public Contact contact(ObjectNode node, String location, ParseResult result) { if (node == null) return null; Contact contact = new Contact(); String value = getString("name", node, false, location + ".name", result);; value = getString("url", node, false, location + ".url", result); contact.url(value); value = getString("email", node, false, location + ".email", result);; // extra keys Set<String> keys = getKeys(node); for (String key : keys) { if (!CONTACT_KEYS.contains(key)) { result.extra(location + ".contact", key, node.get(key)); } } return contact; }
@Override public List<File> generate() { Boolean generateApis = null; Boolean generateModels = null; Boolean generateSupportingFiles = null; Set<String> modelsToGenerate = null; Set<String> apisToGenerate = null; Set<String> supportingFilesToGenerate = null; // allows generating only models by specifying a CSV of models to generate, or empty for all if (System.getProperty("models") != null) { String modelNames = System.getProperty("models"); generateModels = true; if (!modelNames.isEmpty()) { modelsToGenerate = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(modelNames.split(","))); } } if (System.getProperty("apis") != null) { String apiNames = System.getProperty("apis"); generateApis = true; if (!apiNames.isEmpty()) { apisToGenerate = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(apiNames.split(","))); } } if (System.getProperty("supportingFiles") != null) { String supportingFiles = System.getProperty("supportingFiles"); generateSupportingFiles = true; if (!supportingFiles.isEmpty()) { supportingFilesToGenerate = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(supportingFiles.split(","))); } } if (generateApis == null && generateModels == null && generateSupportingFiles == null) { // no specifics are set, generate everything generateApis = true; generateModels = true; generateSupportingFiles = true; } else { if (generateApis == null) { generateApis = false; } if (generateModels == null) { generateModels = false; } if (generateSupportingFiles == null) { generateSupportingFiles = false; } } if (swagger == null || config == null) { throw new RuntimeException("missing swagger input or config!"); } if (System.getProperty("debugSwagger") != null) { Json.prettyPrint(swagger); } List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(); config.processOpts(); config.preprocessSwagger(swagger); config.additionalProperties().put("generatedDate",; config.additionalProperties().put("generatorClass", config.getClass().toString()); if (swagger.getInfo() != null) { Info info = swagger.getInfo(); if (info.getTitle() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("appName", info.getTitle()); } if (info.getVersion() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("appVersion", info.getVersion()); } if (info.getDescription() != null) { config .additionalProperties() .put("appDescription", config.escapeText(info.getDescription())); } if (info.getContact() != null) { Contact contact = info.getContact(); config.additionalProperties().put("infoUrl", contact.getUrl()); if (contact.getEmail() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("infoEmail", contact.getEmail()); } } if (info.getLicense() != null) { License license = info.getLicense(); if (license.getName() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("licenseInfo", license.getName()); } if (license.getUrl() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("licenseUrl", license.getUrl()); } } if (info.getVersion() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("version", info.getVersion()); } } StringBuilder hostBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String scheme; if (swagger.getSchemes() != null && swagger.getSchemes().size() > 0) { scheme = swagger.getSchemes().get(0).toValue(); } else { scheme = "https"; } hostBuilder.append(scheme); hostBuilder.append("://"); if (swagger.getHost() != null) { hostBuilder.append(swagger.getHost()); } else { hostBuilder.append("localhost"); } if (swagger.getBasePath() != null) { hostBuilder.append(swagger.getBasePath()); } String contextPath = swagger.getBasePath() == null ? "" : swagger.getBasePath(); String basePath = hostBuilder.toString(); String basePathWithoutHost = swagger.getBasePath(); // resolve inline models InlineModelResolver inlineModelResolver = new InlineModelResolver(); inlineModelResolver.flatten(swagger); List<Object> allOperations = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<Object> allModels = new ArrayList<Object>(); // models Map<String, Model> definitions = swagger.getDefinitions(); if (definitions != null) { List<String> sortedModelKeys = sortModelsByInheritance(definitions); if (generateModels) { if (modelsToGenerate != null && modelsToGenerate.size() > 0) { List<String> updatedKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String m : sortedModelKeys) { if (modelsToGenerate.contains(m)) { updatedKeys.add(m); } } sortedModelKeys = updatedKeys; } for (String name : sortedModelKeys) { try { // don't generate models