransparentPanel(new BorderLayout()); centerAdvancedPanel.add(centerPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); centerAdvancedPanel.add(resetButtonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; constraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 0, 0); constraints.gridx = 0; constraints.weightx = 0; constraints.weighty = 0; constraints.gridy = 0; centerPanel.add( new JLabel(resources.getI18NString("impl.media.configform.VIDEO_RESOLUTION")), constraints); constraints.gridy = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); final JCheckBox frameRateCheck = new SIPCommCheckBox(resources.getI18NString("impl.media.configform.VIDEO_FRAME_RATE")); centerPanel.add(frameRateCheck, constraints); constraints.gridy = 2; constraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 0, 0); centerPanel.add( new JLabel(resources.getI18NString("impl.media.configform.VIDEO_PACKETS_POLICY")), constraints); constraints.weightx = 1; constraints.gridx = 1; constraints.gridy = 0; constraints.insets = new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5); Object[] resolutionValues = new Object[DeviceConfiguration.SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS.length + 1]; System.arraycopy( DeviceConfiguration.SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS, 0, resolutionValues, 1, DeviceConfiguration.SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS.length); final JComboBox sizeCombo = new JComboBox(resolutionValues); sizeCombo.setRenderer(new ResolutionCellRenderer()); sizeCombo.setEditable(false); centerPanel.add(sizeCombo, constraints); // default value is 20 final JSpinner frameRate = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(20, 5, 30, 1)); frameRate.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { deviceConfig.setFrameRate( ((SpinnerNumberModel) frameRate.getModel()).getNumber().intValue()); } }); constraints.gridy = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); centerPanel.add(frameRate, constraints); frameRateCheck.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (frameRateCheck.isSelected()) { deviceConfig.setFrameRate( ((SpinnerNumberModel) frameRate.getModel()).getNumber().intValue()); } else // unlimited framerate deviceConfig.setFrameRate(-1); frameRate.setEnabled(frameRateCheck.isSelected()); } }); final JSpinner videoMaxBandwidth = new JSpinner( new SpinnerNumberModel(deviceConfig.getVideoMaxBandwidth(), 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1)); videoMaxBandwidth.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { deviceConfig.setVideoMaxBandwidth( ((SpinnerNumberModel) videoMaxBandwidth.getModel()).getNumber().intValue()); } }); constraints.gridx = 1; constraints.gridy = 2; constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); centerPanel.add(videoMaxBandwidth, constraints); resetDefaultsButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // reset to defaults sizeCombo.setSelectedIndex(0); frameRateCheck.setSelected(false); frameRate.setEnabled(false); frameRate.setValue(20); // unlimited framerate deviceConfig.setFrameRate(-1); videoMaxBandwidth.setValue(DeviceConfiguration.DEFAULT_VIDEO_MAX_BANDWIDTH); } }); // load selected value or auto Dimension videoSize = deviceConfig.getVideoSize(); if ((videoSize.getHeight() != DeviceConfiguration.DEFAULT_VIDEO_HEIGHT) && (videoSize.getWidth() != DeviceConfiguration.DEFAULT_VIDEO_WIDTH)) sizeCombo.setSelectedItem(deviceConfig.getVideoSize()); else sizeCombo.setSelectedIndex(0); sizeCombo.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Dimension selectedVideoSize = (Dimension) sizeCombo.getSelectedItem(); if (selectedVideoSize == null) { // the auto value, default one selectedVideoSize = new Dimension( DeviceConfiguration.DEFAULT_VIDEO_WIDTH, DeviceConfiguration.DEFAULT_VIDEO_HEIGHT); } deviceConfig.setVideoSize(selectedVideoSize); } }); frameRateCheck.setSelected( deviceConfig.getFrameRate() != DeviceConfiguration.DEFAULT_VIDEO_FRAMERATE); frameRate.setEnabled(frameRateCheck.isSelected()); if (frameRate.isEnabled()) frameRate.setValue(deviceConfig.getFrameRate()); return centerAdvancedPanel; }
public static int getInterval() { return (Integer) interval.getValue() * 60000; }
public GUI() { // Frame frame = new JFrame("HardwareSwap Notifier"); // Panels panel = new JPanel(); group1 = new JPanel(); group2 = new JPanel(); group3 = new JPanel(); group4 = new JPanel(); group5 = new JPanel(); group6 = new JPanel(); group7 = new JPanel(); group8 = new JPanel(); // Menu Bar menus = new JMenuBar(); fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); clearCurrent = new JMenuItem("Clear"); quitItem = new JMenuItem("Quit"); load = new JMenuItem("Load"); saveCurrent = new JMenuItem("Save All"); clearSaved = new JMenuItem("Clear Saved"); removeItem = new JMenuItem("Remove Item"); removePhone = new JMenuItem("Remove Phone"); saveCurrent = new JMenuItem("Save Current"); helpMenu = new JMenu("Help"); help = new JMenuItem("How To Use"); about = new JMenuItem("About"); // Buttons add1 = new JButton("Add"); add2 = new JButton("Add"); start = new JButton("Start"); stop = new JButton("Stop"); save1 = new JButton("Add/Save"); save2 = new JButton("Add/Save"); show = new JButton("Display Data"); add1.setFocusPainted(false); add2.setFocusPainted(false); start.setFocusPainted(false); stop.setFocusPainted(false); save1.setFocusPainted(false); save2.setFocusPainted(false); show.setFocusPainted(false); stop.setEnabled(false); // CheckBox remove = new JCheckBox("Remove items when found"); remove.setFocusable(false); // Listener ButtonListener listener = new ButtonListener(); add1.addActionListener(listener); add2.addActionListener(listener); start.addActionListener(listener); stop.addActionListener(listener); load.addActionListener(listener); save1.addActionListener(listener); save2.addActionListener(listener); saveCurrent.addActionListener(listener); show.addActionListener(listener); quitItem.addActionListener(listener); clearCurrent.addActionListener(listener); clearSaved.addActionListener(listener); saveCurrent.addActionListener(listener); help.addActionListener(listener); about.addActionListener(listener); removePhone.addActionListener(listener); removeItem.addActionListener(listener); remove.addActionListener(listener); // Carrier Selection options = new String[10]; options[0] = "AT&T"; options[1] = "Boost Mobile"; options[2] = "Cellular One"; options[3] = "Nextel"; options[4] = "T-Mobile"; options[5] = "Tracfone"; options[6] = "US Cellular"; options[7] = "Sprint"; options[8] = "Verizon"; options[9] = "Virgin Mobile"; carriers = new JComboBox<String>(options); // Text Fields searchName = new JTextField(15); item = new JTextField(15); phone = new JTextField(15); interval2 = new JTextField(15); results = new JTextArea(10, 20); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(results); results.setEditable(false); // Interval intOptions = new SpinnerNumberModel(5, 1, 60, 1); interval = new JSpinner(intOptions); JFormattedTextField tf = ((JSpinner.DefaultEditor) interval.getEditor()).getTextField(); tf.setHorizontalAlignment(JFormattedTextField.LEFT); // Background panelBackground = new Color(237, 237, 237); panel.setBackground(panelBackground); searchName.setBackground(panelBackground); item.setBackground(panelBackground); phone.setBackground(panelBackground); interval.setBackground(panelBackground); // Panel Layouts panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); group1.setLayout(new BoxLayout(group1, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); group2.setLayout(new BoxLayout(group2, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); group3.setLayout(new BoxLayout(group3, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); group4.setLayout(new BoxLayout(group4, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); group5.setLayout(new BoxLayout(group5, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); group6.setLayout(new BoxLayout(group6, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); group7.setLayout(new BoxLayout(group7, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); group8.setLayout(new BoxLayout(group8, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); // Borders searchName.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( null, "Search Name", TitledBorder.DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION, TitledBorder.DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION, null, Color.DARK_GRAY)); item.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( null, "Item", TitledBorder.DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION, TitledBorder.DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION, null, Color.DARK_GRAY)); phone.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( null, "Cell Phone", TitledBorder.DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION, TitledBorder.DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION, null, Color.DARK_GRAY)); group5.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( null, "Check Interval (mins)", TitledBorder.DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION, TitledBorder.DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION, null, Color.DARK_GRAY)); // Sizes panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 0)); searchName.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(190, 50)); item.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(190, 50)); phone.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(185, 50)); carriers.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(175, 20)); group5.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(190, 47)); group5.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(190, 47)); add1.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(90, 20)); save1.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(90, 20)); add2.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(90, 20)); save2.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(90, 20)); start.