/** * Create a region with the given region description name. * * @param regDescriptName The name of a region description. */ protected void initializeRegion(String regDescriptName) { CacheHelper.createCache("cache1"); String key = VmIDStr + RemoteTestModule.getMyVmid(); String xmlFile = key + ".xml"; try { CacheHelper.generateCacheXmlFile("cache1", regDescriptName, xmlFile); } catch (HydraRuntimeException e) { if (e.toString().indexOf("Cache XML file was already created") >= 0) { // this can occur when reinitializing after a stop-start because // the cache xml file is written during the first init tasks } else { throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e)); } } aRegion = RegionHelper.createRegion(regDescriptName); }
/** * Do operations and pause when directed by the snapshotController Also, writes the snapshot to * the blackboard and exports snapshot to disk */ protected static void snapshotResponder(RecoveryTest testInstance) throws Exception { long pausing = RecoveryBB.getBB().getSharedCounters().read(RecoveryBB.pausing); if (pausing > 0) { // controller has signaled to pause if ((Boolean) (testInstance.threadIsPaused .get())) { // this thread has already paused, so don't increment counter Log.getLogWriter().info("Thread has paused"); } else { Log.getLogWriter().info("This thread is pausing"); testInstance.threadIsPaused.set(new Boolean(true)); RecoveryBB.getBB().getSharedCounters().incrementAndRead(RecoveryBB.pausing); } long writeSnapshot = RecoveryBB.getBB().getSharedCounters().read(RecoveryBB.writeSnapshot); if (writeSnapshot > 0) { long leader = RecoveryBB.getBB().getSharedCounters().incrementAndRead(RecoveryBB.leader); if (leader == 1) { // this is the thread to write the snapshot Log.getLogWriter().info("This thread is the leader; it will write the snapshot"); testInstance.writeSnapshot(true); // include non-persistent regions long executionNumber = RecoveryBB.getBB().getSharedCounters().read(RecoveryBB.executionNumber); // Add numFilterObjects entries to each region (SnapshotFilter tests) if (SnapshotPrms.useFilterOnExport() || SnapshotPrms.useFilterOnImport()) { Map allRegionsSnapshot = new HashMap(); int numToCreate = SnapshotPrms.numFilterObjects(); for (Region aRegion : testInstance.allRegions) { for (int i = 1; i <= numToCreate; i++) { String key = "FilterObject_" + i; String value = "object to be filtered via snapshot.save() or snapshot.load(): this should never be a value in the cache once snapshot restored"; aRegion.put(key, value); } } Log.getLogWriter() .info("Wrote " + numToCreate + " FilterObject entries to each region"); } CacheSnapshotService snapshot = CacheHelper.getCache().getSnapshotService(); SnapshotOptions options = snapshot.createOptions(); if (SnapshotPrms.useFilterOnExport()) { options.setFilter(getSnapshotFilter()); } String currDirName = System.getProperty("user.dir"); String snapshotDirName = currDirName + File.separator + "cacheSnapshotDir_" + executionNumber; Log.getLogWriter().info("Starting cacheSnapshot to " + snapshotDirName); snapshot.save(new File(snapshotDirName), SnapshotFormat.GEMFIRE, options); Log.getLogWriter().info("Completed cacheSnapshot to " + snapshotDirName); RecoveryBB.getBB().getSharedCounters().increment(RecoveryBB.snapshotWritten); } } MasterController.sleepForMs(5000); } else { // not pausing long minTaskGranularitySec = TestConfig.tab().longAt(TestHelperPrms.minTaskGranularitySec); long minTaskGranularityMS = minTaskGranularitySec * TestHelper.SEC_MILLI_FACTOR; testInstance.doOperations(minTaskGranularityMS); } }
/** * Return a Set of all Regions defined in the cache * * @return The set of all Regions defined in the cache */ protected Set<Region<?, ?>> getAllRegions() { Set<Region<?, ?>> regionSet = new HashSet(CacheHelper.getCache().rootRegions()); Set<Region<?, ?>> rootRegions = new HashSet(regionSet); for (Region aRegion : rootRegions) { regionSet.addAll(aRegion.subregions(true)); } if (regionSet.size() == 0) { throw new TestException("Test problem; expected regions to be defined"); } return regionSet; }
/** * Create the DiskStore if the RegionAttributes specifies it. * * @param attr The RegionAttributes that could specify a DiskStore. * @return A String description of the DiskStore, useful for logging. */ public static String createDiskStore(RegionAttributes attr) { String diskDirsStr = ""; Log.getLogWriter().info("DiskStore name in attributes is " + attr.getDiskStoreName()); if ((attr.getDiskStoreName() != null) && (!attr.getDiskStoreName().equals("notUsed"))) { Log.getLogWriter().info("Creating diskStore " + attr.getDiskStoreName()); DiskStoreFactory dsFactory = DiskStoreHelper.getDiskStoreFactory(attr.getDiskStoreName()); dsFactory.create(attr.getDiskStoreName()); File[] diskDirs = CacheHelper.getCache().findDiskStore(attr.getDiskStoreName()).getDiskDirs(); for (File diskDir : diskDirs) { diskDirsStr = diskDirsStr + diskDir.getName() + " "; } diskDirsStr = " with disk dirs " + diskDirsStr; } return "disk store name is " + attr.getDiskStoreName() + " " + diskDirsStr; }
