private void adjustWindowSize(ContainerWrapper paramContainerWrapper) { BoundSize localBoundSize1 =; BoundSize localBoundSize2 =; if ((localBoundSize1 == null) && (localBoundSize2 == null)) return; Window localWindow = (Window) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass( Window.class, (Component) paramContainerWrapper.getComponent()); if (localWindow == null) return; Dimension localDimension = localWindow.getPreferredSize(); int i = constrain( checkParent(localWindow), localWindow.getWidth(), localDimension.width, localBoundSize1); int j = constrain( checkParent(localWindow), localWindow.getHeight(), localDimension.height, localBoundSize2); int k = Math.round( localWindow.getX() - (i - localWindow.getWidth()) * (1.0F -; int m = Math.round( localWindow.getY() - (j - localWindow.getHeight()) * (1.0F -; localWindow.setBounds(k, m, i, j); }
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { Point newPos = e.getPoint(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(newPos, SizeGrip.this); int xDelta = newPos.x - origPos.x; int yDelta = newPos.y - origPos.y; Window wind = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(SizeGrip.this); if (wind != null) { // Should always be true if (getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight()) { int w = wind.getWidth(); if (newPos.x >= wind.getX()) { w += xDelta; } int h = wind.getHeight(); if (newPos.y >= wind.getY()) { h += yDelta; } wind.setSize(w, h); } else { // RTL int newW = Math.max(1, wind.getWidth() - xDelta); int newH = Math.max(1, wind.getHeight() + yDelta); wind.setBounds(newPos.x, wind.getY(), newW, newH); } // invalidate()/validate() needed pre-1.6. wind.invalidate(); wind.validate(); } origPos.setLocation(newPos); }
/** * Keskitä ikkuna toiseen nähden. * * @param child Keskitettävä ikkuna. * @param parent Ikkuna, jonka suhteen keskitetään. */ public static void centerChild(Window child, Window parent) { Point parentCorner = parent.getLocation(); double x = parentCorner.getX(); double y = parentCorner.getY(); x += (parent.getWidth() - child.getWidth()) / 2; y += (parent.getHeight() - child.getHeight()) / 2; Point newLocation = new Point((int) x, (int) y); child.setLocation(newLocation); }
public static void main(final String[] args) throws AWTException { final boolean dump = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[0]); final Window w = new Frame() { @Override public void list(final PrintStream out, final int indent) { super.list(out, indent); dumped = true; } }; w.setSize(200, 200); w.setLocationRelativeTo(null); w.setVisible(true); final Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(true); robot.mouseMove(w.getX() + w.getWidth() / 2, w.getY() + w.getHeight() / 2); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_F1); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_F1); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); w.dispose(); if (dumped != dump) { throw new RuntimeException("Exp:" + dump + ", actual:" + dumped); } }
// get width of window public int getWidth() { Window w = vc.getFullScreenWindow(); if (w != null) { return w.getWidth(); } else { return 0; } }
public static void centerWindow(Window window) { Preconditions.checkArgument(window != null); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int x = ((int) screenSize.getWidth() - window.getWidth()) >> 1; int y = ((int) screenSize.getHeight() - window.getHeight()) >> 1; window.setLocation(x, y); }
private void setPositionRelativeToParent() { int width = myParent.getWidth(); myWindow.setBounds( width / 2 - myController.SHEET_NC_WIDTH / 2 + myParent.getLocation().x, myParent.getInsets().top + myParent.getLocation().y, myController.SHEET_NC_WIDTH, myController.SHEET_NC_HEIGHT); }
