private boolean disposeSelf() { myDisposeInProgress = true; final CommandProcessor commandProcessor = CommandProcessor.getInstance(); final Ref<Boolean> canClose = new Ref<Boolean>(Boolean.TRUE); for (final Project project : ProjectManagerEx.getInstanceEx().getOpenProjects()) { try { commandProcessor.executeCommand( project, new Runnable() { public void run() { canClose.set(ProjectUtil.closeAndDispose(project)); } }, ApplicationBundle.message("command.exit"), null); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error(e); } if (!canClose.get()) { myDisposeInProgress = false; return false; } } Disposer.dispose(this); Disposer.assertIsEmpty(); return true; }
@Override public UpdateInfoTree showUpdateProjectInfo( UpdatedFiles updatedFiles, String displayActionName, ActionInfo actionInfo, boolean canceled) { if (!myProject.isOpen() || myProject.isDisposed()) return null; ContentManager contentManager = getContentManager(); if (contentManager == null) { return null; // content manager is made null during dispose; flag is set later } final UpdateInfoTree updateInfoTree = new UpdateInfoTree(contentManager, myProject, updatedFiles, displayActionName, actionInfo); Content content = ContentFactory.SERVICE .getInstance() .createContent( updateInfoTree, canceled ? VcsBundle.message( "", displayActionName) : VcsBundle.message("", displayActionName), true); Disposer.register(content, updateInfoTree); ContentsUtil.addContent(contentManager, content, true); ToolWindowManager.getInstance(myProject).getToolWindow(ToolWindowId.VCS).activate(null); updateInfoTree.expandRootChildren(); return updateInfoTree; }
public EditorsSplitters( final FileEditorManagerImpl manager, DockManager dockManager, boolean createOwnDockableContainer) { super(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(false); myManager = manager; myFocusWatcher = new MyFocusWatcher(); setFocusTraversalPolicy(new MyFocusTraversalPolicy()); setTransferHandler(new MyTransferHandler()); clear(); if (createOwnDockableContainer) { DockableEditorTabbedContainer dockable = new DockableEditorTabbedContainer(myManager.getProject(), this, false); Disposer.register(manager.getProject(), dockable); dockManager.register(dockable); } UISettings.getInstance() .addUISettingsListener( new UISettingsListener() { @Override public void uiSettingsChanged(UISettings source) { updateBackground(); } }, manager.getProject()); updateBackground(); }
@Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { try { Disposer.dispose(myTestRootDisposable); cleanupSwingDataStructures(); cleanupDeleteOnExitHookList(); } finally { if (shouldContainTempFiles()) { FileUtil.resetCanonicalTempPathCache(ORIGINAL_TEMP_DIR); if (ourPathToKeep != null && FileUtil.isAncestor(myTempDir, ourPathToKeep, false)) { File[] files = new File(myTempDir).listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { if (!FileUtil.pathsEqual(file.getPath(), ourPathToKeep)) { FileUtil.delete(file); } } } } else { FileUtil.delete(new File(myTempDir)); } } } UIUtil.removeLeakingAppleListeners(); super.tearDown(); }
EditorsSplitters( final FileEditorManagerImpl manager, DockManager dockManager, boolean createOwnDockableContainer) { super(new BorderLayout()); myManager = manager; myFocusWatcher = new MyFocusWatcher(); setFocusTraversalPolicy(new MyFocusTraversalPolicy()); clear(); if (createOwnDockableContainer) { DockableEditorTabbedContainer dockable = new DockableEditorTabbedContainer(myManager.getProject(), this, false); Disposer.register(manager.getProject(), dockable); dockManager.register(dockable); } KeymapManagerListener keymapListener = new KeymapManagerListener() { @Override public void activeKeymapChanged(Keymap keymap) { invalidate(); repaint(); } }; KeymapManager.getInstance().addKeymapManagerListener(keymapListener, this); }
public LanguageConsoleImpl( Project project, String title, LightVirtualFile lightFile, boolean initComponents) { myProject = project; myTitle = title; myVirtualFile = lightFile; EditorFactory editorFactory = EditorFactory.getInstance(); myHistoryFile = new LightVirtualFile(getTitle() + ".history.txt", FileTypes.PLAIN_TEXT, ""); myEditorDocument = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getDocument(lightFile); reparsePsiFile(); assert myEditorDocument != null; myConsoleEditor = (EditorEx) editorFactory.createEditor(myEditorDocument, myProject); myConsoleEditor.addFocusListener(myFocusListener); myCurrentEditor = myConsoleEditor; myHistoryViewer = (EditorEx) editorFactory.createViewer( ((EditorFactoryImpl) editorFactory).createDocument(true), myProject); myUpdateQueue = new MergingUpdateQueue("ConsoleUpdateQueue", 300, true, null); Disposer.register(this, myUpdateQueue); // action shortcuts are not yet registered ApplicationManager.getApplication() .invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { installEditorFactoryListener(); } }); if (initComponents) { initComponents(); } }
@Override public void dispose() { saveLocation(getBounds()); super.dispose(); Disposer.dispose(myScreen); WelcomeFrame.resetInstance(); }
public void setTreeBuilder(final AbstractTreeBuilder treeBuilder) { if (treeBuilder != null) { Disposer.register(this, treeBuilder); // needs refactoring for project view first // treeBuilder.setCanYieldUpdate(true); } myTreeBuilder = treeBuilder; }
protected EditorTextFieldCellRenderer( @Nullable Project project, @Nullable FileType fileType, boolean inheritFontFromLaF, @NotNull Disposable parent) { myProject = project; myFileType = fileType; myInheritFontFromLaF = inheritFontFromLaF; Disposer.register(parent, this); }
@Override public void dispose() { setRefreshVisible(false); InlineProgressIndicator[] indicators = getCurrentInlineIndicators().toArray(new InlineProgressIndicator[0]); for (InlineProgressIndicator indicator : indicators) { Disposer.dispose(indicator); } myInline2Original.clear(); myOriginal2Inlines.clear(); }
public void dispose() { fireApplicationExiting(); ShutDownTracker.getInstance().ensureStopperThreadsFinished(); disposeComponents(); ourThreadExecutorsService.shutdownNow(); myComponentStore = null; super.dispose(); Disposer.dispose(myLastDisposable); // dispose it last }
@Override public void disposeComponent() { releaseEditor(); myMappings.disposeMe(); myConnect.disconnect(); Disposer.dispose(myAnnotationLocalChangesListener); myContentManager = null; ToolWindowManager toolWindowManager = ToolWindowManager.getInstance(myProject); if (toolWindowManager != null && toolWindowManager.getToolWindow(ToolWindowId.VCS) != null) { toolWindowManager.unregisterToolWindow(ToolWindowId.VCS); } }
@NotNull private RendererComponent getEditorPanel(final JTable table) { RendererComponent panel = UIUtil.getClientProperty(table, MY_PANEL_PROPERTY); if (panel != null) { DelegateColorScheme scheme = (DelegateColorScheme) panel.getEditor().getColorsScheme(); scheme.setDelegate(EditorColorsManager.getInstance().getGlobalScheme()); return panel; } panel = createRendererComponent(myProject, myFileType, myInheritFontFromLaF); Disposer.register(this, panel); Disposer.register( this, new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { UIUtil.putClientProperty(table, MY_PANEL_PROPERTY, null); } }); table.putClientProperty(MY_PANEL_PROPERTY, panel); return panel; }
private DiffPanel createPanel(final boolean horizontal) { final DiffPanel diffPanel = new DiffPanelImpl(null, myProject, false, horizontal) { @Override protected DiffPanelState createDiffPanelState(@NotNull Disposable parentDisposable) { return new FragmentedDiffPanelState(this, myProject, !horizontal, parentDisposable); } }; diffPanel.enableToolbar(false); diffPanel.removeStatusBar(); DiffPanelOptions o = ((DiffPanelEx) diffPanel).getOptions(); o.setRequestFocusOnNewContent(false); Disposer.register(this, diffPanel); return diffPanel; }
private MyFocusCommand(DialogWrapper wrapper) { myWrapper = getDialogWrapper(); setToInvalidateRequestors(false); Disposer.register( wrapper.getDisposable(), new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { if (!myTypeAheadDone.isProcessed()) { myTypeAheadDone.setDone(); } flushEvents(); } }); }
public void cancel(InputEvent e) { if (isDisposed()) return; if (myPopup != null) { if (!canClose()) { return; } storeDimensionSize(myContent.getSize()); if (myUseDimServiceForXYLocation) { final JRootPane root = myComponent.getRootPane(); if (root != null) { final Container popupWindow = root.getParent(); if (popupWindow != null && popupWindow.isShowing()) { storeLocation(popupWindow.getLocationOnScreen()); } } } if (e instanceof MouseEvent) { IdeEventQueue.getInstance().blockNextEvents(((MouseEvent) e)); } myPopup.hide(false); if (ApplicationManagerEx.getApplicationEx() != null) { StackingPopupDispatcher.getInstance().onPopupHidden(this); } if (myInStack) { myFocusTrackback.setForcedRestore(!myOk && myFocusable); myFocusTrackback.restoreFocus(); } disposePopup(); if (myListeners != null) { for (JBPopupListener each : myListeners) { each.onClosed(new LightweightWindowEvent(this, myOk)); } } } Disposer.dispose(this, false); }
