/** @return create dialog result object basing on the dialog state */ private Result createResult() { Result rc = new Result(); String name = myNameTextField.getText().trim(); if (myTarget == null) { rc.target = myConfig.createConfiguration(name); } else { rc.target = myTarget; rc.target.setName(name); } rc.changes = new ArrayList<Change>(myChangesTree.getIncludedChanges()); for (BranchDescriptor d : myBranches) { if (d.root != null) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(d.newBranchName)) { final String ref = d.referenceToCheckout.trim(); rc.referencesToUse.put(d.root, Pair.create(ref, d.referencesToSelect.contains(ref))); rc.target.setReference(d.root.getPath(), d.newBranchName.trim()); rc.checkoutNeeded.add(d.root); } else { String ref = d.referenceToCheckout.trim(); if (!d.referencesToSelect.contains(ref)) { ref = myConfig.detectTag(d.root, ref); } rc.target.setReference(d.root.getPath(), ref); if (!d.referenceToCheckout.equals(d.currentReference)) { rc.checkoutNeeded.add(d.root); } } } } return rc; }
private static String decodeQrcode(String filePath) { String content = ""; try { BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(new File(filePath)); MultiFormatReader reader = new MultiFormatReader(); LuminanceSource source = new BufferedImageLuminanceSource(image); BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source)); Result result = reader.decode(bitmap, getDecodeHints()); content = result.getText(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return content; }
/** * Caches the output. * * @param out cached output * @param c command * @param r result * @throws QueryException query exception */ public void cacheText(final ArrayOutput out, final Command c, final Result r) throws QueryException { // cache command or node set cmd = null; ns = null; final int mh = gui.context.options.get(MainOptions.MAXHITS); boolean parse = false; if (mh >= 0 && r != null && r.size() >= mh) { parse = true; } else if (out.finished()) { if (r instanceof DBNodes) ns = (DBNodes) r; else parse = true; } // create new command instance if (parse) cmd = new CommandParser(c.toString(), gui.context).parseSingle(); }
// ================================ main =============================== // // You can use command line arguments to have the output and/or input // come from a file versus the command line. // // If there are two arguments then the first one is the file from where // the input is read and the second is the file where a transcript is // saved. // // If there is just one argument then it is the file where a transcript // is saved. public static void main(String args[]) { XYPoint points[]; if (args.length >= 1) { Terminal.startTranscript(args[0]); } if (args.length >= 2) { // Read points from file points = PointReader.readXYPoints(args[1]); } else { // You can change "" to something else when testing, // but it MUST be "3861" for your submitted output! java.util.Random randseq = new java.util.Random(3861); // Use this line if you want a different random set of // points for each run. This code uses the system // clock as the seed to the random number generator. // // java.util.Random randseq = new java.util.Random(); Terminal.println("How many points? "); int nPoints = Terminal.readInt(); points = genPointsAtRandom(nPoints, randseq); } XComparator lessThanX = new XComparator(); YComparator lessThanY = new YComparator(); Date startTime = new Date(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLOSEST-PAIR ALGORITHM STARTS HERE // The algorithm expects two arrays containing the same points. XYPoint pointsByX[] = new XYPoint[points.length]; XYPoint pointsByY[] = new XYPoint[points.length]; for (int j = 0; j < points.length; j++) { pointsByX[j] = points[j]; pointsByY[j] = points[j]; } // Ensure sorting precondition for divide-and-conquer CP algorithm. // You should *not* have to call msort() in your own code! Sort.msort(pointsByX, lessThanX); // sort by x-coord Sort.msort(pointsByY, lessThanY); // sort by y-coord Result rMin = ClosestPair.findClosestPair(pointsByX, pointsByY); rMin.print(); // CLOSEST-PAIR ALGORITHM ENDS HERE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Date endTime = new Date(); long elapsedTime = endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime(); Terminal.println( "For n = " + points.length + ", the elapsed time is " + elapsedTime + " milliseconds.