private NodeIterator advanceIterator(int x) { if (x >= graph.numNodes()) throw new Error("Problem with the id for the node."); if (!iterator.hasNext() || iterator.nextInt() >= x) iterator = nodeIterator(); Integer aux = null; while ((aux = iterator.nextInt()) != x) {} return iterator; }
public Graph copy() { WeightedArcSet list = new WeightedArcSet(); Constructor[] cons = WeightedArc.class.getDeclaredConstructors(); for (int i = 0; i < cons.length; i++) cons[i].setAccessible(true); ArcLabelledNodeIterator it = graph.nodeIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer aux1 = it.nextInt(); Integer aux2 = null; ArcLabelledNodeIterator.LabelledArcIterator suc = it.successors(); while ((aux2 = suc.nextInt()) != null && aux2 >= 0 && (aux2 < graph.numNodes())) try { if (commit++ % COMMIT_SIZE == 0) { list.commit(); } WeightedArc arc = (WeightedArc) cons[0].newInstance(aux2, aux1, suc.label().getFloat()); list.add(arc); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error(ex); } } Graph result = new Graph(list.toArray(new WeightedArc[0])); result.nodes.clear(); result.nodesReverse.clear(); for (Integer n : this.nodes.keySet()) { if (commit++ % COMMIT_SIZE == 0) { result.commit(); } result.nodesReverse.put(this.nodes.get(n), n); result.nodes.put(n, this.nodes.get(n)); } return result; }
public Graph neighbourhoodGraph(int nnodes[], int hops) { PrimaryHashMap<Integer, String> nodes; PrimaryHashMap<String, Integer> nodesReverse; try { File auxFile = File.createTempFile("graph-maps-" + System.currentTimeMillis(), "aux"); auxFile.deleteOnExit(); RecordManager recMan = RecordManagerFactory.createRecordManager(auxFile.getAbsolutePath()); nodes = recMan.hashMap("nodes"); nodesReverse = recMan.hashMap("nodesReverse"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new Error(ex); } nodes.clear(); nodesReverse.clear(); WeightedArcSet list1 = new WeightedArcSet(); Int2IntAVLTreeMap map = new Int2IntAVLTreeMap(); IntSet set = new IntLinkedOpenHashSet(); int numIterators = 100; Constructor[] cons = WeightedArc.class.getDeclaredConstructors(); for (int i = 0; i < cons.length; i++) cons[i].setAccessible(true); for (int n : nnodes) map.put(n, 0); NodeIterator its[] = new NodeIterator[numIterators]; int itNum[] = new int[numIterators]; for (int n = 0; n < its.length; n++) { its[n] = nodeIterator(); itNum[n] = 0; } while (map.size() != 0) { Integer node = 0; for (int n = 0; n < its.length; n++) if (itNum[n] <= node) node = itNum[n]; node = map.tailMap(node).firstKey(); if (node == null) map.firstKey(); NodeIterator it = null; Integer aux1 = 0; int iit = 0; for (int n = 0; n < its.length; n++) { if (!its[n].hasNext()) { its[n] = nodeIterator(); itNum[n] = 0; } if (itNum[n] == node) { it = its[n]; aux1 = itNum[n]; iit = 0; break; } if (itNum[n] < node && itNum[n] >= aux1) { it = its[n]; aux1 = itNum[n]; iit = n; } } if (it == null) { its[0] = nodeIterator(); itNum[0] = 0; it = its[0]; } while (it != null && (aux1 = it.nextInt()) != null && aux1 >= 0 && aux1 < node) {} itNum[iit] = aux1 + 1; Integer aux2 = null; ArcLabelledNodeIterator.LabelledArcIterator suc = it.successors(); while ((aux2 = suc.nextInt()) != null && aux2 >= 0 && (aux2 < graph.numNodes())) try { if (commit++ % COMMIT_SIZE == 0) { try { nodes.getRecordManager().commit(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } try { nodesReverse.getRecordManager().commit(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } } if (!nodesReverse.containsKey(this.nodes.get(aux1))) { nodes.put(nodes.size(), this.nodes.get(aux1)); nodesReverse.put(this.nodes.get(aux1), nodesReverse.size()); } if (!nodesReverse.containsKey(this.nodes.get(aux2))) { nodes.put(nodes.size(), this.nodes.get(aux2)); nodesReverse.put(this.nodes.get(aux2), nodesReverse.size()); } int aaux1 = nodesReverse.get(this.nodes.get(aux1)); int aaux2 = nodesReverse.get(this.nodes.get(aux2)); WeightedArc arc1 = (WeightedArc) cons[0].newInstance(aaux1, aaux2, suc.label().getFloat()); list1.add(arc1); if (map.get(node) < hops) { if (!set.contains(aux1) && (map.get(aux1) == null || map.get(aux1) > map.get(node) + 1)) map.put(aux1.intValue(), map.get(node) + 1); if (!set.contains(aux2) && (map.get(aux2) == null || map.get(aux2) > map.get(node) + 1)) map.put(aux2.intValue(), map.get(node) + 1); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new Error(ex); } ArcLabelledNodeIterator.LabelledArcIterator anc = it.ancestors(); while ((aux2 = anc.nextInt()) != null && aux2 >= 0 && (aux2 < graph.numNodes())) try { if (commit++ % COMMIT_SIZE == 0) { try { nodes.getRecordManager().commit(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } try { nodesReverse.getRecordManager().commit(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } } if (!nodesReverse.containsKey(this.nodes.get(aux1))) { nodes.put(nodes.size(), this.nodes.get(aux1)); nodesReverse.put(this.nodes.get(aux1), nodesReverse.size()); } if (!nodesReverse.containsKey(this.nodes.get(aux2))) { nodes.put(nodes.size(), this.nodes.get(aux2)); nodesReverse.put(this.nodes.get(aux2), nodesReverse.size()); } int aaux1 = nodesReverse.get(this.nodes.get(aux1)); int aaux2 = nodesReverse.get(this.nodes.get(aux2)); WeightedArc arc1 = (WeightedArc) cons[0].newInstance(aaux2, aaux1, anc.label().getFloat()); list1.add(arc1); if (map.get(node) < hops) { if (!set.contains(aux1) && (map.get(aux1) == null || map.get(aux1) > map.get(node) + 1)) map.put(aux1.intValue(), map.get(node) + 1); if (!set.contains(aux2) && (map.get(aux2) == null || map.get(aux2) > map.get(node) + 1)) map.put(aux2.intValue(), map.get(node) + 1); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new Error(ex); } map.remove(node); set.add(node); } Graph newGraph = new Graph(list1.toArray(new WeightedArc[0])); newGraph.nodes.clear(); newGraph.nodesReverse.clear(); newGraph.nodes = nodes; newGraph.nodesReverse = nodesReverse; return newGraph; }
public int numNodes() { return graph.numNodes(); }