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(90, 20)); stop.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(90, 20)); show.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(120, 20)); // Add file menu items fileMenu.add(clearCurrent); fileMenu.add(clearSaved); fileMenu.add(load); fileMenu.add(removeItem); fileMenu.add(removePhone); fileMenu.add(saveCurrent); fileMenu.add(quitItem); // Add help menu items helpMenu.add(help); helpMenu.add(about); // Add to menu bar menus.add(fileMenu); menus.add(helpMenu); // Add items to panel group1.add(searchName); group1.add(item); group2.add(add1); group2.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); group2.add(save1); group6.add(remove); group3.add(phone); group3.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); group3.add(carriers); group4.add(add2); group4.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); group4.add(save2); group5.add(interval); group7.add(show); group8.add(start); group8.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); group8.add(stop); panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); panel.add(group1); panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); panel.add(group2); panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(40)); panel.add(group3); panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); panel.add(group4); panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(40)); panel.add(group5); panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(30)); panel.add(group6); panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(40)); panel.add(group7); panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); panel.add(group8); panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); // Setup frame frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setJMenuBar(menus); frame.add(scrollPane); frame.add(BorderLayout.EAST, panel); frame.pack(); frame.setSize(new Dimension(670, 620)); frame.setVisible(true); }
ModiPanel(MemberPane mp, BusinessPane bp) { this.member_pane = mp; this.busi_pane = bp; setLayout(null); add(member_title); member_title.setBounds(20, 10, 80, 20); add(member_id); member_id.setBounds(20, 35, 80, 20); add(member_name); member_name.setBounds(20, 60, 80, 20); add(member_tele); member_tele.setBounds(20, 85, 80, 20); add(member_level); member_level.setBounds(20, 110, 80, 20); add(member_bal); member_bal.setBounds(20, 135, 80, 20); add(text_id); text_id.setBounds(100, 35, 180, 20); add(text_name); text_name.setBounds(100, 60, 180, 20); add(text_tele); text_tele.setBounds(100, 85, 180, 20); /*add(text_level); text_level.setBounds(100,90,180,20);*/ add(text_bal); text_bal.setBounds(100, 135, 180, 20); add(spinner_level); spinner_level.setBounds(100, 110, 180, 20); add(trans_title); trans_title.setBounds(20, 220, 80, 20); add(trans_member); trans_member.setBounds(20, 245, 80, 20); add(trans_money); trans_money.setBounds(20, 270, 80, 20); add(text_member); text_member.setBounds(100, 245, 180, 20); add(text_money); text_money.setBounds(100, 270, 180, 20); add(button_add); button_add.setBounds(100, 165, 100, 25); button_add.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { System.out.println("add"); mm.addMember( text_id.getText(), text_name.getText(), text_tele.getText(), spinner_level.getValue().toString(), text_bal.getText()); member_pane.update_table(); } catch (Exception ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( mainFrame, "Adding Failure!", "ERROR", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } // dialog_send.setVisible(false); } }); add(button_add_trans); button_add_trans.setBounds(100, 305, 100, 25); button_add_trans.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { System.out.println("add transaction"); Business busi = new Business( text_member.getText(), Float.valueOf(text_money.getText()).floatValue()); busi.addBusi(); busi_pane.update_table(); } catch (Exception ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( mainFrame, "Adding Failure!", "ERROR", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } // dialog_send.setVisible(false); } }); // set font; member_title.setFont(font_title); member_id.setFont(font); member_name.setFont(font); member_tele.setFont(font); member_level.setFont(font); member_bal.setFont(font); button_add.setFont(font); trans_title.setFont(font_title); trans_member.setFont(font); trans_money.setFont(font); button_add_trans.setFont(font); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { SpinnerNumberModel m = ((SpinnerNumberModel) daysnr.getModel()); int days = m.getNumber().intValue(); String location = ((JTextField) loc).getText(); java.util.List<PointOfInterest> points = parent.textFieldPoints(location); if (!points.isEmpty()) { double latitude = points.get(0).getLatlon().latitude.getDegrees(), longitude = points.get(0).getLatlon().longitude.getDegrees(); // we want only the firs two decimals latitude = ((double) ((long) (latitude * 100))) / 100; longitude = ((double) ((long) (latitude * 100))) / 100; String APIKey = "65ea00ff33143650113112"; String address = "http://free.worldweatheronline.com/feed/weather.ashx?" + "key=" + APIKey + "&num_of_days=" + days + "&q=" + latitude + "," + longitude + "&format=json&cc=no"; try { URL link = new URL(address); URLConnection yc = link.openConnection(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(yc.getInputStream())); Vector<WeatherElements> elem = new Vector<WeatherElements>(); String jsonFile = in.readLine(); int i1 = 0, i2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < days; i++) { i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"date\"", i2) + 9; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String date = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"precipMM\"", i2) + 13; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String rain = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"tempMaxC\"", i2) + 13; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String tempMax = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"tempMinC\"", i2) + 13; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String tempMin = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"value\"", i2) + 10; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String weatherStatus = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"value\"", i2) + 10; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String imgLink = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); imgLink = imgLink.replace("\\", ""); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"winddirDegree\"", i2) + 18; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String windDirDegree = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"winddirection\"", i2) + 18; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String windDir = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"windspeedKmph\"", i2) + 18; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String windSpeed = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; WeatherElements o = new WeatherElements( date, rain, tempMax, tempMin, weatherStatus, imgLink, windDirDegree, windDir, windSpeed); elem.add(o); } weatherIcon.setVisible(true); dateout.setText(elem.elementAt(0).date); weatherIcon.setText("<html><img src=\"" + elem.elementAt(0).imgLink + "\" /></html>"); weatherstatus.setText("<html><h1>" + elem.elementAt(0).weatherStatus + "</h1></html>"); temperature.setText( "<html>Temperatures:<br />Temp min: " + elem.elementAt(0).tempMin + "°C<br />Temp max: " + elem.elementAt(0).tempMax + "°C</html>"); rain.setText("Rain: " + elem.elementAt(0).rain + " mm"); wind.setText( "<html>Wind: <br />" + "<img src=\"http://www.worldweatheronline.com" + "/App_Themes/Default/images/wind/" + elem.elementAt(0).windDir + ".png\" /><br />" + "Wind speed: " + elem.elementAt(0).windSpeed + "Km/h<br />" + elem.elementAt(0).windDir + "(" + elem.elementAt(0).windDirDegree + "°)</html>"); buttons.removeAll(); pageNum.removeAll(); buttons.updateUI(); pageNum.updateUI(); JButton previous = new JButton("Previous"); previous.setEnabled(false); previous.setName("prev"); JButton next = new JButton("Next"); next.setName("next"); if (days == 1) { next.setEnabled(false); } JTextField current = new JTextField("1", 3); current.setEditable(false); JTextField maxNum = new JTextField("" + elem.size(), 3); maxNum.setEditable(false); pageNum.add(current); pageNum.add(maxNum); previous.addActionListener( new WeatherButtonsActionListener( previous, next, weatherIcon, dateout, weatherstatus, temperature, rain, wind, elem, current)); next.addActionListener( new WeatherButtonsActionListener( previous, next, weatherIcon, dateout, weatherstatus, temperature, rain, wind, elem, current)); buttons.add(next); buttons.add(previous); JButton genHTML = new JButton("Generate HTML"); genHTML.addActionListener(new genHTMLWeatherReport(parent, elem)); buttons.add(genHTML); } catch (Exception ex) { parent.standardDialogBox("Fetching data error", "Somethnig goes wrong with the connection"); } } else { parent.standardDialogBox("Incorrect input", "Input is incorrect!"); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == remoteAppletPath) {//apparently no events are fired to reach this, maybe "enter" does it String path = remoteAppletPath.getText(); WebExport.setAppletPath(path, true); return; } if (e.getSource() == localAppletPath) {//apparently no events are fired to reach this, maybe "enter" does it String path = localAppletPath.getText(); WebExport.setAppletPath(path, false); return; } //Handle open button action. if (e.getSource() == addInstanceButton) { //make dialog to get name for instance //create an instance with this name. Each instance is just a container for a string with the Jmol state //which contains the full information on the file that is loaded and manipulations done. String label = (instanceList.getSelectedIndices().length != 1 ? "" : getInstanceName(-1)); String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( GT._("Give the occurrence of Jmol a name:"), label); if (name == null) return; //need to get the script... String script = viewer.getStateInfo(); if (script == null) { LogPanel.log("Error trying to get Jmol State within pop_in_Jmol."); } DefaultListModel listModel = (DefaultListModel) instanceList.getModel(); int width = 300; int height = 300; if (appletSizeSpinnerH != null) { width = ((SpinnerNumberModel) (appletSizeSpinnerW.getModel())) .getNumber().intValue(); height = ((SpinnerNumberModel) (appletSizeSpinnerH.getModel())) .getNumber().intValue(); } JmolInstance instance = new JmolInstance(viewer, name, script, width, height); if (instance == null) { LogPanel .log(GT._("Error creating new instance containing script(s) and image.")); } int i; for (i = instanceList.getModel().getSize(); --i >= 0;) if (getInstanceName(i).equals(instance.name)) break; if (i < 0) { i = listModel.getSize(); listModel.addElement(instance); LogPanel.log(GT._("added Instance {0}", instance.name)); } else { listModel.setElementAt(instance, i); LogPanel.log(GT._("updated Instance {0}", instance.name)); } instanceList.setSelectedIndex(i); syncLists(); return; } if (e.getSource() == deleteInstanceButton) { DefaultListModel listModel = (DefaultListModel) instanceList.getModel(); //find out which are selected and remove them. int[] todelete = instanceList.getSelectedIndices(); int nDeleted = 0; for (int i = 0; i < todelete.length; i++){ JmolInstance instance = (JmolInstance) listModel.get(todelete[i]); try { instance.delete(); } catch (IOException err) { LogPanel.log(err.getMessage()); } listModel.remove(todelete[i] - nDeleted++); } syncLists(); return; } if (e.getSource() == showInstanceButton) { DefaultListModel listModel = (DefaultListModel) instanceList.getModel(); //find out which are selected and remove them. int[] list = instanceList.getSelectedIndices(); if (list.length != 1) return; JmolInstance instance = (JmolInstance) listModel.get(list[0]); viewer.evalStringQuiet(")" + instance.script); //leading paren disabled history return; } if (e.getSource() == saveButton) { fc.setDialogTitle(GT._("Select a directory to create or an HTML file to save")); int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(this); if (returnVal != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return; File file = fc.getSelectedFile(); boolean retVal = true; try { String path = remoteAppletPath.getText(); WebExport.setAppletPath(path, true); path = localAppletPath.getText(); WebExport.setAppletPath(path, false); String authorName = pageAuthorName.getText(); WebExport.setWebPageAuthor(authorName); retVal = fileWriter(file, instanceList); } catch (IOException IOe) { LogPanel.log(IOe.getMessage()); } if (!retVal) { LogPanel.log(GT._("Call to FileWriter unsuccessful.")); } } if (e.getSource() == helpButton){ HelpDialog webExportHelp = new HelpDialog(WebExport.getFrame(), WebExport.getHtmlResource(this, panelName + "_instructions")); webExportHelp.setVisible(true); webExportHelp.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } }
@Override protected String getEnabledValue() { return string(((Double) spinner.getValue()).doubleValue()); }
public NumberField(NumberOption option) { super(option); panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); this.step = option.getStep(); Double min = option.getMin(); Double max = option.getMax(); Double defl = new Double(option.getDefault()); // Normalize parameters if (min != null && defl.compareTo(min) < 0) { defl = min; } else if (max != null && defl.compareTo(max) > 0) { defl = max; } if (min != null) { sliderMin = (int) (min.doubleValue() / step); } else { sliderMin = SLIDER_DEFAULT_MIN; } if (max != null) { sliderMax = (int) (max.doubleValue() / step); } else { sliderMax = SLIDER_DEFAULT_MAX; } // Create spinner SpinnerNumberModel spinnerModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(defl, min, max, new Double(step)); spinner = new JSpinner(spinnerModel); ((JSpinner.DefaultEditor) spinner.getEditor()).getTextField().setColumns(FIELD_WIDTH); // Create slider slider = new JSlider(sliderMin, sliderMax, sliderIndex(defl)); slider.setPaintLabels(false); slider.setPaintTicks(false); slider.setSnapToTicks(false); // Add listeners. The spinner is the master and the slider is // the slave. spinner.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { int newIndex = sliderIndex((Double) spinner.getValue()); if (slider.getValue() != newIndex) { slider.setValue(newIndex); } fireChangeEvent(); } }); slider.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { int newIndex = slider.getValue(); if (newIndex != sliderIndex((Double) spinner.getValue())) { spinner.setValue(new Double(newIndex * step)); } } }); // Create enable checkbox configureEnableToggle( option.isInitiallyEnabled(), string(option.getDisabledValue()), Arrays.asList((JComponent) spinner, slider)); // Add to the panel panel.add(spinner); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.insets = new Insets(0, 8, 0, 0); c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; c.weightx = 1; panel.add(slider, c); }