public static OfflinePlayer getChamp(GodType type) { OfflinePlayer p = null; ResultSet r = null; try { r = (new SQLQuery( (new String( "select champ from £.gods where idGod=" + String.valueOf(Utility.getDBNumberFromGodType(type)))), ConfigManager.getMySQLConfig()) .excecuteQuery()); } catch (MySQLSyntaxErrorException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } try { while ( { String s = r.getString(1); if (s != null) { p = Bukkit.getPlayer(r.getString(1)); } } } catch (SQLException e) { return null; } return p; }
public static void setChamp(God g, OfflinePlayer p) { String s = new String( "update £.gods set champ=" + ((p == null) ? "NULL" : "'" + p.getName() + "'") + " where idGod=" + (new Integer(Utility.getDBNumberFromGodType(g.getGodType())))); Bukkit.getServer().broadcastMessage(s); (new SQLQuery(s, msqlc)).excecuteUpdate(); }
public static void saveAltars() { Set<Entry<Location, Altar>> sal = AltarManager.getAltars(); for (Entry<Location, Altar> al : sal) { try { Altar a = al.getValue(); if (a.marked()) { ResultSet r = new SQLQuery("select location from £.altar where id=" + a.getDBId() + ";", msqlc) .excecuteQuery(); while ( { new SQLQuery("delete from £.altar where id=" + a.getDBId() + ";", msqlc) .excecuteUpdate(); new SQLQuery("delete from £.locations where id=" + r.getInt(1) + ";", msqlc) .excecuteUpdate(); } } else { int idDB = a.getDBId(); if (idDB == -1) { Location l = a.getLocation(); new SQLQuery( "insert into £.locations(world,chunkx,chunkz,x,y,z) values('" + l.getWorld().getName() + "'," + l.getChunk().getX() + "," + l.getChunk().getZ() + "," + l.getBlockX() + "," + l.getBlockY() + "," + l.getBlockZ() + ");", msqlc) .excecuteUpdate(); ResultSet r = new SQLQuery("select max(id) from £.locations", msqlc).excecuteQuery(); while ( { new SQLQuery( "insert into £.altar(god,type,location) values(" + Utility.getDBNumberFromGodType(a.getGod().getGodType()) + ",'" + a.getType() + "'," + r.getInt(1) + ")", msqlc) .excecuteUpdate(); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public static OfflinePlayer getNewChampCandidate(GodType g) { try { ResultSet r = (new SQLQuery( "select follower from £.followers where reputation>999 and god=" + Utility.getDBNumberFromGodType(g) + " order by reputation,points,follower limit 1", msqlc)) .excecuteQuery(); while ( { return Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(r.getString(1)); } return null; } catch (MySQLSyntaxErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public static void loadThrones() { for (GodType t : GodType.values()) { if (GodManager.isActive(t)) { String str = "select l.x,l.y,l.z,g.hasThrone, from £.thrones g,£.locations l where and god=" + Utility.getDBNumberFromGodType(t) + ";"; ResultSet r = null; try { r = (new SQLQuery(str, msqlc)).excecuteQuery(); } catch (MySQLSyntaxErrorException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } try { while ( { if (r.getBoolean(4)) { Location l = new Location( Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(r.getString(5)), r.getInt(1), r.getInt(2), r.getInt(3)); GodManager.getGod(t).setThrone((Sign) l.getBlock().getState()); AltarManager.loadAltar(GodManager.getGod(t), AltarType.THRONE, l, 1, null); Sign s = (Sign) l.getBlock().getState(); if (!s.getLine(1).equalsIgnoreCase(GodManager.getGod(t).getGodName())) s.setLine(1, GodManager.getGod(t).getGodName().toUpperCase()); } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
public static ArrayList<Entry<String, Integer>> getTopFollowers(God g) { ArrayList<Entry<String, Integer>> list = new ArrayList<>(); ResultSet r = null; try { r = (new SQLQuery( "select follower,reputation from £.followers f where god=" + Utility.getDBNumberFromGodType(g.getGodType()) + " order by f.reputation limit 10;", msqlc)) .excecuteQuery(); } catch (MySQLSyntaxErrorException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } try { while ( { list.add( new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Integer>(r.getString(1), new Integer(r.getInt(2)))); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return list; }
public static void saveFollower( Player p, int rep, int points, God g, GregorianCalendar lastPrayed, GregorianCalendar lastHealed) { String sr = new String("select id from £.followers where follower like '" + p.getName() + "';"); ResultSet r = null; try { r = (new SQLQuery(sr, msqlc)).excecuteQuery(); } catch (MySQLSyntaxErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } boolean empty = true; try { String s; while ( { empty = false; } if (empty) { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); s = new String( "insert into £.followers(follower,reputation,points,god,lastpray,lastheal) values('" + p.getName()) + "'," + rep + "," + points + "," + Utility.getDBNumberFromGodType(g.getGodType()) + ",'" + df.format(lastPrayed.getTime()) + "','" + df.format(lastHealed.getTime()).toString() + "');"; } else if (rep == -1) { s = new String("delete from £.followers where id=" + r.getInt(1) + ";"); } else { r.first(); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); s = new String( "update £.followers set lastpray='" + df.format(lastPrayed.getTime()) + "', points=" + points + ", reputation=" + rep + ", god=" + Utility.getDBNumberFromGodType(g.getGodType()) + ", lastheal='" + df.format(lastHealed.getTime()) + "' where id=" + r.getInt(1) + ";"); } new SQLQuery(s, msqlc).excecuteUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } }