private void remove(int x, int y, Color c) { if (c.equals(Color.RED)) { numRedCheckers--; } else { numBlackCheckers--; } }
/** * selectClickable -- a recursive function which searches the game board for game balls of the * same color as the one selected, and 'selects' them as well. */ public void selectClickable(int m, int n) { Color home = balls[m][n].getColor(); balls[m][n].select(); scount += 1; if ((n - 1) >= 0) { Color north = balls[m][n - 1].getColor(); if ((home.equals(north)) && !(balls[m][n - 1].isSelected())) selectClickable(m, (n - 1)); } if ((m - 1) >= 0) { Color west = balls[m - 1][n].getColor(); if ((home.equals(west)) && !(balls[m - 1][n].isSelected())) selectClickable((m - 1), n); } if ((n + 1) < B_HEIGHT) { Color south = balls[m][n + 1].getColor(); if ((home.equals(south)) && !(balls[m][n + 1].isSelected())) selectClickable(m, (n + 1)); } if ((m + 1) < B_WIDTH) { Color east = balls[m + 1][n].getColor(); if ((home.equals(east)) && !(balls[m + 1][n].isSelected())) selectClickable((m + 1), n); } }
// Overridden for performance reasons. ----> @Override public boolean isOpaque() { Color back = getBackground(); Component p = getParent(); if (Objects.nonNull(p)) { p = p.getParent(); } // p should now be the JTable. boolean colorMatch = Objects.nonNull(back) && Objects.nonNull(p) && back.equals(p.getBackground()) && p.isOpaque(); return !colorMatch && super.isOpaque(); }
@Override public void colorChanged(Color color, Object source) { if (color != null && !color.equals(myColor)) { myColor = color; applyColor(color); if (source != myHex) { applyColorToHEX(color); } myPreviewComponent.setColor(color); fireColorChanged(color); } }
private void updatePreview(Color color, boolean fromHex) { if (color != null && !color.equals(myColor)) { myColor = color; myPreviewComponent.setColor(color); myColorWheelPanel.setColor(color, fromHex ? myHex : null); if (fromHex) { applyColor(color); } else { applyColorToHEX(color); } fireColorChanged(color); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void setBackgroundColor(Color color) { if (color == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ColorIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } // Only set the color if it actually changed if (!color.equals(this.getBackgroundColor())) { this.backgroundColor = color; // Convert the color to an RGB hex triplet string that the WebBrowser will understand int rgb = (color.getRed() & 0xFF) << 16 | (color.getGreen() & 0xFF) << 8 | (color.getBlue() & 0xFF); String colorString = String.format("#%06X", rgb); WindowsWebViewJNI.setBackgroundColor(this.webViewWindowPtr, colorString); } }
private boolean canDoubleJump(GameObj obj) { doubleJumpSpots = new ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, Integer>>(); if (obj.isTile()) { return false; } int x = obj.getX(); int y = obj.getY(); if (obj.isQueen()) { return doubleJumpProcess(obj, x + 2, y + 2) || doubleJumpProcess(obj, x - 2, y + 2) || doubleJumpProcess(obj, x + 2, y - 2) || doubleJumpProcess(obj, x - 2, y - 2); } else { if (turn.equals(Color.RED)) { return doubleJumpProcess(obj, x + 2, y - 2) || doubleJumpProcess(obj, x - 2, y - 2); } else { return doubleJumpProcess(obj, x + 2, y + 2) || doubleJumpProcess(obj, x - 2, y + 2); } } }
private void updatePipette() { Dialog pickerDialog = getPickerDialog(); if (pickerDialog != null && pickerDialog.isShowing()) { Point mouseLoc = updateLocation(); if (mouseLoc == null) return; final Color c = getPixelColor(mouseLoc); if (!c.equals(getColor()) || !mouseLoc.equals(myPreviousLocation)) { setColor(c); myPreviousLocation.setLocation(mouseLoc); myCaptureRect.setBounds( mouseLoc.x - HOT_SPOT.x + SIZE / 2 - 2, mouseLoc.y - HOT_SPOT.y + SIZE / 2 - 2, 5, 5); BufferedImage capture = myRobot.createScreenCapture(myCaptureRect); // Clear the cursor graphics myGraphics.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Src); myGraphics.setColor(UIUtil.TRANSPARENT_COLOR); myGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, myImage.getWidth(), myImage.getHeight()); myGraphics.drawImage( capture, myZoomRect.x, myZoomRect.y, myZoomRect.width, myZoomRect.height, this); // cropping round image myGraphics.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.DST_OUT)); myGraphics.drawImage( myMaskImage, myZoomRect.x, myZoomRect.y, myZoomRect.width, myZoomRect.height, this); // paint magnifier myGraphics.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SrcOver); UIUtil.drawImage( myGraphics, myPipetteImage, SIZE - AllIcons.Ide.Pipette.getIconWidth(), 0, this); pickerDialog.setCursor( myParent.getToolkit().createCustomCursor(myImage, HOT_SPOT, "ColorPicker")); notifyListener(c, 300); } } }