/** * <一句话功能简述> * * <p>查询所有符合条件的模板信息 * * <p><功能详细描述> * * @param templetVO * @return * @throws CcpException * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ @Override public List<TempletVO> search(TempletVO templetVO) throws CcpException { try { logger.info("templetVO:{}", templetVO.toString()); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select "); sql.append( TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_ID + ", " + TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_NAME + ", " + TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_DESC + " "); sql.append("from " + TempletVO.TABLE_NAME + " "); sql.append("where " + TempletVO.FIELD_DEL_FLAG + " = " + TempletVO.VALUE_DEL_FLAG); sql.append("order by " + TempletVO.FIELD_UPDATE_DATE + " desc "); logger.info("sql:{}", sql.toString()); return queryForList(sql.toString(), templetVO, TempletVO.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CcpException(CcpErrorCode.ERROR_DB_EXECUTE_FAIL, e); } }
/** * <一句话功能简述> * * <p>更新指定的模板信息 * * <p><功能详细描述> * * @param templetVO * @return * @throws CcpException * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ @Override public int update(TempletVO templetVO) throws CcpException { try { logger.info("templetVO:{}", templetVO.toString()); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("update " + TempletVO.TABLE_NAME + " "); sql.append("set " + TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_NAME + " = " + TempletVO.VALUE_TEM_NAME + ", "); sql.append(TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_DESC + " = " + TempletVO.VALUE_TEM_DESC + ", "); sql.append(TempletVO.FIELD_UPDATE_DATE + " = now() "); sql.append( "where " + TempletVO.FIELD_DEL_FLAG + " = " + TempletVO.VALUE_DEL_FLAG + " and " + TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_ID + " = " + TempletVO.VALUE_TEM_ID); logger.info("sql:{}", sql.toString()); return super.update(sql.toString(), templetVO); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CcpException(CcpErrorCode.ERROR_DB_EXECUTE_FAIL, e); } }
/** * <一句话功能简述> * * <p>查询指定的模板信息 * * <p><功能详细描述> * * @param templetVO * @return * @throws CcpException * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ @Override public TempletVO get(TempletVO templetVO) throws CcpException { try { logger.info("templetVO:{}", templetVO.toString()); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select "); sql.append( TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_ID + ", " + TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_NAME + ", " + TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_DESC + " "); sql.append("from " + TempletVO.TABLE_NAME + " "); sql.append( "where " + TempletVO.FIELD_DEL_FLAG + " = " + TempletVO.VALUE_DEL_FLAG + " and " + TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_ID + " = " + TempletVO.VALUE_TEM_ID); logger.info("sql:{}", sql.toString()); return super.queryForObject(sql.toString(), templetVO, TempletVO.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CcpException(CcpErrorCode.ERROR_DB_EXECUTE_FAIL, e); } }
/** * <一句话功能简述> * * <p>新增模板信息 * * <p><功能详细描述> * * @param templetVO * @return * @throws CcpException * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ @Override public int save(TempletVO templetVO) throws CcpException { try { logger.info("templetVO:{}", templetVO.toString()); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("insert into " + TempletVO.TABLE_NAME + " "); sql.append( "(" + TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_NAME + ", " + TempletVO.FIELD_TEM_DESC + " ," + TempletVO.FIELD_DEL_FLAG + ", " + TempletVO.FIELD_ADD_DATE + ", " + TempletVO.FIELD_UPDATE_DATE + ") "); sql.append( "values(" + TempletVO.VALUE_TEM_NAME + ", " + TempletVO.VALUE_TEM_DESC + ", " + TempletVO.VALUE_DEL_FLAG + ", now(), now()) "); logger.info("sql:{}", sql.toString()); return super.update(sql.toString(), templetVO); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CcpException(CcpErrorCode.ERROR_DB_EXECUTE_FAIL, e); } }