public void refresh() { Message message = new Message(); try { message = this.trainingTeaBLService.showFrameStrategy(); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (message.getMesType().equals(MessageType.traTea_showStrategy_fail)) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "整体框架策略尚未发布!"); jl1.setVisible(true); jb2.setEnabled(false); if (jsp1 != null) { jsp1.setVisible(false); } } else if (message.getMesType().equals(MessageType.traTea_showStrategy_success)) { jl1.setVisible(false); ArrayList<Dean> dean = message.getDeans(); ArrayList<String> attriOfDean = message.getAttriOfDean(); tm1 = new StrategyTableModel(dean, attriOfDean); if (jsp1 != null) { jt1.setModel(tm1); jsp1.setVisible(true); } else { jt1 = new JTable(); jt1.setModel(tm1); jsp1 = new JScrollPane(jt1); strategy.add(jsp1); } if (dean.size() >= 15) { jb1.setEnabled(false); } jb2.setEnabled(true); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "你的网络貌似有点问题!"); } }
private void init() { setDefaultCloseOperation(DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(final WindowEvent e) { cleanExit(); } }); addWindowStateListener( new WindowStateListener() { public void windowStateChanged(final WindowEvent arg0) { switch (arg0.getID()) { case WindowEvent.WINDOW_ICONIFIED: lessCpu(true); break; case WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEICONIFIED: lessCpu(false); break; } } }); setIconImage(Configuration.getImage(Configuration.Paths.Resources.ICON)); JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); WindowUtil.setFrame(this); panel = new BotPanel(); menuBar = new BotMenuBar(this); toolBar = new BotToolBar(this, menuBar); panel.setFocusTraversalKeys(0, new HashSet<AWTKeyStroke>()); new BotKeyboardShortcuts(KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(), this, this); menuBar.setBot(null); setJMenuBar(menuBar); textScroll = new JScrollPane( TextAreaLogHandler.TEXT_AREA, ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); textScroll.setBorder(null); textScroll.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(PANEL_WIDTH, 120)); textScroll.setVisible(true); JScrollPane scrollableBotPanel = new JScrollPane(panel); add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(scrollableBotPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(textScroll, BorderLayout.SOUTH); }
public static void main() { // Main frame = new JFrame("Java Playground"); frame.setSize(640, 480); // Make sure the divider is properly resized frame.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentResized(ComponentEvent c) { splitter.setDividerLocation(.8); } }); // Make sure the JVM is reset on close frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosed(WindowEvent w) { new FrameAction().kill(); } }); // Setting up the keybinding // Ctrl+k or Cmd+k -> compile bind(KeyEvent.VK_K); // Ctrl+e or Cmd+e -> console bind(KeyEvent.VK_E); // Save, New file, Open file, Print. // Currently UNUSED until I figure out how normal java files and playground files will // interface. bind(KeyEvent.VK_S); bind(KeyEvent.VK_N); bind(KeyEvent.VK_O); bind(KeyEvent.VK_P); // Binds the keys to the action defined in the FrameAction class. frame.getRootPane().getActionMap().put("console", new FrameAction()); // The main panel for typing code in. text = new JTextPane(); textScroll = new JScrollPane(text); textScroll.setBorder(null); textScroll.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(640, 480)); // Document with syntax highlighting. Currently unfinished. doc = text.getStyledDocument(); doc.addDocumentListener( new DocumentListener() { public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent d) {} public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent d) {} public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent d) {} }); ((AbstractDocument) doc).setDocumentFilter(new NewLineFilter()); // The output log; a combination compiler warning/error/runtime error/output log. outputText = new JTextPane(); outputScroll = new JScrollPane(outputText); outputScroll.setBorder(null); // "Constant" for the error font error = new SimpleAttributeSet(); error.addAttribute(StyleConstants.CharacterConstants.Italic, Boolean.TRUE); error.addAttribute(StyleConstants.Foreground, Color.RED); // "Constant" for the warning message font warning = new SimpleAttributeSet(); warning.addAttribute(StyleConstants.CharacterConstants.Italic, Boolean.TRUE); warning.addAttribute(StyleConstants.Foreground, Color.PINK); // "Constant" for the debugger error font progErr = new SimpleAttributeSet(); progErr.addAttribute(StyleConstants.Foreground, Color.BLUE); // Print streams to redirect System.out and System.err. out = new TextOutputStream(outputText, null); err = new TextOutputStream(outputText, error); System.setOut(new PrintStream(out)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(err)); // Sets up the output log outputText.setEditable(false); outputScroll.setVisible(true); // File input/output setup chooser = new JFileChooser(); // Setting up miscellaneous stuff compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); JVMrunning = false; redirectErr = null; redirectOut = null; redirectIn = null; // Sets up the splitter pane and opens the program up splitter = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, textScroll, outputScroll); consoleDisplayed = false; splitter.remove(outputScroll); // Initially hides terminal until it is needed splitter.setOneTouchExpandable(true); frame.add(splitter); frame.setVisible(true); // Sets the divider to the proper one, for debugging // splitter.setDividerLocation(.8); }
/** Initialize the common user interface components. */ private void initUI() { /* initialize fields */ { pFileSeqPanels = new TreeMap<FileSeq, JFileSeqPanel>(); } /* initialize the popup menus */ { initBasicMenus(true, false); updateMenuToolTips(); } /* initialize the panel components */ { setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); /* header */ { pApplyToolTipText = "Replace the working area files with the selected checked-in files."; pUnApplyToolTipText = "There are no unsaved changes to Apply at this time."; JPanel panel = initHeader(true); add(panel); } add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 4))); /* full node name */ { LinkedList<Component> extra = new LinkedList<Component>(); extra.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(4, 0))); { JButton btn = new JButton(); pSeqLayoutButton = btn; btn.setName(pIsListLayout ? "ListLayoutButton" : "TabbedLayoutButton"); Dimension size = new Dimension(19, 19); btn.setMinimumSize(size); btn.setMaximumSize(size); btn.setPreferredSize(size); btn.setActionCommand("seq-layout-changed"); btn.addActionListener(this); extra.add(btn); } initNameField(this, extra); pNodeNameField.setFocusable(true); pNodeNameField.addKeyListener(this); pNodeNameField.addMouseListener(this); } add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 4))); { JTabbedPane tab = new JTabbedPane(); pFileSeqsTab = tab; tab.setVisible(!pIsListLayout); add(tab); } { Box vbox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); pFileSeqsBox = vbox; { JScrollPane scroll = UIFactory.createVertScrollPane(vbox); pFileSeqsScroll = scroll; scroll.setVisible(!pIsListLayout); add(scroll); } } Dimension size = new Dimension(sSize + 22, 120); setMinimumSize(size); setPreferredSize(size); setFocusable(true); addKeyListener(this); addMouseListener(this); } updateNodeStatus(null, null, null); }