public void changeLAF(int iLAFIndex) { try { // Change LAF if (iLAFIndex >= marrLaf.length) iLAFIndex = marrLaf.length - 1; UIManager.setLookAndFeel( (LookAndFeel) Class.forName(marrLaf[iLAFIndex].getClassName()).newInstance()); // Update UI ((JMenuItem) mvtLAFItem.elementAt(iLAFIndex)).setSelected(true); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(mnuMain); WindowManager.updateLookAndField(); // Store config try { Hashtable prt = Global.loadHashtable(Global.FILE_CONFIG); prt.put("LAF", String.valueOf(iLAFIndex)); Global.storeHashtable(prt, Global.FILE_CONFIG); } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); MessageBox.showMessageDialog(this, e, Global.APP_NAME, MessageBox.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }
public void unregisterKeyStroke(KeyStroke ks, JComponent c) { // component may have already been removed from the hierarchy, we // need to look up the container using the componentKeyStrokeMap. ComponentKeyStrokePair ckp = new ComponentKeyStrokePair(c, ks); Container topContainer = componentKeyStrokeMap.get(ckp); if (topContainer == null) { // never heard of this pairing, so bail return; } Hashtable keyMap = containerMap.get(topContainer); if (keyMap == null) { // this should never happen, but I'm being safe Thread.dumpStack(); return; } Object tmp = keyMap.get(ks); if (tmp == null) { // this should never happen, but I'm being safe Thread.dumpStack(); return; } if (tmp instanceof JComponent && tmp == c) { keyMap.remove(ks); // remove the KeyStroke from the Map // System.out.println("removed a stroke" + ks); } else if (tmp instanceof Vector) { // this means there is more than one component reg for this key Vector v = (Vector) tmp; v.removeElement(c); if (v.isEmpty()) { keyMap.remove(ks); // remove the KeyStroke from the Map // System.out.println("removed a ks vector"); } } if (keyMap.isEmpty()) { // if no more bindings in this table containerMap.remove(topContainer); // remove table to enable GC // System.out.println("removed a container"); } componentKeyStrokeMap.remove(ckp); // Check for EmbeddedFrame case, they know how to process accelerators even // when focus is not in Java if (topContainer instanceof EmbeddedFrame) { ((EmbeddedFrame) topContainer).unregisterAccelerator(ks); } }
/** * Called to initialize the outline by setting the top level bookmark. * * @param bookmark top level bookmark. */ public void setFirstBookmark(final Bookmark bookmark) { final Vector activeVector = getActiveVector(); synchronized (activeVector) { final Hashtable parentMap = getParentMap(); parentMap.clear(); final Vector pagenoVector = getPagenoVector(); pagenoVector.setSize(0); getDepthMap().clear(); mapChildren(bookmark, parentMap, pagenoVector, new Integer(0)); activeVector.setSize(0); activeVector.addElement(bookmark); setCheckedItem(0, true); } }
public void removeUser(String strChannel) { Vector vtData = tblUser.getFilteredData(); for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < vtData.size(); iIndex++) { Vector vtRow = (Vector) vtData.elementAt(iIndex); if (vtRow.elementAt(0).equals(strChannel)) tblUser.deleteRow(iIndex); } }
/** * Called to create a map the parent of each bookmark. * * @param parent top level bookmark. * @param parentMap map to add children to. * @param pagenoVector vector of page numbers. * @param depth object indicating bookmark depth. */ protected void mapChildren( final Bookmark parent, final Hashtable parentMap, final Vector pagenoVector, final Number depth) { getDepthMap().put(parent, depth); final int pageno = parent.getPageno(); if (pageno >= 0) { while (pageno >= pagenoVector.size()) { pagenoVector.addElement(null); } pagenoVector.setElementAt(parent, pageno); } final Enumeration e = parent.elements(); if (e.hasMoreElements()) { final Number childDepth = new Integer(depth.intValue() + 1); do { final Bookmark child = (Bookmark) e.nextElement(); parentMap.put(child, parent); mapChildren(child, parentMap, pagenoVector, childDepth); } while (e.hasMoreElements()); } }
public void changeDictionary(String strLanguage) { // Change dictionary MonitorDictionary.setCurrentLanguage(strLanguage); DefaultDictionary.setCurrentLanguage(strLanguage); ErrorDictionary.setCurrentLanguage(strLanguage); // Update UI updateLanguage(); WindowManager.updateLanguage(); int iIndex = mvtLanguage.indexOf(strLanguage); if (iIndex >= 0) { JRadioButtonMenuItem mnu = (JRadioButtonMenuItem) mvtLanguageItem.elementAt(iIndex); mnu.setSelected(true); } // Store config Hashtable prt = null; try { prt = Global.loadHashtable(Global.FILE_CONFIG); } catch (Exception e) { prt = new Hashtable(); } prt.put("Language", strLanguage); try { Global.storeHashtable(prt, Global.FILE_CONFIG); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public Object clone() { FigForkState figClone = (FigForkState) super.clone(); Vector v = figClone.getFigs(); figClone._bigPort = (FigRect) v.elementAt(0); figClone._head = (FigRect) v.elementAt(1); return figClone; }