public FlatWelcomeFrame() { final JRootPane rootPane = getRootPane(); myScreen = new FlatWelcomeScreen(); final IdeGlassPaneImpl glassPane = new IdeGlassPaneImpl(rootPane) { @Override public void addNotify() { super.addNotify(); rootPane.remove(getProxyComponent()); //noinspection SSBasedInspection SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { JBProtocolCommand.handleCurrentCommand(); } }); } }; setGlassPane(glassPane); glassPane.setVisible(false); // setUndecorated(true); setContentPane(myScreen.getWelcomePanel()); setTitle("Welcome to " + ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName()); AppUIUtil.updateWindowIcon(this); final int width = RecentProjectsManager.getInstance().getRecentProjectsActions(false).length == 0 ? 666 : 777; setSize(JBUI.size(width, 460)); setResizable(false); // int x = bounds.x + (bounds.width - getWidth()) / 2; // int y = bounds.y + (bounds.height - getHeight()) / 2; Point location = DimensionService.getInstance().getLocation(WelcomeFrame.DIMENSION_KEY, null); Rectangle screenBounds = ScreenUtil.getScreenRectangle(location != null ? location : new Point(0, 0)); setLocation( new Point( screenBounds.x + (screenBounds.width - getWidth()) / 2, screenBounds.y + (screenBounds.height - getHeight()) / 3)); // setLocation(x, y); ProjectManager.getInstance() .addProjectManagerListener( new ProjectManagerAdapter() { @Override public void projectOpened(Project project) { dispose(); } }); myBalloonLayout = new BalloonLayoutImpl(rootPane, JBUI.insets(8)); WelcomeFrame.setupCloseAction(this); MnemonicHelper.init(this); Disposer.register( ApplicationManager.getApplication(), new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { FlatWelcomeFrame.this.dispose(); } }); }
private void uninstallSynchronizer() { if (myMenuItemSynchronizer != null) { Disposer.dispose(myMenuItemSynchronizer); myMenuItemSynchronizer = null; } }
public void show() { // final long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); JComponent panel = createCenterPanel(); new MnemonicHelper().register(panel); boolean shouldSetWidth = DimensionService.getInstance().getSize(getDimensionServiceKey(), myProject) == null; myPopup = JBPopupFactory.getInstance() .createComponentPopupBuilder(panel, null) .setTitle(myTitle) .setResizable(true) .setModalContext(false) .setFocusable(true) .setMovable(true) .setBelongsToGlobalPopupStack(true) // .setCancelOnClickOutside(false) //for debug and snapshots .setCancelKeyEnabled(false) .setDimensionServiceKey(null, getDimensionServiceKey(), false) .setCancelCallback( new Computable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean compute() { DimensionService.getInstance() .setLocation( getDimensionServiceKey(), myPopup.getLocationOnScreen(), myProject); return true; } }) .createPopup(); myTree.addTreeSelectionListener( new TreeSelectionListener() { @Override public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { if (myPopup.isVisible()) { final PopupUpdateProcessor updateProcessor = myPopup.getUserData(PopupUpdateProcessor.class); if (updateProcessor != null) { final AbstractTreeNode node = getSelectedNode(); updateProcessor.updatePopup(node); } } } }); Disposer.register(myPopup, this); Disposer.register( myPopup, new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { if (!myTreeHasBuilt.isDone()) { myTreeHasBuilt.setRejected(); } } }); myTree.getEmptyText().setText("Loading..."); final Point location = DimensionService.getInstance().getLocation(getDimensionServiceKey(), myProject); if (location != null) { myPopup.showInScreenCoordinates(myEditor.getContentComponent(), location); } else { myPopup.showCenteredInCurrentWindow(myProject); } ((AbstractPopup) myPopup).setShowHints(true); if (shouldSetWidth) { myPopup.setSize(new Dimension(myPreferredWidth + 10, myPopup.getSize().height)); } IdeFocusManager.getInstance(myProject).requestFocus(myTree, true); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .executeOnPooledThread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final AccessToken token = ApplicationManager.getApplication().acquireReadActionLock(); try { myFilteringStructure.rebuild(); } finally { token.finish(); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { myAbstractTreeBuilder .queueUpdate() .doWhenDone( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { myTreeHasBuilt.setDone(); //noinspection SSBasedInspection SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { selectPsiElement(myInitialPsiElement); } }); } }); } }); installUpdater(); } }); }
public FileStructurePopup( StructureViewModel structureViewModel, @Nullable Editor editor, Project project, @NotNull final Disposable auxDisposable, final boolean applySortAndFilter) { myProject = project; myEditor = editor; // Stop code analyzer to speedup EDT final DaemonCodeAnalyzer analyzer = DaemonCodeAnalyzer.getInstance(myProject); if (analyzer != null) { myDaemonUpdateEnabled = ((DaemonCodeAnalyzerImpl) analyzer).isUpdateByTimerEnabled(); analyzer.setUpdateByTimerEnabled(false); } else { myDaemonUpdateEnabled = false; } IdeFocusManager.getInstance(myProject).typeAheadUntil(myTreeHasBuilt); myBaseTreeModel = structureViewModel; Disposer.register(this, auxDisposable); if (applySortAndFilter) { myTreeActionsOwner = new TreeStructureActionsOwner(myBaseTreeModel); myTreeModel = new TreeModelWrapper(structureViewModel, myTreeActionsOwner); } else { myTreeActionsOwner = null; myTreeModel = structureViewModel; } myTreeStructure = new SmartTreeStructure(project, myTreeModel) { public void rebuildTree() { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode() || !myPopup.isDisposed()) { super.rebuildTree(); } } public boolean isToBuildChildrenInBackground(final Object element) { return getRootElement() == element; } protected TreeElementWrapper createTree() { return new StructureViewComponent.StructureViewTreeElementWrapper( myProject, myModel.getRoot(), myModel); } @Override public String toString() { return "structure view tree structure(model=" + myTreeModel + ")"; } }; myTree = new FileStructureTree( myTreeStructure.getRootElement(),"")); myTree.setCellRenderer( new NodeRenderer() { @Override protected void doAppend( @NotNull @Nls String fragment, @NotNull SimpleTextAttributes attributes, boolean isMainText, boolean selected) { SpeedSearchUtil.appendFragmentsForSpeedSearch( myTree, fragment, attributes, selected, this); } @Override public void doAppend( @NotNull String fragment, @NotNull SimpleTextAttributes attributes, boolean selected) { SpeedSearchUtil.appendFragmentsForSpeedSearch( myTree, fragment, attributes, selected, this); } @Override public void doAppend(String fragment, boolean selected) { SpeedSearchUtil.appendFragmentsForSpeedSearch( myTree, fragment, SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES, selected, this); } }); mySpeedSearch = new MyTreeSpeedSearch(); mySpeedSearch.setComparator(new SpeedSearchComparator(false, true)); final FileStructurePopupFilter filter = new FileStructurePopupFilter(); myFilteringStructure = new FilteringTreeStructure( filter, myTreeStructure, ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()); myAbstractTreeBuilder = new FilteringTreeBuilder(myTree, filter, myFilteringStructure, null) { @Override public void initRootNode() {} @Override protected boolean validateNode(Object child) { return StructureViewComponent.isValid(child); } @Override public void revalidateTree() { // myTree.revalidate(); // myTree.repaint(); } @Override public boolean isToEnsureSelectionOnFocusGained() { return false; } }; myTreeExpander = new DefaultTreeExpander(myTree); // myAbstractTreeBuilder.getUi().setPassthroughMode(true); myAbstractTreeBuilder.getUi().getUpdater().setDelay(1); myInitialPsiElement = getCurrentElement(getPsiFile(myProject)); // myAbstractTreeBuilder.setCanYieldUpdate(true); Disposer.register(this, myAbstractTreeBuilder); }
protected <T extends Disposable> T disposeOnTearDown(final T disposable) { Disposer.register(myTestRootDisposable, disposable); return disposable; }
