コード例 #1
   * Expect that a policy with the configuration of 'ValidationOptional' still permits the request
   * to the back-end service even if the session cookie is present but for an expired session.
   * @throws Throwable
  @Configuration(classpathConfigFile = "validation-optional-config.json")
  public void testExpiredSessionRequestSuccessValidationOptional() throws Throwable {
    // test data - session has already expired
    final Session originalSession = CommonTestUtil.insertTestSession(-60, true);

    // make request
    final Session updatedSession = makeSessionRequest(originalSession, false);

    // verify expiry not updated
    assertTrue(updatedSession.getExpires() == originalSession.getExpires());
コード例 #2
   * This utility method:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>sets up a valid session
   *   <li>sends a request with a cookie containing the session ID
   *   <li>expects a 200 OK status code
   *   <li>fetches the (potentially updated) session
   * </ul>
   * @param originalSession the session before the request is made
   * @param addCookie whether to add the session cookie to the request
   * @return the updated session
   * @throws Throwable
  private Session makeSessionRequest(Session originalSession, boolean addCookie) throws Throwable {
    // wait for the clock to tick to ensure we can test the updated expiration time

    final PolicyTestRequest request = PolicyTestRequest.build(PolicyTestRequestType.GET, RESOURCE);

    if (addCookie) {
      // send request with cookie
      request.header(Constants.HEADER_COOKIE, CommonTestUtil.buildCookieHeader(originalSession));

    final PolicyTestResponse response = send(request);
    assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, response.code());

    // content should be returned

    // verify the session data in the shared state has changed
    final Session updatedSession = CommonTestUtil.fetchSession(originalSession.getSessionId());
    assertEquals(originalSession.getSessionId(), updatedSession.getSessionId());

    // these should not change from request to request
    assertEquals(originalSession.getAbsoluteExpiry(), updatedSession.getAbsoluteExpiry());
    assertEquals(originalSession.getValidityPeriod(), updatedSession.getValidityPeriod());

    return updatedSession;
コード例 #3
   * Expect that a policy with the configuration of 'ValidationOptional' permits the request to the
   * back-end service if the cookie is present and the session is valid.
   * @throws Throwable
  @Configuration(classpathConfigFile = "validation-optional-config.json")
  public void testAuthenticatedRequestSuccessValidationOptional() throws Throwable {
    // test data - session expires in 60s
    final Session originalSession = CommonTestUtil.insertTestSession(60, true);

    // make request
    final Session updatedSession = makeSessionRequest(originalSession, true);

    // verify expiry updated
    assertTrue(updatedSession.getExpires() > originalSession.getExpires());
コード例 #4
   * Send the request and expect a 401 Unauthorized response, and for session data to remain
   * unchanged.
   * @param request the service request
   * @param originalSession the Session state before the request is made
   * @throws Throwable
  private void sendAndExpect401(PolicyTestRequest request, Session originalSession)
      throws Throwable {
    try {
      fail(PolicyFailureError.class + " expected");

    } catch (PolicyFailureError failure) {
      assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, failure.getFailure().getFailureCode());
      assertEquals(PolicyFailureType.Authentication, failure.getFailure().getType());

      // verify the session data in the shared state has not changed
      final Session updatedSession = CommonTestUtil.fetchSession(originalSession.getSessionId());
      assertEquals(originalSession.getSessionId(), updatedSession.getSessionId());

      // verify expiry not updated
      assertEquals(originalSession.getExpires(), updatedSession.getExpires());