class plzwai extends JFrame { Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); int w = (int) tk.getScreenSize().getWidth(); int h = (int) tk.getScreenSize().getHeight(); plzwai() { LookAndFeel lf = UIManager.getLookAndFeel(); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); // UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); } catch (Exception e) { } fplz = new JFrame("Sending The Pay Slip. Please Wait...."); fplz.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); final JProgressBar aJProgressBar = new JProgressBar(JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL); // aJProgressBar.setStringPainted(true); aJProgressBar.setIndeterminate(true); fplz.add(new JPanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH); fplz.setIconImage(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("Bin\\img\\airindia.jpg")); fplz.add(new JPanel(), BorderLayout.WEST); fplz.add(new JPanel(), BorderLayout.EAST); fplz.add(new JPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); fplz.add(aJProgressBar, BorderLayout.CENTER); fplz.setResizable(false); fplz.setLocation(h / 3, w / 4); fplz.setSize(700, 100); fplz.setVisible(true); } }
/** * Creates a Simple Neon Hex Frame Application * @throws IOException */ public Main() throws IOException { super("Hex"); setIconImage(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("images\\s1.png")); // Add in a menu JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); JMenu gameMenu = new JMenu("Game"); gameMenu.setMnemonic('G'); newMenuItem = new JMenuItem("New Game"); newMenuItem.addActionListener(this); quitMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Exit"); quitMenuItem.addActionListener(this); gameMenu.add(newMenuItem); gameMenu.addSeparator(); gameMenu.add(quitMenuItem); menuBar.add(gameMenu); JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Help"); helpMenu.setMnemonic('H'); aboutMenuItem = new JMenuItem("About..."); aboutMenuItem.addActionListener(this); helpMenu.add(aboutMenuItem); menuBar.add(helpMenu); setJMenuBar(menuBar); // Set up the layout // Centre the frame in the middle (almost) of the screen setLayout(new BorderLayout()); tableArea = new Board(); add(tableArea, BorderLayout.CENTER); Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); setLocation((screen.width - Board.WIDTH) / 2, (screen.height - Board.HEIGHT) / 2 - 52); setResizable(false); }
public TaskbarPositionTest() { super("Use CTRL-down to show a JPopupMenu"); setContentPane(panel = createContentPane()); setJMenuBar(createMenuBar("1 - First Menu", true)); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // CTRL-down will show the popup. panel .getInputMap() .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), "OPEN_POPUP"); panel.getActionMap().put("OPEN_POPUP", new PopupHandler()); pack(); Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); fullScreenBounds = new Rectangle(new Point(), toolkit.getScreenSize()); screenBounds = new Rectangle(new Point(), toolkit.getScreenSize()); // Place the frame near the bottom. This is a pretty wild guess. this.setLocation(0, (int) screenBounds.getHeight() - 2 * this.getHeight()); // Reduce the screen bounds by the insets. GraphicsConfiguration gc = this.getGraphicsConfiguration(); if (gc != null) { Insets screenInsets = toolkit.getScreenInsets(gc); screenBounds = gc.getBounds(); screenBounds.width -= (screenInsets.left + screenInsets.right); screenBounds.height -= ( + screenInsets.bottom); screenBounds.x += screenInsets.left; screenBounds.y +=; } setVisible(true); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { Component component = (Component) ev.getSource(); final String componentName = component.getName(); switch (componentName) { case SAVE_MENU_ITEM_NAME: case SAVE_AS_MENU_ITEM_NAME: boolean mustChooseFile = SAVE_AS_MENU_ITEM_NAME.equals(componentName); saveToDisk(mustChooseFile); break; case NEW_MENU_ITEM_NAME: case OPEN_MENU_ITEM_NAME: showSaveConfirmationIfNecessaryAndRun( "You have changes on your current document. Save before continuing?", componentName, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (NEW_MENU_ITEM_NAME.equals(componentName)) { setSpreadsheet(new Spreadsheet()); setCurrentFile(null); } else { // open Path chosenFile = chooseFile(JFileChooser.OPEN_DIALOG); openSpreadsheet(chosenFile); } } }); break; case COPY_MENU_ITEM_NAME: Object displayValue = mCellDisplayValueManager.getDisplayValueOfCellAt(getSelectedCellLocation()); if (!"".equals(displayValue)) { Transferable contents = new StringSelection(displayValue.toString()); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(contents, null); } break; case COPY_FORMULA_MENU_ITEM_NAME: String cellContent = mSpreadsheet.getCellContentAt(getSelectedCellLocation()); if (cellContent != null) { Transferable contents = new StringSelection(cellContent); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(contents, null); } break; case PASTE_MENU_ITEM_NAME: Transferable clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().getContents(null); CellLocation selectedLocation = getSelectedCellLocation(); try { Object transferData = clipboard.