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent ev) { JRootPane rootPane = getRootPane(); if (rootPane.getWindowDecorationStyle() == JRootPane.NONE) { return; } Point dragWindowOffset = ev.getPoint(); Window w = (Window) ev.getSource(); if (w != null) { w.toFront(); } Point convertedDragWindowOffset = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(w, dragWindowOffset, getTitlePane()); Frame f = null; Dialog d = null; if (w instanceof Frame) { f = (Frame) w; } else if (w instanceof Dialog) { d = (Dialog) w; } int frameState = (f != null) ? f.getExtendedState() : 0; if (getTitlePane() != null && getTitlePane().contains(convertedDragWindowOffset)) { if ((f != null && ((frameState & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) == 0) || (d != null)) && dragWindowOffset.y >= BORDER_DRAG_THICKNESS && dragWindowOffset.x >= BORDER_DRAG_THICKNESS && dragWindowOffset.x < w.getWidth() - BORDER_DRAG_THICKNESS) { isMovingWindow = true; dragOffsetX = dragWindowOffset.x; dragOffsetY = dragWindowOffset.y; } } else if (f != null && f.isResizable() && ((frameState & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) == 0) || (d != null && d.isResizable())) { dragOffsetX = dragWindowOffset.x; dragOffsetY = dragWindowOffset.y; dragWidth = w.getWidth(); dragHeight = w.getHeight(); dragCursor = getCursor(calculateCorner(w, dragWindowOffset.x, dragWindowOffset.y)); } }
/** * Returns the corner that contains the point <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, or -1 if the * position doesn't match a corner. */ private int calculateCorner(Window w, int x, int y) { Insets insets = w.getInsets(); int xPosition = calculatePosition(x - insets.left, w.getWidth() - insets.left - insets.right); int yPosition = calculatePosition(y -, w.getHeight() - - insets.bottom); if (xPosition == -1 || yPosition == -1) { return -1; } return yPosition * 5 + xPosition; }
// recenter the mouse using the robot public synchronized void recenterMouse() { Window w = s.getFullScreenWindow(); if (robot != null && w.isShowing()) { center.x = w.getWidth() / 2; center.y = w.getHeight() / 2; SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(center, w); centering = true; robot.mouseMove(center.x, center.y); } }
public D80ReportView(Window parent, Study study) { super(parent, "Summary of Efficacy Table"); setModal(false); d_study = study; setMinimumSize(new Dimension(parent.getWidth() / 4 * 3, parent.getHeight() / 4 * 3)); // setResizable(false); setLocationRelativeTo(parent); d_d80Report = D80TableGenerator.getHtml(d_study); buildPanel(); }
public static void locateCenter(Window pWin) { Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension d = tk.getScreenSize(); int screenHeight = d.height; int screenWidth = d.width; int curHeight = pWin.getHeight(); int curWidth = pWin.getWidth(); pWin.setLocation((screenWidth - curWidth) / 2, (screenHeight - curHeight) / 2); }
private void updateWindow(boolean repaint) { Window w = (Window) target; synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (isOpaque || !w.isVisible() || (w.getWidth() <= 0) || (w.getHeight() <= 0)) { return; } TranslucentWindowPainter currentPainter = painter; if (currentPainter != null) { currentPainter.updateWindow(repaint); } else if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { log.finer("Translucent window painter is null in updateWindow"); } } }
/** * A very basic dialogue creator. This allows for greater customization like setting modality. * * @param owner The owner * @param minSize The minimum size * @param title The title * @param message The message to display * @param option The options - i.e. the buttons added defined by {@link JDialog} option types. * Currently only {@link JOptionPane#OK_OPTION} is supported. * @param icon The icon to display * @param modalityType The modality type @see ModalityType */ private void showDialouge( Window owner, Dimension minSize, String title, String message, int option, Icon icon, ModalityType modalityType) { final JDialog d = new JDialog(owner, title, modalityType); d.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); d.setSize(minSize); d.setMinimumSize(minSize); // set the dialouge's location to be centred at the centre of it's owner d.setLocation( ((owner.getX() + owner.getWidth()) / 2) - d.getWidth() / 2, ((owner.getY() + owner.getHeight()) / 2) - d.getHeight() / 2); JLabel l = new JLabel(message, icon, SwingConstants.CENTER); // Add dialogue's text containing children for text recolouring l.setForeground(survivor.getCurrentColourScheme().getReadableText()); complementaryAmenableForegroundColourableComponents.add(l); d.add(l, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (option == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { JButton ok = new JButton("OK"); // make the button respond when ENTER is pressed ok.