public void changeLAF(int iLAFIndex) { try { // Change LAF if (iLAFIndex >= marrLaf.length) iLAFIndex = marrLaf.length - 1; UIManager.setLookAndFeel( (LookAndFeel) Class.forName(marrLaf[iLAFIndex].getClassName()).newInstance()); // Update UI ((JMenuItem) mvtLAFItem.elementAt(iLAFIndex)).setSelected(true); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(mnuMain); WindowManager.updateLookAndField(); // Store config try { Hashtable prt = Global.loadHashtable(Global.FILE_CONFIG); prt.put("LAF", String.valueOf(iLAFIndex)); Global.storeHashtable(prt, Global.FILE_CONFIG); } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); MessageBox.showMessageDialog(this, e, Global.APP_NAME, MessageBox.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }
private void onOK() { try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(inputFile); if (outputFile == null) { outputFile = new File(inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "_"); } OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); ANSIUnicodeConverter converter = new ANSIUnicodeConverter(); converter.setDirection(ANSIUnicodeConverter.ANSI2UNICODE); StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(); final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; // 1M byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; int currentPosition = 0; while (in.available() != 0) { int currentBufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE; if (in.available() < BUFFER_SIZE) { currentBufferSize = in.available(); }, currentPosition, currentBufferSize); currentBufferSize = currentBufferSize + currentBufferSize; converter.setInput(new String(buffer)); out.write(converter.convert().getBytes()); } in.close(); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { try { // stok String query = "DELETE FROM stok_produk WHERE id_produk=" + idProduk; int hasil1 = stm.executeUpdate(query); // pemasukkan query = "DELETE FROM pemasukan WHERE id_produk=" + idProduk; int hasil2 = stm.executeUpdate(query); // pengeluaran query = "DELETE FROM pengeluaran WHERE id_produk=" + idProduk; int hasil3 = stm.executeUpdate(query); // produk query = "DELETE FROM produk WHERE id_produk=" + idProduk; int hasil4 = stm.executeUpdate(query); if (hasil1 == 1 || hasil2 == 1 || hasil3 == 1 && hasil4 == 1) { setDataTabel(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "berhasil hapus"); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "gagal"); } } catch (SQLException SQLerr) { SQLerr.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JFileChooser f = new JFileChooser(); f.setFileFilter(new MyFileFilter()); // 設定檔案選擇器 int choose = f.showOpenDialog(getContentPane()); // 顯示檔案選取 if (choose == JFileChooser.OPEN_DIALOG) { // 有開啟檔案的話,開始讀檔 BufferedReader br = null; try { File file = f.getSelectedFile(); br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); TextDocument ta = new TextDocument(file.getName(), file); ta.addKeyListener(new SystemTrackSave());, null); td.add(ta); td.setTitleAt(docCount++, file.getName()); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { br.close(); } catch (Exception ecx) { ecx.printStackTrace(); } } } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (td.getTabCount() > 0) { JFileChooser f = new JFileChooser(); f.setFileFilter(new MyFileFilter()); int choose = f.showSaveDialog(getContentPane()); if (choose == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { BufferedWriter brw = null; try { File file = f.getSelectedFile(); brw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); int i = td.getSelectedIndex(); TextDocument ta = (TextDocument) td.getComponentAt(i); ta.write(brw); ta.fileName = file.getName(); // 將檔案名稱更新為存檔的名稱 td.setTitleAt(td.getSelectedIndex(), ta.fileName); ta.file = file; = true; // 設定已儲存 System.out.println("Save as pass!"); td.setTitleAt(i, ta.fileName); // 更新標題名稱 } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { brw.close(); } catch (Exception ecx) { ecx.printStackTrace(); } } } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "沒有檔案可以儲存!"); } }
public static void main(String args[]) { boolean debug = true; // Parse command-line arguments try { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("-help")) { System.out.println("Usage: java Mesh <filename>"); System.out.println(" or: java Mesh <shape> [uSize vSize]"); System.out.println(" where <shape> is one of:"); System.out.println(" -ellipsoid -torus"); System.exit(0); } else if (args[i].equals("-nodebug")) { debug = false; } else if (args[i].charAt(0) == '-') { // Primitive String primName = args[i].substring(1); int uSize = 24, vSize = 24; // Check for u/v if (args.length >= i + 3) { uSize = (new Integer(args[i + 1])).intValue(); vSize = (new Integer(args[i + 2])).intValue(); i += 2; } // Create primitive if (primName.equals("ellipsoid")) { shape = new Ellipsoid(uSize, vSize); } else if (primName.equals("torus")) { shape = new Torus(uSize, vSize); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown primitive: " + primName); } } else { // Filename shape = new PolyMesh(args[i]); } } if (shape == null) throw new Exception("No shape specified."