that have an import mapping if (config.importMapping().containsKey(name)) { continue; } Model model = definitions.get(name); Map<String, Model> modelMap = new HashMap<String, Model>(); modelMap.put(name, model); Map<String, Object> models = processModels(config, modelMap, definitions); models.putAll(config.additionalProperties()); allModels.add(((List<Object>) models.get("models")).get(0)); for (String templateName : config.modelTemplateFiles().keySet()) { String suffix = config.modelTemplateFiles().get(templateName); String filename = config.modelFileFolder() + File.separator + config.toModelFilename(name) + suffix; if (!config.shouldOverwrite(filename)) { continue; } String templateFile = getFullTemplateFile(config, templateName); String template = readTemplate(templateFile); Template tmpl = Mustache.compiler() .withLoader( new Mustache.TemplateLoader() { @Override public Reader getTemplate(String name) { return getTemplateReader( getFullTemplateFile(config, name + ".mustache")); } }) .defaultValue("") .compile(template); writeToFile(filename, tmpl.execute(models)); files.add(new File(filename)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not generate model '" + name + "'", e); } } } } if (System.getProperty("debugModels") != null) { System.out.println("############ Model info ############"); Json.prettyPrint(allModels); } // apis Map<String, List<CodegenOperation>> paths = processPaths(swagger.getPaths()); if (generateApis) { if (apisToGenerate != null && apisToGenerate.size() > 0) { Map<String, List<CodegenOperation>> updatedPaths = new TreeMap<String, List<CodegenOperation>>(); for (String m : paths.keySet()) { if (apisToGenerate.contains(m)) { updatedPaths.put(m, paths.get(m)); } } paths = updatedPaths; } for (String tag : paths.keySet()) { try { List<CodegenOperation> ops = paths.get(tag); Map<String, Object> operation = processOperations(config, tag, ops); operation.put("basePath", basePath); operation.put("basePathWithoutHost", basePathWithoutHost); operation.put("contextPath", contextPath); operation.put("baseName", tag); operation.put("modelPackage", config.modelPackage()); operation.putAll(config.additionalProperties()); operation.put("classname", config.toApiName(tag)); operation.put("classVarName", config.toApiVarName(tag)); operation.put("importPath", config.toApiImport(tag)); // Pass sortParamsByRequiredFlag through to the Mustache template... boolean sortParamsByRequiredFlag = true; if (this.config .additionalProperties() .containsKey(CodegenConstants.SORT_PARAMS_BY_REQUIRED_FLAG)) { sortParamsByRequiredFlag = Boolean.valueOf( (String) this.config .additionalProperties() .get(CodegenConstants.SORT_PARAMS_BY_REQUIRED_FLAG) .toString()); } operation.put("sortParamsByRequiredFlag", sortParamsByRequiredFlag); processMimeTypes(swagger.getConsumes(), operation, "consumes"); processMimeTypes(swagger.getProduces(), operation, "produces"); allOperations.add(new HashMap<String, Object>(operation)); for (int i = 0; i < allOperations.size(); i++) { Map<String, Object> oo = (Map<String, Object>) allOperations.get(i); if (i < (allOperations.size() - 1)) { oo.put("hasMore", "true"); } } for (String templateName : config.apiTemplateFiles().keySet()) { String filename = config.apiFilename(templateName, tag); if (!config.shouldOverwrite(filename) && new File(filename).exists()) { continue; } String templateFile = getFullTemplateFile(config, templateName); String template = readTemplate(templateFile); Template tmpl = Mustache.compiler() .withLoader( new Mustache.TemplateLoader() { @Override public Reader getTemplate(String name) { return getTemplateReader( getFullTemplateFile(config, name + ".mustache")); } }) .defaultValue("") .compile(template); writeToFile(filename, tmpl.execute(operation)); files.add(new File(filename)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not generate api file for '" + tag + "'", e); } } } if (System.getProperty("debugOperations") != null) { System.out.println("############ Operation info ############"); Json.prettyPrint(allOperations); } // supporting files Map<String, Object> bundle = new HashMap<String, Object>(); bundle.putAll(config.additionalProperties()); bundle.put("apiPackage", config.apiPackage()); Map<String, Object> apis = new HashMap<String, Object>(); apis.put("apis", allOperations); if (swagger.getHost() != null) { bundle.put("host", swagger.getHost()); } bundle.put("basePath", basePath); bundle.put("scheme", scheme); bundle.put("contextPath", contextPath); bundle.put("apiInfo", apis); bundle.put("models", allModels); bundle.put("apiFolder", config.apiPackage().replace('.', File.separatorChar)); bundle.put("modelPackage", config.modelPackage()); List<CodegenSecurity> authMethods = config.fromSecurity(swagger.getSecurityDefinitions()); if (authMethods != null && !authMethods.isEmpty()) { bundle.put("authMethods", authMethods); bundle.put("hasAuthMethods", true); } if (swagger.getExternalDocs() != null) { bundle.put("externalDocs", swagger.getExternalDocs()); } for (int i = 0; i < allModels.size() - 