/** It does return the original header definiton but without @input and @output in there */ public String getOriginalHeaderWithoutInOut() { String line = ""; Attribute[] attrs = null; // Getting the relation name and the attributes if (storeAttributesAsNonStatic && attributes != null) { line = "@relation " + attributes.getRelationName() + "\n"; attrs = attributes.getAttributes(); } else { line = "@relation " + Attributes.getRelationName() + "\n"; attrs = Attributes.getAttributes(); } for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { line += attrs[i].toString() + "\n"; } return line; } // end getOriginalHeaderWithoutInOut
/** * It does return a new header (not necessary the same header as the input file one). It only * includes the valid attributes, those ones defined in @inputs and @outputs (or taken as that * role following the keel format specification). * * @return a String with the new header */ public String getNewHeader() { String line = ""; Attribute[] attrs = null; // Getting the relation name and the attributes if (storeAttributesAsNonStatic && attributes != null) { line = "@relation " + attributes.getRelationName() + "\n"; attrs = attributes.getInputAttributes(); } else { line = "@relation " + Attributes.getRelationName() + "\n"; attrs = Attributes.getInputAttributes(); } for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { line += attrs[i].toString() + "\n"; } // Gettin all the outputs attributes if (storeAttributesAsNonStatic && attributes != null) { attrs = attributes.getOutputAttributes(); line += attrs[0].toString() + "\n"; // Getting @inputs and @outputs line += attributes.getInputHeader() + "\n"; line += attributes.getOutputHeader() + "\n"; } else { attrs = Attributes.getOutputAttributes(); line += attrs[0].toString() + "\n"; // Getting @inputs and @outputs line += Attributes.getInputHeader() + "\n"; line += Attributes.getOutputHeader() + "\n"; } return line; } // end getNewHeader