/** Generate output image whose type is same as input image. */ private ImagePlus makeOutputImage(ImagePlus imp, FloatProcessor fp, int ptype) { int width = imp.getWidth(); int height = imp.getHeight(); float[] pixels = (float[]) fp.getPixels(); ImageProcessor oip = null; // Create output image consistent w/ type of input image. int size = pixels.length; switch (ptype) { case BYTE_TYPE: oip = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height); byte[] pixels8 = (byte[]) oip.getPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) pixels8[i] = (byte) pixels[i]; break; case SHORT_TYPE: oip = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height); short[] pixels16 = (short[]) oip.getPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) pixels16[i] = (short) pixels[i]; break; case FLOAT_TYPE: oip = new FloatProcessor(width, height, pixels, null); break; } // Adjust for display. // Calling this on non-ByteProcessors ensures image // processor is set up to correctly display image. oip.resetMinAndMax(); // Create new image plus object. Don't use // ImagePlus.createImagePlus here because there may be // attributes of input image that are not appropriate for // projection. return new ImagePlus(makeTitle(), oip); }
private void doRGBProjection(ImageStack stack) { ImageStack[] channels = ChannelSplitter.splitRGB(stack, true); ImagePlus red = new ImagePlus("Red", channels[0]); ImagePlus green = new ImagePlus("Green", channels[1]); ImagePlus blue = new ImagePlus("Blue", channels[2]); imp.unlock(); ImagePlus saveImp = imp; imp = red; color = "(red)"; doProjection(); ImagePlus red2 = projImage; imp = green; color = "(green)"; doProjection(); ImagePlus green2 = projImage; imp = blue; color = "(blue)"; doProjection(); ImagePlus blue2 = projImage; int w = red2.getWidth(), h = red2.getHeight(), d = red2.getStackSize(); if (method == SD_METHOD) { ImageProcessor r = red2.getProcessor(); ImageProcessor g = green2.getProcessor(); ImageProcessor b = blue2.getProcessor(); double max = 0; double rmax = r.getStatistics().max; if (rmax > max) max = rmax; double gmax = g.getStatistics().max; if (gmax > max) max = gmax; double bmax = b.getStatistics().max; if (bmax > max) max = bmax; double scale = 255 / max; r.multiply(scale); g.multiply(scale); b.multiply(scale); red2.setProcessor(r.convertToByte(false)); green2.setProcessor(g.convertToByte(false)); blue2.setProcessor(b.convertToByte(false)); } RGBStackMerge merge = new RGBStackMerge(); ImageStack stack2 = merge.mergeStacks(w, h, d, red2.getStack(), green2.getStack(), blue2.getStack(), true); imp = saveImp; projImage = new ImagePlus(makeTitle(), stack2); }
void setHistogram(ImagePlus imp, int j) { ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); ImageStatistics stats = ImageStatistics.getStatistics(ip, AREA + MODE, null); int maxCount2 = 0; histogram = stats.histogram; for (int i = 0; i < stats.nBins; i++) if ((histogram[i] > maxCount2) && (i != stats.mode)) maxCount2 = histogram[i]; hmax = stats.maxCount; if ((hmax > (maxCount2 * 1.5)) && (maxCount2 != 0)) { // GL 1.5 was 2 hmax = (int) (maxCount2 * 1.1); // GL 1.1 was 1.5 histogram[stats.mode] = hmax; } os = null; ColorModel cm = ip.getColorModel(); if (!(cm instanceof IndexColorModel)) return; IndexColorModel icm = (IndexColorModel) cm; int mapSize = icm.getMapSize(); if (mapSize != 256) return; byte[] r = new byte[256]; byte[] g = new byte[256]; byte[] b = new byte[256]; icm.getReds(r); icm.getGreens(g); icm.getBlues(b); hColors = new Color[256]; if (isRGB) { if (j == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) hColors[i] = new Color(i & 255, 0 & 255, 0 & 255); } else if (j == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) hColors[i] = new Color(0 & 255, i & 255, 0 & 255); } else if (j == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) hColors[i] = new Color(0 & 255, 0 & 255, i & 255); } } else { if (j == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) hColors[i] = new Color(r[i] & 255, g[i] & 255, b[i] & 255); } else if (j == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) // hColors[i] = new Color(127-i/2&255, 127+i/2&255, 127-i/2&255); hColors[i] = new Color(192 - i / 4 & 255, 192 + i / 4 & 255, 192 - i / 4 & 255); } else if (j == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) hColors[i] = new Color(i & 255, i & 255, 0 & 255); } } }
public void run(String arg) { imp = IJ.getImage(); Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi != null && !roi.isArea()) imp.killRoi(); // ignore any line selection ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); if (!showDialog(ip)) return; if (ip.getWidth() > 1 && ip.getHeight() > 1) ip.setInterpolate(interpolate); else ip.setInterpolate(false); ip.setBackgroundValue(bgValue); imp.startTiming(); try { if (newWindow && imp.getStackSize() > 1 && processStack) createNewStack(imp, ip); else scale(ip); } catch (OutOfMemoryError o) { IJ.outOfMemory("Scale"); } IJ.showProgress(1.0); }