\n"); // *** NOTE: for your submitted output for Part Two, you MUST print // *** the closest pair of points and the distance between them! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THE FOLLOWING LINES DEMONSTRATE HOW TO USE THE PROVIDED // PLOTTER ROUTINE. Uncomment them as you wish for debugging // purposes, or use them in your closest pair code to inspect // the point arrays at any time. For example, you could color // all points in the left half red and all points in the right // half blue and then visually check that you divided them // properly by calling the plotter before you recurse. Note // that if you make several calls, all the plots will // initially be on top of each other -- just move them so you // can see everything. // // Here the points are plotted and labelled by X-coordinate // new Plotter(pointsByY, true, "Sorted by X-coordinate"); // Here the points are plotted and labelled by Y-coordinate // new Plotter(pointsByY, true, "Sorted by Y-coordinate"); // Here's a call to the plot routine in which the points // aren't labeled. A nice thing to do at this point (if you // computed the two closest points) would be to color the two // closest points a different color For a XYPoint p, you could // color p (say red) with the line: // // p.color = Color.red; // new Plotter(pointsByX, true, "Output"); }
synchronized Result formatSummary() { Result result = new Result(); ProxyClient proxyClient = vmPanel.getProxyClient(); if (proxyClient.isDead()) { return null; } buf = new StringBuilder(); append("<table cellpadding=1>"); try { RuntimeMXBean rmBean = proxyClient.getRuntimeMXBean(); CompilationMXBean cmpMBean = proxyClient.getCompilationMXBean(); ThreadMXBean tmBean = proxyClient.getThreadMXBean(); MemoryMXBean memoryBean = proxyClient.getMemoryMXBean(); ClassLoadingMXBean clMBean = proxyClient.getClassLoadingMXBean(); OperatingSystemMXBean osMBean = proxyClient.getOperatingSystemMXBean(); com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean sunOSMBean = proxyClient.getSunOperatingSystemMXBean(); append("<tr><td colspan=4>"); append("<center><b>" + Messages.SUMMARY_TAB_TAB_NAME + "</b></center>"); String dateTime = headerDateTimeFormat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()); append("<center>" + dateTime + "</center>"); append(newDivider); { // VM info append(newLeftTable); append(Messages.CONNECTION_NAME, vmPanel.getDisplayName()); append( Messages.VIRTUAL_MACHINE, Resources.format( Messages.SUMMARY_TAB_VM_VERSION, rmBean.getVmName(), rmBean.getVmVersion())); append(Messages.VENDOR, rmBean.getVmVendor()); append(Messages.NAME, rmBean.getName()); append(endTable); append(newRightTable); result.upTime = rmBean.getUptime(); append(Messages.UPTIME, formatTime(result.upTime)); if (sunOSMBean != null) { result.processCpuTime = sunOSMBean.getProcessCpuTime(); append(Messages.PROCESS_CPU_TIME, formatNanoTime(result.processCpuTime)); } if (cmpMBean != null) { append(Messages.JIT_COMPILER, cmpMBean.getName()); append( Messages.TOTAL_COMPILE_TIME, cmpMBean.isCompilationTimeMonitoringSupported() ? formatTime(cmpMBean.getTotalCompilationTime()) : Messages.UNAVAILABLE); } else { append(Messages.JIT_COMPILER, Messages.UNAVAILABLE); } append(endTable); } append(newDivider); { // Threads and Classes append(newLeftTable); int tlCount = tmBean.getThreadCount(); int tdCount = tmBean.getDaemonThreadCount(); int tpCount = tmBean.getPeakThreadCount(); long ttCount = tmBean.getTotalStartedThreadCount(); String[] strings1 = formatLongs( tlCount, tpCount, tdCount, ttCount); append(Messages.LIVE_THREADS, strings1[0]); append(Messages.PEAK, strings1[1]); append(Messages.DAEMON_THREADS, strings1[2]); append(Messages.TOTAL_THREADS_STARTED, strings1[3]); append(endTable); append(newRightTable); long