public FormValidation doValidate( @QueryParameter String username, @QueryParameter String apiKey, @QueryParameter boolean disableStatusColumn, @QueryParameter boolean reuseSauceAuth) { try { SauceOnDemandAuthentication credential = reuseSauceAuth ? new SauceOnDemandAuthentication() : new SauceOnDemandAuthentication( username, Secret.toString(Secret.fromString(apiKey))); // we aren't interested in the results of the REST API call - just the fact that we executed // without an error is enough to verify the connection if (reuseSauceAuth && StringUtils.isBlank(credential.getUsername()) && StringUtils.isBlank(credential.getAccessKey())) { return FormValidation.error("Unable to find ~/.sauce-ondemand file"); } else { String response = new SauceREST(credential.getUsername(), credential.getAccessKey()) .retrieveResults("tunnels"); if (response != null && !response.equals("")) { return FormValidation.ok("Success"); } else { return FormValidation.error("Failed to connect to Sauce OnDemand"); } } } catch (Exception e) { return FormValidation.error(e, "Failed to connect to Sauce OnDemand"); } }
public ActiveDirectoryUnixAuthenticationProvider(ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm realm) { if (realm.domain == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Active Directory domain name is required but it is not set"); this.domainNames = realm.domain.split(","); =; this.bindName = realm.bindName; this.server = realm.server; this.bindPassword = Secret.toString(realm.bindPassword); this.descriptor = realm.getDescriptor(); }
private TestflightUploader.UploadRequest createPartialUploadRequest( TestflightTeam team, EnvVars vars, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) { TestflightUploader.UploadRequest ur = new TestflightUploader.UploadRequest(); TokenPair tokenPair = getTokenPair(team.getTokenPairName()); ur.filePaths = vars.expand(StringUtils.trim(team.getFilePath())); ur.dsymPath = vars.expand(StringUtils.trim(team.getDsymPath())); ur.apiToken = vars.expand(Secret.toString(tokenPair.getApiToken())); ur.buildNotes = createBuildNotes(vars.expand(buildNotes), build.getChangeSet()); ur.lists = vars.expand(lists); ur.notifyTeam = notifyTeam; ProxyConfiguration proxy = getProxy(); ur.proxyHost =; ur.proxyPass = proxy.getPassword(); ur.proxyPort = proxy.port; ur.proxyUser = proxy.getUserName(); ur.replace = replace; ur.teamToken = vars.expand(Secret.toString(tokenPair.getTeamToken())); ur.debug = debug; return ur; }
public static AWSCredentialsProvider createCredentialsProvider( final boolean useInstanceProfileForCredentials, final String accessId, final Secret secretKey) { if (useInstanceProfileForCredentials) { return new InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider(); } BasicAWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessId, Secret.toString(secretKey)); return new StaticCredentialsProvider(credentials); }
private static Session createSession( String smtpHost, String smtpPort, boolean useSsl, String smtpAuthUserName, Secret smtpAuthPassword) { smtpPort = fixEmptyAndTrim(smtpPort); smtpAuthUserName = fixEmptyAndTrim(smtpAuthUserName); Properties props = new Properties(System.getProperties()); if (fixEmptyAndTrim(smtpHost) != null) props.put("", smtpHost); if (smtpPort != null) { props.put("mail.smtp.port", smtpPort); } if (useSsl) { /* This allows the user to override settings by setting system properties but * also allows us to use the default SMTPs port of 465 if no port is already set. * It would be cleaner to use smtps, but that's done by calling session.getTransport()... * and thats done in mail sender, and it would be a bit of a hack to get it all to * coordinate, and we can make it work through setting mail.smtp properties. */ if (props.getProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port") == null) { String port = smtpPort == null ? "465" : smtpPort; props.put("mail.smtp.port", port); props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", port); } if (props.getProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class") == null) { props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", ""); } props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false"); } if (smtpAuthUserName != null) props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); // avoid hang by setting some timeout. props.put("mail.smtp.timeout", "60000"); props.put("mail.smtp.connectiontimeout", "60000"); return Session.getInstance( props, getAuthenticator(smtpAuthUserName, Secret.toString(smtpAuthPassword))); }
