コード例 #1
  private void drawDungeon(Graphics g) {
    // System.out.println("At draw Dungeon");
    Location current = hero.main.getLocation();
    // System.out.println("current is "+current);
    int row = current.getRow();
    int col = current.getCol();
    // System.out.println(current);
    int counterr = 0;
    int counterc = 0;
    for (int r = row - 4; r < row + 5; r++) { // gets 4 above and 4 below
      // hero
      for (int c = col - 4; c < col + 5; c++) {
        // System.out.println("counter r is "
        // +counterr+" counter c is "+counterc);
        if (land[r][c].equals("C") || land[r][c].equals("R")) {
          // System.out.println("Looking at " + r + " " + c);
          g.drawImage(floor, counterc * 60, counterr * 60, 60, 60, null);
          // g.draw3DRect(r * 10, c * 10, 10, 10, true);
        } else if (land[r][c].equals("W")) {
          // System.out.println("Looking at " + r + " " + c);
          g.drawImage(wall, counterc * 60, counterr * 60, 60, 60, null);
          // g.draw3DRect(r * 10, c * 10, 10, 10, true);
        } else if (land[r][c].equals("S")) {
          // System.out.println("got here");
          // System.out.println("Location of stairs is " + r + " " +
          // c);
          g.drawImage(stairs, counterc * 60, counterr * 60, 60, 60, null);
        } else {
          g.drawImage(error, counterc * 60, counterr * 60, 60, 60, null);

        if (grid.get(new Location(r, c)) instanceof Pokemon) {
          // System.out.println("Pokemon here");
          Pokemon p = (Pokemon) grid.get(new Location(r, c));
          // g.drawImage(floor, counterc * 60, counterr * 60, 60, 60,
          // null);
          p.draw(g, counterc * 60, counterr * 60);
          // g.draw3DRect(r * 60, c * 60, 60, 60, true);

        } else if (grid.get(new Location(r, c)) instanceof Items) {

          // System.out.println("Found an item at " + r + " " + c);
          Items i = (Items) grid.get(new Location(r, c));
          // g.drawImage(floor, counterc * 60, counterr * 60, 60, 60,
          // null);
          i.draw(g, counterc * 60, counterr * 60);
          // System.out.println("Drawimg at "+counterr+" "+counterc);

      counterc = 0;
      // System.out.println();
コード例 #2
   * Generates the next generation based on the rules of the Game of Life and updates the grid
   * associated with the world
   * @pre the game has been initialized
   * @post the world has been populated with a new grid containing the next generation
  public void createNextGeneration() {
     * You will need to read the documentation for the World, Grid, and Location classes in order to
     * implement the Game of Life algorithm and leverage the GridWorld framework.

    // create the grid, of the specified size, that contains Actors
    Grid<Actor> grid = world.getGrid();

    // insert magic here...
    BoundedGrid<Actor> newgrid = new BoundedGrid<Actor>(ROWS, COLS);

    int col = getNumCols();
    int row = getNumRows();
    for (int column = 0; column < col; column++) {
      for (int rows = 0; rows < row; rows++) {
        Actor cell = getActor(rows, column);
        Location location = new Location(rows, column);
        if (cell != null) {
          ArrayList<Actor> Neighbors = grid.getNeighbors(location);
          int Neighborscount = Neighbors.size();
          if (Neighborscount == 3) {
            // lives
            Rock newrock1 = new Rock();
            Location newloc1 = new Location(rows, column);
            newgrid.put(newloc1, newrock1);
          } else if (Neighborscount == 2) {
            // lives
            Rock newrock1 = new Rock();
            Location newloc1 = new Location(rows, column);
            newgrid.put(newloc1, newrock1);
          } else if (Neighborscount < 3) {
            // dies
          } else if (Neighborscount > 3) {
            // dies
        } else if (cell == null) {
          ArrayList<Actor> Neighbors = grid.getNeighbors(location);
          int Neighborscount = Neighbors.size();
          if (Neighborscount == 3) {
            // reborn
            Rock newrock1 = new Rock();
            Location newloc1 = new Location(rows, column);
            newgrid.put(newloc1, newrock1);