// TODO: More case twiddling public boolean CheckPortrait(String resdir, String basepicname) { return RESFAC.FileExists(resdir, basepicname.toLowerCase() + "h.tga") && RESFAC.FileExists(resdir, basepicname.toLowerCase() + "l.tga") && RESFAC.FileExists(resdir, basepicname.toLowerCase() + "m.tga") && RESFAC.FileExists(resdir, basepicname.toLowerCase() + "s.tga") && RESFAC.FileExists(resdir, basepicname.toLowerCase() + "t.tga"); }
private void PicButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { OKButton.setEnabled(true); javax.swing.Icon test = PicButton.getIcon(); if (test instanceof ImageIcon) { if (isBIFpic) { String BIFFILENAME = "po_" + tmpname + "l.tga"; try { InfoText.setText(BIFFILENAME); File tempImage = RESFAC.TempImageFile(BIFFILENAME); if (tempImage != null) { TargaImage curtga = new TargaImage(tempImage); CurrentPortrait.setIcon(new ImageIcon(curtga.getImage())); BICPortraitname = "po_" + tmpname; CURRENTPORTRAIT = tempImage.getParent() + FileDelim + baseFilename; OKButton.setEnabled(true); } } catch (IOException err) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Fatal Error - " + BIFFILENAME + " not found. Your data files might be corrupt.", "Error", 0); System.exit(0); } } else { String PORTRAIT = qualifiedName; if (qualifiedName.toUpperCase().endsWith("M.TGA")) { CURRENTPORTRAIT = PORTRAIT; PORTRAIT = qualifiedName.substring(0, qualifiedName.length() - 5) + "l.tga"; } ImageIcon icon = null; try { icon = new ImageIcon(new TargaImage(new File(PORTRAIT)).getImage()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Invalid Icon: " + PORTRAIT); icon = null; } CurrentPortrait.setIcon(icon); BICPortraitname = baseFilename.substring(0, baseFilename.length() - 4); InfoText.setText(PORTRAIT.substring(PORTRAIT.lastIndexOf(FileDelim) + 1)); if (BICPortraitname.toLowerCase().endsWith("m") || BICPortraitname.toLowerCase().endsWith("l") || BICPortraitname.toLowerCase().endsWith("h") || BICPortraitname.toLowerCase().endsWith("s") || BICPortraitname.toLowerCase().endsWith("t")) { BICPortraitname = BICPortraitname.substring(0, BICPortraitname.length() - 1); } OKButton.setEnabled(true); } } }
/** Creates new form RaceMenu1 */ public RaceMenu() { RACENUM = 6; initComponents(); OKButton.setEnabled(false); DescriptionContainer.setViewportView(DescriptionText); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); if ((screenSize.getWidth() > getContentPane().getWidth()) && (screenSize.getHeight() > getContentPane().getHeight())) { int intwidth = new Double(((screenSize.getWidth() - getContentPane().getWidth()) / 2)).intValue(); int intheight = new Double(((screenSize.getHeight() - getContentPane().getHeight()) / 2)).intValue(); setLocation(intwidth, intheight); } else { setLocation(0, 0); } menucreate = TLKFactory.getCreateMenu(); menucreate.BlockWindow(true); TLKFAC = menucreate.getTLKFactory(); RESFAC = menucreate.getResourceFactory(); String imagestring = ""; DescriptionText.setText(TLKFAC.getEntry(485)); try { racialmap = RESFAC.getResourceAs2DA("racialtypes"); } catch (IOException err) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Fatal Error - racialtypes.2da not found. Your data files might be corrupt.", "Error", 0); System.exit(0); } for (int i = 0; i < racialmap.length; i++) { String tempispc = racialmap[i][racialtypes.PlayerRace]; if (tempispc != null && tempispc.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { RaceButton racebutton = new RaceButton(); descstr = racialmap[i][racialtypes.Name]; int descnum = ChkHex.ChkHex(descstr); racebutton.RaceButton.setText(TLKFAC.getEntry(descnum)); racebutton.setSize(240, 52); racebutton.InfoNum.setText(Integer.toString(i)); RaceButtonList.add(racebutton, -1); } } pack(); }
