/** Creates a new instance of clPrintGraphPanel */ public clPrintGraphPanel(java.awt.Frame parent, clHauptPanel hp, Locale lc) { super(hp.getKn(), hp.getSt(), true); this.parent = parent; dxf = hp.dxf; mechanismusRelKnVersch = hp.mechanismusRelKnVersch; Point2D[] zoomPkte = hp.getZoomPkte(); ZoomPkt1 = zoomPkte[0]; ZoomPkt2 = zoomPkte[1]; ZOOMALL = hp.ZOOMALL; maxMechSkal = hp.maxMechSkal; boolean[] aktiveLayer = hp.getAktiveLayer(); MIT_KnNr = aktiveLayer[0]; MIT_StabNr = aktiveLayer[1]; MIT_Lasten = aktiveLayer[2]; MIT_Auflagerkräften = aktiveLayer[3]; MIT_Stabkräften = aktiveLayer[4]; MIT_Hintergrund = aktiveLayer[5]; MIT_Mechanismus = aktiveLayer[6]; maxPfeil = maxPfeil * druckvergr; spitzenlängeMax = spitzenlängeMax * druckvergr; // / (0.5d + printskal/2d); spitzenlängeMin = spitzenlängeMin * druckvergr; // / (0.5d + printskal/2d); lagerhöhe = lagerhöhe * (float) druckvergr; // / (0.5f + ((float)printskal)/2f); locale = lc; druckRB = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Fachwerk/locales/gui-drucken", locale); if (druckRB == null) { System.err.println("FEHLER: gui-drucken für " + locale.toString()); } }
/** @see java.awt.im.spi.InputMethodDescriptor#getInputMethodDisplayName */ public synchronized String getInputMethodDisplayName(Locale inputLocale, Locale displayLanguage) { String name = "System Input Methods"; if (Locale.getDefault().equals(displayLanguage)) { name = Toolkit.getProperty("AWT.HostInputMethodDisplayName", name); } return name; }
public void init() { initPins(0, 1, 0, 2); setSize(62, 40); element.jSetInnerBorderVisibility(false); element.jSetTopPinsVisible(false); element.jSetBottomPinsVisible(false); image = element.jLoadImage(element.jGetSourcePath() + "icon.gif"); setPin(0, ExternalIF.C_VARIANT, element.PIN_OUTPUT); setPin(1, ExternalIF.C_VARIANT, element.PIN_INPUT); setPin(2, ExternalIF.C_BOOLEAN, element.PIN_INPUT); String strLocale = Locale.getDefault().toString(); if (strLocale.equalsIgnoreCase("de_DE")) { element.jSetPinDescription(0, "Out"); element.jSetPinDescription(1, "in"); element.jSetPinDescription(2, "if (true) out=in"); } if (strLocale.equalsIgnoreCase("en_US")) { element.jSetPinDescription(0, "Out"); element.jSetPinDescription(1, "a"); element.jSetPinDescription(2, "if (true) out=in"); } if (strLocale.equalsIgnoreCase("es_ES")) { element.jSetPinDescription(0, "Salida"); element.jSetPinDescription(1, "a"); element.jSetPinDescription(2, "if (true) out=in"); } setName("Abfrage2"); }
public ExitAction(MainFrame main) { super(); Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(getClass().getName(), locale); this.main = main; putValue(NAME, bundle.getString("Exit")); putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer(bundle.getString("Exit.mnemonic").charAt(0))); }
static Object[] getAvailableLocalesInternal() { List workList = nativeGetAvailableLocales(); if (workList != null) { return workList.toArray(); } return new Object[] {Locale.getDefault()}; }
static { try { resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources.TextViewer", Locale.getDefault()); } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { String errstr = "TextViewer:resources/TextViewer.properties not found"; // System.exit(1); System.err.println(errstr); } }
static { try { properties = new Properties(); properties.load(Notepad.class.getResourceAsStream("resources/NotepadSystem.properties")); resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources.Notepad", Locale.getDefault()); } catch (MissingResourceException | IOException e) { System.err.println( "resources/Notepad.properties " + "or resources/NotepadSystem.properties not found"); System.exit(1); } }