public void navigate(int injectedOffset) { if (myAction.isShowInBalloon()) { final JComponent component = myAction.createBalloonComponent(myNewFile); if (component != null) { final Balloon balloon = JBPopupFactory.getInstance() .createBalloonBuilder(component) .setShadow(true) .setAnimationCycle(0) .setHideOnClickOutside(true) .setHideOnKeyOutside(true) .setHideOnAction(false) .setFillColor(UIUtil.getControlColor()) .createBalloon(); new AnAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent e) { balloon.hide(); } }.registerCustomShortcutSet(CommonShortcuts.ESCAPE, component); Disposer.register(myNewFile.getProject(), balloon); final Balloon.Position position = QuickEditAction.getBalloonPosition(myEditor); RelativePoint point = JBPopupFactory.getInstance().guessBestPopupLocation(myEditor); if (position == Balloon.Position.above) { final Point p = point.getPoint(); point = new RelativePoint( point.getComponent(), new Point(p.x, p.y - myEditor.getLineHeight())); }, position); } } else { final FileEditorManagerEx fileEditorManager = FileEditorManagerEx.getInstanceEx(myProject); final FileEditor[] editors = fileEditorManager.getEditors(myNewVirtualFile); if (editors.length == 0) { final EditorWindow curWindow = fileEditorManager.getCurrentWindow(); mySplittedWindow = curWindow.split(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL, false, myNewVirtualFile, true); } Editor editor = fileEditorManager.openTextEditor( new OpenFileDescriptor(myProject, myNewVirtualFile, injectedOffset), true); // fold missing values if (editor != null) { editor.putUserData(QuickEditAction.QUICK_EDIT_HANDLER, this); final FoldingModel foldingModel = editor.getFoldingModel(); foldingModel.runBatchFoldingOperation( () -> { for (RangeMarker o : ContainerUtil.reverse(((DocumentEx) myNewDocument).getGuardedBlocks())) { String replacement = o.getUserData(REPLACEMENT_KEY); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(replacement)) continue; FoldRegion region = foldingModel.addFoldRegion(o.getStartOffset(), o.getEndOffset(), replacement); if (region != null) region.setExpanded(false); } }); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater( () -> myEditor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.MAKE_VISIBLE)); } }
public void dispose() { if (myDisposed) { return; } myDisposed = true; Disposer.dispose(this, false); assert ApplicationManager.getApplication().isDispatchThread(); if (myPopup != null) { cancel(myDisposeEvent); } if (myContent != null) { myContent.removeAll(); myContent.removeKeyListener(mySearchKeyListener); } myContent = null; myPreferredFocusedComponent = null; myComponent = null; myFocusTrackback = null; myCallBack = null; myListeners = null; if (myMouseOutCanceller != null) { final Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); // it may happen, but have no idea how // if (toolkit != null) { toolkit.removeAWTEventListener(myMouseOutCanceller); } } myMouseOutCanceller = null; if (myFocusWatcher != null) { myFocusWatcher.dispose(); myFocusWatcher = null; } resetWindow(); if (myFinalRunnable != null) { final ActionCallback typeaheadDone = new ActionCallback(); Runnable runFinal = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { typeaheadDone.setDone(); } });; myFinalRunnable = null; } }; IdeFocusManager.getInstance(myProject).typeAheadUntil(typeaheadDone); getFocusManager().doWhenFocusSettlesDown(runFinal); } }
private void buildInInlineIndicator(@NotNull final InlineProgressIndicator inline) { removeAll(); setLayout(new InlineLayout()); add(myRefreshAndInfoPanel); final JPanel inlinePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); inline.getComponent().setBorder(new EmptyBorder(1, 0, 0, 2)); final JComponent inlineComponent = inline.getComponent(); inlineComponent.setOpaque(false); inlinePanel.add(inlineComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER); // myProgressIcon.setBorder(new IdeStatusBarImpl.MacStatusBarWidgetBorder()); inlinePanel.add(myProgressIcon, BorderLayout.WEST); inline.updateProgressNow(); inlinePanel.setOpaque(false); add(inlinePanel); myRefreshAndInfoPanel.revalidate(); myRefreshAndInfoPanel.repaint(); if (UISettings.getInstance().PRESENTATION_MODE) { final JRootPane pane = myInfoPanel.getRootPane(); final RelativePoint point = new RelativePoint(pane, new Point(pane.getWidth() - 250, 60)); final PresentationModeProgressPanel panel = new PresentationModeProgressPanel(inline); final MyInlineProgressIndicator delegate = new MyInlineProgressIndicator(true, inline.getInfo(), inline) { @Override protected void updateProgress() { super.updateProgress(); panel.update(); } }; Disposer.register(inline, delegate); JBPopupFactory.getInstance() .createBalloonBuilder(panel.getRootPanel()) .setFadeoutTime(0) .setFillColor(Gray.TRANSPARENT) .setShowCallout(false) .setBorderColor(Gray.TRANSPARENT) .setBorderInsets(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)) .setAnimationCycle(0) .setCloseButtonEnabled(false) .setHideOnClickOutside(false) .setDisposable(inline) .setHideOnFrameResize(false) .setHideOnKeyOutside(false) .setBlockClicksThroughBalloon(true) .setHideOnAction(false) .createBalloon() .show( new PositionTracker<Balloon>(pane) { @Override public RelativePoint recalculateLocation(Balloon object) { final EditorComponentImpl editorComponent = UIUtil.findComponentOfType(pane, EditorComponentImpl.class); if (editorComponent != null) { return new RelativePoint( editorComponent.getParent().getParent(), new Point( editorComponent.getParent().getParent().getWidth() - 150, editorComponent.getParent().getParent().getHeight() - 70)); } return point; } }, Balloon.Position.above); } }
public void show(Component owner, int aScreenX, int aScreenY, final boolean considerForcedXY) { if (ApplicationManagerEx.getApplicationEx() != null && ApplicationManager.getApplication().isHeadlessEnvironment()) return; if (isDisposed()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Popup was already disposed. Recreate a new instance to show again"); } assert ApplicationManager.getApplication().isDispatchThread(); addActivity(); final boolean shouldShow = beforeShow(); if (!shouldShow) { removeActivity(); return; } prepareToShow(); if (myInStack) { myFocusTrackback = new FocusTrackback(this, owner, true); myFocusTrackback.setMustBeShown(true); } Dimension sizeToSet = null; if (myDimensionServiceKey != null) { sizeToSet = DimensionService.getInstance().getSize(myDimensionServiceKey, myProject); } if (myForcedSize != null) { sizeToSet = myForcedSize; } if (myMinSize == null) { myMinSize = myContent.getMinimumSize(); } if (sizeToSet == null) { sizeToSet = myContent.getPreferredSize(); } if (sizeToSet != null) { sizeToSet.width = Math.max(sizeToSet.width, myMinSize.width); sizeToSet.height = Math.max(sizeToSet.height, myMinSize.height); myContent.setSize(sizeToSet); myContent.setPreferredSize(sizeToSet); } Point xy = new Point(aScreenX, aScreenY); boolean adjustXY = true; if (myDimensionServiceKey != null) { final Point storedLocation = DimensionService.getInstance().getLocation(myDimensionServiceKey, myProject); if (storedLocation != null) { xy = storedLocation; adjustXY = false; } } if (adjustXY) { final Insets insets = myContent.getInsets(); if (insets != null) { xy.x -= insets.left; xy.y -=; } } if (considerForcedXY && myForcedLocation != null) { xy = myForcedLocation; } if (myLocateByContent) { final Dimension captionSize = myHeaderPanel.getPreferredSize(); xy.y -= captionSize.height; } Rectangle targetBounds = new Rectangle(xy, myContent.getPreferredSize()); Insets insets = myPopupBorder.getBorderInsets(myContent); if (insets != null) { targetBounds.x += insets.left; targetBounds.y +=; } Rectangle original = new Rectangle(targetBounds); if (myLocateWithinScreen) { ScreenUtil.moveRectangleToFitTheScreen(targetBounds); } if (myMouseOutCanceller != null) { myMouseOutCanceller.myEverEntered = targetBounds.equals(original); } myOwner = IdeFrameImpl.findNearestModalComponent(owner); if (myOwner == null) { myOwner = owner; } myRequestorComponent = owner; boolean forcedDialog = (SystemInfo.isMac && !(myOwner instanceof IdeFrame)) || myMayBeParent; PopupComponent.Factory factory = getFactory(myForcedHeavyweight || myResizable, forcedDialog); myNativePopup = factory.isNativePopup(); myPopup = factory.getPopup(myOwner, myContent, targetBounds.x, targetBounds.y); if (myResizable) { final JRootPane root = myContent.getRootPane(); final IdeGlassPaneImpl glass = new IdeGlassPaneImpl(root); root.setGlassPane(glass); final ResizeComponentListener resizeListener = new ResizeComponentListener(this, glass); glass.addMousePreprocessor(resizeListener, this); glass.addMouseMotionPreprocessor(resizeListener, this); } if (myCaption != null && myMovable) { final MoveComponentListener moveListener = new MoveComponentListener(myCaption) { public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) { super.mousePressed(e); if (e.isConsumed()) return; if (UIUtil.isCloseClick(e)) { if (myCaption.isWithinPanel(e)) { cancel(); } } } }; ListenerUtil.addMouseListener(myCaption, moveListener); ListenerUtil.addMouseMotionListener(myCaption, moveListener); final MyContentPanel saved = myContent; Disposer.register( this, new Disposable() { public void dispose() { ListenerUtil.removeMouseListener(saved, moveListener); ListenerUtil.removeMouseMotionListener(saved, moveListener); } }); } for (JBPopupListener listener : myListeners) { listener.beforeShown(new LightweightWindowEvent(this)); } myPopup.setRequestFocus(myRequestFocus);; final Window window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(myContent); myWindowListener = new MyWindowListener(); window.addWindowListener(myWindowListener); if (myFocusable) { window.setFocusableWindowState(true); window.setFocusable(true); } myWindow = updateMaskAndAlpha(window); if (myWindow instanceof JWindow) { ((JWindow) myWindow).getRootPane().putClientProperty(KEY, this); } if (myWindow != null) { // dialogwrapper-based popups do this internally through peer, // for other popups like jdialog-based we should exclude them manually, but // we still have to be able to use IdeFrame as parent if (!myMayBeParent && !