/** Creates new form PortraitMenu1 */ public PortraitMenu() { menucreate = TLKFactory.getCreateMenu(); TLKFAC = menucreate.getTLKFactory(); RESFAC = menucreate.getResourceFactory(); Preferences prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node("/CharacterCreator"); String NWNDir = prefs.get("GameDir", null); FileDelim = prefs.get("FileDelim", null); directory = NWNDir + "portraits" + FileDelim; menucreate.BlockWindow(true); initComponents(); PortraitScrollPane.setViewportView(PortraitsWindow); OKButton.setEnabled(false); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); if ((screenSize.getWidth() > getContentPane().getWidth()) && (screenSize.getHeight() > getContentPane().getHeight())) { int intwidth = new Double(((screenSize.getWidth() - getContentPane().getWidth()) / 2)).intValue(); int intheight = new Double(((screenSize.getHeight() - getContentPane().getHeight()) / 2)).intValue(); setLocation(intwidth, intheight); } else setLocation(0, 0); try { portraitmap = RESFAC.getResourceAs2DA("portraits"); } catch (IOException err) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Fatal Error - portraits.2da not found. Your data files might be corrupt.", "Error", 0); System.exit(0); } CURRENTPORTRAIT = "resource/portrait.jpg"; java.net.URL targurl = getClass().getResource(CURRENTPORTRAIT); CurrentPortrait.setIcon(new ImageIcon(targurl)); menucreate = TLKFactory.getCreateMenu(); sexlock = true; racelock = true; RedoPortraits(-1); pack(); }
public void RedoPortraits(int screen) { // PortraitObjects = new LinkedList(); if (screen == -1) { ScreenNum = 0; screen = 0; TotalPortrait = CalculateValidPortraits(); } int CurrentNum = 0; setCursor(java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(java.awt.Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); menucreate.setCursor(java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(java.awt.Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); PortraitsWindow.removeAll(); PortraitsWindow.repaint(); String filenames[] = (new File(directory)).list(new ImageFilter()); String sexstr = ""; int sex = ((Integer) menucreate.MainCharData[0].get(new Integer(0))).intValue(); int race = Integer.parseInt(menucreate.MainCharDataAux[1][0]); int numbif = 0; for (int p = 0; p < portraitmap.length; p++) { String basepicfilename = portraitmap[p][1]; if (basepicfilename != null && portraitmap[p][2] != null && portraitmap[p][3] != null) { basepicfilename = basepicfilename.toLowerCase(); if (!basepicfilename.startsWith("plc") && !basepicfilename.equalsIgnoreCase("door01_") && (Integer.parseInt(portraitmap[p][2]) == sex && sexlock || !sexlock) && (Integer.parseInt(portraitmap[p][3]) == race && racelock || !racelock) && CheckPortrait(directory, "po_" + basepicfilename)) { String picFilename = "po_" + basepicfilename + "m.tga"; CurrentNum++; if ((CurrentNum <= (50 * (screen + 1))) && (CurrentNum > (50 * screen))) { try { File tempImage = RESFAC.TempImageFile(picFilename); if (tempImage != null) { Portrait port = new Portrait( tempImage.getParent() + FileDelim, tempImage.getName(), true, basepicfilename); port.getComponent(0).setSize(64, 100); PortraitsWindow.add(port, -1); numbif++; } } catch (IOException err) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Error reading " + picFilename + ". Out of Memory. Error: " + err, "Error", 0); System.exit(0); } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < filenames.length; ++i) { ++CurrentNum; if ((CurrentNum <= (50 * (screen + 1))) && (CurrentNum > (50 * screen))) { Portrait port = new Portrait(directory, filenames[i], false, ""); port.getComponent(0).setSize(64, 100); PortraitsWindow.add(port, -1); } } FirstButton.setEnabled(screen != 0); BackButton.setEnabled(screen != 0); LastButton.setEnabled(screen < (ScreenCount - 1)); ForwardButton.setEnabled(screen < (ScreenCount - 1)); setCursor(java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(java.awt.Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); menucreate.setCursor(java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(java.awt.Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); r.gc(); }