/** Creates new form SwitchboardView */ public SwitchboardView() { initComponents(); btnSalesReport.addActionListener(this); btnBackOffice.addActionListener(this); btnClockOut.addActionListener(this); btnEditTicket.addActionListener(this); if (!"false".equals(AppConfig.getFeatureGroupTicketFlag())) { btnGroupSettle.addActionListener(this); } btnLogout.addActionListener(this); if (!"false".equals(AppConfig.getManagerMenuFlag())) { btnManager.addActionListener(this); } btnNewTicket.addActionListener(this); if (!"false".equals(AppConfig.getFeaturePenarikanFlag())) { btnPayout.addActionListener(this); } btnOrderInfo.addActionListener(this); btnReopenTicket.addActionListener(this); btnSettleTicket.addActionListener(this); btnShutdown.addActionListener(this); if (!"false".equals(AppConfig.getFeatureSplitTicketFlag())) { btnSplitTicket.addActionListener(this); } btnTakeout.addActionListener(this); btnVoidTicket.addActionListener(this); orderServiceExtension = Application.getPluginManager().getPlugin(OrderServiceExtension.class); if (orderServiceExtension == null) { // btnHomeDelivery.setEnabled(false); // btnPickup.setEnabled(false); // btnDriveThrough.setEnabled(false); // btnAssignDriver.setEnabled(false); // btnCloseOrder.setEnabled(false); orderServiceExtension = new DefaultOrderServiceExtension(); } // ticketListUpdater = new Timer(30 * 1000, new TicketListUpdaterTask()); applyComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.getOrientation(Locale.getDefault())); instance = this; }
@Override public UIDefaults getDefaults() { try { final Method superMethod = BasicLookAndFeel.class.getDeclaredMethod("getDefaults"); superMethod.setAccessible(true); final UIDefaults metalDefaults = (UIDefaults) superMethod.invoke(new MetalLookAndFeel()); final UIDefaults defaults = (UIDefaults) superMethod.invoke(base); if (SystemInfo.isLinux) { if (!Registry.is("darcula.use.native.fonts.on.linux")) { Font font = findFont("DejaVu Sans"); if (font != null) { for (Object key : defaults.keySet()) { if (key instanceof String && ((String) key).endsWith(".font")) { defaults.put(key, new FontUIResource(font.deriveFont(13f))); } } } } else if (Arrays.asList("CN", "JP", "KR", "TW") .contains(Locale.getDefault().getCountry())) { for (Object key : defaults.keySet()) { if (key instanceof String && ((String) key).endsWith(".font")) { final Font font = defaults.getFont(key); if (font != null) { defaults.put(key, new FontUIResource("Dialog", font.getStyle(), font.getSize())); } } } } } LafManagerImpl.initInputMapDefaults(defaults); initIdeaDefaults(defaults); patchStyledEditorKit(defaults); patchComboBox(metalDefaults, defaults); defaults.remove("Spinner.arrowButtonBorder"); defaults.put("Spinner.arrowButtonSize", JBUI.size(16, 5).asUIResource()); MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(createMetalTheme()); if (SystemInfo.isWindows && Registry.is("ide.win.frame.decoration")) { JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } if (SystemInfo.isLinux && JBUI.isHiDPI()) { applySystemFonts(defaults); } defaults.put("EditorPane.font", defaults.getFont("TextField.font")); return defaults; } catch (Exception e) { log(e); } return super.getDefaults(); }
protected void initResourceBundle(UIDefaults table) { // The following line of code does not work, when Quaqua has been loaded with // a custom class loader. That's why, we have to inject the labels // by ourselves: // table.addResourceBundle( "ch.randelshofer.quaqua.Labels" ); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle( "ch.randelshofer.quaqua.Labels", Locale.getDefault(), getClass().getClassLoader()); for (Enumeration i = bundle.getKeys(); i.hasMoreElements(); ) { String key = (String) i.nextElement(); table.put(key, bundle.getObject(key)); } }
@JdkConstants.FontStyle static int getFontStyle(String fontName) { fontName = fontName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()); for (String name : BOLD_ITALIC_NAMES) { if (fontName.contains(name)) return Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC; } for (String name : ITALIC_NAMES) { if (fontName.contains(name)) return Font.ITALIC; } for (String name : BOLD_NAMES) { if (fontName.contains(name)) return Font.BOLD; } return Font.PLAIN; }
