コード例 #1
  * Defines a new option. By default, the option takes no arguments and has no description.
  * @param options The options values.
  * @return The option, which can be further configured.
 public CommandLineOption option(String... options) {
   for (String option : options) {
     if (optionsByString.containsKey(option)) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           String.format("Option '%s' is already defined.", option));
     if (option.startsWith("-")) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           String.format("Cannot add option '%s' as an option cannot start with '-'.", option));
   CommandLineOption option = new CommandLineOption(Arrays.asList(options));
   for (String optionStr : option.getOptions()) {
     optionsByString.put(optionStr, option);
   return option;
コード例 #2
   * Prints a usage message to the given stream.
   * @param out The output stream to write to.
  public void printUsage(Appendable out) {
    Formatter formatter = new Formatter(out);
    Set<CommandLineOption> orderedOptions = new TreeSet<CommandLineOption>(new OptionComparator());
    Map<String, String> lines = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    for (CommandLineOption option : orderedOptions) {
      Set<String> orderedOptionStrings = new TreeSet<String>(new OptionStringComparator());
      List<String> prefixedStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
      for (String optionString : orderedOptionStrings) {
        if (optionString.length() == 1) {
          prefixedStrings.add("-" + optionString);
        } else {
          prefixedStrings.add("--" + optionString);

      String key = join(prefixedStrings, ", ");
      String value = option.getDescription();
      if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
        value = "";

      lines.put(key, value);
    int max = 0;
    for (String optionStr : lines.keySet()) {
      max = Math.max(max, optionStr.length());
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : lines.entrySet()) {
      if (entry.getValue().length() == 0) {
        formatter.format("%s%n", entry.getKey());
      } else {
        formatter.format("%-" + max + "s  %s%n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
コード例 #3
 public int compare(CommandLineOption option1, CommandLineOption option2) {
   String min1 = Collections.min(option1.getOptions(), new OptionStringComparator());
   String min2 = Collections.min(option2.getOptions(), new OptionStringComparator());
   return new CaseInsensitiveStringComparator().compare(min1, min2);