コード例 #1
ファイル: Saver.java プロジェクト: Icy-imaging/Icy-Kernel
   * Save the specified sequence in the specified file.<br>
   * When the sequence contains severals image the multipleFile flag is used to indicate<br>
   * if images are saved as separate files (file then specify a directory) or not.<br>
   * zMin - zMax and tMin - tMax define the Z and T images range to save.<br>
   * @param formatWriter writer used to save sequence (define the image format)
   * @param sequence sequence to save
   * @param filePath file name where we want to save sequence
   * @param zMin start Z position to save
   * @param zMax end Z position to save
   * @param tMin start T position to save
   * @param tMax end T position to save
   * @param fps frame rate for AVI sequence save
   * @param saveFrame progress frame for save operation (can be null)
   * @throws ServiceException
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws FormatException
  private static void save(
      IFormatWriter formatWriter,
      Sequence sequence,
      String filePath,
      int zMin,
      int zMax,
      int tMin,
      int tMax,
      int fps,
      FileFrame saveFrame)
      throws ServiceException, FormatException, IOException {
    final File file = new File(filePath);
    final IFormatWriter writer;

    if (formatWriter == null) writer = getWriter(file, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);
    else writer = formatWriter;

    // TODO: temporary fix for the "incorrect close operation" bug in Bio-Formats
    // with OME TIF writer, remove it when fixed.
    // {
    // try
    // {
    // writer = formatWriter.getClass().newInstance();
    // }
    // catch (Exception e)
    // {
    // throw new ServiceException("Can't create new writer instance: " + e);
    // }
    // }

    if (writer == null)
      throw new UnknownFormatException(
          "Can't find a valid image writer for the specified file: " + filePath);

    // first delete the file else LOCI won't save it correctly
    if (file.exists()) file.delete();
    // ensure parent directory exist

    final int sizeC = sequence.getSizeC();
    final boolean separateChannel = getSeparateChannelFlag(writer, sequence.getColorModel());

    // set settings
    // generate metadata
            sequence, (zMax - zMin) + 1, (tMax - tMin) + 1, separateChannel));
    // no interleave (XP default viewer want interleaved channel to correctly read image)
    // set id
    // init
    // usually give better save performance

    // get endianess
    final boolean littleEndian =
        !writer.getMetadataRetrieve().getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(0, 0).booleanValue();
    byte[] data = null;

    try {
      int imageIndex = 0;
      // XYCZT order is important here (see metadata)
      for (int t = tMin; t <= tMax; t++) {
        for (int z = zMin; z <= zMax; z++) {
          if ((saveFrame != null) && saveFrame.isCancelRequested()) return;

          final IcyBufferedImage image = sequence.getImage(t, z);

          // separated channel data
          if (separateChannel) {
            for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) {
              if (image != null) {
                // avoid multiple allocation
                data = image.getRawData(c, data, 0, littleEndian);
                writer.saveBytes(imageIndex, data);

          } else {
            if (image != null) {
              // avoid multiple allocation
              data = image.getRawData(data, 0, littleEndian);
              writer.saveBytes(imageIndex, data);


          if (saveFrame != null) saveFrame.incPosition();
    } finally {
      // always close writer after a file has been saved
コード例 #2
ファイル: Saver.java プロジェクト: Icy-imaging/Icy-Kernel
   * Save the specified sequence in the specified file.<br>
   * When the sequence contains severals image the multipleFile flag is used to indicate if images
   * are saved as separate files (file then specify a directory) or not.<br>
   * <code>zMin</code> - <code>zMax</code> and <code>tMin</code> - <code>tMax</code> define the Z
   * and T images range to save.<br>
   * @param formatWriter writer used to save sequence (define the image format).<br>
   *     If set to <code>null</code> then writer is determined from the file extension.<br>
   *     If destination file does not have a valid extension (for folder for instance) then you have
   *     to specify a valid Writer to write the image file (see {@link #getWriter(ImageFileFormat)})
   * @param sequence sequence to save
   * @param file file where we want to save sequence.<br>
   *     Depending the <code>formatWriter</code> the file extension may be modified.<br>
   *     That is preferred as saving an image with a wrong extension may result in error on future
   *     read (wrong reader detection).
   * @param zMin start Z position to save
   * @param zMax end Z position to save
   * @param tMin start T position to save
   * @param tMax end T position to save
   * @param fps frame rate for AVI sequence save
   * @param multipleFile flag to indicate if images are saved in separate file
   * @param showProgress show progress bar
   * @param addToRecent add the saved sequence to recent opened sequence list
  public static void save(
      IFormatWriter formatWriter,
      Sequence sequence,
      File file,
      int zMin,
      int zMax,
      int tMin,
      int tMax,
      int fps,
      boolean multipleFile,
      boolean showProgress,
      boolean addToRecent) {
    final String filePath = FileUtil.cleanPath(FileUtil.getGenericPath(file.getAbsolutePath()));
    final int sizeT = (tMax - tMin) + 1;
    final int sizeZ = (zMax - zMin) + 1;
    final int numImages = sizeT * sizeZ;
    final FileFrame saveFrame;
    final ApplicationMenu mainMenu;