/** * Create this dialog with the given parent and title. * * @param parent window from which this dialog is launched * @param title the title for the dialog box window * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ public PasswordDialog(Frame parent, String title) { super(parent, title, true); setLocale(Locale.getDefault()); if (title == null) { setTitle(labels.getString("dialog.title")); } if (parent != null) { setLocationRelativeTo(parent); } // super calls dialogInit, so we don't need to do it again. }
public void setLocale(Locale locale) { // locale == null --> l�schen Element root = document.getRootElement(); // pr�fen,ob locale-tag vorhanden java.util.List localeListe = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_LOCALE); Element localeElement = null; if (localeListe.isEmpty()) { if (locale == null) { return; // soll gel�scht sein } localeElement = new org.dom4j.tree.DefaultElement(TAG_LOCALE); updateAttribute(localeElement, ATTR_LOCALE_LANGUAGE, locale.getLanguage()); root.add(localeElement); } else { localeElement = (Element) localeListe.get(0); if (locale != null) { updateAttribute(localeElement, ATTR_LOCALE_LANGUAGE, locale.getLanguage()); } else { // l�schen updateAttribute(localeElement, ATTR_LOCALE_LANGUAGE, null); } } }
private String tr(String key) { String übersetzt; try { übersetzt = druckRB.getString(key); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { System.err.println( "Schluesselwort " + key + " nicht gefunden fuer " + locale.toString() + " ; " + e.toString()); return key; } return übersetzt; }
public PhoneBookGUI(PhoneBook pb) { super("PhoneBook"); phoneBook = pb; setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); Locale.setDefault(new Locale("en")); /* To avoid hardcoded Swedish text on OptionPane dialogs */ UIManager.put("OptionPane.cancelButtonText", "Cancel"); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar(); setJMenuBar(menubar); JMenu editMenu = new JMenu("Edit"); menubar.add(editMenu); editMenu.add(new AddMenu(phoneBook, this)); editMenu.add(new RemoveMenu(phoneBook, this)); JMenu findMenu = new JMenu("Find"); menubar.add(findMenu); findMenu.add(new FindNumbersMenu(phoneBook, this)); findMenu.add(new FindNamesMenu(phoneBook, this)); JMenu viewMenu = new JMenu("View"); menubar.add(viewMenu); viewMenu.add(new ShowAllMenu(phoneBook, this)); JPanel southPanel = new JPanel(); messageArea = new JTextArea(4, 25); messageArea.setEditable(false); southPanel.add(new JScrollPane(messageArea)); southPanel.add(new QuitButton(phoneBook)); add(southPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); pack(); setVisible(true); String fileName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter file name"); if (fileName != null) { try { phoneBook.readFromFile(fileName); } catch (Exception e) { setText("No such file was found"); } } }
/** ** Gets the System default Locale ** @return The default Java Locale instance */ public static Locale getDefaultLocale() { return Locale.getDefault(); // System default }
private void recreateEditorsPanel() { myValuesPanel.removeAll(); myValuesPanel.setLayout(new CardLayout()); if (!myProject.isOpen()) return; JPanel valuesPanelComponent = new MyJPanel(new GridBagLayout()); myValuesPanel.add( new JBScrollPane(valuesPanelComponent) { @Override public void updateUI() { super.updateUI(); getViewport().setBackground(UIUtil.getPanelBackground()); } }, VALUES); myValuesPanel.add(myNoPropertySelectedPanel, NO_PROPERTY_SELECTED); List<PropertiesFile> propertiesFiles = myResourceBundle.getPropertiesFiles(); GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5), 0, 0); releaseAllEditors(); myTitledPanels.clear(); int y = 0; Editor previousEditor = null; Editor firstEditor = null; for (final PropertiesFile propertiesFile : propertiesFiles) { final Editor editor = createEditor(); final Editor oldEditor = myEditors.put(propertiesFile, editor); if (firstEditor == null) { firstEditor = editor; } if (previousEditor != null) { editor.putUserData( ChooseSubsequentPropertyValueEditorAction.PREV_EDITOR_KEY, previousEditor); previousEditor.putUserData( ChooseSubsequentPropertyValueEditorAction.NEXT_EDITOR_KEY, editor); } previousEditor = editor; if (oldEditor != null) { EditorFactory.getInstance().releaseEditor(oldEditor); } ((EditorEx) editor) .addFocusListener( new FocusChangeListener() { @Override public void focusGained(final Editor editor) { mySelectedEditor = editor; } @Override public void focusLost(final Editor eventEditor) { writeEditorPropertyValue(editor, propertiesFile, null); } }); gc.gridx = 0; gc.gridy = y++; gc.gridheight = 1; gc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gc.weightx = 1; gc.weighty = 1; gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; Locale locale = propertiesFile.getLocale(); List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!Comparing.strEqual(locale.getDisplayLanguage(), null)) { names.add(locale.getDisplayLanguage()); } if (!Comparing.strEqual(locale.getDisplayCountry(), null)) { names.add(locale.getDisplayCountry()); } if (!Comparing.strEqual(locale.getDisplayVariant(), null)) { names.add(locale.getDisplayVariant()); } String title = propertiesFile.getName(); if (!names.isEmpty()) { title += " (" + StringUtil.join(names, "/") + ")"; } JComponent comp = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()) { @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Insets insets = getBorder().getBorderInsets(this); return new Dimension(100, editor.getLineHeight() * 4 + insets.top + insets.bottom); } }; comp.add(editor.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); comp.setBorder(IdeBorderFactory.createTitledBorder(title, true)); myTitledPanels.put(propertiesFile, (JPanel) comp); valuesPanelComponent.add(comp, gc); } if (previousEditor != null) { previousEditor.putUserData( ChooseSubsequentPropertyValueEditorAction.NEXT_EDITOR_KEY, firstEditor); firstEditor.putUserData( ChooseSubsequentPropertyValueEditorAction.PREV_EDITOR_KEY, previousEditor); } gc.gridx = 0; gc.gridy = y; gc.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gc.weightx = 10; gc.weighty = 1; valuesPanelComponent.add(new JPanel(), gc); selectionChanged(); myValuesPanel.repaint(); UIUtil.invokeAndWaitIfNeeded( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updateEditorsFromProperties(); } }); }
/** * Called by constructors to initialize the dialog. * * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00 */ @Override protected void dialogInit() { if (labels == null) { setLocale(Locale.getDefault()); } name = new JTextField("", 20); pass = new JPasswordField("", 20); okButton = new JButton(labels.getString("dialog.ok")); cancelButton = new JButton(labels.getString("dialog.cancel")); nameLabel = new JLabel(labels.getString("dialog.name") + " "); passLabel = new JLabel(labels.getString("dialog.pass") + " "); super.dialogInit(); KeyListener keyListener = (new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE || (e.getSource() == cancelButton && e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER)) { pressed_OK = false; PasswordDialog.this.setVisible(false); } if (e.getSource() == okButton && e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { pressed_OK = true; PasswordDialog.this.setVisible(false); } } }); addKeyListener(keyListener); ActionListener actionListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == name) { // the user pressed enter in the name field. name.transferFocus(); } else { // other actions close the dialog. pressed_OK = (source == pass || source == okButton); PasswordDialog.this.setVisible(false); } } }; GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.insets.top = 5; c.insets.bottom = 5; JPanel pane = new JPanel(gridbag); pane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 20, 5, 