public void testBusinessModelColumnUniqueNames() { for (BusinessTable table : businessModel.getBusinessTables()) { String physicalTableName = table.getPhysicalTable().getName(); Map<String, String> columnUniqueNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (SimpleBusinessColumn column : table.getSimpleBusinessColumns()) { String columnUniqueName = column.getUniqueName(); String physicalColumnName = column.getPhysicalColumn().getName(); Assert.assertNotNull( "Business column associated to column [" + physicalColumnName + "] of physical table [" + physicalTableName + "] have no unique name", columnUniqueName); Assert.assertFalse( "Column [" + physicalColumnName + "] and column [" + columnUniqueNames.get(columnUniqueName) + "] of table [" + physicalTableName + "] have the same unique name [" + columnUniqueName + "]", columnUniqueNames.containsKey(columnUniqueName)); columnUniqueNames.put(columnUniqueName, physicalColumnName); } } }
public void testBusinessModelTableNames() { for (BusinessTable table : businessModel.getBusinessTables()) { String tableUniqueName = table.getName(); Assert.assertNotNull( "Business table associated with physical table [" + table.getPhysicalTable().getName() + "] have no name", tableUniqueName); } }
public void testBusinessModelColumnNames() { for (BusinessTable table : businessModel.getBusinessTables()) { String physicalTableName = table.getPhysicalTable().getName(); for (SimpleBusinessColumn column : table.getSimpleBusinessColumns()) { String columnName = column.getName(); Assert.assertNotNull( "Business column associated with physical column [" + column.getPhysicalColumn().getName() + "] of table [" + physicalTableName + "] have no name ", columnName); } } }
public void testBusinessModelTableUniqueNames() { Map<String, String> tableUniqueNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (BusinessTable table : businessModel.getBusinessTables()) { String tableUniqueName = table.getUniqueName(); String physicalTableName = table.getPhysicalTable().getName(); Assert.assertNotNull( "Business table associated with physical table [" + physicalTableName + "] have no unique name", tableUniqueName); Assert.assertNotNull( "Business table associated with physical table [" + physicalTableName + "] have an empty unique name", physicalTableName.trim().length() > 0); char firstChar = tableUniqueName.charAt(0); Assert.assertTrue( "The unique name [" + tableUniqueName + "] of business table associated with physical table [" + physicalTableName + "] does not start with a letter", Character.isLetter(firstChar)); Assert.assertFalse( "Unique name [" + tableUniqueName + "] of table [" + physicalTableName + "] is equal to unique name of table [" + tableUniqueNames.get(tableUniqueName.toLowerCase()) + "]", tableUniqueNames.containsKey(tableUniqueName.toLowerCase())); // note: name must be unique in a case unsensitive way: !name1.equalsIgnoreCase(name2) tableUniqueNames.put(tableUniqueName.toLowerCase(), physicalTableName); } }