(myWindow instanceof Frame)) { WindowManager.getInstance().doNotSuggestAsParent(myWindow); } } final Runnable afterShow = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (myPreferredFocusedComponent != null && myInStack && myFocusable) { myFocusTrackback.registerFocusComponent(myPreferredFocusedComponent); } removeActivity(); afterShow(); } }; if (myRequestFocus) { getFocusManager() .requestFocus( new FocusCommand() { @Override public ActionCallback run() { if (isDisposed()) { removeActivity(); return new ActionCallback.Done(); } _requestFocus(); final ActionCallback result = new ActionCallback(); final Runnable afterShowRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; result.setDone(); } }; if (myNativePopup) { final FocusRequestor furtherRequestor = getFocusManager().getFurtherRequestor(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (isDisposed()) { result.setRejected(); return; } furtherRequestor .requestFocus( new FocusCommand() { @Override public ActionCallback run() { if (isDisposed()) { return new ActionCallback.Rejected(); } _requestFocus();; return new ActionCallback.Done(); } }, true) .notify(result) .doWhenProcessed( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { removeActivity(); } }); } }); } else {; } return result; } }, true) .doWhenRejected( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); } else { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (isDisposed()) { removeActivity(); return; }; } }); } }
private void prepareToShow() { final MouseAdapter mouseAdapter = new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { Point point = (Point) e.getPoint().clone(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(point, e.getComponent()); final Dimension dimension = myContent.getSize(); dimension.height += myResizable && isToDrawMacCorner() ? ourMacCorner.getHeight(myContent) : 4; dimension.width += 4; Point locationOnScreen = myContent.getLocationOnScreen(); final Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(new Point(locationOnScreen.x - 2, locationOnScreen.y - 2), dimension); if (!bounds.contains(point)) { cancel(); } } }; myContent.addMouseListener(mouseAdapter); Disposer.register( this, new Disposable() { public void dispose() { myContent.removeMouseListener(mouseAdapter); } }); myContent.registerKeyboardAction( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (myCancelKeyEnabled) { cancel(); } } }, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0), JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); mySearchKeyListener = new SpeedSearchKeyListener(); myContent.addKeyListener(mySearchKeyListener); if (myCancelOnMouseOutCallback != null || myCancelOnWindow) { myMouseOutCanceller = new Canceller(); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .addAWTEventListener( myMouseOutCanceller, AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK | WindowEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATED | AWTEvent.MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK); } myFocusWatcher = new ChildFocusWatcher(myContent) { protected void onFocusGained(final FocusEvent event) { setWindowActive(true); } protected void onFocusLost(final FocusEvent event) { setWindowActive(false); } }; mySpeedSearchPatternField = new JTextField(); if (SystemInfo.isMac) { Font f = mySpeedSearchPatternField.getFont(); mySpeedSearchPatternField.setFont(f.deriveFont(f.getStyle(), f.getSize() - 2)); } }
public ApplicationImpl( boolean isInternal, boolean isUnitTestMode, boolean isHeadless, boolean isCommandLine, @NotNull String appName) { super(null); getPicoContainer().registerComponentInstance(Application.class, this); CommonBundle.assertKeyIsFound = isUnitTestMode; if ((isInternal || isUnitTestMode) && !Comparing.equal("off", System.getProperty("idea.disposer.debug"))) { Disposer.setDebugMode(true); } myStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); myName = appName; ApplicationManagerEx.setApplication(this); PluginsFacade.INSTANCE = new PluginsFacade() { public IdeaPluginDescriptor getPlugin(PluginId id) { return PluginManager.getPlugin(id); } public IdeaPluginDescriptor[] getPlugins() { return PluginManager.getPlugins(); } }; if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().push(IdeEventQueue.getInstance()); if (Patches.SUN_BUG_ID_6209673) { RepaintManager.setCurrentManager(new IdeRepaintManager()); } IconLoader.activate(); } myIsInternal = isInternal; myTestModeFlag = isUnitTestMode; myHeadlessMode = isHeadless; myCommandLineMode = isCommandLine; loadApplicationComponents(); if (myTestModeFlag) { registerShutdownHook(); } if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Disposer.register(this, Disposer.newDisposable(), "ui"); StartupUtil.addExternalInstanceListener( new Consumer<List<String>>() { @Override public void consume(final List<String> args) { invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Project project = CommandLineProcessor.processExternalCommandLine(args); final IdeFrame frame; if (project != null) { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getIdeFrame(project); } else { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getAllFrames()[0]; } ((IdeFrameImpl) frame).requestFocus(); } }); } }); } final String s = System.getProperty("jb.restart.code"); if (s != null) { try { myRestartCode = Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { } } }
public StructureViewComponent( final FileEditor editor, final StructureViewModel structureViewModel, final Project project, final boolean showRootNode) { super(true, true); myProject = project; myFileEditor = editor; myTreeModel = structureViewModel; myTreeModelWrapper = new TreeModelWrapper(myTreeModel, this); SmartTreeStructure treeStructure = new SmartTreeStructure(project, myTreeModelWrapper) { public void rebuildTree() { if (!isDisposed()) { super.rebuildTree(); } } public boolean isToBuildChildrenInBackground(final Object element) { return getRootElement() == element; } protected TreeElementWrapper createTree() { return new StructureViewTreeElementWrapper(myProject, myModel.getRoot(), myModel); } @Override public String toString() { return "structure view tree structure(model=" + myTreeModel + ")"; } }; final DefaultTreeModel model = new DefaultTreeModel(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(treeStructure.getRootElement())); myTree = new Tree(model); myTree.setRootVisible(showRootNode); myTree.setShowsRootHandles(true); myAbstractTreeBuilder = new StructureTreeBuilder( project, myTree, (DefaultTreeModel) myTree.getModel(), treeStructure, myTreeModelWrapper) { @Override protected boolean validateNode(Object child) { return isValid(child); } }; Disposer.register(this, myAbstractTreeBuilder); Disposer.register( myAbstractTreeBuilder, new Disposable() { public void dispose() { storeState(); } }); setContent(ScrollPaneFactory.createScrollPane(myAbstractTreeBuilder.getTree())); myAbstractTreeBuilder.getTree().setCellRenderer(new NodeRenderer()); myAutoScrollToSourceHandler = new MyAutoScrollToSourceHandler(); myAutoScrollFromSourceHandler = new MyAutoScrollFromSourceHandler(myProject, this); JComponent toolbarComponent = ActionManager.getInstance() .createActionToolbar(ActionPlaces.STRUCTURE_VIEW_TOOLBAR, createActionGroup(), true) .getComponent(); setToolbar(toolbarComponent); installTree(); myCopyPasteDelegator = new CopyPasteDelegator(myProject, getTree()) { @NotNull protected PsiElement[] getSelectedElements() { return getSelectedPsiElements(); } }; }
