コード例 #1
  /** Remove artifacts that are no longer produced when compiling! */
  public void removeSuperfluousArtifacts(Set<String> recentlyCompiled) {
    // Nothing to do, if nothing was recompiled.
    if (recentlyCompiled.size() == 0) return;

    for (String pkg : now.packages().keySet()) {
      // If this package has not been recompiled, skip the check.
      if (!recentlyCompiled.contains(pkg)) continue;
      Collection<File> arts = now.artifacts().values();
      for (File f : fetchPrevArtifacts(pkg).values()) {
        if (!arts.contains(f)) {
          Log.debug("Removing " + f.getPath() + " since it is now superfluous!");
          if (f.exists()) f.delete();