@Override public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == colors && !locked) { TreeSelectionModel tsm = colors.getSelectionModel(); TreePath tp[] = tsm.getSelectionPaths(); if (tp == null) return; Vector<ClassedItem> tmp = new Vector<ClassedItem>(); for (TreePath element : tp) { try { Object[] path = element.getPath(); ClassedItem ci = new ClassedItem(path[1].toString(), path[2].toString()); tmp.add(ci); } catch (Exception exp) { // User did not select a leafnode } } if (sceneElement instanceof NenyaImageSceneElement) { ((NenyaImageSceneElement) sceneElement).setColorList(tmp.toArray(new ClassedItem[0])); } if (sceneElement instanceof NenyaTileSceneElement) { ((NenyaTileSceneElement) sceneElement).setColorList(tmp.toArray(new ClassedItem[0])); } if (sceneElement instanceof NenyaComponentSceneElement) { ((NenyaComponentSceneElement) sceneElement) .getComponents()[itemList.getSelectedIndex()].setColorList( tmp.toArray(new ClassedItem[0])); } submitElement(sceneElement, null); } else { super.valueChanged(e); } }
/** * Get the specified bookmark. * * @param item the row number of the bookmark to retrieve. * @return the specified bookmark. */ public Bookmark getBookmark(final int item) { final Vector activeVector = getActiveVector(); synchronized (activeVector) { return (Bookmark) ((item < activeVector.size()) ? activeVector.elementAt(item) : null); } }
public Object clone() { FigUseCase figClone = (FigUseCase) super.clone(); Vector v = figClone.getFigs(); figClone._bigPort = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(0); figClone._cover = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(1); figClone._name = (FigText) v.elementAt(2); return figClone; }
public Object clone() { FigShallowHistoryState figClone = (FigShallowHistoryState) super.clone(); Vector v = figClone.getFigs(); figClone._bigPort = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(0); figClone._head = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(1); figClone._name = (FigText) v.elementAt(2); return figClone; }
// ------------------------------------------- public static String toSpaceSeparatedString(Vector v) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(30); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { Object o = v.elementAt(i); sb.append(" " + o); // NOI18N } return new String(sb); }
/** * Set the checked property of the specified bookmark. * * @param item the row number of the bookmark to check or uncheck. * @param checked true if checked. */ public void setCheckedItem(final int item, final boolean checked) { final Vector activeVector = getActiveVector(); synchronized (activeVector) { if (item < activeVector.size()) { setCheckedItem(item, checked, activeVector); } } }
@Override public void adoptElement(SceneElement elem) { if (!(elem instanceof NenyaImageSceneElement || elem instanceof NenyaTileSceneElement || elem instanceof NenyaComponentSceneElement)) { enableEditor(false); return; } DefaultComboBoxModel dcm = (DefaultComboBoxModel) itemList.getModel(); // Important: Work on a copy, not on the original. Otherwise we mess up the undomanager sceneElement = elem.copy(); if ((sceneElement instanceof NenyaImageSceneElement) && !locked) { dcm.removeAllElements(); String[] tmp = ((NenyaImageSceneElement) sceneElement).getPath(); dcm.addElement(tmp[tmp.length - 1]); } if ((sceneElement instanceof NenyaTileSceneElement) && !locked) { dcm.removeAllElements(); dcm.addElement(((NenyaTileSceneElement) sceneElement).getTileName()); } if ((sceneElement instanceof NenyaComponentSceneElement) && !locked) { dcm.removeAllElements(); NenyaComponentItem[] ni = ((NenyaComponentSceneElement) sceneElement).getComponents(); for (NenyaComponentItem element : ni) { dcm.addElement(element); } } try { ClassedItem[] cols = null; if (elem instanceof NenyaTileSceneElement) cols = ((NenyaTileSceneElement) elem).getColorList(); if (elem instanceof NenyaImageSceneElement) cols = ((NenyaImageSceneElement) elem).getColorList(); if (elem instanceof NenyaComponentSceneElement) { NenyaComponentItem nci = (NenyaComponentItem) dcm.getSelectedItem(); cols = nci.getColorList(); } Vector<TreePath> collect = new Vector<TreePath>(); TreeNode root = (TreeNode) colors.getModel().getRoot(); for (ClassedItem col : cols) { String[] tmp = {root.toString(), col.getClassName(), col.getItemName()}; collect.add(TreeUtil.findPath(root, tmp)); } TreePath[] path = collect.toArray(new TreePath[0]); colors.getSelectionModel().setSelectionPaths(path); } catch (Exception e) { // Either the tree is filtered away or the selected item is not colorized. } enableEditor(true); itemList.setEnabled(elem instanceof NenyaComponentSceneElement); }