public void doHyperStackProjection(boolean allTimeFrames) { int start = startSlice; int stop = stopSlice; int firstFrame = 1; int lastFrame = imp.getNFrames(); if (!allTimeFrames) firstFrame = lastFrame = imp.getFrame(); ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); int channels = imp.getNChannels(); int slices = imp.getNSlices(); if (slices == 1) { slices = imp.getNFrames(); firstFrame = lastFrame = 1; } int frames = lastFrame - firstFrame + 1; increment = channels; boolean rgb = imp.getBitDepth() == 24; for (int frame = firstFrame; frame <= lastFrame; frame++) { for (int channel = 1; channel <= channels; channel++) { startSlice = (frame - 1) * channels * slices + (start - 1) * channels + channel; stopSlice = (frame - 1) * channels * slices + (stop - 1) * channels + channel; if (rgb) doHSRGBProjection(imp); else doProjection(); stack.addSlice(null, projImage.getProcessor()); } } projImage = new ImagePlus(makeTitle(), stack); projImage.setDimensions(channels, 1, frames); if (channels > 1) { projImage = new CompositeImage(projImage, 0); ((CompositeImage) projImage).copyLuts(imp); if (method == SUM_METHOD || method == SD_METHOD) ((CompositeImage) projImage).resetDisplayRanges(); } if (frames > 1) projImage.setOpenAsHyperStack(true); Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay(); if (overlay != null) { startSlice = start; stopSlice = stop; if (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) projImage.setOverlay(projectRGBHyperStackRois(overlay)); else projImage.setOverlay(projectHyperStackRois(overlay)); } IJ.showProgress(1, 1); }
protected void setDrawingColor(int ox, int oy, boolean setBackground) { // IJ.log("setDrawingColor: "+setBackground+this); int type = imp.getType(); int[] v = imp.getPixel(ox, oy); switch (type) { case ImagePlus.GRAY8: { if (setBackground) setBackgroundColor(getColor(v[0])); else setForegroundColor(getColor(v[0])); break; } case ImagePlus.GRAY16: case ImagePlus.GRAY32: { double min = imp.getProcessor().getMin(); double max = imp.getProcessor().getMax(); double value = (type == ImagePlus.GRAY32) ? Float.intBitsToFloat(v[0]) : v[0]; int index = (int) (255.0 * ((value - min) / (max - min))); if (index < 0) index = 0; if (index > 255) index = 255; if (setBackground) setBackgroundColor(getColor(index)); else setForegroundColor(getColor(index)); break; } case ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB: case ImagePlus.COLOR_256: { Color c = new Color(v[0], v[1], v[2]); if (setBackground) setBackgroundColor(c); else setForegroundColor(c); break; } } Color c; if (setBackground) c = Toolbar.getBackgroundColor(); else { c = Toolbar.getForegroundColor(); imp.setColor(c); } IJ.showStatus("(" + c.getRed() + ", " + c.getGreen() + ", " + c.getBlue() + ")"); }
ImageProcessor setup(ImagePlus imp) { ImageProcessor ip; int type = imp.getType(); if (type != ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) return null; ip = imp.getProcessor(); int id = imp.getID(); int slice = imp.getCurrentSlice(); if ((id != previousImageID) | (slice != previousSlice) | (flag)) { flag = false; // if true, flags a change from HSB to RGB or viceversa numSlices = imp.getStackSize(); stack = imp.getStack(); width = stack.getWidth(); height = stack.getHeight(); numPixels = width * height; hSource = new byte[numPixels]; sSource = new byte[numPixels]; bSource = new byte[numPixels]; // restore = (int[])ip.getPixelsCopy(); //This runs into trouble sometimes, so do it the // long way: int[] temp = (int[]) ip.getPixels(); restore = new int[numPixels]; for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) restore[i] = temp[i]; fillMask = new int[numPixels]; // Get hsb or rgb from image. ColorProcessor cp = (ColorProcessor) ip; IJ.showStatus("Gathering data"); if (isRGB) cp.getRGB(hSource, sSource, bSource); else cp.getHSB(hSource, sSource, bSource); IJ.showStatus("done"); // Create a spectrum ColorModel for the Hue histogram plot. Color c; byte[] reds = new byte[256]; byte[] greens = new byte[256]; byte[] blues = new byte[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { c = Color.getHSBColor(i / 255f, 1f, 1f); reds[i] = (byte) c.getRed(); greens[i] = (byte) c.getGreen(); blues[i] = (byte) c.getBlue(); } ColorModel cm = new IndexColorModel(8, 256, reds, greens, blues); // Make an image with just the hue from the RGB image and the spectrum LUT. // This is just for a hue histogram for the plot. Do not show it. // ByteProcessor bpHue = new ByteProcessor(width,height,h,cm); ByteProcessor bpHue = new ByteProcessor(width, height, hSource, cm); ImagePlus impHue = new ImagePlus("Hue", bpHue); // impHue.show(); ByteProcessor bpSat = new ByteProcessor(width, height, sSource, cm); ImagePlus impSat = new ImagePlus("Sat", bpSat); // impSat.show(); ByteProcessor bpBri = new ByteProcessor(width, height, bSource, cm); ImagePlus impBri = new ImagePlus("Bri", bpBri); // impBri.show(); plot.setHistogram(impHue, 0); splot.setHistogram(impSat, 1); bplot.setHistogram(impBri, 2); updateLabels(); updatePlot(); updateScrollBars(); imp.updateAndDraw(); } previousImageID = id; previousSlice = slice; return ip; }