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); mTableModel.setValueAt( transferData.toString(), selectedLocation.getRow(), selectedLocation.getColumn()); } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException | IOException ex) { // we can only use the string flavor anyway, nothing we can do here } break; } }
public hostelStatus() { setTitle("Hostel"); connect(); updateRecord(); JFrame fr = new JFrame(); Toolkit tkt = fr.getToolkit(); Dimension frsize = tkt.getScreenSize(); setBounds(frsize.width / 4, frsize.height / 12, frsize.width / 2, frsize.height / 8); setLayout(null); cn = getContentPane(); cn.setBackground(new Color(190, 180, 170)); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); tl = new JLabel("Current Hostels Status"); tl.setFont(new Font("Engravers MT", 1, 25)); tl.setForeground(new Color(247, 251, 249)); p1 = new JPanel(); p1.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 50); p1.add(tl); p1.setBackground(new Color(31, 88, 166)); cn.add(p1); b1 = new JButton("LOAD"); b1.setMnemonic('L'); b1.addActionListener(new dispListener()); b1.setBounds(230, 320, 120, 30); b2 = new JButton("EXIT"); b2.setMnemonic('X'); b2.addActionListener(new exitListener()); b2.setBounds(350, 320, 100, 30); cn.add(b1); cn.add(b2); table = new JTable(data, col); table.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 16)); table.setBackground(new Color(250, 250, 250)); table.setEnabled(false); JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(table); jsp.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); jsp.setBounds(5, 100, 590, 200); cn.add(jsp); screensize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); setSize(600, 400); setVisible(true); setVisible(true); setResizable(true); connect(); }
public username() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setVisible(true); setResizable(false); int width = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width; int hight = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height; setBounds(300, 0, width - 600, hight); add(BorderLayout.CENTER, new p3()); }
public static void setCursor(client client, int id) { Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Cursor cursor = toolkit.createCustomCursor( toolkit.getImage("C:/.hack3rClient/Sprites/Cursors/Cursor " + id + ".PNG"), new Point(0, 0), "C:/.hack3rClient/Sprites/Cursors/Cursor " + id + ".PNG"); // Cursor cursor = toolkit.createCustomCursor(toolkit.getImage("Cursors/Cursor "+id+".PNG"), new // Point(0,0), ".Cursor/Cursor "+id+".PNG"); frame.setCursor(cursor); // client.gameFrame.setCursor(cursor); }
/** * Returns an point which has been adjusted to take into account of the desktop bounds, taskbar * and multi-monitor configuration. * * <p>This adustment may be cancelled by invoking the application with * -Djavax.swing.adjustPopupLocationToFit=false */ Point adjustPopupLocationToFitScreen(int xPosition, int yPosition) { Point popupLocation = new Point(xPosition, yPosition); if (popupPostionFixDisabled == true || GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { return popupLocation; } // Get screen bounds Rectangle scrBounds; GraphicsConfiguration gc = getCurrentGraphicsConfiguration(popupLocation); Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); if (gc != null) { // If we have GraphicsConfiguration use it to get screen bounds scrBounds = gc.getBounds(); } else { // If we don't have GraphicsConfiguration use primary screen scrBounds = new Rectangle(toolkit.getScreenSize()); } // Calculate the screen size that popup should fit Dimension popupSize = JPopupMenu.this.getPreferredSize(); long popupRightX = (long) popupLocation.x + (long) popupSize.width; long popupBottomY = (long) popupLocation.y + (long) popupSize.height; int scrWidth = scrBounds.width; int scrHeight = scrBounds.height; if (!canPopupOverlapTaskBar()) { // Insets