@SuppressWarnings({"AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod"}) public class ApplicationImpl extends ComponentManagerImpl implements ApplicationEx { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.application.impl.ApplicationImpl"); private final ModalityState MODALITY_STATE_NONE = ModalityState.NON_MODAL; private final ModalityInvokator myInvokator = new ModalityInvokatorImpl(); private final EventDispatcher<ApplicationListener> myDispatcher = EventDispatcher.create(ApplicationListener.class); private IApplicationStore myComponentStore; private boolean myTestModeFlag; private final boolean myHeadlessMode; private final boolean myCommandLineMode; private final boolean myIsInternal; private final String myName; private final ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock myActionsLock = new ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock(); private final Stack<Class> myWriteActionsStack = new Stack<Class>(); // accessed from EDT only, no need to sync private volatile Runnable myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable; private int myInEditorPaintCounter = 0; private long myStartTime = 0; @Nullable private Splash mySplash; private boolean myDoNotSave; private volatile boolean myDisposeInProgress = false; private int myRestartCode = 0; private volatile int myExitCode = 0; private final Disposable myLastDisposable = Disposer.newDisposable(); // will be disposed last private final AtomicBoolean mySaveSettingsIsInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false); @SuppressWarnings({"UseOfArchaicSystemPropertyAccessors"}) private static final int ourDumpThreadsOnLongWriteActionWaiting = Integer.getInteger("dump.threads.on.long.write.action.waiting", 0); private final ExecutorService ourThreadExecutorsService = new ThreadPoolExecutor( 3, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 5 * 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(), new ThreadFactory() { int i; public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { final Thread thread = new Thread(r, "ApplicationImpl pooled thread " + i++) { public void interrupt() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Interrupted worker, will remove from pool"); } super.interrupt(); } public void run() { try {; } catch (Throwable t) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Worker exits due to exception", t); } } } }; thread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1); return thread; } }); private boolean myIsFiringLoadingEvent = false; @NonNls private static final String WAS_EVER_SHOWN = "was.ever.shown"; private Boolean myActive; private static final ThreadLocal<Integer> ourEdtSafe = new ThreadLocal<Integer>(); private static final ModalityState ANY = new ModalityState() { @Override public boolean dominates(@NotNull ModalityState anotherState) { return false; } @Override public String toString() { return "ANY"; } }; protected void bootstrapPicoContainer() { super.bootstrapPicoContainer(); getPicoContainer() .registerComponentImplementation( IComponentStore.class, StoresFactory.getApplicationStoreClass()); getPicoContainer().registerComponentImplementation(ApplicationPathMacroManager.class); } @NotNull public synchronized IApplicationStore getStateStore() { if (myComponentStore == null) { myComponentStore = (IApplicationStore) getPicoContainer().getComponentInstance(IComponentStore.class); } return myComponentStore; } @Override public void initializeComponent(Object component, boolean service) { getStateStore().initComponent(component, service); } public ApplicationImpl( boolean isInternal, boolean isUnitTestMode, boolean isHeadless, boolean isCommandLine, @NotNull String appName, Splash splash) { super(null); ApplicationManagerEx.setApplication( this, myLastDisposable); // reset back to null only when all components already disposed getPicoContainer().registerComponentInstance(Application.class, this); CommonBundle.assertKeyIsFound = isUnitTestMode; AWTExceptionHandler.register(); // do not crash AWT on exceptions if ((isInternal || isUnitTestMode) && !Comparing.equal("off", System.getProperty("idea.disposer.debug"))) { Disposer.setDebugMode(true); } myStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mySplash = splash; myName = appName; PluginsFacade.INSTANCE = new PluginsFacade() { public IdeaPluginDescriptor getPlugin(PluginId id) { return PluginManager.getPlugin(id); } public IdeaPluginDescriptor[] getPlugins() { return PluginManager.getPlugins(); } }; myIsInternal = isInternal; myTestModeFlag = isUnitTestMode; myHeadlessMode = isHeadless; myCommandLineMode = isCommandLine; myDoNotSave = myTestModeFlag || myHeadlessMode; loadApplicationComponents(); if (myTestModeFlag) { registerShutdownHook(); } if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Disposer.register(this, Disposer.newDisposable(), "ui"); StartupUtil.addExternalInstanceListener( new Consumer<List<String>>() { @Override public void consume(final List<String> args) { invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Project project = CommandLineProcessor.processExternalCommandLine(args); final IdeFrame frame; if (project != null) { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getIdeFrame(project); } else { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getAllFrames()[0]; } ((IdeFrameImpl) frame).requestFocus(); } }); } }); } final String s = System.getProperty("jb.restart.code"); if (s != null) { try { myRestartCode = Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { } } registerFont("/fonts/Inconsolata.ttf"); } private void registerFont(String name) { if (isHeadlessEnvironment()) return; InputStream is = null; try { is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(name); final Font font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, is); GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().registerFont(font); } catch (Exception e) {; } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } } } } private void registerShutdownHook() { ShutDownTracker .getInstance(); // Necessary to avoid creating an instance while already shutting down. ShutDownTracker.getInstance() .registerShutdownTask( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (isDisposed() || isDisposeInProgress()) { return; } ShutDownTracker.invokeAndWait( isUnitTestMode(), new Runnable() { public void run() { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication() != ApplicationImpl.this) return; try { myDisposeInProgress = true; saveAll(); } finally { disposeSelf(); } } }); } }); } private boolean disposeSelf() { final CommandProcessor commandProcessor = CommandProcessor.getInstance(); final Ref<Boolean> canClose = new Ref<Boolean>(Boolean.TRUE); for (final Project project : ProjectManagerEx.getInstanceEx().getOpenProjects()) { try { commandProcessor.executeCommand( project, new Runnable() { public void run() { canClose.set(ProjectUtil.closeAndDispose(project)); } }, ApplicationBundle.message("command.exit"), null); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error(e); } if (!canClose.get()) { myDisposeInProgress = false; return false; } } Disposer.dispose(this); Disposer.assertIsEmpty(); return true; } @NotNull public String getName() { return myName; } public boolean holdsReadLock() { return myActionsLock.isReadLockAcquired(); } @Override protected void handleInitComponentError( final Throwable ex, final boolean fatal, final String componentClassName) { if (PluginManager.isPluginClass(componentClassName)) { LOG.error(ex); PluginId pluginId = PluginManager.getPluginByClassName(componentClassName); @NonNls final String errorMessage = "Plugin " + pluginId.getIdString() + " failed to initialize and will be disabled:\n" + ex.getMessage() + "\nPlease restart " + ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName() + "."; PluginManager.disablePlugin(pluginId.getIdString()); if (!myHeadlessMode) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMessage); } else { //noinspection UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr System.out.println(errorMessage); System.exit(1); } return; // do not call super } if (fatal) { LOG.error(ex); @NonNls final String errorMessage = "Fatal error initializing class " + componentClassName + ":\n" + ex.toString() + "\nComplete error stacktrace was written to idea.log"; if (!myHeadlessMode) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMessage); } else { //noinspection UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr System.out.println(errorMessage); } } super.handleInitComponentError(ex, fatal, componentClassName); } private void loadApplicationComponents() { PluginManager.initPlugins(mySplash); final IdeaPluginDescriptor[] plugins = PluginManager.getPlugins(); for (IdeaPluginDescriptor plugin : plugins) { if (PluginManager.shouldSkipPlugin(plugin)) continue; loadComponentsConfiguration(plugin.getAppComponents(), plugin, false); } } @Override protected synchronized Object createComponent(Class componentInterface) { Object component = super.createComponent(componentInterface); if (mySplash != null) { mySplash.showProgress( "", (float) (0.65f + myComponentsRegistry.getPercentageOfComponentsLoaded() * 0.35f)); } return component; } protected MutablePicoContainer createPicoContainer() { return Extensions.getRootArea().getPicoContainer(); } public boolean isInternal() { return myIsInternal; } public boolean isUnitTestMode() { return myTestModeFlag; } public void setUnitTestMode(boolean testModeFlag) { myTestModeFlag = testModeFlag; } public boolean isHeadlessEnvironment() { return myHeadlessMode; } public boolean isCommandLine() { return myCommandLineMode; } public Future<?