protected void initializeQueryService() { try { String usingPool = TestConfig.tab().stringAt(CQUtilPrms.QueryServiceUsingPool, "false"); boolean queryServiceUsingPool = Boolean.valueOf(usingPool).booleanValue(); if (queryServiceUsingPool) { Pool pool = PoolHelper.createPool(CQUtilPrms.getQueryServicePoolName()); qService = pool.getQueryService(); Log.getLogWriter() .info("Initializing QueryService using Pool. PoolName: " + pool.getName()); } else { qService = CacheHelper.getCache().getQueryService(); Log.getLogWriter().info("Initializing QueryService using Cache."); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e)); } }
/** Creates and initializes a server or peer. */ public static synchronized void HydraTask_initializeExpectException() throws Throwable { if (RecoveryTest.testInstance == null) { RecoveryTest.testInstance = new RecoveryTest(); int numRootRegions = RecoveryPrms.getNumRootRegions(); int numSubregions = RecoveryPrms.getNumSubregions(); int hierDepth = RecoveryPrms.getRegionHierarchyDepth(); if ((numSubregions != 0) || (hierDepth != 1)) { throw new TestException("Unable to handle subregions in this test"); } CacheHelper.createCache("cache1"); final String regionConfigName = TestConfig.tasktab() .stringAt( RecoveryPrms.regionConfigNames, TestConfig.tab().stringAt(RecoveryPrms.regionConfigNames, null)); String createdRegions = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= numRootRegions; i++) { try { final String regionName = "Region_" + i; createdRegions = createdRegions + RegionHelper.createRegion(regionName, regionConfigName).getFullPath() + " "; } catch (ConflictingPersistentDataException e) { Log.getLogWriter().info("Caught expected exception " + TestHelper.getStackTrace(e)); } } if (createdRegions.length() > 0) { throw new TestException( "Expected to get " + ConflictingPersistentDataException.class.getName() + " on region creation, but the following regions were successfully created: " + createdRegions); } } }
/** One thread imports ... everyone validates against blackboard snapshot */ protected static void importAndVerify(RecoveryTest testInstance) { long counter = RecoveryBB.getBB().getSharedCounters().incrementAndRead(RecoveryBB.importSnapshot); if (counter == 1) { Log.getLogWriter().info("This thread is the leader; it will import the snapshot"); long executionNumber = RecoveryBB.getBB().getSharedCounters().read(RecoveryBB.executionNumber); String currDirName = System.getProperty("user.dir"); String snapshotDirName = currDirName + File.separator + "cacheSnapshotDir_" + executionNumber; CacheSnapshotService snapshot = CacheHelper.getCache().getSnapshotService(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { if (SnapshotPrms.useFilterOnImport()) { SnapshotOptions options = snapshot.createOptions(); options.setFilter(getSnapshotFilter()); File dir = new File(snapshotDirName); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); StringBuffer aStr = new StringBuffer(); aStr.append("Invoking snapshot.load() with files:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { aStr.append(" " + files[i] + "\n"); } aStr.append("Options.getFilter() = " + options.getFilter().getClass().getName()); Log.getLogWriter().info(aStr.toString()); snapshot.load(files, SnapshotFormat.GEMFIRE, options); } else { Log.getLogWriter().info("Starting CacheSnapshotService.load() from " + snapshotDirName); snapshot.load(new File(snapshotDirName), SnapshotFormat.GEMFIRE); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new TestException( "Caught " + ioe + " while importing region snapshot from " + snapshotDirName + " " + TestHelper.getStackTrace(ioe)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new TestException( "Caught " + e + " while importing region snapshot from " + snapshotDirName + " " + TestHelper.getStackTrace(e)); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.getLogWriter() .info( "CacheSnapshotService.load() of " + snapshotDirName + " took " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms."); Log.getLogWriter().info(testInstance.regionHierarchyToString()); RecoveryBB.getBB().getSharedCounters().increment(RecoveryBB.snapshotImported); } else { TestHelper.waitForCounter( RecoveryBB.getBB(), "RecoveryBB.snapshotImported", RecoveryBB.snapshotImported, 1, true, -1, 2000); testInstance.verifyFromSnapshot(); RecoveryBB.getBB().getSharedCounters().increment(RecoveryBB.doneVerifyingCounter); } TestHelper.waitForCounter( RecoveryBB.getBB(), "RecoveryBB.doneVerifyingCounter", RecoveryBB.doneVerifyingCounter, RemoteTestModule.getCurrentThread().getCurrentTask().getTotalThreads() - 1, true, -1, 2000); }