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } // Create main window try { Mesh m = new Mesh(debug); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("clear")) { scriptArea.setText(""); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("save")) { // fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File("/Users/jc/Documents/LOGO")); int bandera = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(myWindow); if (bandera == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { String cadena1 = scriptArea.getText(); String cadena2 = cadena1.replace("\r", "\n"); System.out.println(cadena1); try { BufferedWriter script = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileChooser.getSelectedFile() + ".txt")); script.write(cadena2); script.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(myWindow, "File: " + file.getName() + " Saved.\n"); } scriptArea.setCaretPosition(scriptArea.getDocument().getLength()); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("quit")) { myWindow.setVisible(false); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("load")) { // String arreglo[] = new String[100]; // int i = 0; // fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File("/Users/jc/Documents/LOGO")); int bandera = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(myWindow); if (bandera == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try { BufferedReader script = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileChooser.getSelectedFile()));, null); script.close(); scriptArea.requestFocus(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); myWindow.setTitle(file.getName()); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(myWindow, file.getName() + ": File loaded.\n"); scriptArea.setCaretPosition(scriptArea.getDocument().getLength()); } } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("run")) { System.out.println("LEL"); } }
/** Creates new form SIPHeadersParametersFrame */ public StackPanel(ConfigurationFrame configurationFrame, ProxyLauncher proxyLauncher) { super(); this.parent = configurationFrame; this.proxyLauncher = proxyLauncher; listeningPointsList = new ListeningPointsList(proxyLauncher); initComponents(); // Init the components input: try { Configuration configuration = proxyLauncher.getConfiguration(); if (configuration == null) return; if (configuration.stackName != null) proxyStackNameTextField.setText(configuration.stackName); if (configuration.stackIPAddress != null) proxyIPAddressTextField.setText(configuration.stackIPAddress); if (configuration.outboundProxy != null) outboundProxyTextField.setText(configuration.outboundProxy); if (configuration.routerPath != null) routerClassTextField.setText(configuration.routerPath); if (configuration == null) listeningPointsList.displayList(new Hashtable()); else listeningPointsList.displayList(configuration.listeningPoints); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** i_square,resultの有効期間は、この関数の終了までです。 */ protected void onUpdateHandler(NyARSquare i_square, NyARDoubleMatrix44 result) { try { NyARGLUtil.toCameraViewRH(result, 1.0, this.gltransmat); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // 删除原来的JTable(JTable使用scrollPane来包装) if (scrollPane != null) { jf.remove(scrollPane); } try ( // 根据用户输入的SQL执行查询 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlField.getText())) { // 取出ResultSet的MetaData ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); Vector<String> columnNames = new Vector<>(); Vector<Vector<String>> data = new Vector<>(); // 把ResultSet的所有列名添加到Vector里 for (int i = 0; i < rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) { columnNames.add(rsmd.getColumnName(i + 1)); } // 把ResultSet的所有记录添加到Vector里 while ( { Vector<String> v = new Vector<>(); for (int i = 0; i < rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) { v.add(rs.getString(i + 1)); } data.add(v); } // 创建新的JTable JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames); scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table); // 添加新的Table jf.add(scrollPane); // 更新主窗口 jf.validate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
