コード例 #1
  private void updateTemplateFromEditor(PrintfTemplate template) {
    ArrayList params = new ArrayList();
    String format = null;
    int text_length = editorPane.getDocument().getLength();
    try {
      format = editorPane.getDocument().getText(0, text_length);
    } catch (BadLocationException ex1) {
    Element section_el = editorPane.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
    // Get number of paragraphs.
    int num_para = section_el.getElementCount();
    for (int p_count = 0; p_count < num_para; p_count++) {
      Element para_el = section_el.getElement(p_count);
      // Enumerate the content elements
      int num_cont = para_el.getElementCount();
      for (int c_count = 0; c_count < num_cont; c_count++) {
        Element content_el = para_el.getElement(c_count);
        AttributeSet attr = content_el.getAttributes();
        // Get the name of the style applied to this content element; may be null
        String sn = (String) attr.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute);
        // Check if style name match
        if (sn != null && sn.startsWith("Parameter")) {
          // we extract the label.
          JLabel l = (JLabel) StyleConstants.getComponent(attr);
          if (l != null) {

コード例 #2
   * Performs layout for the minor axis of the box (i.e. the axis orthogonal to the axis that it
   * represents). The results of the layout (the offset and span for each children) are placed in
   * the given arrays which represent the allocations to the children along the minor axis.
   * @param targetSpan the total span given to the view, which would be used to layout the children.
   * @param axis the axis being layed out
   * @param offsets the offsets from the origin of the view for each of the child views; this is a
   *     return value and is filled in by the implementation of this method
   * @param spans the span of each child view; this is a return value and is filled in by the
   *     implementation of this method
  protected void layoutMinorAxis(int targetSpan, int axis, int[] offsets, int[] spans) {
    int n = getViewCount();
    Object key = (axis == X_AXIS) ? CSS.Attribute.WIDTH : CSS.Attribute.HEIGHT;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      View v = getView(i);
      int min = (int) v.getMinimumSpan(axis);
      int max;

      // check for percentage span
      AttributeSet a = v.getAttributes();
      CSS.LengthValue lv = (CSS.LengthValue) a.getAttribute(key);
      if ((lv != null) && lv.isPercentage()) {
        // bound the span to the percentage specified
        min = Math.max((int) lv.getValue(targetSpan), min);
        max = min;
      } else {
        max = (int) v.getMaximumSpan(axis);

      // assign the offset and span for the child
      if (max < targetSpan) {
        // can't make the child this wide, align it
        float align = v.getAlignment(axis);
        offsets[i] = (int) ((targetSpan - max) * align);
        spans[i] = max;
      } else {
        // make it the target width, or as small as it can get.
        offsets[i] = 0;
        spans[i] = Math.max(min, targetSpan);
コード例 #3
   * Highlight lines to start or end delimiter.
   * @param content the content to parse
   * @param line the line number
   * @throws BadLocationException if offsets are wrong
  protected void highlightLinesAfter(String content, int line) throws BadLocationException {
    int offset = m_RootElement.getElement(line).getEndOffset();

    // Start/End delimiter not found, nothing to do

    int startDelimiter = -1;
    int endDelimiter = -1;
    if (getMultiLineComment()) {
      startDelimiter = indexOf(content, getMultiLineCommentStart(), offset);
      endDelimiter = indexOf(content, getMultiLineCommentEnd(), offset);

    if (startDelimiter < 0) startDelimiter = content.length();

    if (endDelimiter < 0) endDelimiter = content.length();

    int delimiter = Math.min(startDelimiter, endDelimiter);

    if (delimiter < offset) return;