/** * Returns the HTTP POST request ready to be sent to the Stash build API for the given build and * change set. * * @param stashBuildNotificationEntity a entity containing the parameters for Stash * @param commitSha1 the SHA1 of the commit that was built * @return the HTTP POST request to the Stash build API */ private HttpPost createRequest( final HttpEntity stashBuildNotificationEntity, final String commitSha1) { String url = stashServerBaseUrl; String username = stashUserName; String pwd = Secret.toString(stashUserPassword); DescriptorImpl descriptor = getDescriptor(); if ("".equals(url) || url == null) url = descriptor.getStashRootUrl(); if ("".equals(username) || username == null) username = descriptor.getStashUser(); if ("".equals(pwd) || pwd == null) pwd = descriptor.getStashPassword().getPlainText(); HttpPost req = new HttpPost(url + "/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/" + commitSha1); req.addHeader( BasicScheme.authenticate(new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, pwd), "UTF-8", false)); req.addHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); req.setEntity(stashBuildNotificationEntity); return req; }
public String getValue() { return value != null ? Secret.toString(value) : null; }
@Override public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Map<String, String> env) { env.put(name.toUpperCase(), value != null ? Secret.toString(value) : null); }
@Override public String getGerritHttpPassword() { return Secret.toString(gerritHttpPassword); }
@Override public String getGerritAuthKeyFilePassword() { return Secret.toString(gerritAuthKeyFilePassword); }
private JIDefaultAuthInfoImpl createAuth() { String[] tokens = userName.split("\\\\"); if (tokens.length == 2) return new JIDefaultAuthInfoImpl(tokens[0], tokens[1], Secret.toString(password)); return new JIDefaultAuthInfoImpl("", userName, Secret.toString(password)); }
@Override public SSHLauncher launch(String host, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return new SSHLauncher( host, port, username, Secret.toString(password), privatekey, jvmOptions, javaPath); }
public FormValidation doValidate( @QueryParameter(fixEmpty = true) String domain, @QueryParameter(fixEmpty = true) String site, @QueryParameter(fixEmpty = true) String bindName, @QueryParameter(fixEmpty = true) String bindPassword, @QueryParameter(fixEmpty = true) String server) throws IOException, ServletException, NamingException { ClassLoader ccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); try { Functions.checkPermission(Hudson.ADMINISTER); String n = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(domain); if (n == null) { // no value given yet return FormValidation.error("No domain name set"); } Secret password = Secret.fromString(bindPassword); if (bindName != null && password == null) return FormValidation.error("DN is specified but not password"); String[] names = n.split(","); for (String name : names) { if (!name.endsWith(".")) name += '.'; DirContext ictx; // first test the sanity of the domain name itself try { LOGGER.fine("Attempting to resolve " + name + " to NS record"); ictx = createDNSLookupContext(); Attributes attributes = ictx.getAttributes(name, new String[] {"NS"}); Attribute ns = attributes.get("NS"); if (ns == null) { LOGGER.fine("Attempting to resolve " + name + " to A record"); attributes = ictx.getAttributes(name, new String[] {"A"}); Attribute a = attributes.get("A"); if (a == null) throw new NamingException(name + " doesn't look like a domain name"); } LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "{0} resolved to {1}", new Object[] {name, ns}); } catch (NamingException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to resolve " + name + " to A record", e); return FormValidation.error(e, name + " doesn't look like a valid domain name"); } // then look for the LDAP server List<SocketInfo> servers; try { servers = obtainLDAPServer(ictx, name, site, server); } catch (NamingException e) { String msg = site == null ? "No LDAP server was found in " + name : "No LDAP server was found in the " + site + " site of " + name; LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, msg, e); return FormValidation.error(e, msg); } if (bindName != null) { // make sure the bind actually works try { DirContext context = bind(bindName, Secret.toString(password), servers); try { // actually do a search to make sure the credential is valid new LDAPSearchBuilder(context, toDC(domain)).searchOne("(objectClass=user)"); } finally { context.close(); } } catch (BadCredentialsException e) { return FormValidation.error(e, "Bad bind username or password"); } catch (javax.naming.AuthenticationException e) { return FormValidation.error(e, "Bad bind username or password"); } catch (Exception e) { return FormValidation.error(e, e.getMessage()); } } else { // just some connection test // try to connect to LDAP port to make sure this machine has LDAP service IOException error = null; for (SocketInfo si : servers) { try { si.connect().close(); break; // looks good } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Failed to connect to " + si, e); error = e; // try the next server in the list } } if (error != null) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to connect to " + servers, error); return FormValidation.error(error, "Failed to connect to " + servers); } } } // looks good return FormValidation.ok("Success"); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(ccl); } }
public String getSmtpAuthPassword() { if (smtpAuthPassword == null) return null; return Secret.toString(smtpAuthPassword); }