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ENTER"), "pressed"); ok.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("released ENTER"), "released"); // Add dialogue's text containing children for text recolouring complementaryAmenableForegroundColourableComponents.add(ok); ok.setForeground(survivor.getCurrentColourScheme().getReadableText()); ok.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { d.dispose(); } }); d.add(ok, BorderLayout.PAGE_END); } // d.setBackground(hangman.currentColourScheme.getC3()); // The dialogue is included in the below sets for proper colouring backgroundColourableComponents.add(d); d.setVisible(true); }
protected synchronized Dialog createGotoDialog() { if (gotoDialog == null) { gotoDialog = DialogSupport.createDialog( NbBundle.getBundle(org.netbeans.editor.BaseKit.class) .getString("goto-title"), // NOI18N gotoPanel, false, // non-modal gotoButtons, false, // sidebuttons, 0, // defaultIndex = 0 => gotoButton 1, // cancelIndex = 1 => cancelButton this // listener ); gotoDialog.pack(); // Position the dialog according to the history Rectangle lastBounds = (Rectangle) EditorState.get(BOUNDS_KEY); if (lastBounds != null) { gotoDialog.setBounds(lastBounds); } else { // no history, center it on the screen Dimension dim = gotoDialog.getPreferredSize(); int x; int y; JTextComponent c = EditorRegistry.lastFocusedComponent(); Window w = c != null ? SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(c) : null; if (w != null) { x = Math.max(0, w.getX() + (w.getWidth() - dim.width) / 2); y = Math.max(0, w.getY() + (w.getHeight() - dim.height) / 2); } else { Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); x = Math.max(0, (screen.width - dim.width) / 2); y = Math.max(0, (screen.height - dim.height) / 2); } gotoDialog.setLocation(x, y); } return gotoDialog; } else { gotoDialog.setVisible(true); gotoDialog.toFront(); return null; } }
@Override public void start(Question t, JButton sourceButton) { JDialog dialog = new JDialog(windowParent, "Question Editor"); QuestionEditorPanel questionEditorPanel = new QuestionEditorPanel(t, dialog, sourceButton); dialog.add(questionEditorPanel); dialog.setModalityType(ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL); dialog.pack(); // Centers inside the application frame int x = windowParent.getX() + (windowParent.getWidth() - dialog.getWidth()) / 2; int y = windowParent.getY() + (windowParent.getHeight() - dialog.getHeight()) / 2; dialog.setLocation(x, y); // Shows the modal dialog and waits dialog.setVisible(true); dialog.toFront(); }
public static void centerDialog(final Window dialog) { final GraphicsConfiguration config = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() .getDefaultScreenDevice() .getDefaultConfiguration(); final Rectangle screenBounds = config.getBounds(); final Insets insets = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(config); screenBounds.x = screenBounds.x + insets.left; screenBounds.y = screenBounds.y +; screenBounds.width = screenBounds.width - (insets.left + insets.right); screenBounds.height = screenBounds.height - ( + insets.bottom); // remember that casting doubles to int's always rounds down. dialog.setLocation( ((screenBounds.width / 2) + screenBounds.x - (dialog.getWidth() / 2)), ((screenBounds.height / 2) + screenBounds.y - (dialog.getHeight() / 2))); }
public static void dumpRedsFromImage(Window w) { Point offset = w.getLocationOnScreen(); System.err.println(""); System.err.println(""); System.err.println(""); for (int y = 0; y < w.getHeight(); y++) { System.err.print(" "); for (int x = 0; x < w.getWidth(); x++) { Color rgb = kRobot.getPixelColor(offset.x + x, offset.y + y); int r = rgb.getRed(); String c = (r == 0xff ? "X" : (r == 0 ? "." : "?")); System.err.print(c + " "); // System.err.print( r + " "); } System.err.println(""); } }
