public Portrait(String dir, String imageFilename, boolean isBifpic, String pretmpname) { baseFilename = imageFilename; qualifiedName = dir + imageFilename; tmpname = pretmpname; isBIFpic = isBifpic; CreateButton(); try { File targetfile = new File(qualifiedName); TargaImage tgapic = new TargaImage(targetfile); Dimension tgasize = tgapic.getSize(); double tmpsize = (new Float(tgasize.height)).doubleValue() * (new Float(0.78125D)).doubleValue(); tgapic.setHeight((int) tmpsize); PicButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(tgapic.getImage())); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Invalid image: " + qualifiedName); qualifiedName = "null"; } }
private void OKButtonActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_OKButtonActionPerformed try { TargaImage deftg = new TargaImage(new File(CURRENTPORTRAIT)); System.out.println("Filename according to the bic: " + BICPortraitname); Dimension tgasize = deftg.getSize(); double tmpsize = (new Float(tgasize.height)).doubleValue() * (new Float(0.78125D)).doubleValue(); deftg.setHeight((int) tmpsize); java.awt.Image tempportimage = deftg.getImage(); menucreate.CharPortrait.setIcon(new ImageIcon(tempportimage)); menucreate.MainCharData[2] = new HashMap(); menucreate.MainCharData[2].put(new Integer(0), BICPortraitname); menucreate.BlockWindow(false); setVisible(false); dispose(); // Add your handling code here: CreateMenu menucreate = TLKFactory.getCreateMenu(); menucreate.ClassButton.setEnabled(true); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Invalid Image: " + CURRENTPORTRAIT); } } // GEN-LAST:event_OKButtonActionPerformed