20)); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; gridbag.setConstraints(nameLabel, c); pane.add(nameLabel); gridbag.setConstraints(name, c); name.addActionListener(actionListener); name.addKeyListener(keyListener); pane.add(name); c.gridy = 1; gridbag.setConstraints(passLabel, c); pane.add(passLabel); gridbag.setConstraints(pass, c); pass.addActionListener(actionListener); pass.addKeyListener(keyListener); pane.add(pass); c.gridy = 2; c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; JPanel panel = new JPanel(); okButton.addActionListener(actionListener); okButton.addKeyListener(keyListener); panel.add(okButton); cancelButton.addActionListener(actionListener); cancelButton.addKeyListener(keyListener); panel.add(cancelButton); gridbag.setConstraints(panel, c); pane.add(panel); getContentPane().add(pane); pack(); }
private boolean inInitState() { Component focusOwner = myContext.getFocusOwner(); boolean isModalContext = myContext.isModalContext(); DataContext dataContext = myContext.getDataContext(); KeyEvent e = myContext.getInputEvent(); // http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/IDEADEV-12372 if (myLeftCtrlPressed && myRightAltPressed && focusOwner != null && e.getModifiers() == (InputEvent.CTRL_MASK | InputEvent.ALT_MASK)) { if (Registry.is("actionSystem.force.alt.gr")) { return false; } final InputContext inputContext = focusOwner.getInputContext(); if (inputContext != null) { Locale locale = inputContext.getLocale(); if (locale != null) { @NonNls final String language = locale.getLanguage(); if (ALT_GR_LAYOUTS.contains(language)) { // don't search for shortcuts return false; } } } } KeyStroke originalKeyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStrokeForEvent(e); KeyStroke keyStroke = getKeyStrokeWithoutMouseModifiers(originalKeyStroke); if (myKeyGestureProcessor.processInitState()) { return true; } if (SystemInfo.isMac) { boolean keyTyped = e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED; boolean hasMnemonicsInWindow = e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED && hasMnemonicInWindow(focusOwner, e.getKeyCode()) || keyTyped && hasMnemonicInWindow(focusOwner, e.getKeyChar()); boolean imEnabled = IdeEventQueue.getInstance().isInputMethodEnabled(); if (e.getModifiersEx() == InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK && (hasMnemonicsInWindow || (!imEnabled && keyTyped))) { setPressedWasProcessed(true); setState(KeyState.STATE_PROCESSED); return false; } } updateCurrentContext(focusOwner, new KeyboardShortcut(keyStroke, null), isModalContext); if (myContext.getActions().isEmpty()) { // there's nothing mapped for this stroke return false; } if (myContext.isHasSecondStroke()) { myFirstKeyStroke = keyStroke; final ArrayList<Pair<AnAction, KeyStroke>> secondKeyStrokes = getSecondKeystrokeActions(); final Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext); StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.append(KeyMapBundle.message("prefix.key.pressed.message")); message.append(' '); for (int i = 0; i < secondKeyStrokes.size(); i++) { Pair<AnAction, KeyStroke> pair = secondKeyStrokes.get(i); if (i > 0) message.append(", "); message.append(pair.getFirst().getTemplatePresentation().getText()); message.append(" ("); message.append(KeymapUtil.getKeystrokeText(pair.getSecond())); message.append(")"); } StatusBar.Info.set(message.toString(), project); mySecondStrokeTimeout.cancelAllRequests(); mySecondStrokeTimeout.addRequest( mySecondStrokeTimeoutRunnable, Registry.intValue("actionSystem.secondKeystrokeTimeout")); if (Registry.is("actionSystem.secondKeystrokeAutoPopupEnabled")) { mySecondKeystrokePopupTimeout.cancelAllRequests(); if (secondKeyStrokes.size() > 1) { final DataContext oldContext = myContext.getDataContext(); mySecondKeystrokePopupTimeout.addRequest( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (myState == KeyState.STATE_WAIT_FOR_SECOND_KEYSTROKE) { StatusBar.Info.set(null, PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(oldContext)); new SecondaryKeystrokePopup(myFirstKeyStroke, secondKeyStrokes, oldContext) .showInBestPositionFor(oldContext); } } }, Registry.intValue("actionSystem.secondKeystrokePopupTimeout")); } } setState(KeyState.STATE_WAIT_FOR_SECOND_KEYSTROKE); return true; } else { return processAction(e, myActionProcessor); } }