public void screeny() { try { Window window = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusedWindow(); Point point = window.getLocationOnScreen(); int x = (int) point.getX(); int y = (int) point.getY(); int w = window.getWidth(); int h = window.getHeight(); Robot robot = new Robot(window.getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice()); Rectangle captureSize = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h); java.awt.image.BufferedImage bufferedimage = robot.createScreenCapture(captureSize); String fileExtension = "Elysium"; for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) { File file = new File("Screenshots/" + fileExtension + " " + i + ".png"); if (!file.exists()) { screenshot = i; takeScreeny = true; break; } } File file = new File( (new StringBuilder()) .append("Screenshots/" + fileExtension + " ") .append(screenshot) .append(".png") .toString()); if (takeScreeny == true) { // client.pushMessage("A picture has been saved in your screenshots folder.", 0, ""); ImageIO.write(bufferedimage, "png", file); } else { // client.pushMessage("@red@Uh oh! Your screeny folder is full!", 0, ""); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public ReflectToolPanel(Window frame) { dialog = new JDialog(frame); dialog.setContentPane(this); initComponents(); // this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(WIDTH,HEIGHT)); // Insets inset=dialog.getInsets(); // dialog.setSize(new Dimension(WIDTH+inset.left+inset.right,; dialog.setLocationByPlatform(true); dialog.setResizable(false); dialog.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton); dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(dialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); dialog.setModal(true); dialog.setTitle("対称移動"); angle.addChangeListener(this); angleSlider.addChangeListener(this); angle.setValue(JEnvironment.DEFAULT_REFLECT_AXIS); angleSlider.setValue(-JEnvironment.DEFAULT_REFLECT_AXIS); dialog.pack(); int centerX = frame.getX() + (frame.getWidth() - dialog.getWidth()) / 2; int centerY = frame.getY() + (frame.getHeight() - dialog.getHeight()) / 2; dialog.setLocation(centerX, centerY); okButton.requestFocus(); dialog.setVisible(true); }
/** Create the dialog. */ public CallbackCreationDialog( Window parrent, final Project project, final PCallback callback, final boolean newMode) { super(parrent, ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL); // super(parrent, true); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); if (newMode) setTitle("New callback"); else setTitle("Callback settings"); setResizable(false); setBounds( parrent.getX() + (parrent.getWidth() / 2) - (436 / 2), parrent.getY() + (parrent.getHeight() / 2) - (101 / 2), 436, 101); getContentPane().setLayout(null); textName = new JTextField(); textName.setBounds(10, 21, 414, 24); getContentPane().add(textName); textName.setColumns(10); if (newMode) btnCreate = new JButton("Create"); else btnCreate = new JButton("Save"); btnCreate.setEnabled(false); btnCreate.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (newMode) project.newCallback(textName.getText()); else callback.setName(textName.getText()); dispose(); } }); btnCreate.setBounds(335, 48, 89, 23); getContentPane().add(btnCreate); JLabel lblEnterSequenceName = new JLabel("Callback name:"); lblEnterSequenceName.setBounds(10, 6, 414, 14); getContentPane().add(lblEnterSequenceName); JButton btnCancel = new JButton("Cancel"); btnCancel.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dispose(); } }); btnCancel.setBounds(236, 48, 89, 23); getContentPane().add(btnCancel); lblErrorLabel = new JLabel("Enter callback name."); lblErrorLabel.setForeground(Color.RED); lblErrorLabel.setBounds(10, 52, 216, 14); getContentPane().add(lblErrorLabel); ChangeListener changeListener = new ChangeListener(); textName.getDocument().addDocumentListener(changeListener); if (newMode == false) { textName.setText(callback.getName()); checkConditions(); } setVisible(true); }