public void addUser( String strChannel, String strUserName, String strConnectDate, String strHost) { if (strChannel.equals(mstrChannel)) return; removeUser(strChannel); Vector vtData = new Vector(); vtData.addElement(strChannel); vtData.addElement(strUserName); vtData.addElement(strConnectDate); vtData.addElement(strHost); tblUser.addRow(vtData); }
public Vector rowObjectsFor(Object t) { if (!(t instanceof UMLDeploymentDiagram)) return new Vector(); UMLDeploymentDiagram d = (UMLDeploymentDiagram) t; Vector edges = d.getEdges(); Vector res = new Vector(); int size = edges.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Object edge = edges.elementAt(i); if (edge instanceof MDependencyImpl) res.addElement(edge); } return res; }
public void setNode(Vector figures) { int size = figures.size(); if (figures != null && (size > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Object o = figures.elementAt(i); if (o instanceof FigComponentInstance) { FigComponentInstance figcomp = (FigComponentInstance) o; figcomp.setEnclosingFig(this); } } } }
private static void appendHTML(JEditorPane editor, String html) { try { html = StringUtil.replaceAll(html, "\t", " "); html = StringUtil.replaceAll(html, "\r\n", "\n"); html = StringUtil.replaceAll(html, "\r", ""); Vector vt = StringUtil.toStringVector(html, "\n"); HTMLEditorKit kit = (HTMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit(); HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < vt.size(); iIndex++) kit.insertHTML(doc, doc.getLength(), (String) vt.elementAt(iIndex), 0, 0, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Called to check any bookmarks linked to the specified page number. * * @param pageno specifies page number. */ public void setCheckedPage(final int pageno) { final Vector activeVector = getActiveVector(); synchronized (activeVector) { final Vector pagenoVector = getPagenoVector(); if (pageno < pagenoVector.size()) { final Object bookmark = pagenoVector.elementAt(pageno); if (bookmark != null) { setCheckedBookmark((Bookmark) bookmark, activeVector); } } } }
private void updateTabBar(Vector vtThread) { pnlThread.removeAll(); for (int iThreadIndex = 0; iThreadIndex < vtThread.size(); iThreadIndex++) { try { Vector vtThreadInfo = (Vector) vtThread.elementAt(iThreadIndex); PanelThreadMonitor mntTemp = new PanelThreadMonitor(channel); String strThreadID = (String) vtThreadInfo.elementAt(0); String strThreadName = (String) vtThreadInfo.elementAt(1); int iThreadStatus = Integer.parseInt((String) vtThreadInfo.elementAt(2)); mntTemp.setThreadID(strThreadID); mntTemp.setThreadName(strThreadName); mntTemp.setThreadStatus(iThreadStatus); showResult(mntTemp.txtMonitor, (String) vtThreadInfo.elementAt(3)); mntTemp.addPropertyChangeListener(this); pnlThread.add(strThreadName, mntTemp); mntTemp.updateStatus(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); MessageBox.showMessageDialog(this, e, Global.APP_NAME, MessageBox.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } Skin.applySkin(this); }
/** * Query if the specified bookmark is checked. * * @param item row number of the bookmark to query. * @return true if the specified bookmark is checked. */ public boolean isCheckedItem(final int item) { boolean retval = false; final Vector activeVector = getActiveVector(); synchronized (activeVector) { if ((item + 1) < activeVector.size()) { final Bookmark bookmark = getBookmark(item); if (bookmark.size() > 0) { final Bookmark next = getBookmark(item + 1); final Bookmark child = (Bookmark) bookmark.elementAt(0); retval = (next == child); } } } return retval; }
public void unregisterMenuBar(JMenuBar mb) { Container topContainer = getTopAncestor(mb); if (topContainer == null) { return; } Hashtable keyMap = containerMap.get(topContainer); if (keyMap != null) { Vector v = (Vector) keyMap.get(JMenuBar.class); if (v != null) { v.removeElement(mb); if (v.isEmpty()) { keyMap.remove(JMenuBar.class); if (keyMap.isEmpty()) { // remove table to enable GC containerMap.remove(topContainer); } } } } }