Color getColor(int index) { IndexColorModel cm = (IndexColorModel) imp.getProcessor().getColorModel(); // IJ.write(""+index+" "+(new Color(cm.getRGB(index)))); return new Color(cm.getRGB(index)); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void run(String arg) { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); this.imp = imp; if (imp == null) { IJ.noImage(); return; } if ((1 < imp.getStackSize()) && (imp.getType() == imp.COLOR_256)) { IJ.error("Stack of color images not supported (use grayscale)"); return; } if (1 < imp.getStackSize()) { if (imp.getStack().isRGB()) { IJ.error("RGB color images not supported (use grayscale)"); return; } } if (1 < imp.getStackSize()) { if (imp.getStack().isHSB()) { IJ.error("HSB color images not supported (use grayscale)"); return; } } if (imp.getType() == imp.COLOR_256) { IJ.error("Indexed color images not supported (use grayscale)"); return; } if (imp.getType() == imp.COLOR_RGB) { IJ.error("Color images not supported (use grayscale)"); return; } differentialsDialog dialog = new differentialsDialog(IJ.getInstance(), "Differentials", true, operation); GUI.center(dialog); dialog.setVisible(true); cancel = dialog.getCancel(); operation = dialog.getOperation(); dialog.dispose(); if (cancel) { return; } imp.startTiming(); if (1 < imp.getStackSize()) { if (!(imp.getProcessor().getPixels() instanceof float[])) { new StackConverter(imp).convertToGray32(); } } else { if (!(imp.getProcessor().getPixels() instanceof float[])) { new ImageConverter(imp).convertToGray32(); } } ImageStack stack = imp.getStack(); stackSize = stack.getSize(); Undo.reset(); setupProgressBar(); resetProgressBar(); for (int i = 1; (i <= stackSize); i++) { ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(i); doIt(ip); imp.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); imp.setSlice(i); imp.updateAndRepaintWindow(); } imp.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); imp.setSlice(1); imp.updateAndRepaintWindow(); cleanUpProgressBar(); IJ.showTime(imp, imp.getStartTime(), "Differentials: "); ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win != null) { win.running = false; } } /* end run */
public void run(String arg) { imp = IJ.getImage(); int stackSize = imp.getStackSize(); if (imp == null) { IJ.noImage(); return; } // Make sure input image is a stack. if (stackSize == 1) { IJ.error("Z Project", "Stack required"); return; } // Check for inverting LUT. if (imp.getProcessor().isInvertedLut()) { if (!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("ZProjection", lutMessage)) return; } // Set default bounds. int channels = imp.getNChannels(); int frames = imp.getNFrames(); int slices = imp.getNSlices(); isHyperstack = imp.isHyperStack() || (ij.macro.Interpreter.isBatchMode() && ((frames > 1 && frames < stackSize) || (slices > 1 && slices < stackSize))); boolean simpleComposite = channels == stackSize; if (simpleComposite) isHyperstack = false; startSlice = 1; if (isHyperstack) { int nSlices = imp.getNSlices(); if (nSlices > 1) stopSlice = nSlices; else stopSlice = imp.getNFrames(); } else stopSlice = stackSize; // Build control dialog GenericDialog gd = buildControlDialog(startSlice, stopSlice); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; if (!imp.lock()) return; // exit if in use long tstart = System.currentTimeMillis(); setStartSlice((int) gd.getNextNumber()); setStopSlice((int) gd.getNextNumber()); method = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); Prefs.set(METHOD_KEY, method); if (isHyperstack) { allTimeFrames = imp.getNFrames() > 1 && imp.getNSlices() > 1 ? gd.getNextBoolean() : false; doHyperStackProjection(allTimeFrames); } else if (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) doRGBProjection(true); else doProjection(true); if (arg.equals("") && projImage != null) { long tstop = System.currentTimeMillis(); projImage.setCalibration(imp.getCalibration()); if (simpleComposite) IJ.run(projImage, "Grays", ""); projImage.show("ZProjector: " + IJ.d2s((tstop - tstart) / 1000.0, 2) + " seconds"); } imp.unlock(); IJ.register(ZProjector.class); return; }