    // Start/End delimiter found, reapply highlighting

    int endLine = m_RootElement.getElementIndex(delimiter);

    for (int i = line + 1; i < endLine; i++) {
      Element branch = m_RootElement.getElement(i);
      Element leaf = m_Self.getCharacterElement(branch.getStartOffset());
      AttributeSet as = leaf.getAttributes();

      if (as.isEqual(DEFAULT_COMMENT)) applyHighlighting(content, i);
コード例 #4
 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me) {
   Element el = doc.getCharacterElement(viewToModel(me.getPoint()));
   if (el == null) return;
   AttributeSet as = el.getAttributes();
   if (as.isDefined("ip")) {
     String ip = (String) as.getAttribute("ip");
     ScriptException se = (ScriptException) as.getAttribute("exception");
     Node node = net.getAtIP(ip);
     if (node == null) {
       Utility.displayError("Error", "Computer does not exist");
     String errorString =
             + "Error at line number "
             + se.getLineNumber()
             + " and column number "
             + se.getColumnNumber()
             + "\n"
             + se.getMessage();
     new ScriptDialog(
             str -> {
               if (str != null) {
コード例 #5
 /** Is this image within a link? */
 boolean isLink() {
   // ! It would be nice to cache this but in an editor it can change
   // See if I have an HREF attribute courtesy of the enclosing A tag:
   AttributeSet anchorAttr = (AttributeSet) fElement.getAttributes().getAttribute(HTML.Tag.A);
   if (anchorAttr != null) {
     return anchorAttr.isDefined(HTML.Attribute.HREF);
   return false;
コード例 #6
 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {
   Element el = doc.getCharacterElement(viewToModel(me.getPoint()));
   if (el == null) return;
   AttributeSet as = el.getAttributes();
   if (as.isDefined("ip")) {
   } else {
コード例 #7
 /** Look up an integer-valued attribute. <b>Not</b> recursive. */
 private int getIntAttr(HTML.Attribute name, int deflt) {
   AttributeSet attr = fElement.getAttributes();
   if (attr.isDefined(name)) { // does not check parents!
     int i;
     String val = (String) attr.getAttribute(name);
     if (val == null) i = deflt;
       try {
         i = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(val));
       } catch (NumberFormatException x) {
         i = deflt;
     return i;
   } else return deflt;
コード例 #8
 void editorPane_keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
   StyledDocument doc = editorPane.getStyledDocument();
   int pos = editorPane.getCaretPosition();
   int code = e.getKeyCode();
   Element el;
   switch (code) {
     case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE:
     case KeyEvent.VK_DELETE:
     case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
     case KeyEvent.VK_KP_LEFT:
       if (pos == 0) return;
       // we want to get the element to the left of position.
       el = doc.getCharacterElement(pos - 1);
     case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
     case KeyEvent.VK_KP_RIGHT:
       // we want to get the element to the right of position.
       el = doc.getCharacterElement(pos + 1);
       return; // bail we don't handle it.
   AttributeSet attr = el.getAttributes();
   String el_name = (String) attr.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute);
   int el_range = el.getEndOffset() - el.getStartOffset() - 1;
   if (el_name.startsWith("Parameter") && StyleConstants.getComponent(attr) != null) {
     try {
       switch (code) {
         case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE:
         case KeyEvent.VK_DELETE:
           doc.remove(el.getStartOffset(), el_range);
         case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
         case KeyEvent.VK_KP_LEFT:
           editorPane.setCaretPosition(pos - el_range);
         case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
         case KeyEvent.VK_KP_RIGHT:
           editorPane.setCaretPosition(pos + (el_range));
     } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
コード例 #9
ファイル: TextLineNumber.java プロジェクト: dejlek/jlib
   *  Determine the Y offset for the current row
  private int getOffsetY(int rowStartOffset, FontMetrics fontMetrics) throws BadLocationException {
    //  Get the bounding rectangle of the row

    Rectangle r = component.modelToView(rowStartOffset);
    int lineHeight = fontMetrics.getHeight();
    int y = r.y + r.height;
    int descent = 0;

    //  The text needs to be positioned above the bottom of the bounding
    //  rectangle based on the descent of the font(s) contained on the row.
    if (r.height == lineHeight) {
      // default font is being used
      descent = fontMetrics.getDescent();
    } else {
      // We need to check all the attributes for font changes
      if (fonts == null) {
        fonts = new HashMap<String, FontMetrics>();

      Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
      int index = root.getElementIndex(rowStartOffset);
      Element line = root.getElement(index);

      for (int i = 0; i < line.getElementCount(); i++) {
        Element child = line.getElement(i);
        AttributeSet as = child.getAttributes();
        String fontFamily = (String) as.getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontFamily);
        Integer fontSize = (Integer) as.getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontSize);
        String key = fontFamily + fontSize;

        FontMetrics fm = fonts.get(key);

        if (fm == null) {
          Font font = new Font(fontFamily, Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
          fm = component.getFontMetrics(font);
          fonts.put(key, fm);

        descent = Math.max(descent, fm.getDescent());

    return y - descent;
コード例 #10
  protected int drawUnselectedText(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int p0, int p1)
      throws BadLocationException {
    Document doc = getDocument();
    Segment segment = new Segment();
    Segment token = getLineBuffer();

    doc.getText(p0, p1 - p0, segment);

    int count = p1 - p0;
    int left = 0;

    int state = TEXT;

    int elementIndex = doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElementIndex(p0);

    AttributeSet lineAttributes =

    if (lineAttributes.isDefined("inComment")) {

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      // Starting in default text state.
      if (state == TEXT) {
        if (Character.isLetter(segment.array[i + segment.offset])
            && Character.isLowerCase(segment.array[i + segment.offset])) {
          // flush now
          doc.getText(p0 + left, i - left, token);
          x = Utilities.drawTabbedText(token, x, y, g, this, p0 + left);
          left = i;
          state = KEYWORD;
        } // Do nothing
        else {
          if (segment.array[i + segment.offset] == '/') {
            // flush now
            doc.getText(p0 + left, i - left, token);
            x = Utilities.drawTabbedText(token, x, y, g, this, p0 + left);
            left = i;
            state = COMMENT;
          } else if (segment.array[i + segment.offset] == '"') {
            // flush now
            doc.getText(p0 + left, i - left, token);
            x = Utilities.drawTabbedText(token, x, y, g, this, p0 + left);
            left = i;
            state = STRING;
      } else if (state == KEYWORD) {
        // Still
        if (Character.isLetter(
                    + segment
                        .offset])) { // && Character.isLowerCase(segment.array[i+segment.offset]))
        } else {
          // flush now
          doc.getText(p0 + left, i - left, token);
          if (Keywords.isKeyword(token)) {
          } else {
          x = Utilities.drawTabbedText(token, x, y, g, this, p0 + left);
          left = i;
          state = TEXT;
          if (segment.array[i + segment.offset] == '/') {
            state = COMMENT;
          } else if (segment.array[i + segment.offset] == '"') {
            state = STRING;
      } else if (state == COMMENT) {
        if (segment.array[i + segment.offset] == '/') {
        } else if (segment.array[i + segment.offset] == '*') {
          state = MULTILINECOMMENT;
        } else {
          state = TEXT;
      } else if (state == MULTILINECOMMENT) {
        if (i > 0
            && segment.array[i + segment.offset] == '/'
            && segment.array[i + segment.offset - 1] == '*') {
          // flush now
          doc.getText(p0 + left, i + 1 - left, token);
          x = Utilities.drawTabbedText(token, x, y, g, this, p0 + left);
          left = i + 1;
          state = TEXT;
      } else if (state == STRING) {
        if (segment.array[i + segment.offset] == '"') {
          // flush now
          doc.getText(p0 + left, i + 1 - left, token);
          x = Utilities.drawTabbedText(token, x, y, g, this, p0 + left);
          left = i + 1;
          state = TEXT;
      // Starting not in token
    } // end loop
    // Flush last
    doc.getText(p0 + left, p1 - p0 - left, token);
    if (state == KEYWORD) {
      if (Keywords.isKeyword(token)) {
      } else {
    } else if (state == STRING) {
    } else if (state == COMMENT && ((p1 - p0 - left) > 1)) {
    } else if (state == MULTILINECOMMENT) {
    } else {
    x = Utilities.drawTabbedText(token, x, y, g, this, p0 + left);

    return x;