private FilePath saveFullReport(FilePath workspace, File rootDir, String simulationName) throws IOException, InterruptedException { FilePath[] files = workspace.list("**/" + simulationName + "*/index.html"); FilePath parent = files[0].getParent(); File allSimulationsDirectory = new File(rootDir, "simulations"); if (!allSimulationsDirectory.exists()) allSimulationsDirectory.mkdir(); File simulationDirectory = new File(allSimulationsDirectory, simulationName); simulationDirectory.mkdir(); FilePath reportDirectory = new FilePath(simulationDirectory); parent.copyRecursiveTo(reportDirectory); return reportDirectory; }
@LocalData @Test public void slave() throws Exception { Assume.assumeFalse( "TimeoutException from basic", "" .equals(System.getenv("JOB_URL"))); DumbSlave s = j.createOnlineSlave(); project.setAssignedLabel(s.getSelfLabel()); FilePath src = new FilePath(j.jenkins.getRootPath(), "jobs/junit/workspace/"); assertNotNull(src); FilePath dest = s.getWorkspaceFor(project); assertNotNull(dest); src.copyRecursiveTo("*.xml", dest); basic(); }
@Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { EnvVars env = build.getEnvironment(listener); env.overrideAll(build.getBuildVariables()); if (Computer.currentComputer() instanceof SlaveComputer) { FilePath destinationFilePath; if (isOverrideDestinationFolder() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(getDestinationFolder())) { destinationFilePath = new FilePath(new File(env.expand(getDestinationFolder()))); } else { destinationFilePath = CopyToSlaveUtils.getProjectWorkspaceOnMaster(build, listener.getLogger()); } FilePath projectWorkspaceOnSlave = build.getProject().getWorkspace(); String includes = env.expand(getIncludes()); String excludes = env.expand(getExcludes()); listener .getLogger() .printf( "[copy-to-slave] Copying '%s', excluding %s, from '%s' on '%s' to '%s' on the master.\n", includes, StringUtils.isBlank(excludes) ? "nothing" : '\'' + excludes + '\'', projectWorkspaceOnSlave.toURI(), Computer.currentComputer().getNode(), destinationFilePath.toURI()); projectWorkspaceOnSlave.copyRecursiveTo(includes, excludes, destinationFilePath); } else if (Computer.currentComputer() instanceof MasterComputer) { listener .getLogger() .println( "[copy-to-slave] The build is taking place on the master node, no copy back to the master will take place."); } return true; }
@Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { listener.getLogger().println("[CucumberReportPublisher] Compiling Cucumber Html Reports ..."); File workspaceJsonReportDirectory = new File(build.getWorkspace().toURI().getPath()); if (!jsonReportDirectory.isEmpty()) { workspaceJsonReportDirectory = new File(build.getWorkspace().toURI().getPath(), jsonReportDirectory); } File targetBuildDirectory = new File(build.getRootDir(), "cucumber-html-reports"); String buildNumber = Integer.toString(build.getNumber()); String buildProject = build.getProject().getName(); if (!targetBuildDirectory.exists()) { targetBuildDirectory.mkdirs(); } boolean buildResult = true; // if we are on a slave if (Computer.currentComputer() instanceof SlaveComputer) { listener .getLogger() .println("[CucumberReportPublisher] detected this build is running on a slave "); FilePath projectWorkspaceOnSlave = build.getProject().getSomeWorkspace(); FilePath masterJsonReportDirectory = new FilePath(targetBuildDirectory); listener .getLogger() .println( "[CucumberReportPublisher] copying json from: " + projectWorkspaceOnSlave.toURI() + "to reports directory: " + masterJsonReportDirectory.toURI()); projectWorkspaceOnSlave.copyRecursiveTo("**/*.json", "", masterJsonReportDirectory); } else { // if we are on the master listener .getLogger() .println("[CucumberReportPublisher] detected this build is running on the master "); String[] files = findJsonFiles(workspaceJsonReportDirectory); if (files.length != 0) { listener .getLogger() .println( "[CucumberReportPublisher] copying json to reports directory: " + targetBuildDirectory); for (String file : files) { FileUtils.copyFile( new File(workspaceJsonReportDirectory.getPath() + "/" + file), new File(targetBuildDirectory, file)); } } else { listener .getLogger() .println( "[CucumberReportPublisher] there were no json results found in: " + workspaceJsonReportDirectory); } } // generate the reports from the targetBuildDirectory