// Method to build the dialog box for help. private void buildDialogBox() { // Set the JDialog window properties. setTitle("Stack Trace Detail"); setResizable(false); setSize(dialogWidth, dialogHeight); // Append the stack trace output to the display area. displayArea.append(eStackTrace); // Create horizontal and vertical scrollbars for box. displayBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); displayBox = Box.createVerticalBox(); // Add a JScrollPane to the Box. displayBox.add(new JScrollPane(displayArea)); // Define behaviors of container. c.setLayout(null); c.add(displayBox); c.add(okButton); // Set scroll pane bounds. displayBox.setBounds( (dialogWidth / 2) - ((displayAreaWidth / 2) + 2), (top + (offsetMargin / 2)), displayAreaWidth, displayAreaHeight); // Set the behaviors, bounds and action listener for the button. okButton.setBounds( (dialogWidth / 2) - (buttonWidth / 2), (displayAreaHeight + offsetMargin), buttonWidth, buttonHeight); // Set the font to the platform default Font for the object with the // properties of bold and font size of 11. okButton.setFont(new Font(okButton.getFont().getName(), Font.BOLD, 11)); // The class implements the ActionListener interface and therefore // provides an implementation of the actionPerformed() method. When a // class implements ActionListener, the instance handler returns an // ActionListener. The ActionListener then performs actionPerformed() // method on an ActionEvent. okButton.addActionListener(this); // Set the screen and display dialog window in relation to screen size. setLocation((dim.width / 2) - (dialogWidth / 2), (dim.height / 2) - (dialogHeight / 2)); // Display JDialog. show(); } // End of buildDialogBox method.
/** Constructor. */ public FileChooserCellEditor() { super(new JTextField()); setClickCountToStart(CLICK_COUNT_TO_START); // Using a JButton as the editor component button = new JButton(); button.setBackground(Color.white); button.setFont(button.getFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN)); button.setBorder(null); // Dialog which will do the actual editing fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); }
// Method to build the dialog box for help. private void buildDialogBox() { // Set the JDialog window properties. setTitle("Learning about Java"); setResizable(false); setSize(dialogWidth, dialogHeight); // Define behaviors of container. c.setLayout(null); c.setBackground(Color.cyan); c.add(image); c.add(okButton); // Set the bounds for the image. image.setBounds( (dialogWidth / 2) - (imageWidth / 2), (top + (offsetMargin / 2)), imageWidth, imageHeight); // Set the behaviors, bounds and action listener for the button. okButton.setBounds( (dialogWidth / 2) - (buttonWidth / 2), (imageHeight + (int) 1.5 * offsetMargin), buttonWidth, buttonHeight); // Set the font to the platform default Font for the object with the // properties of bold and font size of 11. okButton.setFont(new Font(okButton.getFont().getName(), Font.BOLD, 11)); // Set foreground and background of JButton(s). okButton.setForeground(Color.white); okButton.setBackground(Color.blue); // The class implements the ActionListener interface and therefore // provides an implementation of the actionPerformed() method. When a // class implements ActionListener, the instance handler returns an // ActionListener. The ActionListener then performs actionPerformed() // method on an ActionEvent. okButton.addActionListener(this); // Set the screen and display dialog window in relation to screen size. dim = tk.getScreenSize(); setLocation((dim.width / 2) - (dialogWidth / 2), (dim.height / 2) - (dialogHeight / 2)); // Display the dialog. show(); } // End of buildDialogBox method.
public void startDrop(PieceType pieceType, CatanColor pieceColor, boolean isCancelAllowed) { this.setOpaque(false); this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.black, BORDER_WIDTH)); label = new JLabel(getLabelText(pieceType), JLabel.CENTER); label.setOpaque(true); label.setBackground(Color.white); Font labelFont = label.getFont(); labelFont = labelFont.deriveFont(labelFont.getStyle(), LABEL_TEXT_SIZE); label.setFont(labelFont); map = mainMap.copy(); map.setController(getController()); int prefWidth = (int) (mainMap.getScale() * mainMap.getPreferredSize().getWidth()); int prefHeight = (int) (mainMap.getScale() * mainMap.getPreferredSize().getHeight()); Dimension prefSize = new Dimension(prefWidth, prefHeight); map.setPreferredSize(prefSize); this.add(label, BorderLayout.NORTH); this.add(map, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (isCancelAllowed) { cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel"); Font buttonFont = cancelButton.getFont(); buttonFont = buttonFont.deriveFont(buttonFont.getStyle(), BUTTON_TEXT_SIZE); cancelButton.setFont(buttonFont); cancelButton.addActionListener(cancelButtonListener); this.add(cancelButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } map.startDrop(pieceType, pieceColor); }
private void initComponents() { label1 = new JLabel(); comboBox1 = new JComboBox(); button1 = new JButton(); // ======== this ======== setTitle("SneakyFarmer"); Container contentPane = getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(null); // ---- label1 ---- label1.setText("Which herb to farm:"); label1.setFont(label1.getFont().deriveFont(label1.getFont().getSize() + 1f)); contentPane.add(label1); label1.setBounds(10, 10, 125, 35); // ---- comboBox1 ---- comboBox1.setModel( new DefaultComboBoxModel( new String[] { "Guam", "Marrentill", "Tarromin", "Harralander", "Ranarr", "Toadflax", "Irit", "Avantoe", "Kwuarm", "Snapdragon", "Cadantine", "Lantadyme", "Dwarf Weed", "Torstol" })); contentPane.add(comboBox1); comboBox1.setBounds(135, 10, 90, 35); // ---- button1 ---- button1.setText("Start Farming!"); button1.setFont(button1.getFont().deriveFont(button1.getFont().getSize() + 7f)); contentPane.add(button1); button1.setBounds(10, 50, 215, 35); button1.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { startActionPerformed(e); } }); { // compute preferred size Dimension preferredSize = new Dimension(); for (int i = 0; i < contentPane.getComponentCount(); i++) { Rectangle bounds = contentPane.getComponent(i).getBounds(); preferredSize.width = Math.max(bounds.x + bounds.width, preferredSize.width); preferredSize.height = Math.max(bounds.y + bounds.height, preferredSize.height); } Insets insets = contentPane.getInsets(); preferredSize.width += insets.right; preferredSize.height += insets.bottom; contentPane.setMinimumSize(preferredSize); contentPane.setPreferredSize(preferredSize); } pack(); setLocationRelativeTo(getOwner()); }