// check if sudo password is correct (so sudo can be used in all other scripts, even without // password, lasts for 5 minutes) private void doSudoCmd() { String pass = passwordField.getText(); File file = null; try { // write file in /tmp file = new File("/tmp/"); // ""c:/temp/run.bat"" FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); fos.write("echo $password | sudo -S ls\nexit $?".getBytes()); // "echo $password > pipo.txt" fos.close(); // execute HashMap vars = new HashMap(); vars.put("password", pass); List oses = new ArrayList(); oses.add( new OsConstraint( "unix", null, null, null)); // "windows",System.getProperty(""),System.getProperty("os.version"),System.getProperty("os.arch"))); ArrayList plist = new ArrayList(); ParsableFile pf = new ParsableFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), null, null, oses); plist.add(pf); ScriptParser sp = new ScriptParser(plist, new VariableSubstitutor(vars)); sp.parseFiles(); ArrayList elist = new ArrayList(); ExecutableFile ef = new ExecutableFile( file.getAbsolutePath(), ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL, ExecutableFile.ABORT, oses, false); elist.add(ef); FileExecutor fe = new FileExecutor(elist); int retval = fe.executeFiles(ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL, this); if (retval == 0) { idata.setVariable("password", pass); isValid = true; } // else is already showing dialog // { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Cannot execute 'sudo' cmd, check your password", // "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // } } catch (Exception e) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Cannot execute 'sudo' cmd, check your password", // "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); e.printStackTrace(); isValid = false; } try { if (file != null && file.exists()) file.delete(); // you don't want the file with password tobe arround, in case of error } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } }
public JournalFilterFrame() { try { jbInit(); // set domain in combo box... ClientApplet applet = ((ApplicationClientFacade) MDIFrame.getInstance().getClientFacade()).getMainClass(); ButtonCompanyAuthorizations bca = applet.getAuthorizations().getCompanyBa(); ArrayList companiesList = bca.getCompaniesList("ACC05"); Domain domain = new Domain("DOMAIN_ACC05"); for (int i = 0; i < companiesList.size(); i++) { if (applet .getAuthorizations() .getCompanyBa() .isInsertEnabled("ACC05", companiesList.get(i).toString())) domain.addDomainPair(companiesList.get(i), companiesList.get(i).toString()); } controlCompaniesCombo.setDomain(domain); controlCompaniesCombo.getComboBox().setSelectedIndex(0); setSize(400, 200); MDIFrame.getInstance().add(this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void drawPanel() { try { // System.out.println("right before the while loop of the thread"); // layeredPane.add(background,99); panel.remove(layeredPane); Iterator<PlayerMob> allPlayers = players.iterator(); PlayerMob aPlayer = null; /*while(allPlayers.hasNext()){ aPlayer = (PlayerMob); //System.out.println("INTHELOOP:info.getUsername ="******" myChat.getUsername ="******"for loop index catch"); continue; }*/ } catch (NullPointerException ed) { System.err.println("for loop null catch"); // startDrawingPanelThread(); } catch (Exception ev) { System.err.println("for loop catch"); ev.printStackTrace(); } }
private void updateTabBar(Vector vtThread) { pnlThread.removeAll(); for (int iThreadIndex = 0; iThreadIndex < vtThread.size(); iThreadIndex++) { try { Vector vtThreadInfo = (Vector) vtThread.elementAt(iThreadIndex); PanelThreadMonitor mntTemp = new PanelThreadMonitor(channel); String strThreadID = (String) vtThreadInfo.elementAt(0); String strThreadName = (String) vtThreadInfo.elementAt(1); int iThreadStatus = Integer.parseInt((String) vtThreadInfo.elementAt(2)); mntTemp.setThreadID(strThreadID); mntTemp.setThreadName(strThreadName); mntTemp.setThreadStatus(iThreadStatus); showResult(mntTemp.txtMonitor, (String) vtThreadInfo.elementAt(3)); mntTemp.addPropertyChangeListener(this); pnlThread.add(strThreadName, mntTemp); mntTemp.updateStatus(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); MessageBox.showMessageDialog(this, e, Global.APP_NAME, MessageBox.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } Skin.applySkin(this); }
private Hashtable<String, String> getJarManifestAttributes(String path) { Hashtable<String, String> h = new Hashtable<String, String>(); JarInputStream jis = null; try { cp.appendln(, "Looking for " + path); InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(path); if (is == null) { if (!path.endsWith("/MIRC.jar")) { cp.appendln(, "...could not find it."); } else { cp.appendln(, "...could not find it. [OK, this is a " + programName + " installation]"); } return null; } jis = new JarInputStream(is); Manifest manifest = jis.getManifest(); h = getManifestAttributes(manifest); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (jis != null) { try { jis.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } return h; }