include the task bar. Take them into account. Insets scrInsets = toolkit.getScreenInsets(gc); scrBounds.x += scrInsets.left; scrBounds.y +=; scrWidth -= scrInsets.left + scrInsets.right; scrHeight -= + scrInsets.bottom; } int scrRightX = scrBounds.x + scrWidth; int scrBottomY = scrBounds.y + scrHeight; // Ensure that popup menu fits the screen if (popupRightX > (long) scrRightX) { popupLocation.x = scrRightX - popupSize.width; if (popupLocation.x < scrBounds.x) { popupLocation.x = scrBounds.x; } } if (popupBottomY > (long) scrBottomY) { popupLocation.y = scrBottomY - popupSize.height; if (popupLocation.y < scrBounds.y) { popupLocation.y = scrBounds.y; } } return popupLocation; }
/** 开启游戏 */ public void startGame(MyIO io) { if (io.isApplet() == false) { try { setCursor( Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .createCustomCursor( Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(""), new Point(0, 0), "invisible")); } catch (Exception e) { } } m_game = new GameWorld(this, io); m_game.start(); }
public AppFrame() { super(); GlobalData.oFrame = this; this.setSize(this.width, this.height); this.toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension w = toolkit.getScreenSize(); int fx = (int) w.getWidth(); int fy = (int) w.getHeight(); int wx = (fx - this.width) / 2; int wy = (fy - this.getHeight()) / 2; setLocation(wx, wy); this.tracker = new MediaTracker(this); String sHost = ""; try { localAddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); if (localAddr.isLoopbackAddress()) { localAddr = LinuxInetAddress.getLocalHost(); } sHost = localAddr.getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { sHost = "你的IP地址错误"; } // this.textLines[0] = "服务器正在运行."; this.textLines[1] = ""; this.textLines[2] = "你的IP地址: " + sHost; this.textLines[3] = ""; this.textLines[4] = "请打开你的手机客户端"; this.textLines[5] = ""; this.textLines[6] = "输入屏幕上显示的IP地址."; // try { URL fileURL = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation(); String sBase = fileURL.toString(); if ("jar".equals(sBase.substring(sBase.length() - 3, sBase.length()))) { jar = new JarFile(new File(fileURL.toURI())); } else { basePath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\res\\"; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.textLines[1] = "exception: " + ex.toString(); } }
public ArenaFrame(String title, Arena arena, String background, String battleBG, String cardBG) { setTitle(title); this.arena = arena; Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension screenSize = tk.getScreenSize(); width = (int) screenSize.getWidth(); height = (int) screenSize.getHeight(); posX = (width - Constant.BATTLEFIELD_WIDTH) / 2; posY = (height - Constant.BATTLEFIELD_HEIGHT - Constant.CARDPANEL_HEIGHT) / 2; skill_id = 0; addKeyListener(this); addMouseListener(this); addMouseMotionListener(this); setUndecorated(true); setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH); c = getContentPane(); c.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height)); c.setLayout(null); battle_field = new BattleFieldPanel(Constant.BATTLEFIELD_WIDTH, Constant.BATTLEFIELD_HEIGHT, arena); battle_field.setBounds(posX, posY, Constant.BATTLEFIELD_WIDTH, Constant.BATTLEFIELD_HEIGHT); battle_field.setOpaque(false); c.add(battle_field); card_panel = new CardPanel(Constant.CARDPANEL_WIDTH, Constant.CARDPANEL_HEIGHT, arena); card_panel.setBounds( posX, posY + Constant.BATTLEFIELD_HEIGHT, Constant.CARDPANEL_WIDTH, Constant.CARDPANEL_HEIGHT); card_panel.setOpaque(false); c.add(card_panel); setSize(width, height); setBackground(background); setBattleFieldBackground(battleBG); setCardPanelBackground(cardBG); setResizable(false); setLocationRelativeTo(null); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); pack(); setVisible(true); setFocusable(true); }
private void loadCursors() { Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); String path = Prefs.getImageJDir() + "images/crosshair-cursor.gif"; File f = new File(path); if (!f.exists()) return; // Image image = toolkit.getImage(path); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(path); Image image = icon.getImage(); if (image == null) return; int width = icon.getIconWidth(); int height = icon.getIconHeight(); Point hotSpot = new Point(width / 2, height / 2); Cursor crosshairCursor = toolkit.createCustomCursor(image, hotSpot, "crosshair-cursor.gif"); ImageCanvas.setCursor(crosshairCursor, 0); }
