コード例 #1
 /** @return An Ice Identity for this datatype category and the data provided */
 public static Identity createIdentity(
     String userEmail,
     int tripId,
     uclm.esi.cardroid.data.zerocice.ActivityType activityType,
     long timeStamp) {
   Identity id = new Identity();
   id.category = "user_activity";
   id.name = userEmail + "@" + tripId + "[" + activityType.name() + " " + timeStamp + "]";
   return id;
コード例 #2
   * SessionController constructor method
   * @param handler Handler for posting event messages
   * @param communicator The communicator the session operates on
   * @param session The SessionAdapter managing this session
   * @param refreshTimeout The period on which the session will be refreshed to avoid its
   *     destruction due the lack of activity in the client, expressed in milliseconds
  public SessionController(
      Handler handler, Communicator communicator, SessionAdapter session, long refreshTimeout) {
    _communicator = communicator;
    _session = session;
    _handler = handler;

    /* Initialize and start the thread responsible for refreshing the *
     * user session on the server                                     */
    _refresh = new SessionRefreshThread(refreshTimeout);

    /* Initialize the QueryController used to query the server *
     * (by means of the public operational interface provided) */
    _queryController = new DBQueryController(_handler, _session.getCardroidManager());

    // Setup the event monitor servant
    Identity eventStormId = new Identity();
    eventStormId.name = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    Ice.RouterPrx r = _communicator.getDefaultRouter();

    /* Create an object adapter from the user session's Communicator,   *
     * attending to whether it makes use of a router to redirect the    *
     * data it carries. This will be the object adapter for the client, *
     * responsible for providing incarnations to the proxies received   *
     * from the server which may require it								*/
    if (r != null) {
      Glacier2.RouterPrx router = Glacier2.RouterPrxHelper.checkedCast(r);
      _adapter = _communicator.createObjectAdapterWithRouter("CardroidClient", router);
      eventStormId.category = router.getCategoryForClient();
    } else {
      _adapter = _communicator.createObjectAdapter("CardroidClient");
      eventStormId.category = "";

    /* Add a ServantLocator to the client's ObjectAdapter for every    *
     * object category, mapping them to the corresponding datatypes,   *
     * implemented on object classes. Whenever a proxy is added to the *
     * client's ObjectAdapter, a servant incarnating the object        *
     * referenced by such a proxy will be created					   */
    _adapter.addServantLocator(new LocatorI(new Place()), "place");
    _adapter.addServantLocator(new LocatorI(new Car()), "car");
    _adapter.addServantLocator(new LocatorI(new User()), "user");
    _adapter.addServantLocator(new LocatorI(new Trip()), "trip");
    _adapter.addServantLocator(new LocatorI(new TripOffer(this)), "trip_offer");
    _adapter.addServantLocator(new LocatorI(new TripRequest(this)), "trip_request");
    _adapter.addServantLocator(new LocatorI(new UserActivity(this)), "user_activity");
    _adapter.addServantLocator(new LocatorI(new Message(this)), "message");

    /* Add an ObjectFactory for each of the domain class datatypes the   *
     * session's Communicator will make use of. Whenever the IceRuntime  *
     * needs to instantiate a class characterized by an ID, it will call *
     * the create(String) method of the ObjectFactory registered along   *
     * with such an ID												 	 */
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new Car(), Car.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new Date(), Date.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new DateTime(), DateTime.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new DateTimePrefs(), DateTimePrefs.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new Message(this), Message.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new Passenger(this), Passenger.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new Place(), Place.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new Trip(), Trip.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new TripOffer(this), TripOffer.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new TripRequest(this), TripRequest.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new User(), User.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new UserActivity(this), UserActivity.ice_staticId());
    _communicator.addObjectFactory(new Waypoint(), Waypoint.ice_staticId());

    // Add the event monitor object to this client's ObjectAdapter
    _eventProxy =
            _adapter.add(new CardroidEventStormI(), eventStormId));

    /* Associate the Connection used by this user session's       *
     * CardroidManager instance with this client's ObjectAdapter, *
     * in order to enable a bidirectional connection 			  */

    // Subscribe the event monitor to the user's topic
    try {
    } catch (AlreadySubscribed as) {
      // Already subscribed to topic
