public void putHsLayout(int id) { Hashtable hs = sshare.userInfo(); if (hs == null) return; String key, name; JComponent obj; PushpinIF pobj; for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { key = (String) keys.get(i); obj = (JComponent) panes.get(key); if (obj != null && (obj instanceof PushpinIF)) { pobj = (PushpinIF) obj; name = "tabTool." + id + "." + pobj.getName() + "."; hs.put(name + "refY", new Float(pobj.getRefY())); hs.put(name + "refX", new Float(pobj.getRefX())); hs.put(name + "refH", new Float(pobj.getRefH())); key = "open"; if (pobj.isHide()) key = "hide"; else if (pobj.isClose()) key = "close"; hs.put(name + "status", key); } } /* name = "tabTool."+id+".TabPanel."; key = pinPanel.getLastName(); if (key != null) hs.put(name+"lastName", key); key = "open"; if (pinPanel.isHide()) key = "hide"; else if (pinPanel.isClose()) key = "close"; hs.put(name+"status", key); */ }
public VTabbedToolPanel(SessionShare sshare, AppIF appIF) { // super( new BorderLayout() ); this.sshare = sshare; this.appIF = appIF; this.tabbedToolPanel = new JPanel(); this.pinPanel = this; this.selectedTabName = null; setPinObj(this.tabbedToolPanel); this.tabbedToolPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); panelName = "Tab Panel"; setTitle(panelName); setName(panelName); tabbedPane.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { tabChanged(); /** * ** the following was moved to tabChanged() if(tabbedPane.getTabCount() > 1 && * Util.getRQPanel() != null) { int ind = tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex(); if(ind >= 0 && * ind < tabbedPane.getTabCount()) * Util.getRQPanel().updatePopup(tabbedPane.getTitleAt(ind)); } ********* */ } }); // Add Mouse Listener for CSH MouseAdapter ml = new CSHMouseAdapter(); tabbedPane.addMouseListener(ml); Object obj = sshare.userInfo().get("canvasnum"); if (obj != null) { Dimension dim = (Dimension) obj; nviews = (dim.height) * (dim.width); } else nviews = 1; for (int i = 0; i < nviews; i++) tp_paneInfo[i] = new Hashtable(); /* obj = sshare.userInfo().get("activeWin"); if(obj != null) { vpId = ((Integer)obj).intValue(); } else vpId = 0; */ // System.out.println("VToolPanel nviews vpId "+nviews+" "+vpId); fillHashtable(); Util.setVTabbedToolPanel(this); ParamInfo.addEditListener(this); }
public void saveUiLayout() { for (int i = 0; i < toolList.size(); i++) ((VToolPanel) toolList.get(i)).saveUiLayout(); Hashtable hs = sshare.userInfo(); /* if (hs == null || tabbedPane == null || tabbedPane.getTabCount() <= 0) return; */ if (hs == null || tabbedPane == null) return; if (tabbedPane.getTabCount() > 0) { Integer hashValue = new Integer(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex()); hs.put("tabbedToolPanel", hashValue); } putHsLayout(vpId); }
public void initUiLayout() { getHsLayout(vpId); for (int i = 0; i < toolList.size(); i++) ((VToolPanel) toolList.get(i)).initUiLayout(); initPanel(); updatePinTabs(); Hashtable hs = sshare.userInfo(); if (hs == null || tabbedPane == null || tabbedPane.getTabCount() <= 0) return; Object obj = hs.get("tabbedToolPanel"); if (obj == null) return; int indx = ((Integer) obj).intValue(); if (indx < 0) return; // if(indx >= 0 && indx < tabbedPane.getTabCount()) // tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(indx); setSelectedTab(tp_selectedTab, null); }
public void getHsLayout(int id) { Hashtable hs = sshare.userInfo(); if (hs == null) return; String key, name, status; Float fstr; float fv; for (int j = 0; j < keys.size(); j++) { key = (String) keys.get(j); JComponent obj = (JComponent) panes.get(key); if (obj instanceof PushpinIF) { PushpinIF pobj = (PushpinIF) obj; name = "tabTool." + id + "." + pobj.getName() + "."; fstr = (Float) hs.get(name + "refY"); if (fstr != null) pobj.setRefY(fstr.floatValue()); fstr = (Float) hs.get(name + "refX"); if (fstr != null) pobj.setRefX(fstr.floatValue()); fstr = (Float) hs.get(name + "refH"); if (fstr != null) pobj.setRefH(fstr.floatValue()); status = (String) hs.get(name + "status"); if (status != null) pobj.setStatus(status); } } }