public void onDataRequest(Message message, final Connection connection) { Log.traceCall(message.toString() + " / connection=" + connection); checkArgument(timeoutTimer == null, "requestData must not be called twice."); timeoutTimer = UserThread.runAfter( () -> {"timeoutTimer called"); peerManager.shutDownConnection(connection); shutDown(); listener.onFault("A timeout occurred"); }, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); DataRequest dataRequest = (DataRequest) message; DataResponse dataResponse = new DataResponse(new HashSet<>(dataStorage.getMap().values()), dataRequest.getNonce()); SettableFuture<Connection> future = networkNode.sendMessage(connection, dataResponse); Futures.addCallback( future, new FutureCallback<Connection>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Connection connection) { log.trace( "Send DataResponse to {} succeeded. dataResponse={}", connection.getPeersNodeAddressOptional(), dataResponse); shutDown(); listener.onComplete(); } @Override public void onFailure(@NotNull Throwable throwable) { String errorMessage = "Sending dataRequest to " + connection + " failed. That is expected if the peer is offline. dataRequest=" + dataRequest + "." + "Exception: " + throwable.getMessage();; peerManager.shutDownConnection(connection); shutDown(); listener.onFault(errorMessage); } }); }
public void requestData(NodeAddress nodeAddress) { Log.traceCall("nodeAddress=" + nodeAddress); checkArgument(timeoutTimer == null, "requestData must not be called twice."); timeoutTimer = UserThread.runAfter( () -> {"timeoutTimer called"); peerManager.shutDownConnection(nodeAddress); shutDown(); listener.onFault("A timeout occurred"); }, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Message dataRequest; if (networkNode.getNodeAddress() == null) dataRequest = new PreliminaryDataRequest(nonce); else dataRequest = new UpdateDataRequest(networkNode.getNodeAddress(), nonce);"We send a {} to peer {}. ", dataRequest.getClass().getSimpleName(), nodeAddress); SettableFuture<Connection> future = networkNode.sendMessage(nodeAddress, dataRequest); Futures.addCallback( future, new FutureCallback<Connection>() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable Connection connection) { log.trace("Send " + dataRequest + " to " + nodeAddress + " succeeded."); } @Override public void onFailure(@NotNull Throwable throwable) { String errorMessage = "Sending dataRequest to " + nodeAddress + " failed. That is expected if the peer is offline. dataRequest=" + dataRequest + "." + "Exception: " + throwable.getMessage();; peerManager.shutDownConnection(nodeAddress); shutDown(); listener.onFault(errorMessage); } }); }
private void onDeleteAccount(PaymentAccount paymentAccount) { new Popup() .warning("Do you really want to delete the selected account?") .actionButtonText("Yes") .onAction( () -> { boolean isPaymentAccountUsed = model.onDeleteAccount(paymentAccount); if (!isPaymentAccountUsed) removeSelectAccountForm(); else UserThread.runAfter( () -> { new Popup() .warning( "You cannot delete that account because it is used in an " + "open offer or in a trade.") .show(); }, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }) .closeButtonText("Cancel") .show(); }