clCount = clMBean.getLoadedClassCount(); long cuCount = clMBean.getUnloadedClassCount(); long ctCount = clMBean.getTotalLoadedClassCount(); String[] strings2 = formatLongs(clCount, cuCount, ctCount); append(Messages.CURRENT_CLASSES_LOADED, strings2[0]); append(Messages.TOTAL_CLASSES_LOADED, strings2[2]); append(Messages.TOTAL_CLASSES_UNLOADED, strings2[1]); append(null, ""); append(endTable); } append(newDivider); { // Memory MemoryUsage u = memoryBean.getHeapMemoryUsage(); append(newLeftTable); String[] strings1 = formatKByteStrings(u.getUsed(), u.getMax()); append(Messages.CURRENT_HEAP_SIZE, strings1[0]); append(Messages.MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE, strings1[1]); append(endTable); append(newRightTable); String[] strings2 = formatKByteStrings(u.getCommitted()); append(Messages.COMMITTED_MEMORY, strings2[0]); append( Messages.SUMMARY_TAB_PENDING_FINALIZATION_LABEL, Messages.SUMMARY_TAB_PENDING_FINALIZATION_VALUE, memoryBean.getObjectPendingFinalizationCount()); append(endTable); append(newTable); Collection<GarbageCollectorMXBean> garbageCollectors = proxyClient.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans(); for (GarbageCollectorMXBean garbageCollectorMBean : garbageCollectors) { String gcName = garbageCollectorMBean.getName(); long gcCount = garbageCollectorMBean.getCollectionCount(); long gcTime = garbageCollectorMBean.getCollectionTime(); append( Messages.GARBAGE_COLLECTOR, Resources.format( Messages.GC_INFO, gcName, gcCount, (gcTime >= 0) ? formatTime(gcTime) : Messages.UNAVAILABLE), 4); } append(endTable); } append(newDivider); { // Operating System info append(newLeftTable); String osName = osMBean.getName(); String osVersion = osMBean.getVersion(); String osArch = osMBean.getArch(); result.nCPUs = osMBean.getAvailableProcessors(); append(Messages.OPERATING_SYSTEM, osName + " " + osVersion); append(Messages.ARCHITECTURE, osArch); append(Messages.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS, result.nCPUs + ""); if (pathSeparator == null) { // Must use separator of remote OS, not File.pathSeparator // from this local VM. In the future, consider using // RuntimeMXBean to get the remote system property. pathSeparator = osName.startsWith("Windows ") ? ";" : ":"; } if (sunOSMBean != null) { String[] kbStrings1 = formatKByteStrings(sunOSMBean.getCommittedVirtualMemorySize()); String[] kbStrings2 = formatKByteStrings( sunOSMBean.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize(), sunOSMBean.getFreePhysicalMemorySize(), sunOSMBean.getTotalSwapSpaceSize(), sunOSMBean.getFreeSwapSpaceSize()); append(Messages.COMMITTED_VIRTUAL_MEMORY, kbStrings1[0]); append(endTable); append(newRightTable); append(Messages.TOTAL_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, kbStrings2[0]); append(Messages.FREE_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, kbStrings2[1]); append(Messages.TOTAL_SWAP_SPACE, kbStrings2[2]); append(Messages.FREE_SWAP_SPACE, kbStrings2[3]); } append(endTable); } append(newDivider); { // VM arguments and paths append(newTable); String args = ""; java.util.List<String> inputArguments = rmBean.getInputArguments(); for (String arg : inputArguments) { args += arg + " "; } append(Messages.VM_ARGUMENTS, args, 4); append(Messages.CLASS_PATH, rmBean.getClassPath(), 4); append(Messages.LIBRARY_PATH, rmBean.getLibraryPath(), 4); append( Messages.BOOT_CLASS_PATH, rmBean.isBootClassPathSupported() ? rmBean.getBootClassPath() : Messages.UNAVAILABLE, 4); append(endTable); } } catch (IOException e) { if (JConsole.isDebug()) { e.printStackTrace(); } proxyClient.markAsDead(); return null; } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException e) { if (JConsole.isDebug()) { e.printStackTrace(); } proxyClient.markAsDead(); return null; } append("</table>"); result.timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); result.summary = buf.toString(); return result; }