/* (non-Javadoc) * @see ca.cmput301f13t03.adventure_datetime.model.IWebStorage#getStory(java.util.UUID) */ @Override public Story getStory(UUID storyId) throws Exception { Get get = new Get.Builder(_index, storyId.toString()).type("story").build(); JestResult result = execute(get); Story story = result.getSourceAsObject(Story.class); Image image = getImage(storyId); if (image != null) story.setThumbnail(image.getEncodedBitmap()); return story; }
private void mapImagesToComments(List<Comment> comments) throws Exception { if (comments == null || comments.size() == 0) return; // Get the thumbnails List<UUID> ids = new ArrayList<UUID>(); for (Comment c : comments) { ids.add(c.getId()); } List<Image> images = getImages(ids); for (Image i : images) { for (Comment c : comments) { if (c.getId().equals(i.getId())) { c.setImage(i.getEncodedBitmap()); break; } } } }
private void mapImagesToStories(List<Story> stories) throws Exception { if (stories == null || stories.size() == 0) return; // Get the thumbnails List<UUID> ids = new ArrayList<UUID>(); for (Story s : stories) { ids.add(s.getId()); } List<Image> images = getImages(ids); for (Image i : images) { for (Story s : stories) { if (s.getId().equals(i.getId())) { s.setThumbnail(i.getEncodedBitmap()); break; } } } }