boolean showDialog(ImageProcessor ip) { int bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth(); boolean isStack = imp.getStackSize() > 1; r = ip.getRoi(); int width = newWidth; if (width == 0) width = r.width; int height = (int) ((double) width * r.height / r.width); xscale = Tools.parseDouble(xstr, 0.0); yscale = Tools.parseDouble(ystr, 0.0); if (xscale != 0.0 && yscale != 0.0) { width = (int) (r.width * xscale); height = (int) (r.height * yscale); } else { xstr = "-"; ystr = "-"; } GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Scale"); gd.addStringField("X Scale (0.05-25):", xstr); gd.addStringField("Y Scale (0.05-25):", ystr); gd.setInsets(5, 0, 5); gd.addStringField("Width (pixels):", "" + width); gd.addStringField("Height (pixels):", "" + height); fields = gd.getStringFields(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ((TextField) fields.elementAt(i)).addTextListener(this); ((TextField) fields.elementAt(i)).addFocusListener(this); } xField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(0); yField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(1); widthField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(2); heightField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(3); fieldWithFocus = xField; gd.addCheckbox("Interpolate", interpolate); if (bitDepth == 8 || bitDepth == 24) gd.addCheckbox("Fill with Background Color", fillWithBackground); if (isStack) gd.addCheckbox("Process Entire Stack", processStack); gd.addCheckbox("Create New Window", newWindow); title = WindowManager.getUniqueName(imp.getTitle()); gd.setInsets(10, 0, 0); gd.addStringField("Title:", title, 12); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; xstr = gd.getNextString(); ystr = gd.getNextString(); xscale = Tools.parseDouble(xstr, 0.0); yscale = Tools.parseDouble(ystr, 0.0); String wstr = gd.getNextString(); newWidth = (int) Tools.parseDouble(wstr, 0); newHeight = (int) Tools.parseDouble(gd.getNextString(), 0); if (newHeight != 0 && (wstr.equals("-") || wstr.equals("0"))) newWidth = (int) (newHeight * (double) r.width / r.height); if (newWidth == 0 || newHeight == 0) { IJ.error("Invalid width or height entered"); return false; } if (xscale > 25.0) xscale = 25.0; if (yscale > 25.0) yscale = 25.0; if (xscale > 0.0 && yscale > 0.0) { newWidth = (int) (r.width * xscale); newHeight = (int) (r.height * yscale); } interpolate = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (bitDepth == 8 || bitDepth == 24) fillWithBackground = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (isStack) processStack = gd.getNextBoolean(); newWindow = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (!newWindow && xscale == 0.0) { xscale = (double) newWidth / r.width; yscale = (double) newHeight / r.height; } title = gd.getNextString(); if (fillWithBackground) { Color bgc = Toolbar.getBackgroundColor(); if (bitDepth == 8) bgValue = ip.getBestIndex(bgc); else if (bitDepth == 24) bgValue = bgc.getRGB(); } else { if (bitDepth == 8) bgValue = ip.isInvertedLut() ? 0.0 : 255.0; // white else if (bitDepth == 24) bgValue = 0xffffffff; // white } return true; }
public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { String[] imageNames = getOpenImageNames(); if (imageNames[0] == "None") { IJ.error("need at least 2 binary open images"); return; } double previousMinOverlap = Prefs.get("BVTB.BinaryFeatureExtractor.minOverlap", 0); boolean previousCombine = Prefs.get("BVTB.BinaryFeatureExtractor.combine", false); GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Binary Feature Extractor"); gd.addChoice("Objects image", imageNames, imageNames[0]); gd.addChoice("Selector image", imageNames, imageNames[1]); gd.addNumericField("Object_overlap in % (0=off)", previousMinOverlap, 0, 9, ""); gd.addCheckbox("Combine objects and selectors", previousCombine); gd.addCheckbox("Count output", true); gd.addCheckbox("Analysis tables", false); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) { return; } String objectsImgTitle = gd.getNextChoice(); String selectorsImgTitle = gd.getNextChoice(); double minOverlap = gd.getNextNumber(); boolean combineImages = gd.getNextBoolean(); boolean showCountOutput = gd.getNextBoolean(); boolean showAnalysis = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (gd.invalidNumber() || minOverlap < 0 || minOverlap > 100) { IJ.error("invalid number"); return; } Prefs.set("BVTB.BinaryFeatureExtractor.minOverlap", minOverlap); Prefs.set("BVTB.BinaryFeatureExtractor.combine", combineImages); if (objectsImgTitle.equals(selectorsImgTitle)) { IJ.error("images need to be different"); return; } ImagePlus