コード例 #1
ファイル: extendedCanvas.java プロジェクト: kristenmills/CG
 public void printLoop(int n, float x[], float y[]) {
   // Need to swap the y component
   Polygon P = new Polygon();
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) P.addPoint(Math.round(x[i]), Math.round(height - y[i]));
コード例 #2
ファイル: PolygonRoi.java プロジェクト: oeway/Eva-ImageJ
 public boolean contains(int x, int y) {
   if (!super.contains(x, y)) return false;
   if (xSpline != null) {
     FloatPolygon poly = new FloatPolygon(xSpline, ySpline, splinePoints);
     return poly.contains(x - this.x, y - this.y);
   } else if (xpf != null) {
     FloatPolygon poly = new FloatPolygon(xpf, ypf, nPoints);
     return poly.contains(x - this.x, y - this.y);
   } else {
     Polygon poly = new Polygon(xp, yp, nPoints);
     return poly.contains(x - this.x, y - this.y);
コード例 #3
ファイル: PolygonRoi.java プロジェクト: oeway/Eva-ImageJ
 void finishPolygon() {
   if (xpf != null) {
     FloatPolygon poly = new FloatPolygon(xpf, ypf, nPoints);
     Rectangle r = poly.getBounds();
     x = r.x;
     y = r.y;
     width = r.width;
     height = r.height;
     bounds = poly.getFloatBounds();
     float xbase = (float) bounds.getX();
     float ybase = (float) bounds.getY();
     for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
       xpf[i] -= xbase;
       ypf[i] -= ybase;
   } else {
     Polygon poly = new Polygon(xp, yp, nPoints);
     Rectangle r = poly.getBounds();
     x = r.x;
     y = r.y;
     width = r.width;
     height = r.height;
     for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
       xp[i] = xp[i] - x;
       yp[i] = yp[i] - y;
     bounds = null;
   if (nPoints < 2
       || (!(type == FREELINE || type == POLYLINE || type == ANGLE)
           && (nPoints < 3 || width == 0 || height == 0))) {
     if (imp != null) imp.deleteRoi();
     if (type != POINT) return;
   state = NORMAL;
   if (imp != null && !(type == TRACED_ROI)) imp.draw(x - 5, y - 5, width + 10, height + 10);
   oldX = x;
   oldY = y;
   oldWidth = width;
   oldHeight = height;
   if (Recorder.record
       && userCreated
       && (type == POLYGON
           || type == POLYLINE
           || type == ANGLE
           || (type == POINT && Recorder.scriptMode() && nPoints == 3)))
     Recorder.recordRoi(getPolygon(), type);
   if (type != POINT) modifyRoi();
コード例 #4
ファイル: CSpace.java プロジェクト: nforrester/6.141_labs
  private void constructor(
      Polygon robot,
      double boundaryXMin,
      double boundaryYMin,
      double boundaryXMax,
      double boundaryYMax) {
    cSpaceObstacles.setWrap(-1 * Math.PI, Math.PI);

    xMin = boundaryXMin;
    yMin = boundaryYMin;
    xMax = boundaryXMax;
    yMax = boundaryYMax;

    reflectedRobot = Polygon.mul(Mat.mul(-1, Mat.eye(4)), robot);
    ArrayList<List<Mat>> boundaries = new ArrayList<List<Mat>>();

            Mat.encodePoint(xMin - 0, yMin - 1),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMin - 0, yMax + 1),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMin - 1, yMax + 1),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMin - 1, yMin - 1)));

            Mat.encodePoint(xMax + 0, yMin - 1),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMax + 0, yMax + 1),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMax + 1, yMax + 1),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMax + 1, yMin - 1)));

            Mat.encodePoint(xMin - 1, yMin - 0),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMax + 1, yMin - 0),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMax + 1, yMin - 1),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMin - 1, yMin - 1)));

            Mat.encodePoint(xMin - 1, yMax + 0),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMax + 1, yMax + 0),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMax + 1, yMax + 1),
            Mat.encodePoint(xMin - 1, yMax + 1)));

