コード例 #1
  public void exportTables(String outPath) {
    ArrayList<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int i : frame.jTableDBList.getSelectedRows()) {
      tables.add(frame.jTableDBList.getValueAt(i, 0).toString());

    new HandlerMainQuery().exportTable(tables, propConn, outPath);
    createSqlUninstaller(tables, outPath + File.separator + SharedDefines.getSqlUninstFileName());

    MyXML outXml = new MyXML(outPath + MyCommonMethods.getFullFileName(xmlPath));

    Element parent = outXml.writeElement("install", "", null, null, true);
    parent = outXml.writeElement("sql", "", null, parent, true);
    ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
    attributes.add(new Attribute("charset", "utf8"));
    attributes.add(new Attribute("driver", "mysql"));
    outXml.writeElement("file", "install_mod.sql", attributes, parent, true);
    attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
    attributes.add(new Attribute("driver", "mysql"));
    outXml.writeElement("file", SharedDefines.getSqlInstFileName(), attributes, parent, true);

    parent = outXml.writeElement("uninstall", "", null, null, true);
    parent = outXml.writeElement("sql", "", null, parent, true);
    attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
    attributes.add(new Attribute("charset", "utf8"));
    attributes.add(new Attribute("driver", "mysql"));
    outXml.writeElement("file", "uninstall_mod.sql", attributes, parent, true);
    attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
    attributes.add(new Attribute("driver", "mysql"));
    outXml.writeElement("file", SharedDefines.getSqlUninstFileName(), attributes, parent, true);
コード例 #2
  public void processXml(String basePath, String outPath, boolean isAdmin) {
    Element parentSection = isAdmin ? xml.getFirstElementByTag("administration", null) : null;

    Element fileSection = xml.getFirstElementByTag("files", parentSection);
    Element langSection = xml.getFirstElementByTag("languages", parentSection);
    Element mediaSection = xml.getFirstElementByTag("media", parentSection);
    String type = extType.getFolder();

    if (isAdmin) {

      if (extVer == SharedDefines.emJava_ver.J_15) {
        Element instFile = xml.getFirstElementByTag("installfile", null);
        Element uninstFile = xml.getFirstElementByTag("uninstallfile", null);

        String file = null;
        if (instFile != null) {
          file = instFile.getValue();
              basePath + type + sep + extFolder + sep + file, outPath + file, "");
        if (uninstFile != null) {
          file = uninstFile.getValue();
              basePath + type + sep + extFolder + sep + file, outPath + file, "");
      } else {
        Element scriptFile = xml.getFirstElementByTag("uninstall", null);
        if (scriptFile != null) {
          String file = scriptFile.getValue();
              basePath + type + sep + extFolder + sep + file, outPath + file, "");

      Element instSection =
          xml.getFirstElementByTag("sql", xml.getFirstElementByTag("install", null));
      Element uninstSection =
          xml.getFirstElementByTag("sql", xml.getFirstElementByTag("uninstall", null));

      if (instSection != null) {
        ArrayList<String> instFiles =
            xml.getElementsValues(xml.getElementsByTag("file", instSection), null);
        for (String F : instFiles) {
              basePath + type + sep + extFolder + sep + F, outPath + F, "");

      if (uninstSection != null) {
        ArrayList<String> uninstFiles =
            xml.getElementsValues(xml.getElementsByTag("file", uninstSection), null);
        for (String F : uninstFiles) {
              basePath + type + sep + extFolder + sep + F, outPath + F, "");

    if (fileSection != null) {
      String filesPath =
          fileSection.getAttributeValue("folder") == null
              ? ""
              : fileSection.getAttributeValue("folder") + sep;
      ArrayList<String> folders =
          xml.getElementsValues(xml.getElementsByTag("folder", fileSection), null);
      ArrayList<Element> fElements = xml.getElementsByTag("filename", fileSection);
      if (fElements.isEmpty()) // XXX workaround
        fElements = xml.getElementsByTag("file", fileSection);
      ArrayList<String> files = xml.getElementsValues(fElements, null);