objectsImp = WindowManager.getImage(objectsImgTitle); ImageProcessor objectsIP = objectsImp.getProcessor(); ImagePlus selectorsImp = WindowManager.getImage(selectorsImgTitle); ImageProcessor selectorsIP = selectorsImp.getProcessor(); if (!objectsIP.isBinary() || !selectorsIP.isBinary()) { IJ.error("works with 8-bit binary images only"); return; } if ((objectsImp.getWidth() != selectorsImp.getWidth()) || objectsImp.getHeight() != selectorsImp.getHeight()) { IJ.error("images need to be of the same size"); return; } // close any existing RoiManager before instantiating a new one for this analysis RoiManager oldRM = RoiManager.getInstance2(); if (oldRM != null) { oldRM.close(); } RoiManager objectsRM = new RoiManager(true); ResultsTable objectsRT = new ResultsTable(); ParticleAnalyzer analyzeObjects = new ParticleAnalyzer(analyzerOptions, measurementFlags, objectsRT, 0.0, 999999999.9); analyzeObjects.setRoiManager(objectsRM); analyzeObjects.analyze(objectsImp); objectsRM.runCommand("Show None"); int objectNumber = objectsRT.getCounter(); Roi[] objectRoi = objectsRM.getRoisAsArray(); ResultsTable measureSelectorsRT = new ResultsTable(); Analyzer overlapAnalyzer = new Analyzer(selectorsImp, measurementFlags, measureSelectorsRT); ImagePlus outputImp = IJ.createImage("output", "8-bit black", objectsImp.getWidth(), objectsImp.getHeight(), 1); ImageProcessor outputIP = outputImp.getProcessor(); double[] measuredOverlap = new double[objectNumber]; outputIP.setValue(255.0); for (int o = 0; o < objectNumber; o++) { selectorsImp.killRoi(); selectorsImp.setRoi(objectRoi[o]); overlapAnalyzer.measure(); measuredOverlap[o] = measureSelectorsRT.getValue("%Area", o); if (minOverlap != 0.0 && measuredOverlap[o] >= minOverlap) { outputIP.fill(objectRoi[o]); finalCount++; } else if (minOverlap == 0.0 && measuredOverlap[o] > 0.0) { outputIP.fill(objectRoi[o]); finalCount++; } } //"Objects"); selectorsImp.killRoi(); RoiManager selectorRM = new RoiManager(true); ResultsTable selectorRT = new ResultsTable(); ParticleAnalyzer.setRoiManager(selectorRM); ParticleAnalyzer analyzeSelectors = new ParticleAnalyzer(analyzerOptions, measurementFlags, selectorRT, 0.0, 999999999.9); analyzeSelectors.analyze(selectorsImp); selectorRM.runCommand("Show None"); int selectorNumber = selectorRT.getCounter(); if (combineImages) { outputImp.updateAndDraw(); Roi[] selectorRoi = selectorRM.getRoisAsArray(); ResultsTable measureObjectsRT = new ResultsTable(); Analyzer selectorAnalyzer = new Analyzer(outputImp, measurementFlags, measureObjectsRT); double[] selectorOverlap = new double[selectorNumber]; outputIP.setValue(255.0); for (int s = 0; s < selectorNumber; s++) { outputImp.killRoi(); outputImp.setRoi(selectorRoi[s]); selectorAnalyzer.measure(); selectorOverlap[s] = measureObjectsRT.getValue("%Area", s); if (selectorOverlap[s] > 0.0d) { outputIP.fill(selectorRoi[s]); } } selectorRoi = null; selectorAnalyzer = null; measureObjectsRT = null; } //"Selectors"); outputImp.killRoi(); String outputImageTitle = WindowManager.getUniqueName("Extracted_" + objectsImgTitle); outputImp.setTitle(outputImageTitle);; outputImp.changes = true; if (showCountOutput) { String[] openTextWindows = WindowManager.getNonImageTitles(); boolean makeNewTable = true; for (int w = 0; w < openTextWindows.length; w++) { if (openTextWindows[w].equals("BFE_Results")) { makeNewTable = false; } } TextWindow existingCountTable = ResultsTable.getResultsWindow(); if (makeNewTable) { countTable = new ResultsTable(); countTable.setPrecision(0); countTable.setValue("Image", 0, outputImageTitle); countTable.setValue("Objects", 0, objectNumber); countTable.setValue("Selectors", 0, selectorNumber); countTable.setValue("Extracted", 0, finalCount);"BFE_Results"); } else { IJ.renameResults("BFE_Results", "Results"); countTable = ResultsTable.getResultsTable(); countTable.setPrecision(0); countTable.incrementCounter(); countTable.addValue("Image", outputImageTitle); countTable.addValue("Objects", objectNumber); countTable.addValue("Selectors", selectorNumber); countTable.addValue("Extracted", finalCount); IJ.renameResults("Results", "BFE_Results");"BFE_Results"); } } if (showAnalysis) { ResultsTable extractedRT = new ResultsTable(); ParticleAnalyzer analyzeExtracted = new ParticleAnalyzer( ParticleAnalyzer.CLEAR_WORKSHEET | ParticleAnalyzer.RECORD_STARTS, measurementFlags, extractedRT, 0.0, 999999999.9); analyzeExtracted.analyze(outputImp);"Objects");"Selectors");"Extracted"); } else { objectsRT = null; selectorRT = null; } objectsRM = null; measureSelectorsRT = null; analyzeObjects = null; overlapAnalyzer = null; objectRoi = null; selectorRM = null; objectsImp.killRoi(); objectsImp.changes = false; selectorsImp.changes = false; }