/** * store BufferedImage to file * * @param image BufferedImage * @param outputFile output image file * @param quality quality of output image * @return true success, else fail */ public static boolean storeImage(BufferedImage image, File outputFile, float quality) { try { // reconstruct folder structure for image file output if (outputFile.getParentFile() != null && !outputFile.getParentFile().exists()) { outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } if (outputFile.exists()) { outputFile.delete(); } // get image file suffix String extName = "gif"; // get registry ImageWriter for specified image suffix Iterator writers = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName(extName); ImageWriter imageWriter = (ImageWriter); // set image output params ImageWriteParam params = new JPEGImageWriteParam(null); params.setCompressionMode(ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT); params.setCompressionQuality(quality); params.setProgressiveMode(javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam.MODE_DISABLED); params.setDestinationType( new ImageTypeSpecifier( IndexColorModel.getRGBdefault(), IndexColorModel.getRGBdefault().createCompatibleSampleModel(16, 16))); // writer image to file ImageOutputStream imageOutputStream = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(outputFile); imageWriter.setOutput(imageOutputStream); imageWriter.write(null, new IIOImage(image, null, null), params); imageOutputStream.close(); imageWriter.dispose(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; }
public DataSourceQueryChooserDialog( Collection dataSourceQueryChoosers, Frame frame, String title, boolean modal) { super(frame, title, modal); init(dataSourceQueryChoosers); try { jbInit(); pack(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { okCancelPanel.setOKPressed(false); } }); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { // User may have hit OK, got a validation-error dialog, then hit the // X button. [Jon Aquino] okCancelPanel.setOKPressed(false); } }); // Set the selected item to trigger the event that sets the panel. [Jon Aquino] formatComboBox.setSelectedItem(formatComboBox.getItemAt(0)); }
public void setQuery(String q) { cache = new Vector(); try { ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(q); ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); colCount = meta.getColumnCount(); headers = new String[colCount]; for (int h = 1; h <= colCount; h++) { headers[h - 1] = meta.getColumnName(h); } while ( { String[] record = new String[colCount]; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { record[i] = rs.getString(i + 1); } cache.addElement(record); } // while sonu fireTableChanged(null); } // try sonu catch (Exception e) { cache = new Vector(); e.printStackTrace(); } } // setQuery sonu
public Test() { try { jbInit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
// public void savePDF(){ // Rectangle suggestedPageSize = getITextPageSize(page1.getPageSize()); // Rectangle pageSize = rotatePageIfNecessary(suggestedPageSize); // //rotate if we need landscape // Document document = new Document(pageSize); // // PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(outputFile)); //; // Graphics2D graphics = cb.createGraphics(pageSize.getWidth(), pageSize.getHeight()); // // // call your GTRenderer here // GTRenderer draw = new StreamingRenderer(); // draw.setMapContent(mapContent); // // draw.paint(graphics, outputArea, mapContent.getLayerBounds() ); // // // cleanup // graphics.dispose(); // // //cleanup // document.close(); // writer.close(); // } public void saveImage(final MapContent map, final String file, final int imageWidth) { GTRenderer renderer = new StreamingRenderer(); renderer.setMapContent(map); Rectangle imageBounds = null; ReferencedEnvelope mapBounds = null; try { mapBounds = map.getMaxBounds(); double heightToWidth = mapBounds.getSpan(1) / mapBounds.getSpan(0); imageBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, (int) Math.round(imageWidth * heightToWidth)); } catch (Exception e) { // failed to access mapContent layers throw new RuntimeException(e); } BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(imageBounds.width, imageBounds.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D gr = image.createGraphics(); gr.setPaint(Color.WHITE); gr.fill(imageBounds); try { renderer.paint(gr, imageBounds, mapBounds); File fileToSave = new File(file); ImageIO.write(image, "jpeg", fileToSave); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void run() { try { if (myPreviousThread != null) myPreviousThread.join(); Thread.sleep(delay); log("> run MouseMoveThread " + x + ", " + y); while (!hasFocus()) { Thread.sleep(1000); } int x1 = lastMouseX; int x2 = x; int y1 = lastMouseY; int y2 = y; // shrink range by 1 px on both ends // manually move this 1px to trip DND code if (x1 != x2) { int dx = x - lastMouseX; if (dx > 0) { x1 += 1; x2 -= 1; } else { x1 -= 1; x2 += 1; } } if (y1 != y2) { int dy = y - lastMouseY; if (dy > 0) { y1 += 1; y2 -= 1; } else { y1 -= 1; y2 += 1; } } robot.setAutoDelay(Math.max(duration / 100, 1)); robot.mouseMove(x1, y1); int d = 100; for (int t = 0; t <= d; t++) { x1 = (int) easeInOutQuad( (double) t, (double) lastMouseX, (double) x2 - lastMouseX, (double) d); y1 = (int) easeInOutQuad( (double) t, (double) lastMouseY, (double) y2 - lastMouseY, (double) d); robot.mouseMove(x1, y1); } robot.mouseMove(x, y); lastMouseX = x; lastMouseY = y; robot.waitForIdle(); robot.setAutoDelay(1); } catch (Exception e) { log("Bad parameters passed to mouseMove"); e.printStackTrace(); } log("< run MouseMoveThread"); }
