/** * A Test to guarantee that the Dancing UI bug will not rear its ugly head again. Basically, add a * component listener to the leftComponent of _docSplitPane and make certain its size does not * change while closing an OpenDefinitionsDocument outside the event thread. */ public void testDancingUIFileClosed() throws IOException { /** * Maybe this sequence of calls should be incorporated into one function createTestDir(), which * would get the username and create the temporary directory. Only sticky part is deciding where * to put it, in FileOps maybe? */ String user = System.getProperty("user.name"); _tempDir = IOUtil.createAndMarkTempDirectory("DrJava-test-" + user, ""); File forceOpenClass1_file = new File(_tempDir, "ForceOpenClass1.java"); String forceOpenClass1_string = "public class ForceOpenClass1 {\n" + " ForceOpenClass2 class2;\n" + " ForceOpenClass3 class3;\n\n" + " public ForceOpenClass1() {\n" + " class2 = new ForceOpenClass2();\n" + " class3 = new ForceOpenClass3();\n" + " }\n" + "}"; IOUtil.writeStringToFile(forceOpenClass1_file, forceOpenClass1_string); forceOpenClass1_file.deleteOnExit(); final ComponentAdapter listener = new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentResized(ComponentEvent event) { _testFailed = true; fail("testDancingUI: Open Documents List danced!"); } }; final SingleDisplayModelFileClosedListener closeListener = new SingleDisplayModelFileClosedListener(); _closeDone = false; Utilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { // _frame.setVisible(true); _frame.pack(); _frame.addComponentListenerToOpenDocumentsList(listener); _frame.open( new FileOpenSelector() { public File[] getFiles() { File[] return_me = new File[1]; return_me[0] = new File(_tempDir, "ForceOpenClass1.java"); return return_me; } }); _frame.getModel().addListener(closeListener); } }); Utilities.clearEventQueue(); /* Asynchronously close the file */ Utilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { _frame.getCloseButton().doClick(); } }); _log.log("Waiting for file closing"); synchronized (_closeLock) { try { while (!_closeDone) _closeLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail(e.toString()); } } if (!IOUtil.deleteRecursively(_tempDir)) { System.err.println( "Couldn't fully delete directory " + _tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + "\nDo it by hand.\n"); } _log.log("testDancingUIFileClosed completed"); }
/** * A Test to guarantee that the Dancing UI bug will not rear its ugly head again. Basically, add a * component listener to the leftComponent of _docSplitPane and make certain its size does not * change while compiling a class which depends on another class. */ public void testDancingUIFileOpened() throws IOException { // System.out.println("DEBUG: Entering messed up test"); /** * Maybe this sequence of calls should be incorporated into one function createTestDir(), which * would get the username and create the temporary directory. Only sticky part is deciding where * to put it, in FileOps maybe? */ _log.log("Starting testingDancingUIFileOpened"); final GlobalModel _model = _frame.getModel(); String user = System.getProperty("user.name"); _tempDir = IOUtil.createAndMarkTempDirectory("DrJava-test-" + user, ""); File forceOpenClass1_file = new File(_tempDir, "ForceOpenClass1.java"); String forceOpenClass1_string = "public class ForceOpenClass1 {\n" + " ForceOpenClass2 class2;\n" + " ForceOpenClass3 class3;\n\n" + " public ForceOpenClass1() {\n" + " class2 = new ForceOpenClass2();\n" + " class3 = new ForceOpenClass3();\n" + " }\n" + "}"; File forceOpenClass2_file = new File(_tempDir, "ForceOpenClass2.java"); String forceOpenClass2_string = "public class ForceOpenClass2 {\n" + " inx x = 4;\n" + "}"; File forceOpenClass3_file = new File(_tempDir, "ForceOpenClass3.java"); String forceOpenClass3_string = "public class ForceOpenClass3 {\n" + " String s = \"asf\";\n" + "}"; IOUtil.writeStringToFile(forceOpenClass1_file, forceOpenClass1_string); IOUtil.writeStringToFile(forceOpenClass2_file, forceOpenClass2_string); IOUtil.writeStringToFile(forceOpenClass3_file, forceOpenClass3_string); forceOpenClass1_file.deleteOnExit(); forceOpenClass2_file.deleteOnExit(); forceOpenClass3_file.deleteOnExit(); _log.log("DancingUIFileOpened Set Up"); // _frame.setVisible(true); // set up listeners and signal flags final ComponentAdapter listener = new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentResized(ComponentEvent event) { _testFailed = true; fail("testDancingUI: Open Documents List danced!"); } }; final SingleDisplayModelFileOpenedListener openListener = new SingleDisplayModelFileOpenedListener(); final SingleDisplayModelCompileListener compileListener = new SingleDisplayModelCompileListener(); _openDone = false; Utilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { // _frame.setVisible(true); _frame.pack(); _frame.addComponentListenerToOpenDocumentsList(listener); } }); Utilities.clearEventQueue(); _model.addListener(openListener); _log.log("opening file"); Utilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { _frame.open( new FileOpenSelector() { public File[] getFiles() { File[] return_me = new File[1]; return_me[0] = new File(_tempDir, "ForceOpenClass1.java"); return return_me; } }); } }); Utilities.clearEventQueue(); /* wait until file has been open and active document changed. */ synchronized (_openLock) { try { while (!_openDone) _openLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail(e.toString()); } } _model.removeListener(openListener); _log.log("File opened"); _compileDone = false; _model.addListener(compileListener); // save and compile the new file asynchronously Utilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { _log.log("saving all files"); _frame._saveAll(); _log.log("invoking compileAll action"); _frame.getCompileAllButton().doClick(); } }); Utilities.clearEventQueue(); synchronized (_compileLock) { try { while (!_compileDone) _compileLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail(e.toString()); } } _log.log("File saved and compiled"); if (!IOUtil.deleteRecursively(_tempDir)) System.err.println( "Couldn't fully delete directory " + _tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + "\nDo it by hand.\n"); _log.log("testDancingUIFileOpened completed"); }