String[] jsonReportFiles = findJsonFiles(targetBuildDirectory); if (jsonReportFiles.length != 0) { listener .getLogger() .println( "[CucumberReportPublisher] Found the following number of json files: " + jsonReportFiles.length); int jsonIndex = 0; for (String jsonReportFile : jsonReportFiles) { listener .getLogger() .println( "[CucumberReportPublisher] " + jsonIndex + ". Found a json file: " + jsonReportFile); jsonIndex++; } listener.getLogger().println("[CucumberReportPublisher] Generating HTML reports"); try { ReportBuilder reportBuilder = new ReportBuilder( fullPathToJsonFiles(jsonReportFiles, targetBuildDirectory), targetBuildDirectory, pluginUrlPath, buildNumber, buildProject, skippedFails, undefinedFails, !noFlashCharts, true, false, "", false); reportBuilder.generateReports(); buildResult = reportBuilder.getBuildStatus(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); listener .getLogger() .println("[CucumberReportPublisher] there was an error generating the reports: " + e); for (StackTraceElement error : e.getStackTrace()) { listener.getLogger().println(error); } } } else { listener .getLogger() .println( "[CucumberReportPublisher] there were no json results found in: " + targetBuildDirectory); } build.addAction(new CucumberReportBuildAction(build)); return buildResult; }
@Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException { listener.getLogger().println("[htmlpublisher] Archiving HTML reports..."); // Grab the contents of the header and footer as arrays ArrayList<String> headerLines; ArrayList<String> footerLines; try { headerLines = this.readFile("/htmlpublisher/HtmlPublisher/header.html"); footerLines = this.readFile("/htmlpublisher/HtmlPublisher/footer.html"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < this.reportTargets.size(); i++) { // Create an array of lines we will eventually write out, initially the header. ArrayList<String> reportLines = new ArrayList<String>(headerLines); HtmlPublisherTarget reportTarget = this.reportTargets.get(i); boolean keepAll = reportTarget.getKeepAll(); FilePath archiveDir = build .getWorkspace() .child(resolveParametersInString(build, listener, reportTarget.getReportDir())); FilePath targetDir = reportTarget.getArchiveTarget(build); String levelString = keepAll ? "BUILD" : "PROJECT"; listener .getLogger() .println( "[htmlpublisher] Archiving at " + levelString + " level " + archiveDir + " to " + targetDir); // The index name might be a comma separated list of names, so let's figure out all the pages // we should index. String[] csvReports = resolveParametersInString(build, listener, reportTarget.getReportFiles()).split(","); ArrayList<String> reports = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < csvReports.length; j++) { String report = csvReports[j]; report = report.trim(); // Ignore blank report names caused by trailing or double commas. if (report.equals("")) { continue; } reports.add(report); String tabNo = "tab" + (j + 1); // Make the report name the filename without the extension. int end = report.lastIndexOf("."); String reportName; if (end > 0) { reportName = report.substring(0, end); } else { reportName = report; } String tabItem = "<li id=\"" + tabNo + "\" class=\"unselected\" onclick=\"updateBody('" + tabNo + "');\" value=\"" + report + "\">" + reportName + "</li>"; reportLines.add(tabItem); } // Add the JS to change the link as appropriate. String hudsonUrl = Hudson.getInstance().getRootUrl(); AbstractProject job = build.getProject(); reportLines.add( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById(\"hudson_link\").innerHTML=\"Back to " + job.getName() + "\";</script>"); // If the URL isn't configured in Hudson, the best we can do is attempt to go Back. if (hudsonUrl == null) { reportLines.add( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById(\"hudson_link\").onclick = function() { history.go(-1); return false; };</script>"); } else { String jobUrl = hudsonUrl + job.getUrl(); reportLines.add( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById(\"hudson_link\").href=\"" + jobUrl + "\";</script>"); } reportLines.add( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById(\"zip_link\").href=\"*zip*/" + reportTarget.getSanitizedName() + ".zip\";</script>"); try { if (!archiveDir.exists()) { listener.error("Specified HTML directory '" + archiveDir + "' does not