> executeOnPooledThread(@NotNull final Runnable action) { return ourThreadExecutorsService.submit( new Runnable() { public void run() { try {; } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { // ignore } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error(t); } finally { Thread.interrupted(); // reset interrupted status } } }); } @Override public <T> Future<T> executeOnPooledThread(@NotNull final Callable<T> action) { return ourThreadExecutorsService.submit( new Callable<T>() { public T call() { try { return; } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { // ignore } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error(t); } finally { Thread.interrupted(); // reset interrupted status } return null; } }); } private static Thread ourDispatchThread = null; public boolean isDispatchThread() { return EventQueue.isDispatchThread(); } @NotNull public ModalityInvokator getInvokator() { return myInvokator; } public void invokeLater(@NotNull final Runnable runnable) { myInvokator.invokeLater(runnable); } public void invokeLater(@NotNull final Runnable runnable, @NotNull final Condition expired) { myInvokator.invokeLater(runnable, expired); } public void invokeLater(@NotNull final Runnable runnable, @NotNull final ModalityState state) { myInvokator.invokeLater(runnable, state); } public void invokeLater( @NotNull final Runnable runnable, @NotNull final ModalityState state, @NotNull final Condition expired) { myInvokator.invokeLater(runnable, state, expired); } public void load(String path) throws IOException, InvalidDataException { getStateStore().setOptionsPath(path); getStateStore().setConfigPath(PathManager.getConfigPath()); myIsFiringLoadingEvent = true; try { fireBeforeApplicationLoaded(); } finally { myIsFiringLoadingEvent = false; } loadComponentRoamingTypes(); HeavyProcessLatch.INSTANCE.processStarted(); try { getStateStore().load(); } catch (StateStorageException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { HeavyProcessLatch.INSTANCE.processFinished(); } } @Override protected <T> T getComponentFromContainer(final Class<T> interfaceClass) { if (myIsFiringLoadingEvent) { return null; } return super.getComponentFromContainer(interfaceClass); } private static void loadComponentRoamingTypes() { ExtensionPoint<RoamingTypeExtensionPointBean> point = Extensions.getRootArea().getExtensionPoint("com.intellij.ComponentRoamingType"); final RoamingTypeExtensionPointBean[] componentRoamingTypes = point.getExtensions(); for (RoamingTypeExtensionPointBean object : componentRoamingTypes) { assert object.componentName != null; assert object.roamingType != null; final RoamingType type = RoamingType.valueOf(object.roamingType); assert type != null; ComponentRoamingManager.getInstance().setRoamingType(object.componentName, type); } } private void fireBeforeApplicationLoaded() { ExtensionPoint<ApplicationLoadListener> point = Extensions.getRootArea().getExtensionPoint("com.intellij.ApplicationLoadListener"); final ApplicationLoadListener[] objects = point.getExtensions(); for (ApplicationLoadListener object : objects) { try { object.beforeApplicationLoaded(this); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } } } public void dispose() { fireApplicationExiting(); ShutDownTracker.getInstance().ensureStopperThreadsFinished(); disposeComponents(); ourThreadExecutorsService.shutdownNow(); myComponentStore = null; super.dispose(); Disposer.dispose(myLastDisposable); // dispose it last } private final Object lock = new Object(); private void makeChangesVisibleToEDT() { synchronized (lock) { lock.hashCode(); } } public boolean runProcessWithProgressSynchronously( @NotNull final Runnable process, @NotNull String progressTitle, boolean canBeCanceled, Project project) { return runProcessWithProgressSynchronously( process, progressTitle, canBeCanceled, project, null); } public boolean runProcessWithProgressSynchronously( @NotNull final Runnable process, @NotNull final String progressTitle, final boolean canBeCanceled, @Nullable final Project project, final JComponent parentComponent) { return runProcessWithProgressSynchronously( process, progressTitle, canBeCanceled, project, parentComponent, null); } public boolean runProcessWithProgressSynchronously( @NotNull final Runnable process, @NotNull final String progressTitle, final boolean canBeCanceled, @Nullable final Project project, final JComponent parentComponent, final String cancelText) { assertIsDispatchThread(); if (myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable != null || ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode() || ApplicationManager.getApplication().isHeadlessEnvironment()) { try { ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcess(process, new EmptyProgressIndicator()); } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { // ok to ignore. return false; } return true; } final ProgressWindow progress = new ProgressWindow(canBeCanceled, false, project, parentComponent, cancelText); progress.setTitle(progressTitle); try { myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable = process; final boolean[] threadStarted = {false}; SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable != process) { LOG.error( "myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable != process, process = " + myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable); } executeOnPooledThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable != process) { LOG.error( "myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable != process, process = " + myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable); } final boolean old = setExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag(true); LOG.assertTrue(isReadAccessAllowed()); try { ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcess(process, progress); } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { progress.cancel(); // ok to ignore. } catch (RuntimeException e) { progress.cancel(); throw e; } finally { setExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag(old); makeChangesVisibleToEDT(); } } }); threadStarted[0] = true; } }); progress.startBlocking(); LOG.assertTrue(threadStarted[0]); LOG.assertTrue(!progress.isRunning()); } finally { myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable = null; makeChangesVisibleToEDT(); } return !progress.isCanceled(); } public boolean isInModalProgressThread() { if (myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable == null || !isExceptionalThreadWithReadAccess()) { return false; } ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator(); return progressIndicator.isModal() && ((ProgressIndicatorEx) progressIndicator).isModalityEntered(); } public void invokeAndWait(@NotNull Runnable runnable, @NotNull ModalityState modalityState) { if (isDispatchThread()) { LOG.error("invokeAndWait must not be called from event queue thread");; return; } if (isExceptionalThreadWithReadAccess()) { // OK if we're in exceptional thread. LaterInvocator.invokeAndWait(runnable, modalityState); return; } if (myActionsLock.isReadLockAcquired()) { LOG.error("Calling invokeAndWait from read-action leads to possible deadlock."); } LaterInvocator.invokeAndWait(runnable, modalityState); } @NotNull public ModalityState getCurrentModalityState() { Object[] entities = LaterInvocator.getCurrentModalEntities(); return entities.length > 0 ? new ModalityStateEx(entities) : getNoneModalityState(); } @NotNull public ModalityState getModalityStateForComponent(@NotNull Component c) { Window window = c instanceof Window ? (Window) c : SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(c); if (window == null) return getNoneModalityState(); // ? return LaterInvocator.modalityStateForWindow(window); } @Override public ModalityState getAnyModalityState() { return ANY; } @NotNull public ModalityState getDefaultModalityState() { if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { return getCurrentModalityState(); } else { ProgressIndicator progress = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator(); return progress == null ? getNoneModalityState() : progress.getModalityState(); } } @NotNull public ModalityState getNoneModalityState() { return MODALITY_STATE_NONE; } public long getStartTime() { return myStartTime; } public long getIdleTime() { return