コード例 #1
  public Collection<IStoredJob> reallistStoredJobs(final IStoredJobsQuery iStoredJobsQuery)
      throws CentralDispatcherException {
    final HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    final String nameMatch = iStoredJobsQuery.getNameMatch();
    String groupMatch = iStoredJobsQuery.getGroupMatch();
    final String projectFilter = iStoredJobsQuery.getProjectFilter();
    final String idlistFilter = iStoredJobsQuery.getIdlist();

    if (null != nameMatch) {
      params.put("jobExactFilter", nameMatch);
    if (null != groupMatch) {
      final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^/*(.+?)/*$").matcher(groupMatch);
      if (matcher.matches()) {
        // strip leading and trailing slashes
        groupMatch = matcher.group(1);
      params.put("groupPathExact", groupMatch);
    if (null != projectFilter) {
      params.put("project", projectFilter);
    if (null != idlistFilter) {
      params.put("idlist", idlistFilter);

    // 2. send request via ServerService
    final WebserviceResponse response;
    try {
      response = serverService.makeRundeckRequest(RUNDECK_API_JOBS_LIST_PATH, params, null, null);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      throw new CentralDispatcherServerRequestException("Failed to make request", e);
    // extract job list
    final Document resultDoc = response.getResultDoc();
    final ArrayList<IStoredJob> list = new ArrayList<IStoredJob>();

    final Node jobs = resultDoc.selectSingleNode("/result/jobs");
    for (final Object job1 : jobs.selectNodes("job")) {
      final Node job = (Node) job1;
      final String id = job.selectSingleNode("@id").getStringValue();
      final String name = job.selectSingleNode("name").getStringValue();
      final String group = job.selectSingleNode("group").getStringValue();
      final String desc = job.selectSingleNode("description").getStringValue();
      final String url = createJobURL(id);
      list.add(StoredJobImpl.create(id, name, url, group, desc, projectFilter));

    return list;
コード例 #2
  public Collection<IStoredJob> listStoredJobs(
      final IStoredJobsQuery iStoredJobsQuery,
      final OutputStream output,
      final JobDefinitionFileFormat fformat)
      throws CentralDispatcherException {
    final HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    final String nameMatch = iStoredJobsQuery.getNameMatch();
    String groupMatch = iStoredJobsQuery.getGroupMatch();
    final String projectFilter = iStoredJobsQuery.getProjectFilter();
    final String idlistFilter = iStoredJobsQuery.getIdlist();

    final String expectedContentType;
    if (null != fformat) {
      params.put("format", fformat.getName());
      expectedContentType = fformat == JobDefinitionFileFormat.xml ? "text/xml" : "text/yaml";
    } else {
      params.put("format", JobDefinitionFileFormat.xml.getName());
      expectedContentType = "text/xml";
    if (null != nameMatch) {
      params.put("jobFilter", nameMatch);
    if (null != groupMatch) {
      final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^/*(.+?)/*$").matcher(groupMatch);
      if (matcher.matches()) {
        // strip leading and trailing slashes
        groupMatch = matcher.group(1);
      params.put("groupPath", groupMatch);
    if (null != projectFilter) {
      params.put("project", projectFilter);
    if (null != idlistFilter) {
      params.put("idlist", idlistFilter);

    // 2. send request via ServerService
    final WebserviceResponse response;
    try {
      response =
              RUNDECK_API_JOBS_EXPORT_PATH, params, null, null, expectedContentType);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      throw new CentralDispatcherServerRequestException("Failed to make request", e);
    // if xml, do local validation and listing
    if (null == fformat || fformat == JobDefinitionFileFormat.xml) {

      // parse result list of queued items, return the collection of QueuedItems

      final Document resultDoc = response.getResultDoc();

      final Node node = resultDoc.selectSingleNode("/joblist");
      final ArrayList<IStoredJob> list = new ArrayList<IStoredJob>();
      if (null == node) {
        return list;
      final List items = node.selectNodes("job");
      if (null != items && items.size() > 0) {
        for (final Object o : items) {
          final Node node1 = (Node) o;
          final Node uuid = node1.selectSingleNode("uuid");
          final Node id1 = node1.selectSingleNode("id");
          final String id = null != uuid ? uuid.getStringValue() : id1.getStringValue();
          final String name = node1.selectSingleNode("name").getStringValue();
          final String url = createJobURL(id);

          final Node gnode = node1.selectSingleNode("group");
          final String group = null != gnode ? gnode.getStringValue() : null;
          final String description = node1.selectSingleNode("description").getStringValue();
          list.add(StoredJobImpl.create(id, name, url, group, description, projectFilter));

      if (null != output) {
        // write output doc to the outputstream
        final OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
        try {
          final XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(output, format);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new CentralDispatcherServerRequestException(e);
      return list;
    } else if (fformat == JobDefinitionFileFormat.yaml) {
      // do rought yaml parse
      final Collection<Map> mapCollection = validateJobsResponseYAML(response);
      final ArrayList<IStoredJob> list = new ArrayList<IStoredJob>();

      if (null == mapCollection || mapCollection.size() < 1) {
        return list;
      for (final Map map : mapCollection) {
        final Object uuidobj = map.get("uuid");
        final Object idobj = map.get("id");
        final String id = null != uuidobj ? uuidobj.toString() : idobj.toString();
        final String name = (String) map.get("name");
        final String group = map.containsKey("group") ? (String) map.get("group") : null;
        final String desc = map.containsKey("description") ? (String) map.get("description") : "";
        final String url = createJobURL(id);
        list.add(StoredJobImpl.create(id, name, url, group, desc, projectFilter));

      if (null != output) {
        // write output doc to the outputstream
        try {
          final Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(output);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new CentralDispatcherServerRequestException(e);
      return list;
    return null;