    if (addToRecent) mainMenu = Icy.getMainInterface().getApplicationMenu();
    else mainMenu = null;
    if (showProgress && !Icy.getMainInterface().isHeadLess())
      saveFrame = new FileFrame("Saving", filePath);
    else saveFrame = null;
    try {
      if (saveFrame != null) {

      // need multiple files ?
      if ((numImages > 1) && multipleFile) {
        final IFormatWriter writer;

        // so we won't create it for each image
        if (formatWriter == null) writer = getWriter(file, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);
        else writer = formatWriter;

        if (writer == null)
          throw new UnknownFormatException(
              "Can't find a valid image writer for the specified file: " + file);

        // save as severals images
        final DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0000");
        final String fileName = FileUtil.getFileName(filePath, false);
        String fileExt = FileUtil.getFileExtension(filePath, true);

        String fileBaseDirectory = FileUtil.getDirectory(filePath);
        if (fileBaseDirectory.endsWith("/"))
          fileBaseDirectory = fileBaseDirectory.substring(0, fileBaseDirectory.length() - 1);

        // no extension (directory) ?
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(fileExt)) {
          // filename is part of directory
          fileBaseDirectory += FileUtil.separator + fileName;
          // use the default file extension for the specified writer
          fileExt = "." + getImageFileFormat(writer, ImageFileFormat.TIFF).getExtensions()[0];

        final String filePathWithoutExt = fileBaseDirectory + FileUtil.separator + fileName;

        // create output directory

        // default name used --> use filename
        if (sequence.isDefaultName()) sequence.setName(fileName);

        for (int t = tMin; t <= tMax; t++) {
          for (int z = zMin; z <= zMax; z++) {
            String filename = filePathWithoutExt;

            if ((tMax - tMin) > 0) filename += "_t" + decimalFormat.format(t);
            if ((zMax - zMin) > 0) filename += "_z" + decimalFormat.format(z);
            filename += fileExt;

            // save as single image file
            save(writer, sequence, filename, z, z, t, t, fps, saveFrame);

        // add as one item to recent file list
        if (mainMenu != null) mainMenu.addRecentFile(fileBaseDirectory);
      } else {
        final String fileExt = FileUtil.getFileExtension(filePath, false);
        final ImageFileFormat iff;

        if (formatWriter != null) iff = getImageFileFormat(formatWriter, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);
        else iff = ImageFileFormat.getWriteFormat(fileExt, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);

        // force to set correct file extension
        final String fixedFilePath;

        if (iff.matches(fileExt)) fixedFilePath = filePath;
        else fixedFilePath = filePath + "." + iff.getExtensions()[0];

        // default name used --> use filename
        if (sequence.isDefaultName()) sequence.setName(FileUtil.getFileName(fixedFilePath, false));

        // save into a single file
        save(formatWriter, sequence, fixedFilePath, zMin, zMax, tMin, tMax, fps, saveFrame);

        // add as one item to recent file list
        if (mainMenu != null) mainMenu.addRecentFile(fixedFilePath);

      // Sequence persistence enabled --> save XML
      if (GeneralPreferences.getSequencePersistence()) sequence.saveXMLData();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      IcyExceptionHandler.showErrorMessage(e, true);
      if (showProgress && !Icy.getMainInterface().isHeadLess())
        new FailedAnnounceFrame("Failed to save image(s) (see output console for details)", 15);
    } finally {
      if (saveFrame != null) saveFrame.close();