    for (List<Mat> boundary : boundaries) {
      addObstacle(new Polygon(boundary));
コード例 #5
ファイル: CSpace.java プロジェクト: nforrester/6.141_labs
 public ArrayList<Polygon> getCSObstacles() {
   ArrayList<Polygon> csObstacles = new ArrayList<Polygon>();
   for (Polygon obstacle : obstacles) {
     csObstacles.add(Polygon.minkowskiSumSimple(obstacle, reflectedRobot));
   return csObstacles;
コード例 #6
ファイル: CSpace.java プロジェクト: nforrester/6.141_labs
 public ArrayList<Polygon> getThetaObstacles(double theta, double thetaTolerance) {
   Maybe<DoubleMap<ArrayList<Polygon>>.Pair> mp = cSpaceObstacles.get(theta, thetaTolerance);
   ArrayList<Polygon> thetaObstacles;
   Polygon strokedRobot;
   if (mp.just) {
     thetaObstacles = mp.value.v;
   } else {
     strokedRobot =
         Polygon.strokeRot(theta - thetaTolerance, theta + thetaTolerance, reflectedRobot);
     thetaObstacles = new ArrayList<Polygon>();
     for (Polygon obstacle : obstacles) {
       thetaObstacles.add(Polygon.minkowskiSum(obstacle, strokedRobot));
     cSpaceObstacles.put(theta, thetaObstacles, thetaTolerance);
   return thetaObstacles;
コード例 #7
ファイル: CSpace.java プロジェクト: nforrester/6.141_labs
  // occupancy grid is indexed from (xMin, yMin)
  public boolean[][] getOccupancyGrid(int nCellsLinear) {
    System.err.println("GOT HERE YO!");
    int i, j;
    double xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh;
    double maxDimension = Math.max(xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
    double resolutionLinear = maxDimension / nCellsLinear;
    Polygon resolutionCellSpace;
    resolutionCellSpace =
        new Polygon(
                Mat.encodePoint(-1 * resolutionLinear / 2, -1 * resolutionLinear / 2),
                Mat.encodePoint(-1 * resolutionLinear / 2, resolutionLinear / 2),
                Mat.encodePoint(resolutionLinear / 2, resolutionLinear / 2),
                Mat.encodePoint(resolutionLinear / 2, -1 * resolutionLinear / 2)));
    reflectedRobot = Polygon.minkowskiSumSimple(reflectedRobot, resolutionCellSpace);
    ArrayList<Polygon> csObstacles = getCSObstacles();
    System.err.println("GOT HERE as well.");
    boolean[][] occupancyGrid = new boolean[nCellsLinear][nCellsLinear];
    for (i = 0; i < nCellsLinear; i++) {
      xLow = xMin + resolutionLinear * i;
      xHigh = xLow + resolutionLinear;
      for (j = 0; j < nCellsLinear; j++) {
        yLow = yMin + resolutionLinear * j;
        yHigh = yLow + resolutionLinear;

        if (i == 9 && j == 6) {
          System.err.print("(" + i + ", " + j + ")     ");
          System.err.println("(" + ((xLow + xHigh) / 2) + ", " + ((yLow + yHigh) / 2) + ")");

        occupancyGrid[i][j] = true;
        for (Polygon obstacle : csObstacles) {
          if (Polygon.pointInPolygon(
              obstacle, Mat.encodePoint((xLow + xHigh) / 2, (yLow + yHigh) / 2))) {
            occupancyGrid[i][j] = false;

    System.err.println("GOT HERE TOO!");
    return occupancyGrid;
コード例 #8
ファイル: CSpace.java プロジェクト: nforrester/6.141_labs
  // occupancy grid is indexed from (xMin, yMin, 0)
  public boolean[][][] getOccupancyGrid(int nCellsLinear, int nCellsAngular) {
    int i, j, k;
    double xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh, thetaLow, thetaHigh;
    double maxDimension = Math.max(xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
    double resolutionLinear = maxDimension / nCellsLinear;
    double resolutionAngular = 2 * Math.PI / nCellsAngular;
    Polygon strokedRobot;
    ArrayList<Polygon> thetaObstacles;
    Polygon resolutionCellSpace;
    boolean[][][] occupancyGrid = new boolean[nCellsLinear][nCellsLinear][nCellsAngular];
    for (i = 0; i < nCellsLinear; i++) {
      xLow = xMin + resolutionLinear * i;
      xHigh = xLow + resolutionLinear;
      for (j = 0; j < nCellsLinear; j++) {
        yLow = yMin + resolutionLinear * j;
        yHigh = yLow + resolutionLinear;
        for (k = 0; k < nCellsAngular; k++) {
          thetaLow = resolutionAngular * k;
          thetaHigh = thetaLow + resolutionAngular;

          resolutionCellSpace =
              new Polygon(
                      Mat.encodePoint(xLow, yLow),
                      Mat.encodePoint(xLow, yHigh),
                      Mat.encodePoint(xHigh, yHigh),
                      Mat.encodePoint(xHigh, yLow)));

          strokedRobot = Polygon.strokeRot(thetaLow, thetaHigh, reflectedRobot);
          occupancyGrid[i][j][k] = true;
          for (Polygon obstacle : obstacles) {
            if (Polygon.polygonsIntersect(
                resolutionCellSpace, Polygon.minkowskiSum(obstacle, strokedRobot))) {
              occupancyGrid[i][j][k] = false;

    return occupancyGrid;
コード例 #9
ファイル: DrawTool.java プロジェクト: tstamler/linAlg
  // From: http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=378460&tstart=135
  void drawArrow(
      Graphics2D g2d,
      int xCenter,
      int yCenter,
      int x,
      int y,
      float stroke,
      BasicStroke drawStroke) {
    double aDir = Math.atan2(xCenter - x, yCenter - y);
    // Line can be dashed.
    g2d.drawLine(x, y, xCenter, yCenter);
    // make the arrow head solid even if dash pattern has been specified
    Polygon tmpPoly = new Polygon();
    int i1 = 12 + (int) (stroke * 2);
    // make the arrow head the same size regardless of the length length
    int i2 = 6 + (int) stroke;
    tmpPoly.addPoint(x, y);
    tmpPoly.addPoint(x + xCor(i1, aDir + .5), y + yCor(i1, aDir + .5));
    tmpPoly.addPoint(x + xCor(i2, aDir), y + yCor(i2, aDir));
    tmpPoly.addPoint(x + xCor(i1, aDir - .5), y + yCor(i1, aDir - .5));
    tmpPoly.addPoint(x, y); // arrow tip

    // Remove this line to leave arrow head unpainted:
コード例 #10
ファイル: extendedCanvas.java プロジェクト: kristenmills/CG
 public void printPoly(int n, float x[], float y[]) {
   Polygon P = new Polygon();
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) P.addPoint(Math.round(x[i]), Math.round(height - y[i]));