public RasterShieldFrame() { try { init(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY(); int currentTabIndex = -1; int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount(); for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) { if (rects[i].contains(x, y)) { currentTabIndex = i; break; } // if contains } // for i if (currentTabIndex >= 0) { Rectangle tabRect = rects[currentTabIndex]; x = x - tabRect.x; y = y - tabRect.y; if ((x >= 5) && (x <= 15) && (y >= 5) && (y <= 15)) { try { tabbedPane.remove(currentTabIndex); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // if } // if currentTabIndex >= 0 System.gc(); } // mouseClicked
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String cname = nameF.getText().trim(); int state = conditions[stateC.getSelectedIndex()]; try { if (isSpecialCase(cname)) { handleSpecialCase(cname, state); } else { JComponent comp = (JComponent) Class.forName(cname).newInstance(); ComponentUI cui = UIManager.getUI(comp); cui.installUI(comp); results.setText("Map entries for " + cname + ":\n\n"); if (inputB.isSelected()) { loadInputMap(comp.getInputMap(state), ""); results.append("\n"); } if (actionB.isSelected()) { loadActionMap(comp.getActionMap(), ""); results.append("\n"); } if (bindingB.isSelected()) { loadBindingMap(comp, state); } } } catch (ClassCastException cce) { results.setText(cname + " is not a subclass of JComponent."); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { results.setText(cname + " was not found."); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { results.setText(cname + " could not be instantiated."); } catch (Exception e) { results.setText("Exception found:\n" + e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String command = e.getActionCommand(); if (command.equals("AddPersonnel")) { AddNewPersonnel(); } if (command.equals("RemovePersonnel")) {} if (command.equals("RandomName")) { SetRandomName(); } if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("AssetAssignment")) { PersonnelAssetAssignmentDialog dlg = new PersonnelAssetAssignmentDialog(_CurrentPersonnel.getName(), _Unit); dlg.setLocationRelativeTo(this); dlg.setModal(true); dlg.setVisible(true); if (dlg.wasAssetAssigned()) { try { UnitManager.getInstance().saveUnit(_Unit); SetFields(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }
/** * The method to invoke the application. * * @param arg a list of DICOM files which may contain chest x-ray images */ public static void main(String arg[]) { try { new ChestImageViewer(arg); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } }
private static void printHelp(OptionParser parser) { try { parser.printHelpOn(System.out); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Calculates location of caret and displays the suggestion popup at the location. * * @param listModel * @param subWord */ protected void showSuggestion(DefaultListModel<CompletionCandidate> listModel, String subWord) { // new Exception(System.currentTimeMillis() + "").printStackTrace(System.out); hideSuggestion(); if (listModel.size() == 0) { Messages.log("TextArea: No suggestions to show."); } else { int position = getCaretPosition(); Point location = new Point(); try { location.x = offsetToX(getCaretLine(), position - getLineStartOffset(getCaretLine())); location.y = lineToY(getCaretLine()) + getPainter().getFontMetrics().getHeight() + getPainter().getFontMetrics().getDescent(); // log("TA position: " + location); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); return; } suggestion = new CompletionPanel(this, position, subWord, listModel, location, editor); requestFocusInWindow(); } }
public UserDataTabPanel() { try { jbInit(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public void run() { try { AudioInputStream ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(soundFile); AudioFormat format = ais.getFormat(); // System.out.println("Format: " + format); DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format); SourceDataLine source = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);; source.start(); int read = 0; byte[] audioData = new byte[16384]; while (read > -1) { read =, 0, audioData.length); if (read >= 0) { source.write(audioData, 0, read); } } donePlaying = true; source.drain(); source.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { System.out.println("error: " + exc.getMessage()); exc.printStackTrace(); } }