IdeEventQueue.getInstance().getIdleTime(); } public void exit() { exit(false); } public void exit(final boolean force) { exit(force, true); } public void exit(final boolean force, final boolean allowListenersToCancel) { if (!force && getDefaultModalityState() != ModalityState.NON_MODAL) { return; } Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!force && !showConfirmation()) { saveAll(); myExitCode = 0; return; } getMessageBus().syncPublisher(AppLifecycleListener.TOPIC).appClosing(); myDisposeInProgress = true; FileDocumentManager.getInstance().saveAllDocuments(); saveSettings(); if (!canExit() && allowListenersToCancel) { myExitCode = 0; return; } final boolean success = disposeSelf(); if (!success || isUnitTestMode()) { myExitCode = 0; return; } System.exit(myExitCode); } }; if (!isDispatchThread()) { invokeLater(runnable, ModalityState.NON_MODAL); } else {; } } private static boolean showConfirmation() { final boolean hasUnsafeBgTasks = ProgressManager.getInstance().hasUnsafeProgressIndicator(); DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption option = new DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption() { @Override public boolean isToBeShown() { return GeneralSettings.getInstance().isConfirmExit(); } @Override public void setToBeShown(boolean value, int exitCode) { GeneralSettings.getInstance().setConfirmExit(value); } @Override public boolean canBeHidden() { return !hasUnsafeBgTasks; } @Override public boolean shouldSaveOptionsOnCancel() { return false; } @Override public String getDoNotShowMessage() { return "Do not ask me again"; } }; if (hasUnsafeBgTasks || option.isToBeShown()) { String message = ApplicationBundle.message( hasUnsafeBgTasks ? "exit.confirm.prompt.tasks" : "exit.confirm.prompt", ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName()); if (DialogWrapper.OK_EXIT_CODE != Messages.showYesNoDialog( message, ApplicationBundle.message("exit.confirm.title"), ApplicationBundle.message("command.exit"), "Cancel", Messages.getQuestionIcon(), option)) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean canExit() { for (ApplicationListener applicationListener : myDispatcher.getListeners()) { if (!applicationListener.canExitApplication()) { return false; } } ProjectManagerEx projectManager = (ProjectManagerEx) ProjectManager.getInstance(); Project[] projects = projectManager.getOpenProjects(); for (Project project : projects) { if (!projectManager.canClose(project)) { return false; } } return true; } public void runReadAction(@NotNull final Runnable action) { final AccessToken token = acquireReadActionLockImpl(false); try {; } finally { token.finish(); } } private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> exceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); private static boolean isExceptionalThreadWithReadAccess() { Boolean flag = exceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag.get(); return flag == Boolean.TRUE; } public static boolean setExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag(boolean flag) { boolean old = isExceptionalThreadWithReadAccess(); if (flag) { exceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag.set(Boolean.TRUE); } else { exceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag.remove(); } return old; } public <T> T runReadAction(@NotNull final Computable<T> computation) { final AccessToken token = acquireReadActionLockImpl(false); try { return computation.compute(); } finally { token.finish(); } } public void runWriteAction(@NotNull final Runnable action) { final AccessToken token = acquireWriteActionLock(action.getClass()); try {; } finally { token.finish(); } } public <T> T runWriteAction(@NotNull final Computable<T> computation) { final AccessToken token = acquireWriteActionLock(computation.getClass()); try { return computation.compute(); } finally { token.finish(); } } public boolean hasWriteAction(@Nullable Class<?> actionClass) { assertCanRunWriteAction(); for (int i = myWriteActionsStack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Class action = myWriteActionsStack.get(i); if (actionClass == action || action != null && ReflectionCache.isAssignable(actionClass, action)) return true; } return false; } public void assertReadAccessAllowed() { if (myHeadlessMode) return; if (!isReadAccessAllowed()) { LOG.error( "Read access is allowed from event dispatch thread or inside read-action only (see com.intellij.openapi.application.Application.runReadAction())", "Current thread: " + describe(Thread.currentThread()), "Our dispatch thread:" + describe(ourDispatchThread), "SystemEventQueueThread: " + describe(getEventQueueThread())); } } @NonNls private static String describe(Thread o) { if (o == null) return "null"; return o.toString() + " " + System.identityHashCode(o); } @Nullable private static Thread getEventQueueThread() { EventQueue eventQueue = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue(); try { Method method = EventQueue.class.getDeclaredMethod("getDispatchThread"); method.setAccessible(true); return (Thread) method.invoke(eventQueue); } catch (Exception e1) { // ok } return null; } public boolean isReadAccessAllowed() { Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); return ourDispatchThread == currentThread || isExceptionalThreadWithReadAccess() || myActionsLock.isReadLockAcquired() || myActionsLock.isWriteLockAcquired() || isDispatchThread(); } private static void assertCanRunWriteAction() { assertIsDispatchThread("Write access is allowed from event dispatch thread only"); } public void assertIsDispatchThread() { assertIsDispatchThread("Access is allowed from event dispatch thread only."); } private static void assertIsDispatchThread(String message) { if (ShutDownTracker.isShutdownHookRunning()) return; final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (ourDispatchThread == currentThread) return; if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { ourDispatchThread = currentThread; } if (ourDispatchThread == currentThread) return; Integer safeCounter = ourEdtSafe.get(); if (safeCounter != null && safeCounter > 0) return; LOG.error( message, "Current thread: " + describe(Thread.currentThread()), "Our dispatch thread:" + describe(ourDispatchThread), "SystemEventQueueThread: " + describe(getEventQueueThread())); } public void runEdtSafeAction(@NotNull Runnable runnable) { Integer value = ourEdtSafe.get(); if (value == null) { value = Integer.valueOf(0); } ourEdtSafe.set(value + 1); try {; } finally { int newValue = ourEdtSafe.get() - 1; ourEdtSafe.set(newValue >= 1 ? newValue : null); } } public void assertIsDispatchThread(@Nullable final JComponent component) { if (component == null) return; Thread curThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (ourDispatchThread == curThread) { return; } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(component.getClientProperty(WAS_EVER_SHOWN))) { assertIsDispatchThread(); } else { final JRootPane root = component.getRootPane(); if (root != null) { component.putClientProperty(WAS_EVER_SHOWN, Boolean.TRUE); assertIsDispatchThread(); } } } public void assertTimeConsuming() { if (myTestModeFlag || myHeadlessMode || ShutDownTracker.isShutdownHookRunning()) return; LOG.assertTrue( !isDispatchThread(), "This operation is time consuming and must not be called on EDT"); } public boolean tryRunReadAction(@NotNull Runnable action) { /** * if we are inside read action, do not try to acquire read lock again since it will deadlock if * there is a pending writeAction see {@link * com.intellij.util.concurrency.ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock#allowReader()} */ boolean mustAcquire = !isReadAccessAllowed(); if (mustAcquire) { LOG.assertTrue( myTestModeFlag || !Thread.holdsLock(PsiLock.LOCK), "Thread must not hold PsiLock while performing readAction"); try { if (!myActionsLock.readLock().attempt(0)) return false; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(e); } } try {; } finally { if (mustAcquire) { myActionsLock.readLock().release(); } } return true; } public boolean tryToApplyActivationState(boolean active, Window window) { final Component frame = UIUtil.findUltimateParent(window); if (frame instanceof IdeFrame) { final IdeFrame ideFrame = (IdeFrame) frame; if (isActive() != active) { myActive = Boolean.valueOf(active); System.setProperty("", myActive.toString()); ApplicationActivationListener publisher = getMessageBus().syncPublisher(ApplicationActivationListener.TOPIC); if (active) { publisher.applicationActivated(ideFrame); } else { publisher.applicationDeactivated(ideFrame); } return true; } } return false; } public boolean isActive() { if (isUnitTestMode()) return true; if (myActive == null) { Window active = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getActiveWindow(); return active != null; } return myActive; } @Override public AccessToken acquireReadActionLock() { return acquireReadActionLockImpl(true); } private AccessToken acquireReadActionLockImpl(boolean explicit) { /** * if we are inside read action, do not try to acquire read lock again since it will deadlock if * there is a pending writeAction see {@link * com.intellij.util.concurrency.ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock#allowReader()} */ if (isReadAccessAllowed()) return AccessToken.EMPTY_ACCESS_TOKEN; return new ReadAccessToken(explicit); } @Override public AccessToken acquireWriteActionLock(Class clazz) { return new WriteAccessToken(clazz); } private class WriteAccessToken extends AccessToken { private final Class clazz; public WriteAccessToken(Class _clazz) { clazz = _clazz; assertCanRunWriteAction(); ActivityTracker.getInstance().inc(); fireBeforeWriteActionStart(_clazz); final AtomicBoolean stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false); if (ourDumpThreadsOnLongWriteActionWaiting > 0) { executeOnPooledThread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (!stopped.get()) { try { Thread.sleep(ourDumpThreadsOnLongWriteActionWaiting); if (!stopped.get()) { PerformanceWatcher.getInstance().dumpThreads(true); } } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } } } }); } LOG.assertTrue( myActionsLock.isWriteLockAcquired(Thread.currentThread()) || !Thread.holdsLock(PsiLock.LOCK), "Thread must not hold PsiLock while performing writeAction"); try { myActionsLock.writeLock().acquire(); acquired(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(e); } stopped.set(true); myWriteActionsStack.push(_clazz); fireWriteActionStarted(_clazz); } @Override public void finish() { try { fireWriteActionFinished(clazz); myWriteActionsStack.pop(); } finally { myActionsLock.writeLock().release(); released(); } } } private class ReadAccessToken extends AccessToken { private final boolean myExplicit; ReadAccessToken(boolean explicit) { myExplicit = explicit; LOG.assertTrue( !Thread.holdsLock(PsiLock.LOCK), "Thread must not hold PsiLock while performing readAction"); try { myActionsLock.readLock().acquire(); if (myExplicit) acquired(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(e); } } @Override public void finish() { myActionsLock.readLock().release(); if (myExplicit) released(); } } public void assertWriteAccessAllowed() { LOG.assertTrue( isWriteAccessAllowed(), "Write access is allowed inside write-action only (see com.intellij.openapi.application.Application.runWriteAction())"); } public boolean isWriteAccessAllowed() { return myActionsLock.isWriteLockAcquired(Thread.currentThread()); } public void editorPaintStart() { myInEditorPaintCounter++; } public void editorPaintFinish() { myInEditorPaintCounter--; LOG.assertTrue(myInEditorPaintCounter >= 0); } public void addApplicationListener(@NotNull ApplicationListener l) { myDispatcher.addListener(l); } public void addApplicationListener(@NotNull ApplicationListener l, @NotNull Disposable parent) { myDispatcher.addListener(l, parent); } public void removeApplicationListener(@NotNull ApplicationListener l) { myDispatcher.removeListener(l); } private void fireApplicationExiting() { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().applicationExiting(); } private void fireBeforeWriteActionStart(Class action) { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().beforeWriteActionStart(action); } private void fireWriteActionStarted(Class action) { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().writeActionStarted(action); } private void fireWriteActionFinished(Class action) { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().writeActionFinished(action); } public void _saveSettings() { // public for testing purposes if (mySaveSettingsIsInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true)) { try { StoreUtil.doSave(getStateStore()); } catch (final Throwable ex) { if (isUnitTestMode()) { System.out.println("Saving application settings failed"); ex.printStackTrace(); } else {"Saving application settings failed", ex); invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (ex instanceof PluginException) { final PluginException pluginException = (PluginException) ex; PluginManager.disablePlugin(pluginException.getPluginId().getIdString()); Messages.showMessageDialog( "The plugin " + pluginException.getPluginId() + " failed to save settings and has been disabled. Please restart " + ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName(), CommonBundle.getErrorTitle(), Messages.getErrorIcon()); } else { Messages.showMessageDialog( ApplicationBundle.message( "", ex.getLocalizedMessage()), CommonBundle.getErrorTitle(), Messages.getErrorIcon()); } } }); } } finally { mySaveSettingsIsInProgress.set(false); } } } public void saveSettings() { if (myDoNotSave) return; _saveSettings(); } public void saveAll() { if (myDoNotSave) return; FileDocumentManager.getInstance().saveAllDocuments(); Project[] openProjects = ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects(); for (Project openProject : openProjects) { ProjectEx project = (ProjectEx) openProject;; } saveSettings(); } public void doNotSave() { doNotSave(true); } public void doNotSave(boolean value) { myDoNotSave = value; } public boolean isDoNotSave() { return myDoNotSave; } public <T> T[] getExtensions(final ExtensionPointName<T> extensionPointName) { return Extensions.getRootArea().getExtensionPoint(extensionPointName).getExtensions(); } public boolean isDisposeInProgress() { return myDisposeInProgress; } public boolean isRestartCapable() { return SystemInfo.isWindows || SystemInfo.isMacOSSnowLeopard || myRestartCode > 0; } public void restart() { if (SystemInfo.isWindows) { Win32Restarter.restart(); } else if (SystemInfo.isMacOSSnowLeopard) { MacRestarter.restart(); } else if (myRestartCode > 0) { myExitCode = myRestartCode; exit(true); } else { exit(true); } } public boolean isSaving() { if (getStateStore().isSaving()) return true; Project[] openProjects = ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects(); for (Project openProject : openProjects) { ProjectEx project = (ProjectEx) openProject; if (project.getStateStore().isSaving()) return true; } return false; } @Override protected boolean logSlowComponents() { return super.logSlowComponents() || ApplicationInfoImpl.getShadowInstance().isEAP(); } @TestOnly public void setDisposeInProgress(boolean disposeInProgress) { myDisposeInProgress = disposeInProgress; } @NonNls @Override public String toString() { return "Application" + (isDisposed() ? " (Disposed)" : "") + (isUnitTestMode() ? " (Unit test)" : "") + (isInternal() ? " (Internal)" : "") + (isHeadlessEnvironment() ? " (Headless)" : "") + (isCommandLine() ? " (Command line)" : ""); } }
public ApplicationImpl( boolean isInternal, boolean isUnitTestMode, boolean isHeadless, boolean isCommandLine, @NotNull String appName, Splash splash) { super(null); ApplicationManagerEx.setApplication( this, myLastDisposable); // reset back to null only when all components already disposed getPicoContainer().registerComponentInstance(Application.class, this); CommonBundle.assertKeyIsFound = isUnitTestMode; AWTExceptionHandler.register(); // do not crash AWT on exceptions if ((isInternal || isUnitTestMode) && !Comparing.equal("off", System.getProperty("idea.disposer.debug"))) { Disposer.setDebugMode(true); } myStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mySplash = splash; myName = appName; PluginsFacade.INSTANCE = new PluginsFacade() { public IdeaPluginDescriptor getPlugin(PluginId id) { return PluginManager.getPlugin(id); } public IdeaPluginDescriptor[] getPlugins() { return PluginManager.getPlugins(); } }; myIsInternal = isInternal; myTestModeFlag = isUnitTestMode; myHeadlessMode = isHeadless; myCommandLineMode = isCommandLine; myDoNotSave = myTestModeFlag || myHeadlessMode; loadApplicationComponents(); if (myTestModeFlag) { registerShutdownHook(); } if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Disposer.register(this, Disposer.newDisposable(), "ui"); StartupUtil.addExternalInstanceListener( new Consumer<List<String>>() { @Override public void consume(final List<String> args) { invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Project project = CommandLineProcessor.processExternalCommandLine(args); final IdeFrame frame; if (project != null) { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getIdeFrame(project); } else { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getAllFrames()[0]; } ((IdeFrameImpl) frame).requestFocus(); } }); } }); } final String s = System.getProperty("jb.restart.code"); if (s != null) { try { myRestartCode = Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { } } registerFont("/fonts/Inconsolata.ttf"); }