exist."); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); return true; } else if (!keepAll) { // We are only keeping one copy at the project level, so remove the old one. targetDir.deleteRecursive(); } if (archiveDir.copyRecursiveTo("**/*", targetDir) == 0) { listener.error( "Directory '" + archiveDir + "' exists but failed copying to '" + targetDir + "'."); if (build.getResult().isBetterOrEqualTo(Result.UNSTABLE)) { // If the build failed, don't complain that there was no coverage. // The build probably didn't even get to the point where it produces coverage. listener.error("This is especially strange since your build otherwise succeeded."); } build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); return true; } } catch (IOException e) { Util.displayIOException(e, listener); e.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError("HTML Publisher failure")); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); return true; } reportTarget.handleAction(build); // Now add the footer. reportLines.addAll(footerLines); // And write this as the index try { writeFile(reportLines, new File(targetDir.getRemote(), reportTarget.getWrapperName())); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return true; }
public void saveSourcesFrom(FilePath dir) throws IOException, InterruptedException { FilePath d = new FilePath(getSourcesDir()); d.mkdirs(); dir.copyRecursiveTo(d); }
@Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { listener.getLogger().println("[CucumberReportPublisher] Compiling Cucumber Html Reports ..."); // source directory (possibly on slave) FilePath workspaceJsonReportDirectory; if (jsonReportDirectory.isEmpty()) { workspaceJsonReportDirectory = build.getWorkspace(); } else { workspaceJsonReportDirectory = new FilePath(build.getWorkspace(), jsonReportDirectory); } // target directory (always on master) File targetBuildDirectory = new File(build.getRootDir(), "cucumber-html-reports"); if (!targetBuildDirectory.exists()) { targetBuildDirectory.mkdirs(); } String buildNumber = Integer.toString(build.getNumber()); String buildProject = build.getProject().getName(); if (Computer.currentComputer() instanceof SlaveComputer) { listener .getLogger() .println( "[CucumberReportPublisher] Copying all json files from slave: " + workspaceJsonReportDirectory.getRemote() + " to master reports directory: " + targetBuildDirectory); } else { listener .getLogger() .println( "[CucumberReportPublisher] Copying all json files from: " + workspaceJsonReportDirectory.getRemote() + " to reports directory: " + targetBuildDirectory); } workspaceJsonReportDirectory.copyRecursiveTo( DEFAULT_FILE_INCLUDE_PATTERN, new FilePath(targetBuildDirectory)); // generate the reports from the targetBuildDirectory Result result = Result.NOT_BUILT; String[] jsonReportFiles = findJsonFiles(targetBuildDirectory, fileIncludePattern, fileExcludePattern); if (jsonReportFiles.length > 0) { listener .getLogger() .println( String.format( "[CucumberReportPublisher] Found %d json files.", jsonReportFiles.length)); int jsonIndex = 0; for (String jsonReportFile : jsonReportFiles) { listener .getLogger() .println( "[CucumberReportPublisher] " + jsonIndex + ". Found a json file: " + jsonReportFile); jsonIndex++; } listener.getLogger().println("[CucumberReportPublisher] Generating HTML reports"); try { ReportBuilder reportBuilder = new ReportBuilder( fullPathToJsonFiles(jsonReportFiles, targetBuildDirectory), targetBuildDirectory, pluginUrlPath, buildNumber, buildProject, skippedFails, pendingFails, undefinedFails, missingFails, !noFlashCharts, true, false, parallelTesting); reportBuilder.generateReports(); boolean buildSuccess = reportBuilder.getBuildStatus(); if (buildSuccess) { result = Result.SUCCESS; } else { result = ignoreFailedTests ? Result.UNSTABLE : Result.FAILURE; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); result = Result.FAILURE; listener .getLogger() .println("[CucumberReportPublisher] there was an error generating the reports: " + e); for (StackTraceElement error : e.getStackTrace()) { listener.getLogger().println(error); } } } else { result = Result.SUCCESS; listener .getLogger() .println( "[CucumberReportPublisher] there were no json results found in: " + targetBuildDirectory); } build.addAction(new CucumberReportBuildAction(build)); build.setResult(result); return true; }