public static void iniciarVentana(Window ventana) { IniciadorDeVentanas.iniciarVentana(ventana, ventana.getWidth(), ventana.getHeight()); }
/** Installs the sheet on the owner. This method is invoked just before the JSheet is shown. */ protected void installSheet() { if (!isNativeSheetSupported() && !isInstalled && isExperimentalSheet()) { Window owner = getOwner(); if (owner != null) { owner.addWindowListener(windowEventHandler); } isInstalled = true; } else { Window owner = getOwner(); if (owner != null) { // Determine the location for the sheet and its owner while // the sheet will be visible. // In case we have to shift the owner to fully display the // dialog, we remember the shift back position. Point ownerLoc = owner.getLocation(); Point sheetLoc; if (isShowAsSheet()) { if (owner instanceof JFrame) { sheetLoc = new Point( ownerLoc.x + (owner.getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2, ownerLoc.y + owner.getInsets().top + ((JFrame) owner).getRootPane().getContentPane().getY()); } else if (owner instanceof JDialog) { sheetLoc = new Point( ownerLoc.x + (owner.getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2, ownerLoc.y + owner.getInsets().top + ((JDialog) owner).getRootPane().getContentPane().getY()); } else { sheetLoc = new Point( ownerLoc.x + (owner.getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2, ownerLoc.y + owner.getInsets().top); } if (sheetLoc.x < 0) { owner.setLocation(ownerLoc.x - sheetLoc.x, ownerLoc.y); sheetLoc.x = 0; shiftBackLocation = ownerLoc; oldLocation = owner.getLocation(); } else { shiftBackLocation = null; oldLocation = ownerLoc; } } else { sheetLoc = new Point( ownerLoc.x + (owner.getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2, ownerLoc.y + (owner.getHeight() - getHeight()) / 2); } setLocation(sheetLoc); oldFocusOwner = owner.getFocusOwner(); // Note: We mustn't change the windows focusable state because // this also affects the focusable state of the JSheet. // owner.setFocusableWindowState(false); owner.setEnabled(false); // ((JFrame) owner).setResizable(false); if (isShowAsSheet()) { owner.addComponentListener(ownerMovementHandler); } else { if (owner instanceof Frame) { setTitle(((Frame) owner).getTitle()); } } } isInstalled = true; } }
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { if (getFrame() != null) { setState(getFrame().getExtendedState()); } JRootPane rootPane = getRootPane(); Window window = getWindow(); boolean leftToRight = (window == null) ? rootPane.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight() : window.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); boolean isSelected = (window == null) ? true : window.isActive(); int width = getWidth(); int height = getHeight(); Color background; Color foreground; Color darkShadow; if (isSelected) { background = UIUtil.getPanelBackground(); // myActiveBackground; foreground = myActiveForeground; darkShadow = Gray._73; // myActiveShadow; } else { background = UIUtil.getPanelBackground(); // myInactiveBackground; foreground = myInactiveForeground; darkShadow = myInactiveShadow; } g.setColor(background); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); // g.setColor(darkShadow); // g.drawLine(0, height - 1, width, height - 1); // g.drawLine(0, 0, 0, 0); // g.drawLine(width - 1, 0, width - 1, 0); int xOffset = leftToRight ? 5 : width - 5; if (getWindowDecorationStyle() == JRootPane.FRAME) { xOffset += leftToRight ? IMAGE_WIDTH + 5 : -IMAGE_WIDTH - 5; } String theTitle = getTitle(); if (theTitle != null) { FontMetrics fm = SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(rootPane, g); g.setColor(foreground); int yOffset = ((height - fm.getHeight()) / 2) + fm.getAscent(); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); if (myIconifyButton != null && myIconifyButton.getParent() != null) { rect = myIconifyButton.getBounds(); } int titleW; if (leftToRight) { if (rect.x == 0) { rect.x = window.getWidth() - window.getInsets().right - 2; } titleW = rect.x - xOffset - 4; theTitle = SwingUtilities2.clipStringIfNecessary(rootPane, fm, theTitle, titleW); } else { titleW = xOffset - rect.x - rect.width - 4; theTitle = SwingUtilities2.clipStringIfNecessary(rootPane, fm, theTitle, titleW); xOffset -= SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(rootPane, fm, theTitle); } int titleLength = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(rootPane, fm, theTitle); if (myIdeMenu == null) { SwingUtilities2.drawString(rootPane, g, theTitle, xOffset, yOffset); xOffset += leftToRight ? titleLength + 5 : -5; } } int w = width; int h = height; h--; g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("MenuBar.darcula.borderColor")); g.drawLine(0, h, w, h); h--; g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("MenuBar.darcula.borderShadowColor")); g.drawLine(0, h, w, h); }
public static void setToplevelLocation( Window toplevel, Component component, int relativePosition) { Rectangle compBounds = component.getBounds(); // Convert component location to screen coordinates Point p = new Point(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(p, component); int x; int y; // Set frame location to be centered on panel switch (relativePosition) { case SwingConstants.NORTH: { x = (p.x + (compBounds.width / 2)) - (toplevel.getWidth() / 2); y = p.y - toplevel.getHeight(); break; } case SwingConstants.EAST: { x = p.x + compBounds.width; y = (p.y + (compBounds.height / 2)) - (toplevel.getHeight() / 2); break; } case SwingConstants.SOUTH: { x = (p.x + (compBounds.width / 2)) - (toplevel.getWidth() / 2); y = p.y + compBounds.height; break; } case SwingConstants.WEST: { x = p.x - toplevel.getWidth(); y = (p.y + (compBounds.height / 2)) - (toplevel.getHeight() / 2); break; } case SwingConstants.NORTH_EAST: { x = p.x + compBounds.width; y = p.y - toplevel.getHeight(); break; } case SwingConstants.NORTH_WEST: { x = p.x - toplevel.getWidth(); y = p.y - toplevel.getHeight(); break; } case SwingConstants.SOUTH_EAST: { x = p.x + compBounds.width; y = p.y + compBounds.height; break; } case SwingConstants.SOUTH_WEST: { x = p.x - toplevel.getWidth(); y = p.y + compBounds.height; break; } default: case SwingConstants.CENTER: { x = (p.x + (compBounds.width / 2)) - (toplevel.getWidth() / 2); y = (p.y + (compBounds.height / 2)) - (toplevel.getHeight() / 2); } } toplevel.setLocation(x, y); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.appwork.utils.swing.dialog.Locator#getLocationOnScreen(javax.swing * .JDialog) */ @Override public Point getLocationOnScreen(final Window dialog) { if (dialog.getParent() == null || !dialog.getParent().isDisplayable() || !dialog.getParent().isVisible()) { final Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); return correct( new Point( (int) (screenSize.getWidth() - dialog.getWidth()) / 2, (int) (screenSize.getHeight() - dialog.getHeight()) / 2), dialog); } else if (dialog.getParent() instanceof Frame && ((Frame) dialog.getParent()).getExtendedState() == Frame.ICONIFIED) { // dock dialog at bottom right if mainframe is not visible final GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); final GraphicsDevice[] screens = ge.getScreenDevices(); for (final GraphicsDevice screen : screens) { final Rectangle bounds = screen.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds(); screen.getDefaultConfiguration().getDevice(); final Insets insets = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(screen.getDefaultConfiguration()); if (bounds.contains(MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation())) { return correct( new Point( (int) (bounds.x + bounds.getWidth() - dialog.getWidth() - 20 - insets.right), (int) (bounds.y + bounds.getHeight() - dialog.getHeight() - 20 - insets.bottom)), dialog); } } final Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); return correct( new Point( (int) (screenSize.getWidth() - dialog.getWidth() - 20), (int) (screenSize.getHeight() - dialog.getHeight() - 60)), dialog); } else { final Point ret = SwingUtils.getCenter(dialog.getParent(), dialog); return correct(ret, dialog); } // if (frame.getParent() == null || !frame.getParent().isDisplayable() // || !frame.getParent().isVisible()) { // final Dimension screenSize = // Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); // // return (new Point((int) (screenSize.getWidth() - frame.getWidth()) / // 2, (int) (screenSize.getHeight() - frame.getHeight()) / 2)); // // } else if (frame.getParent() instanceof Frame && ((Frame) // frame.getParent()).getExtendedState() == Frame.ICONIFIED) { // // dock dialog at bottom right if mainframe is not visible // // final GraphicsEnvironment ge = // GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); // final GraphicsDevice[] screens = ge.getScreenDevices(); // // for (final GraphicsDevice screen : screens) { // final Rectangle bounds = // screen.