/** * "...At each time-step, we choose NmR1 vertices at random, with probabilites proportional to * Zi(Zi-1). For each vertex chosen we randomly choose on pair of its neighbots to meet, and * establish a new connection between them if they do not have a preexisting connection and if * neither of them already has the maximum number z* of connections...." */ private void neighborMeeting() { neighborMap.clear(); double zeeSum = 0; for (int n = 0; n < numNodes; n++) { JinGirNewNode node = (JinGirNewNode) agentList.get(n); int degree = node.getOutDegree(); if (degree > 1) { neighborMap.put(zeeSum, node); zeeSum += degree * (degree - 1); } } int nM = (int) (zeeSum / 2); // will be even cause #edges even int numPicks = (int) Math.round(nM * Rsub1); for (int n = 0; n < numPicks; n++) { double pick = Random.uniform.nextDoubleFromTo(0, zeeSum); JinGirNewNode node = (JinGirNewNode) neighborMap.get(pick); /* if (node == null) { System.out.println("pick: " + pick); System.out.println("zeeSum: " + zeeSum); neighborMap.print(); } */ if (node.getOutDegree() > 1) node.meetNeighbor(maxDegree); } }
/* * "...At each time-step, we choose NeY vertices at random, with * probabilities proportional to Zi. For each vertex chosen we * choose one of its neighbors uniformly at random and delete the * connection to that neighbor...." */ private void removeRandomFriendship() { removalMap.clear(); double zeeSum = 0; int nEdges = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { JinGirNewNode node = (JinGirNewNode) agentList.get(i); int degree = node.getOutDegree(); if (degree > 1) { removalMap.put(zeeSum, node); zeeSum += degree * (degree - 1); } nEdges += degree; } nEdges = nEdges / 2; int numPicks = (int) Math.round(nEdges * removeProb); for (int n = 0; n < numPicks; n++) { double pick = Random.uniform.nextDoubleFromTo(0, zeeSum); JinGirNewNode node = (JinGirNewNode) removalMap.get(pick); node.removeFriend(); } }
/* * "...At each time-step, we chose NpR0 pairs of vertices uniformly * at random from the network to meet. If a pair meet who do not have * a pre-existing connection, and if neither of them already has the * maximum z* connections then a new connection is established * between them...." */ private void randomMeeting() { int nPairs = (numNodes * (numNodes - 1)) / 2; int numPicks = (int) Math.round(nPairs * Rsub0); for (int n = 0; n < numPicks; n++) { int index = Random.uniform.nextIntFromTo(0, numNodes - 1); JinGirNewNode iNode = (JinGirNewNode) agentList.get(index); iNode.meetRandom(agentList, maxDegree); } }