/** * Displays a progress indicator and then invokes <code>loadDrawing</code> on a worker thread. * Displays the drawing panel when done successfully. Displays an error message when done * unsuccessfully. * * @see #loadDrawing */ @Override public final void init() { // set the language of the applet if (getParameter("Locale") != null) { Locale.setDefault(new Locale(getParameter("Locale"))); } final ResourceBundleUtil labels = ResourceBundleUtil.getBundle("org.jhotdraw.samples.svg.Labels"); // Set look and feel // ----------------- try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Throwable e) { // Do nothing. // If we can't set the desired look and feel, UIManager does // automaticaly the right thing for us. } // Set our own popup factory, because the one that comes with Mac OS X // creates translucent popups which is not useful for color selection // using pop menus. try { PopupFactory.setSharedInstance(new PopupFactory()); } catch (Throwable e) { // If we can't set the popup factory, we have to use what is there. } // Display a progress indicator while we are loading the drawing // ---------------------------------------------------------- Container c = getContentPane(); final ProgressIndicator progress = new ProgressIndicator(getName(), labels.getString("progressInitializing")); c.add(progress); progress.revalidate(); // Load the drawing using a worker thread // -------------------------------------- new Worker<Drawing>() { @Override protected Drawing construct() throws Exception { Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { drawingComponent = createDrawingComponent(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } }; t.start(); try { progress.setNote(labels.getString("progressLoading")); Drawing drawing = loadDrawing(progress); progress.setNote(labels.getString("progressOpeningEditor")); progress.setIndeterminate(true); return drawing; } finally { t.join(); } } @Override protected void done(Drawing result) { Container c = getContentPane(); c.removeAll(); c.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); c.add(drawingComponent.getComponent()); initComponents(); if (result != null) { setDrawing(result); } drawingComponent.revalidate(); ((JComponent) c).revalidate(); } @Override protected void failed(Throwable error) { Drawing d = createDrawing(); String message = (error.getMessage() == null) ? error.toString() : error.getMessage(); SVGTextAreaFigure txt = new SVGTextAreaFigure( labels.getFormatted("messageLoadFailed", getParameter("DrawingURL"), message)); txt.setBounds(new Point2D.Double(0, 0), new Point2D.Double(getWidth(), getHeight())); d.add(txt); done(d); /* Container c = getContentPane(); c.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); c.removeAll(); Throwable error = result; error.printStackTrace(); String message = (error.getMessage() == null) ? error.toString() : error.getMessage(); MessagePanel mp = new MessagePanel( UIManager.getIcon("OptionPane.errorIcon"), labels.getFormatted("messageLoadFailed", htmlencode(getParameter("DrawingURL")), htmlencode(message))); c.add(mp); mp.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if ("close".equals(evt.getActionCommand())) { close(); } } }); mp.revalidate(); */ } @Override protected void finished() { long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("AbstractDrawingApplet startup latency:" + (end - start)); } }.start(); }
private void setDefaultLocale() { if (sessions.containsKey("emul.locale")) { Locale.setDefault(parseLocal(sessions.getProperty("emul.locale"))); } }