1; i++) { HashMap<String, CodegenModel> cm = (HashMap<String, CodegenModel>) allModels.get(i); CodegenModel m = cm.get("model"); m.hasMoreModels = true; } config.postProcessSupportingFileData(bundle); if (System.getProperty("debugSupportingFiles") != null) { System.out.println("############ Supporting file info ############"); Json.prettyPrint(bundle); } if (generateSupportingFiles) { for (SupportingFile support : config.supportingFiles()) { try { String outputFolder = config.outputFolder(); if (isNotEmpty(support.folder)) { outputFolder += File.separator + support.folder; } File of = new File(outputFolder); if (!of.isDirectory()) { of.mkdirs(); } String outputFilename = outputFolder + File.separator + support.destinationFilename; if (!config.shouldOverwrite(outputFilename)) { continue; } String templateFile = getFullTemplateFile(config, support.templateFile); boolean shouldGenerate = true; if (supportingFilesToGenerate != null && supportingFilesToGenerate.size() > 0) { if (supportingFilesToGenerate.contains(support.destinationFilename)) { shouldGenerate = true; } else { shouldGenerate = false; } } if (shouldGenerate) { if (templateFile.endsWith("mustache")) { String template = readTemplate(templateFile); Template tmpl = Mustache.compiler() .withLoader( new Mustache.TemplateLoader() { @Override public Reader getTemplate(String name) { return getTemplateReader( getFullTemplateFile(config, name + ".mustache")); } }) .defaultValue("") .compile(template); writeToFile(outputFilename, tmpl.execute(bundle)); files.add(new File(outputFilename)); } else { InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(templateFile); } catch (Exception e) { // continue } if (in == null) { in = this.getClass() .getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(getCPResourcePath(templateFile)); } File outputFile = new File(outputFilename); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile, false); if (in != null && out != null) { System.out.println("writing file " + outputFile); IOUtils.copy(in, out); } else { if (in == null) { System.out.println("can't open " + templateFile + " for input"); } if (out == null) { System.out.println("can't open " + outputFile + " for output"); } } files.add(outputFile); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not generate supporting file '" + support + "'", e); } } } config.processSwagger(swagger); return files; }
/** Builds the document header of the swagger model */ private void overview() { Info info = swagger.getInfo(); this.markupDocBuilder.documentTitle(info.getTitle()); this.markupDocBuilder.sectionTitleLevel1(OVERVIEW); if (isNotBlank(info.getDescription())) { this.markupDocBuilder.textLine(info.getDescription()); } if (isNotBlank(info.getVersion())) { this.markupDocBuilder.sectionTitleLevel2(CURRENT_VERSION); this.markupDocBuilder.textLine(VERSION + info.getVersion()); } Contact contact = info.getContact(); if (contact != null) { this.markupDocBuilder.sectionTitleLevel2(CONTACT_INFORMATION); if (isNotBlank(contact.getName())) { this.markupDocBuilder.textLine(CONTACT_NAME + contact.getName()); } if (isNotBlank(contact.getEmail())) { this.markupDocBuilder.textLine(CONTACT_EMAIL + contact.getEmail()); } } License license = info.getLicense(); if (license != null && (isNotBlank(license.getName()) || isNotBlank(license.getUrl()))) { this.markupDocBuilder.sectionTitleLevel2(LICENSE_INFORMATION); if (isNotBlank(license.getName())) { this.markupDocBuilder.textLine(LICENSE + license.getName()); } if (isNotBlank(license.getUrl())) { this.markupDocBuilder.textLine(LICENSE_URL + license.getUrl()); } } if (isNotBlank(info.getTermsOfService())) { this.markupDocBuilder.textLine(TERMS_OF_SERVICE + info.getTermsOfService()); } if (isNotBlank(swagger.getHost()) || isNotBlank(swagger.getBasePath()) || isNotEmpty(swagger.getSchemes())) { this.markupDocBuilder.sectionTitleLevel2(URI_SCHEME); if (isNotBlank(swagger.getHost())) { this.markupDocBuilder.textLine(HOST + swagger.getHost()); } if (isNotBlank(swagger.getBasePath())) { this.markupDocBuilder.textLine(BASE_PATH + swagger.getBasePath()); } if (isNotEmpty(swagger.getSchemes())) { List<String> schemes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Scheme scheme : swagger.getSchemes()) { schemes.add(scheme.toString()); } this.markupDocBuilder.textLine(SCHEMES + join(schemes, ", ")); } } if (isNotEmpty(swagger.getTags())) { this.markupDocBuilder.sectionTitleLevel2(TAGS); List<String> tags = new ArrayList<>(); for (Tag tag : swagger.getTags()) { String name = tag.getName(); String description = tag.getDescription(); if (isNoneBlank(description)) { tags.add(name + ": " + description); } else { tags.add(name); } } this.markupDocBuilder.unorderedList(tags); } if (isNotEmpty(swagger.getConsumes())) { this.markupDocBuilder.sectionTitleLevel2(CONSUMES); this.markupDocBuilder.unorderedList(swagger.getConsumes()); } if (isNotEmpty(swagger.getProduces())) { this.markupDocBuilder.sectionTitleLevel2(PRODUCES); this.markupDocBuilder.unorderedList(swagger.getProduces()); } }