/** Apply the Y-Axis tick spacing */ protected void applyYAxisMajorTicks() { try { String text = yAxisDivisionsField.getText(); int numTicks = Integer.parseInt(text) + 1; // don't change the value unless the user does to avoid inadvertantly // changing from autoscale if (numTicks < 2) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } else if (numTicks != chartAdaptor.getYNumMajorTicks()) { chartAdaptor.setYNumMajorTicks(numTicks); } } catch (NumberFormatException excpt) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } }
void jButtonWeights_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { NumberGeneratorDialog dlg = new NumberGeneratorDialog( (Frame) null, "Weights", "Weight of synaptic connections", mySynProps.getWeightsGenerator(), true); // Center the window Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Dimension frameSize = dlg.getSize(); if (frameSize.height > screenSize.height) { frameSize.height = screenSize.height; } if (frameSize.width > screenSize.width) { frameSize.width = screenSize.width; } dlg.setLocation( (screenSize.width - frameSize.width) / 2, (screenSize.height - frameSize.height) / 2); dlg.setVisible(true); jTextFieldWeights.setText(mySynProps.getWeightsGenerator().toShortString()); // mySynProps.setWeightsGenerator(dlg.getFinalNumGen()); }
public APCircleWindow() { super("AP Circles"); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); String startDirectoryName = System.getProperty("user.dir"); startDirectory = new File(startDirectoryName); // this for convenience, as the program normally starts in graph/display // startDirectory = startDirectory.getParentFile(); gw = this; generalXML = new GeneralXML(graph); gp = new APCirclePanel(this); getContentPane().add(gp); graph = gp.getGraph(); initView(); initExperiment(); initUtility(); initLayout(); initMenu(); setSize(width, height); Dimension frameDim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int posX = (frameDim.width - getSize().width) / 2; int posY = (frameDim.height - getSize().height) / 2; setLocation(posX, posY); setVisible(true); gp.requestFocus(); }
/* * Executed in event dispatching thread */ @Override public void done() { try { String value = get(); myMessage.messageChanged(value); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CancellationException e) { myMessage.messageChanged("Operation Cancelled"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); // startButton.setEnabled(true); // cancelButton.setEnabled(false); setCursor(null); // turn off the wait cursor StartButton.setEnabled(true); cancelButton.setEnabled(false); taskOutput.append("Done!\n"); }
/** Flashes the visual bell. This class has no other public API. */ public void flash() { if (GuiUtilities.isMacOs()) { // Mac OS has a system-wide "visual bell" that looks much better than ours. // You can turn this on in the Universal Access preference pane, by checking "Flash the screen // when an alert sound occurs". // We can take advantage of Apple's hard work if the user has this turned on by "actually" // ringing the bell. // This doesn't change our "no noise pollution" policy, if you ignore the very unlikely race // condition. ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); int status = ProcessUtilities.backQuote( null, new String[] { "defaults", "-currentHost", "read", "Apple Global Domain", "" }, result, errors); if (status == 0 && errors.size() == 0 && result.size() == 1 && result.get(0).equals("1")) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); return; } } setBellVisibility(true); timer.restart(); }
private void initComponents() { setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); messagePane.setBackground(contentPane.getBackground()); messagePane.setEditorKit(new HTMLEditorKit()); messagePane.setForeground(contentPane.getForeground()); setSize(450, 360); // center the window int x = (int) (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2; int y = (int) (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().getHeight() - getHeight()) / 2; setLocation(x, y); okButton.addActionListener(this); }
private void warning(String msg) { final JDialog warn; JButton ok; JLabel message; warn = new JDialog(); warn.setTitle(msg); message = new JLabel("CryoBay: " + msg); ok = new JButton("Ok"); ok.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { warn.dispose(); } }); warn.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); warn.getContentPane().add(message, "North"); warn.getContentPane().add(ok, "South"); warn.setSize(200, 80); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); warn.setLocation(screenSize.width / 2 - 100, screenSize.height / 2 - 40); warn.setResizable(false);; }
