public synchronized void appendItemToQueue(final FrostDownloadItem item) { final String id = item.getGqIdentifier(); directGETsInProgress.add(id); queue.addLast(item); notifyAll(); // notify all waiters (if any) of new record }
public boolean startDownload(final FrostDownloadItem dlItem) { if (dlItem == null || dlItem.getState() != FrostDownloadItem.STATE_WAITING) { return false; } dlItem.setDownloadStartedTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); dlItem.setState(FrostDownloadItem.STATE_PROGRESS); final String gqid = dlItem.getGqIdentifier(); final File targetFile = new File(dlItem.getDownloadFilename()); boolean isDda = fcpTools.startPersistentGet(dlItem.getKey(), gqid, targetFile, dlItem.getPriority()); dlItem.setDirect(!isDda); return true; }
/** Must be called after the upload and download model is initialized! */ public PersistenceManager(final UploadModel um, final DownloadModel dm) throws Throwable { showExternalItemsDownload = Core.frostSettings.getBoolValue(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_DOWNLOAD); showExternalItemsUpload = Core.frostSettings.getBoolValue(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_UPLOAD); if (FcpHandler.inst().getFreenetNode() == null) { throw new Exception("No freenet nodes defined"); } final NodeAddress na = FcpHandler.inst().getFreenetNode(); fcpConn = FcpListenThreadConnection.createInstance(na); fcpTools = new FcpMultiRequestConnectionFileTransferTools(fcpConn); Core.frostSettings.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_DOWNLOAD)) { showExternalItemsDownload = Core.frostSettings.getBoolValue(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_DOWNLOAD); if (showExternalItemsDownload) { // get external items showExternalDownloadItems(); } } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_UPLOAD)) { showExternalItemsUpload = Core.frostSettings.getBoolValue(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_UPLOAD); if (showExternalItemsUpload) { // get external items showExternalUploadItems(); } } } }); uploadModel = um; downloadModel = dm; // initially get all items from model for (int x = 0; x < uploadModel.getItemCount(); x++) { final FrostUploadItem ul = (FrostUploadItem) uploadModel.getItemAt(x); if (ul.getGqIdentifier() != null) { uploadModelItems.put(ul.getGqIdentifier(), ul); } } for (int x = 0; x < downloadModel.getItemCount(); x++) { final FrostDownloadItem ul = (FrostDownloadItem) downloadModel.getItemAt(x); if (ul.getGqIdentifier() != null) { downloadModelItems.put(ul.getGqIdentifier(), ul); } } // enqueue listeners to keep updated about the model items uploadModel.addOrderedModelListener( new SortedModelListener<FrostUploadItem>() { public void modelCleared() { for (final FrostUploadItem ul : uploadModelItems.values()) { if (ul.isExternal() == false) { fcpTools.removeRequest(ul.getGqIdentifier()); } } uploadModelItems.clear(); } public void itemAdded(final int position, final FrostUploadItem item) { uploadModelItems.put(item.getGqIdentifier(), item); if (!item.isExternal()) { // maybe start immediately startNewUploads(); } } public void itemChanged(final int position, final FrostUploadItem item) {} public void itemsRemoved(final int[] positions, final List<FrostUploadItem> items) { for (final FrostUploadItem item : items) { uploadModelItems.remove(item.getGqIdentifier()); if (item.isExternal() == false) { fcpTools.removeRequest(item.getGqIdentifier()); } } } }); downloadModel.addOrderedModelListener( new SortedModelListener<FrostDownloadItem>() { public void modelCleared() { for (final FrostDownloadItem ul : downloadModelItems.values()) { if (ul.isExternal() == false) { fcpTools.removeRequest(ul.getGqIdentifier()); } } downloadModelItems.clear(); } public void itemAdded(final int position, final FrostDownloadItem item) { downloadModelItems.put(item.getGqIdentifier(), item); if (!item.isExternal()) { // maybe start immediately startNewDownloads(); } } public void itemChanged(final int position, final FrostDownloadItem item) {} public void itemsRemoved(final int[] positions, final List<FrostDownloadItem> items) { for (final FrostDownloadItem item : items) { downloadModelItems.remove(item.getGqIdentifier()); if (item.isExternal() == false) { fcpTools.removeRequest(item.getGqIdentifier()); } } } }); directTransferQueue = new DirectTransferQueue(); directTransferThread = new DirectTransferThread(); persistentQueue = new FcpPersistentQueue(fcpTools, this); }
@Override public void run() { final int maxAllowedExceptions = 5; int catchedExceptions = 0; while (true) { try { // if there is no work in queue this call waits for a new queue item final ModelItem<?> item = directTransferQueue.getItemFromQueue(); if (item == null) { // paranoia, should never happen Mixed.wait(5 * 1000); continue; } if (item instanceof FrostUploadItem) { // transfer bytes to node final FrostUploadItem ulItem = (FrostUploadItem) item; // FIXME: provide item, state=Transfer to node, % shows progress final String gqid = ulItem.getGqIdentifier(); final boolean doMime; final boolean setTargetFileName; if (ulItem.isSharedFile()) { doMime = false; setTargetFileName = false; } else { doMime = true; setTargetFileName = true; } final NodeMessage answer = fcpTools.startDirectPersistentPut( gqid, ulItem.getFile(), ulItem.getFileName(), doMime, setTargetFileName, ulItem.getCompress(), ulItem.getFreenetCompatibilityMode(), ulItem.getPriority()); if (answer == null) { final String desc = "Could not open a new FCP2 socket for direct put!"; final FcpResultPut result = new FcpResultPut(FcpResultPut.Error, -1, desc, false); FileTransferManager.inst().getUploadManager().notifyUploadFinished(ulItem, result); logger.severe(desc); } else { // wait for an answer, don't start request again directPUTsWithoutAnswer.add(gqid); } directPUTsInProgress.remove(gqid); } else if (item instanceof FrostDownloadItem) { // transfer bytes from node final FrostDownloadItem dlItem = (FrostDownloadItem) item; // FIXME: provide item, state=Transfer from node, % shows progress final String gqid = dlItem.getGqIdentifier(); final File targetFile = new File(dlItem.getDownloadFilename()); final boolean retryNow; NodeMessage answer = null; try { answer = fcpTools.startDirectPersistentGet(gqid, targetFile); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { final String msg = "Could not write to " + dlItem.getDownloadFilename() + ": " + e.getMessage(); System.out.println(msg); logger.severe(msg); } if (answer != null) { final FcpResultGet result = new FcpResultGet(true); FileTransferManager.inst() .getDownloadManager() .notifyDownloadFinished(dlItem, result, targetFile); retryNow = false; } else { logger.severe("Could not open a new fcp socket for direct get!"); final FcpResultGet result = new FcpResultGet(false); retryNow = FileTransferManager.inst() .getDownloadManager() .notifyDownloadFinished(dlItem, result, targetFile); } directGETsInProgress.remove(gqid); if (retryNow) { startDownload(dlItem); } } } catch (final Throwable t) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception catched", t); catchedExceptions++; } if (catchedExceptions > maxAllowedExceptions) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Stopping DirectTransferThread because of too much exceptions"); break; } } }
public boolean isDirectTransferInProgress(final FrostDownloadItem dlItem) { final String id = dlItem.getGqIdentifier(); return directGETsInProgress.contains(id); }
/** * @param dlItem items whose global identifier is to check * @return true if this item is currently in the global queue, no matter in what state */ public boolean isItemInGlobalQueue(final FrostDownloadItem dlItem) { return persistentQueue.isIdInGlobalQueue(dlItem.getGqIdentifier()); }