/** Is called when the applet wants to be resized. */ @Override public void appletResize(int width, int height) { currentAppletSize.width = width; currentAppletSize.height = height; final Dimension currentSize = new Dimension(currentAppletSize.width, currentAppletSize.height); if (loader != null) { AppContext appCtxt = loader.getAppContext(); if (appCtxt != null) appEvtQ = (java.awt.EventQueue) appCtxt.get(AppContext.EVENT_QUEUE_KEY); } final AppletPanel ap = this; if (appEvtQ != null) { appEvtQ.postEvent( new InvocationEvent( Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (ap != null) { ap.dispatchAppletEvent(APPLET_RESIZE, currentSize); } } })); } }
/** Method declaration */ private void initGUI() { Panel pQuery = new Panel(); Panel pCommand = new Panel(); pResult = new Panel(); pQuery.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pCommand.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pResult.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Font fFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12); txtCommand = new TextArea(5, 40); txtCommand.addKeyListener(this); txtResult = new TextArea(20, 40); txtCommand.setFont(fFont); txtResult.setFont(new Font("Courier", Font.PLAIN, 12)); butExecute = new Button("Execute"); butClear = new Button("Clear"); butExecute.addActionListener(this); butClear.addActionListener(this); pCommand.add("East", butExecute); pCommand.add("West", butClear); pCommand.add("Center", txtCommand); gResult = new Grid(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pResult.add("Center", gResult); pQuery.add("North", pCommand); pQuery.add("Center", pResult); fMain.add("Center", pQuery); tTree = new Tree(); // (ulrivo): screen with less than 640 width Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); if (d.width >= 640) { tTree.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 100)); } else { tTree.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(80, 100)); } gResult.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 300)); fMain.add("West", tTree); doLayout(); fMain.pack(); }
public Deta_Ventas_r() { setBackground(Color.gray); setLayout(null); setSize(400, 400); l1 = new Label(" clave "); t1 = new TextField(36); l2 = new Label("Vendedor"); t2 = new TextField(20); l3 = new Label("Cliente"); t3 = new TextField(20); l4 = new Label("Fechas"); t4 = new TextField(5); l5 = new Label("monto_final"); t5 = new TextField(5); t4.setEditable(false); t5.setEditable(false); b = new Button("Registrar"); add(l1); add(t1); add(l2); add(t2); add(l3); add(t3); add(l4); add(t4); add(l5); add(t5); add(b); l1.setBounds(24, 75, 71, 23); l2.setBounds(24, 103, 90, 23); l3.setBounds(24, 131, 90, 23); l4.setBounds(24, 159, 90, 23); l5.setBounds(24, 185, 90, 23); t1.setBounds(114, 75, 270, 23); t2.setBounds(114, 103, 270, 23); t3.setBounds(114, 131, 270, 23); t4.setBounds(114, 159, 270, 23); t5.setBounds(114, 185, 270, 23); b.setBounds(167, 215, 65, 23); b.addActionListener(this); setUndecorated(true); setLocation((Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width / 2) - 200, 50); start(); }
public static void openFrame(Object frame) { boolean packFrame = false; if (packFrame) { ((JFrame) frame).pack(); } else { ((JFrame) frame).validate(); } // Center the window Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Dimension frameSize = ((JFrame) frame).getSize(); if (frameSize.height > screenSize.height) { frameSize.height = screenSize.height; } if (frameSize.width > screenSize.width) { frameSize.width = screenSize.width; } ((JFrame) frame) .setLocation( (screenSize.width - frameSize.width) / 2, (screenSize.height - frameSize.height) / 2); ((JFrame) frame).setVisible(true); }
public void centerText(String s1, String s2, Graphics g, Color c, int x, int y, int w, int h) { // locs[0].centerText(s1, s2, this.getGraphics(), // Color.white, 400,0,200,50); // g.setXORMode(unselected_color); // centerText("pic" + im, null, g, Color.black, x, y, w, h); Font f = g.getFont(); FontMetrics fm = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontMetrics(f); int ascent = fm.getAscent(); int height = fm.getHeight(); int width1 = 0, width2 = 0, x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = 0, y1 = 0; width1 = fm.stringWidth(s1); if (s2 != null) width2 = fm.stringWidth(s2); x0 = x + (w - width1) / 2; x0 = x + (w - width2) / 2; if (s2 == null) y0 = y + (h - height) / 2 + ascent; else { y0 = y + (h - (int) (height * 2.2)) / 2 + ascent; y1 = y0 + (int) (height * 1.2); } g.setColor(c); g.drawString(s1, x0, y0); if (s2 != null) g.drawString(s2, x1, y1); }
/** Method declaration */ void main() { fMain = new Frame("HSQL Database Manager"); imgEmpty = createImage(new MemoryImageSource(2, 2, new int[4 * 4], 2, 2)); fMain.setIconImage(imgEmpty); fMain.addWindowListener(this); MenuBar bar = new MenuBar(); // used shortcuts: CERGTSIUDOLM String fitems[] = { "-Connect...", "--", "-Open Script...", "-Save Script...", "-Save Result...", "--", "-Exit" }; addMenu(bar, "File", fitems); String vitems[] = { "RRefresh Tree", "--", "GResults in Grid", "TResults in Text", "--", "1Shrink Tree", "2Enlarge Tree", "3Shrink Command", "4Enlarge Command" }; addMenu(bar, "View", vitems); String sitems[] = { "SSELECT", "IINSERT", "UUPDATE", "DDELETE", "--", "-CREATE TABLE", "-DROP TABLE", "-CREATE INDEX", "-DROP INDEX", "--", "-CHECKPOINT", "-SCRIPT", "-SET", "-SHUTDOWN", "--", "-Test Script" }; addMenu(bar, "Command", sitems); Menu recent = new Menu("Recent"); mRecent = new Menu("Recent"); bar.add(mRecent); String soptions[] = { "-AutoCommit on", "-AutoCommit off", "OCommit", "LRollback", "--", "-Disable MaxRows", "-Set MaxRows to 100", "--", "-Logging on", "-Logging off", "--", "-Insert test