boolean showDialog(ImageProcessor ip) { String macroOptions = Macro.getOptions(); if (macroOptions != null) { if (macroOptions.indexOf(" interpolate") != -1) macroOptions.replaceAll(" interpolate", " interpolation=Bilinear"); else if (macroOptions.indexOf(" interpolation=") == -1) macroOptions = macroOptions + " interpolation=None"; Macro.setOptions(macroOptions); } int bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth(); int stackSize = imp.getStackSize(); boolean isStack = stackSize > 1; oldDepth = stackSize; if (isStack) { xstr = "1.0"; ystr = "1.0"; zstr = "1.0"; } r = ip.getRoi(); int width = newWidth; if (width == 0) width = r.width; int height = (int) ((double) width * r.height / r.width); xscale = Tools.parseDouble(xstr, 0.0); yscale = Tools.parseDouble(ystr, 0.0); zscale = 1.0; if (xscale != 0.0 && yscale != 0.0) { width = (int) (r.width * xscale); height = (int) (r.height * yscale); } else { xstr = "-"; ystr = "-"; } GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Scale"); gd.addStringField("X Scale:", xstr); gd.addStringField("Y Scale:", ystr); if (isStack) gd.addStringField("Z Scale:", zstr); gd.setInsets(5, 0, 5); gd.addStringField("Width (pixels):", "" + width); gd.addStringField("Height (pixels):", "" + height); if (isStack) { String label = "Depth (images):"; if (imp.isHyperStack()) { int slices = imp.getNSlices(); int frames = imp.getNFrames(); if (slices == 1 && frames > 1) { label = "Depth (frames):"; oldDepth = frames; } else { label = "Depth (slices):"; oldDepth = slices; } } gd.addStringField(label, "" + oldDepth); } fields = gd.getStringFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { ((TextField) fields.elementAt(i)).addTextListener(this); ((TextField) fields.elementAt(i)).addFocusListener(this); } xField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(0); yField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(1); if (isStack) { zField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(2); widthField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(3); heightField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(4); depthField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(5); } else { widthField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(2); heightField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(3); } fieldWithFocus = xField; gd.addChoice("Interpolation:", methods, methods[interpolationMethod]); if (bitDepth == 8 || bitDepth == 24) gd.addCheckbox("Fill with background color", fillWithBackground); gd.addCheckbox("Average when downsizing", averageWhenDownsizing); boolean hyperstack = imp.isHyperStack() || imp.isComposite(); if (isStack && !hyperstack) gd.addCheckbox("Process entire stack", processStack); gd.addCheckbox("Create new window", newWindow); title = WindowManager.getUniqueName(imp.getTitle()); gd.setInsets(10, 0, 0); gd.addStringField("Title:", title, 12); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; xstr = gd.getNextString(); ystr = gd.getNextString(); xscale = Tools.parseDouble(xstr, 0.0); yscale = Tools.parseDouble(ystr, 0.0); if (isStack) { zstr = gd.getNextString(); zscale = Tools.parseDouble(ystr, 0.0); } String wstr = gd.getNextString(); newWidth = (int) Tools.parseDouble(wstr, 0); newHeight = (int) Tools.parseDouble(gd.getNextString(), 0); if (newHeight != 0 && (wstr.equals("-") || wstr.equals("0"))) newWidth = (int) (newHeight * (double) r.width / r.height); if (newWidth == 0 || newHeight == 0) { IJ.error("Scaler", "Width or height is 0"); return false; } if (xscale > 0.0 && yscale > 0.0) { newWidth = (int) (r.width * xscale); newHeight = (int) (r.height * yscale); } if (isStack) newDepth = (int) Tools.parseDouble(gd.getNextString(), 0); interpolationMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); if (bitDepth == 8 || bitDepth == 24) fillWithBackground = gd.getNextBoolean(); averageWhenDownsizing = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (isStack && !hyperstack) processStack = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (hyperstack) processStack = true; newWindow = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (xscale == 0.0) { xscale = (double) newWidth / r.width; yscale = (double) newHeight / r.height; } title = gd.getNextString(); if (fillWithBackground) { Color bgc = Toolbar.getBackgroundColor(); if (bitDepth == 8) bgValue = ip.getBestIndex(bgc); else if (bitDepth == 24) bgValue = bgc.getRGB(); } else bgValue = 0.0; return true; }