/** * Set the checked value of the specified bookmark. * * @param bookmark to check. * @param activeVector of active bookmarks. * @return the row number of the bookmark. */ protected int setCheckedBookmark(final Bookmark bookmark, final Vector activeVector) { final Bookmark parent = (Bookmark) (getParentMap().get(bookmark)); int item = 0; if (parent != null) { item = setCheckedBookmark(parent, activeVector); } while (item < activeVector.size()) { final Bookmark current = (Bookmark) activeVector.elementAt(item++); if (current == bookmark) { setCheckedItem(item - 1, true, activeVector); break; } } return item; }
public Object clone() { FigActor figClone = (FigActor) super.clone(); Vector v = figClone.getFigs(); figClone._bigPort = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(0); figClone._head = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(1); figClone._body = (FigLine) v.elementAt(2); figClone._arms = (FigLine) v.elementAt(3); figClone._leftLeg = (FigLine) v.elementAt(4); figClone._rightLeg = (FigLine) v.elementAt(5); figClone._name = (FigText) v.elementAt(6); return figClone; }
/** * decide which cursor to use (based on text string) * * @param highlighterName */ public void setCurrentHighlighter(String highlighterName) { SWTPlotHighlighter newCursor = null; for (Iterator<SWTPlotHighlighter> thisHighlighter = _myHighlighterList.iterator(); thisHighlighter.hasNext(); ) { SWTPlotHighlighter thisP = (SWTPlotHighlighter); if (thisP.getName().equals(highlighterName)) { newCursor = thisP; break; } } // cool. did we find one? if (newCursor != null) setCurrentHighlighter(newCursor); }
public void registerMenuBar(JMenuBar mb) { Container top = getTopAncestor(mb); if (top == null) { return; } Hashtable keyMap = containerMap.get(top); if (keyMap == null) { // lazy evaluate one keyMap = registerNewTopContainer(top); } // use the menubar class as the key Vector menuBars = (Vector) keyMap.get(JMenuBar.class); if (menuBars == null) { // if we don't have a list of menubars, // then make one. menuBars = new Vector(); keyMap.put(JMenuBar.class, menuBars); } if (!menuBars.contains(mb)) { menuBars.addElement(mb); } }
/** * decide which cursor to use (based on text string) * * @param cursorName */ public void setCurrentPainter(String cursorName) { TemporalLayerPainter newCursor = null; for (Iterator<TemporalLayerPainter> thisPainter = _myPainterList.iterator(); thisPainter.hasNext(); ) { TemporalLayerPainter thisP = (TemporalLayerPainter); if (thisP.getName().equals(cursorName)) { newCursor = thisP; break; } } // cool. did we find one? if (newCursor != null) setCurrentPainter(newCursor); }
/** * Check bookmark at the specified row number. * * @param item row number. * @param checked true if checked. * @param activeVector vector of active bookmarks. */ protected void setCheckedItem(final int item, final boolean checked, final Vector activeVector) { final Bookmark bookmark = getBookmark(item); if (bookmark.size() > 0) { final Enumeration e = bookmark.elements(); int i = item + 1; if (e.hasMoreElements()) { if (checked) { do { final Bookmark child = (Bookmark) e.nextElement(); final Bookmark next = getBookmark(i); if (next == child) { break; } activeVector.insertElementAt(child, i++); } while (e.hasMoreElements()); } else { do { final Bookmark child = (Bookmark) e.nextElement(); final Bookmark next = getBookmark(i); if (next != child) { break; } setCheckedItem(i, false); activeVector.removeElementAt(i); } while (e.hasMoreElements()); } } repaint(20L); } }
/** * constructor - to collate the list * * @param dataProvider */ public LayerPainterManager(TrackDataProvider dataProvider) { super(dataProvider); // and now build the painters _myPainterList = new Vector<TemporalLayerPainter>(0, 1); _myPainterList.add(new PlainHighlighter()); _myPainterList.add(new SnailHighlighter(dataProvider)); setCurrentPainter((TemporalLayerPainter) _myPainterList.firstElement()); // and the plot highlighters _myHighlighterList = new Vector<SWTPlotHighlighter>(0, 1); _myHighlighterList.add(new SWTPlotHighlighter.RectangleHighlight()); _myHighlighterList.add(new SWTSymbolHighlighter()); _myHighlighterList.add(new SWTRangeHighlighter()); _myHighlighterList.add(new NullHighlighter()); // and sort out the defaults _currentPainter = _myPainterList.firstElement(); _currentHighlighter = _myHighlighterList.firstElement(); }
public Object clone() { FigComponentInstance figClone = (FigComponentInstance) super.clone(); Vector v = figClone.getFigs(); figClone._bigPort = (FigRect) v.elementAt(0); figClone._cover = (FigRect) v.elementAt(1); figClone._stereo = (FigText) v.elementAt(2); figClone._name = (FigText) v.elementAt(3); figClone._upperRect = (FigRect) v.elementAt(4); figClone._lowerRect = (FigRect) v.elementAt(5); return figClone; }