private void addMenuItems(JMenu f, String m[]) { Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); for (int i = 0; i < m.length; i++) { if (m[i].equals("--")) { f.addSeparator(); } else if (m[i].equals("---")) { // (ulrivo): full size on screen with less than 640 width if (d.width >= 640) { f.addSeparator(); } else { return; } } else { JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(m[i].substring(1)); char c = m[i].charAt(0); if (c != '-') { item.setMnemonic(c); } item.addActionListener(this); f.add(item); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new NimbusLookAndFeel()); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { createAndShowGUI(); } }); toolkit.realSync(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { Component previewPanel = Util.findSubComponent(cc, "javax.swing.colorchooser.DefaultPreviewPanel"); point = previewPanel.getLocationOnScreen(); } }); point.translate(5, 5); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); }
public introduction(String s) { super(s); Toolkit tool = this.getToolkit(); Image image = tool.getImage("login.png"); this.setIconImage(image); // Toolkit tool=this.getToolkit(); // Image image=tool.getImage("¼ÆËãÆ÷.jpg"); this.setIconImage(image); Icon icon = new ImageIcon("src//ѧÉú½éÉÜ.jpg"); lab = new JLabel(icon); add(lab, BorderLayout.CENTER); setVisible(true); setBounds(450, 200, 420, 400); }
// Required by ActionListener. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String name = employeeName.getText(); // User didn't type in a unique name... if (name.equals("") || alreadyInList(name)) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); employeeName.requestFocusInWindow(); employeeName.selectAll(); return; } int index = list.getSelectedIndex(); // get selected index if (index == -1) { // no selection, so insert at beginning index = 0; } else { // add after the selected item index++; } listModel.insertElementAt(employeeName.getText(), index); // If we just wanted to add to the end, we'd do this: // listModel.addElement(employeeName.getText()); // Reset the text field. employeeName.requestFocusInWindow(); employeeName.setText(""); // Select the new item and make it visible. list.setSelectedIndex(index); list.ensureIndexIsVisible(index); }
/** Is called when the applet wants to be resized. */ @Override public void appletResize(int width, int height) { currentAppletSize.width = width; currentAppletSize.height = height; final Dimension currentSize = new Dimension(currentAppletSize.width, currentAppletSize.height); if (loader != null) { AppContext appCtxt = loader.getAppContext(); if (appCtxt != null) appEvtQ = (java.awt.EventQueue) appCtxt.get(AppContext.EVENT_QUEUE_KEY); } final AppletPanel ap = this; if (appEvtQ != null) { appEvtQ.postEvent( new InvocationEvent( Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (ap != null) { ap.dispatchAppletEvent(APPLET_RESIZE, currentSize); } } })); } }
static { /* ensure that the necessary native libraries are loaded */ Toolkit.loadLibraries(); if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { initIDs(); } }
public CALCView() { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Constants.Get_Splash().Show_Splash_Not_Valid(); new CALCViewFrame(); }
public MyPanel() { // 在我的panel里构造一个坦克 hero = new Hero(100, 100); for (int i = 0; i < enemySize; i++) { // 创建敌人的坦克,并加入到敌人坦克集合中。 EnemyTank et = new EnemyTank((i + 1) * 50, 0); et.setColor(0); et.setDirection(2); Thread t = new Thread(et); t.start(); ets.addElement(et); } image1 = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(Panel.class.getResource("/bomb_1.gif")); image2 = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(Panel.class.getResource("/bomb_2.gif")); image3 = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(Panel.class.getResource("/bomb_3.gif")); }
@Override public void done() { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); startButton.setEnabled(true); setCursor(null); EpubUtils.outputMessage(taskOutput, "Done"); }
static { Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); scalex = d.width / 1920.0; scaley = d.height / 1080.0; if (scalex > 1) scalex = 1; if (scaley > 1) scaley = 1; }
public void drawScreen() { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) this.getGraphics(); g.drawImage(buffer, 0, 0, this); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().sync(); g.dispose(); }