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds(); // screen.getDefaultConfiguration().getDevice(); // // Insets insets = // Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(screen.getDefaultConfiguration()); // if (bounds.contains(MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation())) { // return (new Point((int) (bounds.x + bounds.getWidth() - // frame.getWidth() - 20 - insets.right), (int) (bounds.y + // bounds.getHeight() - frame.getHeight() - 20 - insets.bottom))); } // // } // final Dimension screenSize = // Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); // return (new Point((int) (screenSize.getWidth() - frame.getWidth() - // 20), (int) (screenSize.getHeight() - frame.getHeight() - 60))); // } else { // return SwingUtils.getCenter(frame.getParent(), frame); // } }
/* */ public void paintComponent(Graphics paramGraphics) /* */ { /* 687 */ if (getFrame() != null) { /* 688 */ setState(getFrame().getExtendedState()); /* */ } /* 690 */ JRootPane localJRootPane = getRootPane(); /* 691 */ Window localWindow = getWindow(); /* 692 */ boolean bool1 = localWindow == null ? localJRootPane.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight() : localWindow.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); /* */ /* 695 */ boolean bool2 = localWindow == null ? true : localWindow.isActive(); /* 696 */ int i = getWidth(); /* 697 */ int j = getHeight(); /* */ Color localColor1; /* */ Color localColor2; /* */ Color localColor3; /* */ MetalBumps localMetalBumps; /* 705 */ if (bool2) { /* 706 */ localColor1 = this.activeBackground; /* 707 */ localColor2 = this.activeForeground; /* 708 */ localColor3 = this.activeShadow; /* 709 */ localMetalBumps = this.activeBumps; /* */ } else { /* 711 */ localColor1 = this.inactiveBackground; /* 712 */ localColor2 = this.inactiveForeground; /* 713 */ localColor3 = this.inactiveShadow; /* 714 */ localMetalBumps = this.inactiveBumps; /* */ } /* */ /* 717 */ paramGraphics.setColor(localColor1); /* 718 */ paramGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, i, j); /* */ /* 720 */ paramGraphics.setColor(localColor3); /* 721 */ paramGraphics.drawLine(0, j - 1, i, j - 1); /* 722 */ paramGraphics.drawLine(0, 0, 0, 0); /* 723 */ paramGraphics.drawLine(i - 1, 0, i - 1, 0); /* */ /* 725 */ FontMetrics localFontMetrics1 = bool1 ? 5 : i - 5; /* */ /* 727 */ if (getWindowDecorationStyle() == 1) { /* 728 */ localFontMetrics1 += (bool1 ? 21 : -21); /* */ } /* */ /* 731 */ String str = getTitle(); /* */ FontMetrics localFontMetrics2; /* */ int m; /* 732 */ if (str != null) { /* 733 */ localFontMetrics2 = SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(localJRootPane, paramGraphics); /* */ /* 735 */ paramGraphics.setColor(localColor2); /* */ /* 737 */ m = (j - localFontMetrics2.getHeight()) / 2 + localFontMetrics2.getAscent(); /* */ /* 739 */ Rectangle localRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); /* 740 */ if ((this.iconifyButton != null) && (this.iconifyButton.getParent() != null)) { /* 741 */ localRectangle = this.iconifyButton.getBounds(); /* */ } /* */ /* 745 */ if (bool1) { /* 746 */ if (localRectangle.x == 0) { /* 747 */ localRectangle.x = (localWindow.getWidth() - localWindow.getInsets().right - 2); /* */ } /* 749 */ i1 = localRectangle.x - localFontMetrics1 - 4; /* 750 */ str = SwingUtilities2.clipStringIfNecessary(localJRootPane, localFontMetrics2, str, i1); /* */ } /* */ else { /* 753 */ i1 = localFontMetrics1 - localRectangle.x - localRectangle.width - 4; /* 754 */ str = SwingUtilities2.clipStringIfNecessary(localJRootPane, localFontMetrics2, str, i1); /* */ /* 756 */ localFontMetrics1 -= SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(localJRootPane, localFontMetrics2, str); /* */ } /* */ /* 759 */ int i2 = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(localJRootPane, localFontMetrics2, str); /* */ /* 761 */ SwingUtilities2.drawString( localJRootPane, paramGraphics, str, localFontMetrics1, m); /* */ /* 763 */ localFontMetrics1 += (bool1 ? i2 + 5 : -5); /* */ } /* */ int k; /* 768 */ if (bool1) { /* 769 */ m = i - this.buttonsWidth - localFontMetrics1 - 5; /* 770 */ localFontMetrics2 = localFontMetrics1; /* */ } else { /* 772 */ m = localFontMetrics1 - this.buttonsWidth - 5; /* 773 */ k = this.buttonsWidth + 5; /* */ } /* 775 */ int n = 3; /* 776 */ int i1 = getHeight() - 2 * n; /* 777 */ localMetalBumps.setBumpArea(m, i1); /* 778 */ localMetalBumps.paintIcon(this, paramGraphics, k, n); /* */ }
/** * @param isLotsOfFastOutput use 'true' if you expect millions of lines of quickly produced * output, ex. CLI -> "locate /" * @param dialogTitle non-HTML * @param cliable the port command thread to .start() * @param resultCodeListenable permits intelligence regarding failed port CLI commands, can be * 'null' */ private JDialog_ProcessStream( final boolean isLotsOfFastOutput, final String dialogTitle, final Cliable cliable, final OneArgumentListenable<Integer> resultCodeListenable) { super( TheUiHolder.INSTANCE.getMainFrame() // stay on top , dialogTitle, ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); // required this.setUndecorated(_IS_UI_IMMOBILE); this.setResizable(_IS_UI_IMMOBILE == false); ((JPanel) this.getContentPane()) .setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 5, 10)); // T L B R final Window parent = this.getOwner(); this.setLocation(parent.getX(), parent.getY()); this.setSize(parent.getWidth(), parent.getHeight()); final JList jList = new JList(); jList.setFont(new Font(Font.MONOSPACED, Font.BOLD, 12)); jList.setForeground(Color.GREEN.brighter()); jList.setBackground(Color.BLACK); jList.setLayoutOrientation(JList.VERTICAL); jList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); jList.setVisibleRowCount(-1); // all final AbstractButton ab_Cancel = FocusedButtonFactory.create("Cancel", ""); ab_Cancel.setEnabled(false); final JProgressBar jProgress = new JProgressBar(); jProgress.setIndeterminate(true); // console final Listener listener = (isLotsOfFastOutput == true) ? new LateListening(this, jList, jProgress, ab_Cancel, resultCodeListenable) : new LiveListening(this, jList, jProgress, ab_Cancel, resultCodeListenable); // try // { // try-catch to keep AWT thread alive for proper UI recovery final Thread runningThread = cliable.provideExecutingCommandLineInterfaceThread(listener); if (runningThread != null) { final JPanel southPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 0)); southPanel.add(jProgress); southPanel.add(ab_Cancel); final JScrollPane jsp = JScrollPaneFactory_.create(jList, EScrollPolicy.VERT_AS_NEEDED__HORIZ_NONE); // assemble rest of gui in this AWT thread this.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(800), BorderLayout.NORTH); this.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(600), BorderLayout.EAST); this.add(jsp, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // not working correctly to Cancel cli // ab.addActionListener( new ActionListener() // anonymous class // { @Override public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) // { thread.interrupt(); // try // { // Cancel // thread.join( 2000 ); // } // catch( InterruptedException ex ) // {} // } // } ); } else { // no Ports binary to run this.dispose(); } // } // catch( Exception ex ) // { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } }
public static void centreWindow(Window frame) { Dimension dimension = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int x = (int) ((dimension.getWidth() - frame.getWidth()) / 2); int y = (int) ((dimension.getHeight() - frame.getHeight()) / 2); frame.setLocation(x, y); }