      // XXX message box if you want overwrite and remove try catch
      for (String F : folders) {
            basePath + type + sep + extFolder + sep + F, outPath + filesPath + F, "");

      for (String F : files) {
            basePath + type + sep + extFolder + sep + F, outPath + filesPath + F, "");

    if (mediaSection != null) {
      String mediaPath =
          mediaSection.getAttributeValue("folder") == null
              ? ""
              : mediaSection.getAttributeValue("folder") + sep;
      String mediaDest = mediaSection.getAttributeValue("destination");

      ArrayList<String> mediaFolders =
          xml.getElementsValues(xml.getElementsByTag("folder", mediaSection), null);
      ArrayList<Element> fElements = xml.getElementsByTag("filename", mediaSection);
      if (fElements.isEmpty()) // XXX workaround
        fElements = xml.getElementsByTag("file", mediaSection);
      ArrayList<String> mediaFiles = xml.getElementsValues(fElements, null);

      for (String F : mediaFolders) {
            basePath + "media" + sep + mediaDest + sep + F, outPath + mediaPath + sep + F, "");
      for (String F : mediaFiles) {
            basePath + "media" + sep + mediaDest + sep + F, outPath + mediaPath + sep + F, "");

    if (langSection != null) {
      String langPath =
          langSection.getAttributeValue("folder") == null
              ? ""
              : langSection.getAttributeValue("folder") + sep;
      ArrayList<Element> langFiles = xml.getElementsByTag("language", langSection);
      for (Element E : langFiles) {
        String folder = E.getAttributeValue("tag");
        String file = E.getValue();
            basePath + "language" + sep + folder + sep + file,
            outPath + langPath + sep + E.getValue(),
コード例 #3
  public void loadInfo(String xmlPath, String confPath) {
    this.xmlPath = xmlPath;
    xml = new MyXML(xmlPath);
    if (xml.getDoc() != null
        && (xml.getRootNode().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("install")
            || xml.getRootNode().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("extension"))) {

      String type = xml.getRootNode().getAttributeValue("type");
      plgGroup = xml.getRootNode().getAttributeValue("group");
      String ver = xml.getRootNode().getAttributeValue("version");
      extClient = xml.getRootNode().getAttributeValue("client");
      Element eName = xml.getFirstElementByTag("name", null);
      if (eName == null) {

      String name = eName.getValue().toLowerCase();

      extType = SharedDefines.emJava_ext.valueOf(type);

      if (ver.compareTo(SharedDefines.emJava_ver.LATEST.getVersion()) < 0) {
        extVer = SharedDefines.emJava_ver.J_15;
        extFolder = extType.getPrefix() + name;
      } else {
        extVer = SharedDefines.emJava_ver.LATEST;
        extFolder = name;

      if (!plgGroup.isEmpty()) extFolder = plgGroup;

      // check if xml is not in admin folder. [todo] optimize it
      if (xml.getFirstElementByTag("administration", null) == null)
        rootPath = MyCommonMethods.getParentDirectory(xmlPath, 3);
      else rootPath = MyCommonMethods.getParentDirectory(xmlPath, 4);

      if (!confPath.isEmpty()) {

        String user = MyCommonMethods.readPhpConf(confPath, "$user");
        String password = MyCommonMethods.readPhpConf(confPath, "$password");
        String dbName = MyCommonMethods.readPhpConf(confPath, "$db");
        String host = MyCommonMethods.readPhpConf(confPath, "$host");

        if (user.isEmpty() || dbName.isEmpty() || host.isEmpty()) return;

        propConn = new PropConnection(host, dbName, user, password, true);

        tableModelDatabases.refreshList(0, "", propConn);

      // XXX implements reading table with #__ special char
      // cell selection must be disabled and rowselection enabled
      Element tableSection = xml.getFirstElementByTag("tables", null);
      if (tableSection != null) {
        ArrayList<String> tables =
            xml.getElementsValues(xml.getElementsByTag("table", tableSection), null);

        for (String T : tables) {
          int coord[] = MyCommonMethods.search(frame.jTableDBList, T, 0, -1);
          // because single col
          frame.jTableDBList.addRowSelectionInterval(coord[1], coord[1]);