data" }; addMenu(bar, "Options", soptions); /* NB - 26052002 Restore is not implemented yet in the transfer tool */ String stools[] = {"-Dump", /*"-Restore",*/ "-Transfer"}; addMenu(bar, "Tools", stools); fMain.setMenuBar(bar); fMain.setSize(640, 480); fMain.add("Center", this); initGUI(); sRecent = new String[iMaxRecent]; Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Dimension size = fMain.getSize(); // (ulrivo): full size on screen with less than 640 width if (d.width >= 640) { fMain.setLocation((d.width - size.width) / 2, (d.height - size.height) / 2); } else { fMain.setLocation(0, 0); fMain.setSize(d); } fMain.show(); // (ulrivo): load query from command line if (defScript != null) { if (defDirectory != null) { defScript = defDirectory + File.separator + defScript; } txtCommand.setText(DatabaseManagerCommon.readFile(defScript)); } txtCommand.requestFocus(); }
public static Image getImage(JopSession session, String image) { String fullName; if (session.getRoot() instanceof JopApplet) { String name; try { URL current = ((JApplet) session.getRoot()).getCodeBase(); String current_str = current.toString(); int idx1 = current_str.lastIndexOf('/'); int idx2 = current_str.lastIndexOf(':'); int idx = idx1; if (idx2 > idx) idx = idx2; String path = current_str.substring(0, idx + 1); String url_str; // String url_str = new String( path + name); if (image.substring(0, 5).compareTo("jpwr/") == 0) { idx = image.lastIndexOf('/'); name = image.substring(5, idx); url_str = new String("jar:" + path + "pwr_" + name + ".jar!/" + image); } else { idx = image.lastIndexOf('/'); if (idx == -1) name = new String(image); else name = image.substring(idx + 1); url_str = new String("jar:" + path + "pwrp_" + systemName + "_web.jar!/" + name); } System.out.println("Opening URL: " + url_str); URL url = new URL(url_str); return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } return null; } else { // Add default directory /pwrp/img System.out.println("Image: " + image); // int idx = image.lastIndexOf('/'); // if ( idx == -1) // fullName = new String("/pwrp/img/" + image); // else fullName = new String(image); // return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage( fullName); try { String name; String url_str; int idx; String path = new String("file://"); if (image.substring(0, 5).compareTo("jpwr/") == 0) { idx = image.lastIndexOf('/'); name = image.substring(5, idx); url_str = new String("$pwr_lib/pwr_" + name + ".jar"); url_str = Gdh.translateFilename(url_str); url_str = new String("jar:" + path + url_str + "!/" + image); } else { idx = image.lastIndexOf('/'); if (idx == -1) name = new String(image); else name = image.substring(idx + 1); url_str = new String("$pwrp_lib/pwrp_" + systemName + ".jar"); System.out.println("java: " + url_str); url_str = Gdh.translateFilename(url_str); url_str = new String("jar:" + path + url_str + "!/" + name); } System.out.println("Opening URL: " + url_str); URL url = new URL(url_str); return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } } return null; }
Usermaster() { Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); x = dim.width; y = dim.height; setSize(x, y); setUndecorated(true); Container c = getContentPane(); center = new JPanel() { public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Toolkit kit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Image img = kit.getImage("Image/user.jpg"); MediaTracker t = new MediaTracker(this); t.addImage(img, 0); while (true) { try { t.waitForAll(); break; } catch (Exception ee) { } } g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, x, y, null); } }; c.add(center); center.setLayout(null); titleLb = new JLabel( "<html><body ><font size='5'><b><i> User Name </b></i></font></body></html>"); titleLb.setForeground(new Color(10, 110, 255)); titleLb.setBounds(x / 2 + 50, x / 4, 150, 50); center.add(titleLb); output = new JLabel( "<html><body ><font size='5'><b><i> OUTPUT </b></i></font></body></html>"); output.setForeground(Color.white); output.setBounds(x / 2 - 250, x / 6, 150, 50); center.add(output); login = new JButton(new ImageIcon("Image/logBut.gif")); login.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder()); login.setBounds(x / 2 + 100, x / 2 - 70, 100, 100); login.setBackground(Color.white); pass = new JPasswordField(); pass.setToolTipText("Enter The Password To Payroll System"); login.requestFocus(); pass.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder()); pass.setForeground(new Color(10, 110, 255)); pass.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 22)); pass.setCaretColor(Color.red); pass.setBounds(x / 2 + 50, x / 3, 200, 35); center.add(pass); center.add(login); pass.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { output.setText( "<html><body ><font size='5'><b><i> OUTPUT </b></i></font></body></html>"); output.setForeground(Color.white); } }); try { clsConnection connect = new clsConnection(); conn = connect.setConnection(conn, "", ""); } catch (Exception e) { } login.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { st = conn.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery("select * from img"); while (rs.next()) { if (pass.getText().equals(rs.getString(3))) { setVisible(false); URL url = closeSystem.class.getResource("spacemusic.au"); click = Applet.newAudioClip(url); click.play(); paro.setVisible(true); } else { pass.setText(""); pass.requestFocus(); output.setText("Fell"); output.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 36)); output.setForeground(Color.red); } } } catch (Exception er) { System.out.println("Sorry\n" + er); } } }); }
public void init() { Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); image = tk.getImage(getURL("castle.png")); addKeyListener(this); }